Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, May 31, 2013

Rare "The Empire Strikes Back" Promotion Recordings from 1980!

A very ambitious way to promote The Empire Strikes Back was invented back in 1980. It was an automated call-in line using a prerecorded dialogue with the main stars of the movie...

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Star Wars: KOTR iPad Review + Angry Birds Star Wars Action Figures!

One of the best selling Star Wars game - Knights of the Old Republic is out on the iPad. Read on for the first review of the game. Also check out this awesome Star Wars Angry Birds toys...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

John Noble on Star Wars Episode 7 Rumors.

Few weeks ago an Australian radio station started a rumor that John Noble is considered for a role in Star Wars Episode 7. Now IGN got a chance to speak with the actor and asked him about his thoughts on the upcoming movie...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

Star Wars Episode 7 to Be Shot in Ireland? Filming Starts in November 2013!

A few weeks ago it was confirmed that the production of Star Wars: Episode VII will take place in the United Kingdom. Now the Irish site is reporting that J.J. Abrams and his company Bad Robot have met with "top Irish film execs". Find out more after the jump.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

John Williams: I'm Happy and Willing to Do Episode 7.

The famous composer talked with zap2it and revealed what every Star Wars fan had expected...

Visceral Studio (Dead Space Games) Starts Working on a Next-Gen Star Wars Game.

EA studio team Visceral (Dead Space games) has started hiring for their upcoming Star Wars game. The published listing for a senior designer revealed some tiny hints of what to expect from the game...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Interview with "The Making of Star Wars ROTJ" Author J.W. Rinzler with an Excerpt from the Book + a Short Film About the 30th Anniversary.

Huffingtonpost published a great interview and an excerpt from J.W. Rinzler's "The Making of Star Wars: Return of the Jedi". Find out about Anakin's story and how Harrison Ford wanted Han Solo dead. Also check out Kyle Newman's short movie "The Return of Return of the Jedi: 30 Years and Counting"...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Electronic Arts to Show First Star Wars Game Plans with Disney on June 10. KOTOR is Coming to iPad + New Star Wars Battlefront Tease!

In an official announcement EA Labels president Frank Gibeau revealed that the company's future game plans will be discussed at the upcoming E3 event on June 10 at 1 pm PT...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Disney Announce New Star Wars Animated Series Called Star Wars Rebels!

The new series will fill the gap between Episode 3 and Episode 4, "where the Empire is securing its grip on the galaxy and hunting down the last of the Jedi Knights..." Simon Kinberg who is also involved with the Star Wars spin-off movies will be an executive producer...

Rumor: Jonathan Rhys Meyers to Join Star Wars: Episode 7?

Looks like we have our second Episode 7 casting rumor (after Fringe's John Noble). This time it's Mission Impossible 3 star Jonathan Rhys Meyers...

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Costume Designer Michael Kaplan Joins Star Wars: Episode 7.

Award wining costume designer Michael Kaplan revealed that his next project will be J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: Episode 7. More details after the jump...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Star Wars Weekends 2013 + Kathleen Kennedy to Appear at Star Wars Celebration Europe.

What to expect from this year's Disney's Star Wars Weekends? The festival takes place at the Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park of the Walt Disney World Resort from May 17 to June 9. Read on to find out the special guests for this year as well as some action from the first day...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Death Star vs. The Enterprise!

Very cool video of what happens when we have a direct clash between the Empire's Death Star and Star Trek's most famous ship - The Enterprise....

Mark Hamill Makes a Surprise Appearance on Jay Leno's Short Star Trek Parody.

Well, it's brief and it's not that funny but still it's old Luke in a Jedi robe!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lando Calrissian Makes Star Wars Suggestions to J.J. Abrams at Jimmy Kimmel + Why Brad Bird Refused to Direct Episode 7.

J.J. Abrams was at Jimmy Kimmel's show last night promoting his new movie Star Trek Into Darkness. Things got pretty hilarious when members from the audience had some weird suggestions to make about the upcoming Star Wars movie.

UPDATE! The Next Star Wars Animation Series to Feature Tie Fighters?

Director Dave Filoni (Clone Wars) who is currently working on a new Star Wars animation TV show posted an interesting image and a brief comment on his facebook page...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

More from J.J. Abrams on Star Wars.

J.J. Abrams is in London to talk about his second Star Trek movie and also talked about the upcoming Star Wars Episode 7...

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Lucasfilm: Episode 7 to be Filmed in the UK.

After several rumors now comes the official announcement that Episode 7 will be filmed in the UK...

More Clues to a Possible Female Lead in Episode 7.

 Few months ago we've heard the first rumors that Episode 7 could actually have a female lead. Now we have another clue pointing in that direction...

Friday, May 10, 2013

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 30th Anniversary + More from Mark Hamill.

Check out a video from the Return of the Jedi 30th anniversary screening at the Egyptian Theatre plus a video with Mark Hamill discussing Star Wars with the fans and several never before seen photos from the filming process...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

UPDATE! Electronic Arts Gets an Exclusive Deal for Future Star Wars Games!

Great news for all Star Wars fans and gamers:

"Today it was announced that Lucasfilm Ltd. and Disney Interactive are entering into a multi-year, multi-title exclusive licensing agreement with Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) for the creation of new high quality Star Wars games spanning multiple genres for console, PC, mobile, and tablets...

Episode 7 to Start Filming Early Next Year?

Collider recently spoke with J.J. Abrams’ producer Bryan Burk about their new movie Star Trek: Into Darkness. During their conversation Burk also talked briefly about Star Wars, which he is also producing alongside Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy...

The Stars Talk Star Wars Episode 7 - Part 2.

This time it's Emma Stone, Nicholas Cage, Ryan Reynolds and more that discuss the upcoming movie.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

First Possible Episode 7 Filming Location. Mark Hamill Talks Episode 7, CGI vs. Practical VFX and More. Simon Kinberg on Star Wars and Kasdan's Handwritten Screenplay of The Empire Strikes Back.

Plenty of news today. Find out what is one of the possible filming locations for Episode 7. Mark Hamill is hoping for a good balance between CGI and old school VFX and what one of the writers of the upcoming Star Wars spin-off movies had to say about working on Star Wars. Also see some hand written pages from the script of The Empire Strikes Back....

Saturday, May 4, 2013

J.J. Abrams Talks Episode 7.

Star Trek Into Darkness director J.J. Abrams and Simon Pegg, the actor who plays Scotty in the upcoming sequel, sat down and talked about Abrams next project - Star Wars VII.