Star Wars Rebels is a CG animated series that takes place between the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Now Disney revealed some more schedule details about the show...
"Four short-form interstitials will release in Summer 2014, introducing viewers to the characters of Star Wars Rebels. In Fall 2014, a one-hour debut special will air on Disney Channel and Disney XD, followed by the series rollout on Disney XD.
Under the supervision of Executive Producers Dave Filoni (Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Avatar: The Last Airbender), Simon Kinberg (X-Men: First Class, Sherlock Holmes, Mr. & Mrs. Smith) and Greg Weisman (Young Justice, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Gargoyles), Star Wars Rebels boasts the talents of the production team that brought us the hugely successful and Emmy winning Star Wars: The Clone Wars series.
Star Wars Rebels will have A-level company-wide marketing in Summer/Fall 2014, as well as a huge push across consumer product divisions, including digital, electronics, toys, apparel, stationery, and home furnishings."
Source: knightsarchive
As much as I would like it to be aimed more towards more mature fans, knowing disney im sure that will not be the case. I'd like it to be decent and serious and not as cartoonish as Clone Wars. Sorry for the english
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to this.
ReplyDeleteI do hope however, that at some point they'll be able to complete the two incomplete stoylines from Clone Wars with direct-to-dvd releases. Maybe one direct-to-dvd movie for each storyline, then maybe a third to close the whole series.
Just like Di$ney: tell us nothing about the story and characters, but everything about the toys, advertising, and home apparel.
ReplyDeleteWhat a shame. I would be way more astounded and excited if this series was depicted between Episode VI and VII to experience how the New Republic and the New Jedi Order came about, and how the Rebellion overthrew the remaining of the Storm Troopers and Imperialists after the Death of Sidious.
ReplyDeleteCool- much more interested in that stalled live action series, though..
ReplyDeleteof course they'll put this new show on a channel I don't have. Disney XD isn't available in my area.