Star Wars Episode 7 News

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Rumor: Star Wars: Episode 7 Starts Production on January 21, 2014. Release Delayed for Christmas 2015?

star wars release date

Consider these as new rumors confirming previous rumors. Yeah, I know... Read more after the jump...

The rumor comes from Latino Review who scored 2 really great scoops this week with Ben Affleck being cast as Batman and Bradley Cooper as Rocket Racoon. So there's definitely some credibility to this. Unfortunately it's nothing that we haven't heard about.

The movie is now officially in pre-production at Pinewood Studios outside of London and few months ago producer Bryan Burk suggested that filming will commence early next year. Read that story here.

Now according to Latino Review:
We now know the actual start date of principal photography. According to sources, we found out the following….

    First day of principal photography is January 21st 2014.

But that is not all. Speaking of dates, we are also hearing that the Disney/Lucasfilm are so far behind schedule that Episode VII will in fact be released around Christmas 2015 as originally reported by Devin Faraci over at BadAssDigest.


  1. "... are so far behind schedule."
    What a wonderful start to this disaster-in-the-making ....
    ALREADY we're getting bad news & this hasn't even started yet.

    I TOLD you: ANYTHING with JJ Abrahms attached to it is oure SHIT.
    Settle in & get used to more bad news like the story above in the future,
    'cause that's gonna be the norm from now on.
    Pathetic ...

    1. Just because you don't like JJ doesn't mean he is technically a bad film-maker, it just means you don't like him.. It's not like he's making it on his own anyway. Lawrence Kasdan, Simon KInberg, Michael Arndt, Kathleen Kennedy are all hands on in the script. JJ Abrams wasn't even the directer at the time the script started being written. Plus Michael is doing the actual screenplay, not JJ. Seriously, calm down, and this is just some rumor that the film could be behind schedule. So what? This is GOOD news if anything, it means that they're really taking time on details and making sure it's not rushed and everything's the best it can be. If they have to push back the release date for a better film, GOOD. Why are you concluding that the film will be BAD because of this? Plus The film isn't released for another TWO YEARS yet, how can you possibly conclude a film will be bad so early. You're clearly just a hater and don't know a single aspect surrounding the production of a film, let alone a huge blockbuster like Star Wars.

    2. A well thought out, intelligent answer. Who knew that was possible on message boards? Kudos to you, sir or madam! And, I agree with you on this. Don't make a prepackaged movie. Do it right, even if it takes longer.

    3. You acre crazy hater! JJ Abrams is sci fi king! No one other man made more for sci fi than Jj in last 20 years on TV! LOST is GREATEST sci fi drama of all time nominated for outstanding drama for EMMY every single season! Only one drama nominated for that every season! Fringe outstandoing sci fi! ALIAS great too. Person of interest BEST crime drama! On movies mission impossible, star trek and cloverthild all successful. And now JJ will make his favorite sci fi movie ever so this will be best star wars movie after originals. You can bet on that!

  2. Um you sound more like you're trolling than actually being critical. JJ has proved in the past a capable director. Also it can't get any worse than the prequels. Even if he manages to fail terribly it should at least be equal to them :P

    Also delaying the release is only a positive not a negative. It means they are willing to sacrifice time tables for quality instead of just rushing it out. Given your ill formed post however makes me think I'm just wasting my time.

  3. 2015?....... if I die before I see this new trilogy (you never know), I'm haunting disney's ass.

  4. @All The Imbeciles Defending This HACK ....

    1] Name ONE JJA project that's been successful.
    What, "Lost"?
    First off, that was a hundred years ago & secondly when the show finally began to
    hit it's stride, he was associated with it in name only: like "Steven Spielberg Presents ...." or something.
    And what a winner "Super 8" was, huh .... ?

    2] You've been so fucking BRAINWASHED by the Mainstream Media™, that anyone who
    *gasp* has thier own opinion that goes against what you've had crammed dwn your throat --
    i.e. "The Truth" -- is "being a troll".
    That's how fucked-up you are.

    Sorry to have to be the one to point out these pesky & inconvienent facts to ya, but there we sre.

    1. No one made more successful sci fi TV shows and more creative TV shows than JJ Abrams! And YES all his projects ARE successful! On TV and movies. They all make TONS of money! No one movie lose money. From TV shows LOST greatest sci fi of all rime drama series Fringe best sci fi after that, ALIAS great sci fi drama, Person of Interest best crime drama these days! ALl of them are successful!

      All moveies are successful too. Some of them like cloverfield from 24 milion $ made 170 million $! So its INSANE successful!

    2. "Name ONE JJA project that's been successful??" Well, Star Trek was successful, same with Into Darkness actually, and Super 8, and LOST, and so on and so forth. I mean yeah sure there are loads of whiny people who don't like them and then feel the need to force this opinion on others through the internet, like you, but guess what; EVERY SINGLE FILM IN EXISTANCE HAS PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE THEM. Grow up and get your head out of your baskside. When I watched super 8 I hadn't seen any of JJ Abrams stuff before, and I and loads of others really liked the film. Star Trek I thought was going to be crap because I don't like special effects packed/action films, but I actually liked it, especially the great casting done by April Webster, Alyssa, and JJ. The fact JJ directed the film didn't influence my decision at all before, but it was his execution that influenced my opnion of the film, because I don't have a negative preconceived idea of his film's, or any film based on the director, unlike painfully miserable and critical people like you. I have a preconceived ideas based on the story, cast, tone, and ultimately the script. By not liking a film, and just concluding the fact that the director is a 'HACK', is so pathetic it's beyond belief..
      "what a winner "Super 8" was, huh .... ?"
      Actually yeah you idiot haha, lots of people loved that film, and critics generally thought it was very good and tasteful. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean others are wrong. And you're basing super 8's technical credibility based on the success??? .. wow, very stupid. Look at Avatar, the original spiderman films, transofrmers. Very successful and people went to see them, but technically bad pieces of films. The character development was lacking, and loads of reasons. Judging Super 8 based on it's success is ridiculous. Especially when it was successful anyway.. The fact you can't accept that people like something that you don't, and makes you think that something wider going on like brainwashing, is rather hilarious. Every single film ever made is going to have people who don't like it, and you just so happen to be one of them. I'm not even the biggest fan of JJ's work, but I'm able to see that he has the ability to both write and direct a good film, and with the universe of star wars at his hands and with a bunch of great touching writers who can write heart, warmth, humour, he has huge potential to direct the script into a good piece of filmmaking. Just because you don't like his previous work based on negative feeling towards him, doesn't mean you have to be a pathetic baby and claim people like me are 'brainwashed' or whatever (hilarious comment by the way). You don't even have a valid argument as to why you don't like his projects. 'HACK', what is that supposed to mean regarding his directional capabilities exactly? You're just being personal towards him, not his work. Technically speaking you actually don't know what you're talking about. You clearly just don't like him and are being a whiny petulant child about it haha, (says a lot about you mate). You know I'm right, and so what that you don't like him? do you want a trophy or something? Well congratulations, you're argument is non-existant, and ..well.. to be honest nobody even cares mate. I can't even believe I replied to this pathetic excuse for an argument, I just KNOW you're not going to have the IQ to actually accept any of my points and end up calling me a hackjob or something and just state you are right and I am wrong with no reasons whatsoever. You kind of remind me of one of those deluded people who are so stupid, they therefore can't see how stupid they are. A vicious cycle. Oh dear god people like you are so amusing :D The fact JJ is successful in what he does must be the biggest middle finger to you, oooooh the satisfaction :D

  5. Hey, genius ....
    And #2, "Fringe" did NOTHING in the ratings.
    In fact, it didn't even last a season.

    Your frothing-at-the-mouth ramblings just go towards illustrating my point of your
    being a brainwashed, media-addled zomboid.

    1. CLOVERFIELD is JJ ABRAMS project/movie! HE created it he develope it like everything he does! And that is why he has the rightts and is up to ABrams for CLOVERFIELD sequal.

      What i am sayning that nobody made more for sci fi genre in last 2 decades than Abrams!Even Joss Whedon. But Star Wars will beat avengers 2 in 2015 and will be highest grossing film of all time! And than you wii like more hater!

      ps Fringe was best sci fi drama since lost! It was praise from critics and has 100 episodes on fox! Very litle sci fi dramas not name LOST and X FILES(two best sci fi dramas) has so long life on mainstream medias as you name them.

  6. - Well, I guess that if the majority of critics (who are just a BIT more competent than us in film matter) prizes the works of JJ we could trust them.
    But it may be wrong to depend on others' opinion.
    So let's try stop being "brainwashed, media-addled zomboids" and think with our own minds.
    I highly doubt that ANYONE here, including me and you, has enough knowledge or skills in film matter to judge JJ's skills, so I guess everybody here, EVEN YOU, is basing his opinions on the media (on the critics, on the box office) and on his film tastes.
    So, please, if you hate JJ's works ADMIT you just judge following your pleasure principle because you just don't have a fucking idea how the whole process works and you don't know a damn thing about directors' skills.
    Then shut the fuck up, because apparently no one gives a shit about your opinion.
    (And try to be a little less hopeless about the film, it's a little early to start having bad feelings, am I right?)

  7. Latino Review has only been successful at guess work. So far they allude to ridiculous claims about Star Wars and Strike out. They have so far taken comments made by actors out of context or have blatantly made assumptions. If an Actor makes a statement even in jest, in the hallway at a convention no less, Latino Review runs with it with TOTAL SPECULATION!!! If Warwick Davis farted they would report or should I say speculate that..."From what we can tell, that most likely the new Star Wars main villain is an Ewok!" Every time I read a bullshit claim that has later turned to be false was from the Latino Review. The only reason they got Ben Affleck correct is they got it third hand before the buzz hit. The pay someone in a cubicle with a link to the Associated Press.

  8. Latino Review has only been successful at guess work. So far they allude to ridiculous claims about Star Wars and Strike out. They have so far taken comments made by actors out of context or have blatantly made assumptions. If an Actor makes a statement even in jest, in the hallway at a convention no less, Latino Review runs with it with TOTAL SPECULATION!!! If Warwick Davis farted they would report or should I say speculate that..."From what we can tell, that most likely the new Star Wars main villain is an Ewok!" Every time I read a bullshit claim that has later turned to be false was from the Latino Review. The only reason they got Ben Affleck correct is they got it third hand before the buzz hit. The pay someone in a cubicle with a link to the Associated Press.

  9. @Anonymous
    If you paid me $1B on cash, I'd still be hard-pressed to come up with a better example than
    your cliché-ridden, ass slathering tripe.
    If EVII does outgross "Avatar 2" and/or "Avangers 2", it will be in spite of JJA, not because of him.

    And as far as me not being qualified to talk because I, to use your words, "have no fucking idea
    how the process works", goes -- that's complete & utter nonsense.
    Do I have to be a gourmet chef to know that a meal stinks?
    Do I have to be an accomplished sculptor to know a statue stinks?
    Do I have to be a professional vocalist to know some guy's singing stinks?
    The answer in all these cases is a resounding NO.

    Now go grab your Death Star blankie & Imperial Stormtrooper doll -- it's nap time.

    1. omfg you idiot.
      "Do I have to be a gourmet chef to know that a meal stinks?
      Do I have to be an accomplished sculptor to know a statue stinks?
      Do I have to be a professional vocalist to know some guy's singing stinks?"
      YES YES AND YES. You don't have to be qualified to have your own opinion, everyone is entitled to an OPINION. But you are trying to state things as FACTS. You have to know what you're talking about to judge it properly, like be a chef to understand the technical aspects of a dish, or be a vocal coach to understand the in's and outs of someones singing, and give it an honest in-depth critic. You are allowed your opninion on if you like it or not, but you can't state wether it's actually good or not. Loads of singers have very little musical talent but are loved, and there are many hugely talented musicians, but people don't necessarily like them. You can like something that is technically bad, and dislike something that is technically good. It's like me judging someones gymnastics or ability to play football when I know nothing about it. Yes you are able to have an opninion based on what you think, but you can't have an opinion based on what you KNOW because you don't KNOW anything about the subject. This is the whole fucking point we're trying to make. You're able to have youre own opinion, but you are unable to state it as a FACT, when you clearly know nothing about it behind the surface, and it's a technically faulted critic. Are you incapable of understanding anything or are you a troll?

  10. I've been conversant by an important person close to me who has struggled with bulimia that the influence is named ED (short for Eating Disorder). Also the voice never goes away. You learn to ignore it or cover up it with recovered feelings but it's forever waiting for that time when you'll listen. I haven't actually had an eating confusion but I can comprehend it and the allure. I do try to stay away from the images and posts and hope I am raising children to look at food in a in good mental shape happy way. Message Boards

  11. Hopelessness is a horrible illness. It takes a very courageous someone to do what you accomplish. Thanks for sharing. I have seen misery cripple people physically.
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