Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, May 11, 2013

More Clues to a Possible Female Lead in Episode 7.

 Few months ago we've heard the first rumors that Episode 7 could actually have a female lead. Now we have another clue pointing in that direction...

When it was announced that J.J. Abrams will direct Episode 7 it was also revealed that Kathleen Kennedy talked to other directors including Ben Affleck and also Matthew Vaughn who may have pitched to have ChloĆ« Grace Moretz in the lead role.
Matthew Vaughn pitching for a female actress supported the rumor started from /Film few months ago that Episode 7 will actually have a female lead:

Now a few months later we get another interesting tweet this time from Variety's Jeff Sneider:

 With so many different sources it looks like there might be some truth in it.


  1. in an interview with lucasfilm entertainment weekly said there will be twin jedi...

    1. lucasfilm said that. not entertainment weekly

  2. This makes sense. In fact the high level plot can be anticipated already: Leia and Han have twins (boy and girl). Leia dies in childbirth, the boy turns to the dark side and kills his father Han, while the girl becomes a Jedi and gets mentored by Luke (the new Yoda). We get to see more of the dark side training this time, with the Emperor maybe returning from the dead as a mentor for the new "Darth Vader". There will be twists and turns in the story, but it's already pretty predictable in my opinion.

    1. In the extended universe, Leia has twins and survives the birth. You're right about one of them turning to the darkside though.

  3. I guess you don't read the novels. At this point, Han and Leia's daughter Jaina - the "Sword of the Jedi" has been forced to kill her twin brother, who had become an evil, powerful Sith, worse than his grandfather. Among many other things, he killed Luke's wife. Luke is Grand Master, and has a force powerful, light side teenage son named Ben. Lando is still in the picture as well. The timeline of the novels corresponds to the actual age of the original actors. Since the Star Wars Expanded Universe strives for consistency, I don't think Episode VII will vary from the current plot lines.

  4. Disney bought lucasfilm to raise the male demographic. Some random tweets by some guys aren't legit at all.

  5. I hear Ted Danson may be in the movie as a new sith lord
