Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mark Hamill Growing a Beard for Episode 7?

luke mark hamill

Some more Episode 7 rumors have hit the web. Today Mark Hamill will be the center of attention not only because he has a birthday but also because there are some reports for an upcoming scoop about him and Episode 7...

Latino Review have been very quiet in the last few days regarding any Episode 7 scoops. Now it looks this is about to change. 
According to El Mayimbe their next Episode 7 scoop called Operation Skywalker will feature pictures. A tweet posted later suggested that the scoop will probably be about Mark Hamill's appearance.

There have been several reports already that some of the original cast have already begun intensive training trying to get back in shape.
If you missed those stories you can check them out here:

Star Wars Producers are Hiring Personal Trainers to Help Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill Get into Shape for Episode 7.

Mark Hamill Training for Star Wars: Episode 7?

Mark Hamill growing a beard is actually pretty logical. Most of the previous human Jedi Masters from the movies - Alec Guinness, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor all had beards. Beard has always been a synonym of wise in the Star Wars universe. And Mark Hamill can really look bad ass with beard.
mark hamill

Oh, and Happy Birthday Mark! You will always have a special place in the hearts of the fans.


  1. Happy Birthday Mark! We love you.

  2. Happy Birthday Mark! Old Jedi Master Luke!

  3. This Latino Review has yakked and yakked a lot these past couple months... but nothing they've said has come true yet... particularly the "big announcement" that will be released "any day now" (which was about three weeks ago.)

    1. ..Really? This is the movie business. It's highly possible people at Lucasfilm track rumours.. People in PR probably saw that people were aware of the big announcement, so made the decision to postpone it as a way of making people think the rumours were just false. Or the inside sources just lied to these people to create mistrust for the fans. Plus there's people who work at film companies, lucasfilm, paramount, whatever, who let loose random and completely untrue rumours so that when they realise it's untrue, fans will learn to just ignore or mistruss people who do actually find out info.

    2. OP,
      I'm still doubting their release date. I think they'll postpone it and will come out early 2016 at best.

    3. If people in PR are tracking rumors, what are they waiting for? To hit 100 rumors before they spill one true fact?

      With all the talk about Marvel films coming out in 2015 and 2016 and beyond, Star Wars fans deserve a little slice of the cake.

    4. Hear, fucking hear ....
      I'm sick to death of hearing about Latino Review & thier nonsense.
      Fuck them all.
      In thier mouths.

  4. I would probably cry with excitement the moment I first see Mark in the role of Luke sporting a beard! Hope he is back with Carrie and Harrison. and I know the film is for another 2 years but I really don't want insiders to spoil things on the terms of the actual plot. And I hope the trailer doesn't show any of the golden trio so that the moment of seeing them for the first time is when watching the actual film, unforgettable moment :D I don't want it to be me with me sitting at a laptop watching a trailer I was too curious to not ignore haha.

    1. Oh wow. I never thought of them actually managing to keep it secret. What a hell of a surprise that would be if nobody knew if they were in it... It'd be spoiled pretty quickly but it would be awesome.

  5. I truly hope he is rocking a beard. We need the whole "full circle" feel to it. He's the master now. Or Obi-Wan etc.

  6. Im still waiting for tje big official announcement Latino Review spoke of several weeks ago. And the leaked photo of thr Falcon.

  7. You know what's interesting about Hamill, is back when the Original Trilogy was in theaters, everyone was focused on interviews with Harrison Ford.

    But if you pay attention to the Mark Hamill interviews of the period, he does let out a few vague cats out of the bag with regards to potential episodes 9-12.

    1. Here's one such interview where he gives some insights into future post-Return of the Jedi episodes

  8. What a good idea Mark wearing beard , in a probable Luke Skywalker role. This looking resembles that of Guinness and McGregor doing Kenobi`s role. I am happy with this possibility.
