Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Still No Contracts For the Original Cast About Star Wars: Episode 7!

lando solo star wars cast

Billy Dee Williams’ manager Derek Maki announced at this year's  DragonCon the start of a campaign to bring back Lando Calrissian for Star Wars Episode VII. He also revealed if the other members of the original cast have already signed any contracts...

He said:

“There’s a lot of rumors out there right now about the original cast coming back, and I know it’s a burning question. Mark, Carrie, Harrison, and Billy, none of them have signed contracts, so it’s all rumors, just so you know.”

“We want you to Facebook, blog, and Twitter that you want to see Lando in the next Star Wars movie, so that J.J. gets a hold of him, because you’re going to make it happen. And we have this new thing on Twitter now #BringBackLando, so if you guys are on Twitter #BringBackLando.”
lando leia star wars

In his typical style Billy Dee Williams himself made a suggestion for a possible story line in Episode 7:

“The right idea actually is to come back with a daughter who’s a Jedi, a beautiful daughter who’s a Jedi.”

That's not the first time when Maki and Williams have turned to the social networks for promoting Lando for the new Star Wars movies.
Here's what they have posted on Williams' Facebook page a few months ago:
"Everyone is still asking about the new Star Wars movie.... the best way to ensure that Billy Dee Williams will be in the new film is to FB, TWITTER, BLOG and tell Disney and Lucasfilm that you want to see LANDO again! Hopefully JJ will read the wishes and write in LANDO! 

UNTIL then.... here is all that is known: "I am in the dark with the actual plans that Disney and Lucasfilm have for the future of the “Star Wars” universe. I have heard the same rumors that the fans heard, that a new trilogy is being made, that spin-offs may be made, that we all [Mark, Carrie, Harrison and myself] are going to be reprising our roles in these projects. At this point in time, nothing has been confirmed about my participation and I have signed no contracts. 
lando boba fett
I assure you that I would absolutely love to reprise my role of Lando Calrissian. He's a character that I took great pride in creating on screen and have continued to be a part of when providing his voice for video games, the new “Star Wars Detours” cartoon and for various episodes of “Robot Chicken”, among other projects. It’s a lot of fun to keep Lando alive and I am eager to do it again, on film, when I get the call. I thank all the fans out there for their continued support and I hope to get the call from Disney and Lucasfilm real soon, until then, may the force be with us all!"



  1. I gotta admit... to quote a famous moment. No time to discuss this as a committee. I don't believe Star Wars should be a fan made project. If the plot does not call for it... I think crowbarring anything in is a mistake.

    I know I'll get a lot of flak for this but... even to the point at which I wouldn't mind if NO ONE returned.

    1. I actually agree. It would be better if our old heroes was the backstory somehow.
      If Luke did that, and Han and Leia did that, episode 7 could be the result of their errors or trumps. That would give episode7 great depth.

  2. Fanmade? Are you insane? Most of fans want completely different things! Some want EU expanded universe some note. Some want old faces some not some want Vedar yoda and co some all NEW faces some want stars some want unknowns etc etc etc. We are NOT pro we are fans/amateurs. THIS IS BISSNES! And DISNEY pay 4 billion $! You want to say pay more than them! They now want their money back!

    1. lmao So sorry... it's a hell of a typo. I meant to say NOT be a fan made project. SMH. Look at the paragraphs and sentences that follow. Clearly I don't want to force anything fans want into the movies without purpose.

    2. Actually now that I reread it again... that is what I said. Now I'm officially confused. What it boils down to is... Don't force the old actors into it if it's not going to further the plot. AKA no meaningless fanservice.

  3. To me Star Wars should be with all NEW/FRESH faces, unknowns etc. BUT with new wookie, new sith lord cool as vader/darth maul and at least one cool hero may be from sith turns from dark side!

    ps And still if some back that should be Darth Vader and Yoda. They are Star Wars!

  4. I want Luke, Leia, Han to be there, because Leia is important for the rebel/new republic, Luke is the only Jedi so is now the new Yoda so to speak, and Han is now presumebly Leia's wife and the father of their child. They would be important characters, and also interesting nostalgia. Then I want C3po and R2D2 to come back because they are essentially the saga of star wars in character form. So, like in the originals, id like to see them dragged into the next generations shenanigans, one way or another. Star wars wouldn't be star wars without them. But then I just can't see a reason why Lando, or even Chewie would need to be around anymore, let alone yoda, obi-wan, anakin, etc etc. At least wait until episode 8 till you introduce them.

    1. If you have Luke, Leia, Han, and the robots in it why not Lando? He was an essential part of the victory over the Empire so he would have stuck around just as much as the rest of them. If you're going to focus on the New Republic and the original characters it makes just as much sense to have Lando there as the others. Plus, we don't know for sure that Han and Leia are married or any of the other expanded universe nonsense. Here's hoping they completely blow that up with stuff that contradicts everything that was written. I didn't like any of it.

    2. "Why not lando"? Because you can't put in characters just for the sake of it. I mean ask this. instead of why NOT Lando, WHY Lando? As I said before, it wouldn't feel like a star wars film without the two droids, George has said that they are characters that interact with the main cast to drive you through the whole saga, so they surely should be there. As for Luke, he is the only Jedi so must start the next Jedi Order. He surely needs to be there. Then it would be stupid to ruin Leia and Han's established relationship, so presumably they are still together, regardless of whether they are actually married or not, and it's been like 30 years so they could have easily, and it would make sense, for them to have had children for this new film. Plus Han, after his Jabba the Hutt incident, must have decided he was going to become a bigger part of the new republic, and Leia is Lukes brother and a big part of the Rebels and it makes sense she will be a senator or something. Or maybe Luke trains her to be a Jedi. It was established she is strong with the force. Luke in return of the Jedi actually says to her "In time you'll learn to use it as I have". Basically all these characters have so much more potential and again, would surely NEED to be in the film. Even if it's just for 10 minutes or so. They still need to be part of the story for it to make sense and for continuity. However, characters like Lando don't actually need to be there. Yes of course I understand how important he is/was, but unless there is a real reason for him to still be there after 30-40 years, then I don't really think it's wise to see him, because I hate to admit it, but he is much less important than others. As I said before, I wouldn't mind introducing him until episode 8, but like always, only if there is a demand for him.

  5. I agree it doesn't make sense to shoehorn them in just for the sake of doing it. However, if they are making new movies and do not take advantage of the fact that all 4 of the original stars want to be in it, and the fact that it would rake in a ridiculous amount of money, they are crazy. Just sayin'.

  6. I don't want Lando Calrissian to make an appearance because of fan activism. I want Lando to make an appearance because his character is needed in the story.

    I agree that trying to shoehorn in cast members from the Original Trilogy, particularly in prominent roles, isn't a good idea.

    I would say however, that there should be plenty of supporting roles available to the point where there's no reason all of them can't have some kind of role in the new films. The Prequel Trilogy characters Kenobi, Yoda, Palpatine, took supporting roles in the Original Trilogy. In the same way, I'd like to see Original Trilogy characters take on supporting roles in the Sequel Trilogy.

    Having said all that, I think the script for VII is already written anyway.

  7. I thought Lucas himself has already confirmed that Mark, Carrie and Harrison are all signed on for 7? Lando would be cool, but I don't think he is as important as the other three- how many geezers does it take to change a lightbulb? An older Obi-Wan/Gandalf style Luke Skywalker to guide the new young ones would be the most important thing re. original cast.

  8. Billy Dee's manager would not have any clue if the others have signed.

  9. I get the distinct impression that no one wants to work with Billy Dee or his manager, they sound like overbearing people who are out trying to overly-profit from the new films. Billy Dee isn't even a good actor (sorry fans, but his performance in Star Wars V & VI is the best he ever gave, and that's probably only coincidental) but his voice acting in Jedi Outcast was outrageously terrible (and to think this was originally used as a selling point for the game). While I love Lando the character, and I enjoyed Billy Dee's performance, I'd say he has yet to prove his worthiness to obtain the role again.

  10. <<>>

    err...I don't think so, he doesn't need to prove anything.
    He's either in it or he isn't, that is up to the writers, we will just have to wait and see won't we.

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