Digital Spy got a chance to talk with actor Peter Serafinowicz aka Darth Maul's voice about his thoughts on the new Star Wars sequels...
Here's what he had to say:
"I feel like it's a really good thing for a Star Wars fan. I think it's super-exciting. The guy who's writing the script - Michael Arndt - is a hugely talented guy. He wrote Toy Story 3, which is in my top ten films ever. That's just an incredible piece of work. If I had to choose somebody to write the next Star Wars, he'd be at the top of my list.Source:
I think the whole thing with the Star Wars universe - George Lucas created this incredibly involving, imaginative world. This huge world that we've all lived in now for years and years. I think when he did the prequels he was in a bit of a weird situation where people didn't want to say no to him. And I dunno, made some bad choices.
In different hands, with his world at their disposal, really talented people could make something extraordinary. It just gets me very excited.
The prequels were hugely disappointing. Especially as the trailer is still one of the best trailers ever made. You can see it now, and the trailer is so good it does con you into thinking, 'Oh maybe I should watch The Phantom Menace again!'
But I'm super-excited. I'd love to be involved in some way with it. It's my favourite film, Star Wars, the first one. That's my favourite film ever... Yeah, of course I would! My experience was pretty amazing. It was super-exciting.
I got to work with one of my all-time heroes. It just ended up being disappointing, because it was the most anticipated cultural event of my life - and many other people's lives. And particularly because I was so involved in it. Well, I wasn't really that involved in it - I say about four sentences in the whole thing!
Actually, I do play some other characters' voices. Some of the robots and some of the Gungans as well. There's one bit where it goes from robot to a Gungan from one scene to another and they're both me. I was quite proud of that in a geek way!"
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