Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Update! New Interview With J.J. Abrams.

j j abrams 

Yesterday J.J. Abrams was on PBS talking about working on his recently released interactive novel "S.". He also briefly discussed his other projects including Star Wars...

Here's the interview. While talking about his innovative approach on certain things Abrams briefly discussed Star Wars and how they want to do it. Watch around the 16th minute. Still I suggest you see the whole thing. J.J. is such a great guy. I'm glad we have him directing Episode 7.


 If you're interested in the book here's a quick inside look:

And more on Abrams' extraordinary project:

Abrams was born in New York, in 1966, and raised in Los Angeles, with both his parents working in the industry he now bestrides. One shouldn't read too much into this confluence of East Coast intelligentsia and West Coast free-thinking, given that the genuinely significant event of his childhood was the 1977 release of Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope. 

Although Abrams worked on a number of cinematic projects – notably Regarding Harry with Star Wars star Harrison Ford, about the nature of identity, and two comedies, Gone Fishin' and Taking Care of Business (released as Filofax in the UK) – his breakthrough work was in television and with his own production company, Bad Robot. That show was Alias, about a young woman, Sydney Bristow, who is a triple agent for the CIA. It established a set of Abrams-esque themes: arcing mythologies (in this case, the prophecies and technologies of Milo Rambaldi), a willingness to reboot the series radically at certain junctures, and a canny eye on audience expectations. There were hints of these associations in his earlier career. His fascination with end-of-the-world scenarios chimes neatly with working on Armageddon. Moreover, although the TV series he co-wrote first, Felicity, was primarily a realistic comedy about a college student, it contained the seeds of ideas that would be fully realised later. Towards the end of season four, the audience was given alternate timelines and parallel realities. Just before season two, the eponymous star Keri Russell sent producers a prank photograph of herself with, apparently, her trademark golden locks shorn off. This became integrated into the show itself, a trick that would be used well during the filming of Lost.

Abrams withdrew from Lost to direct Mission: Impossible III and co-created a similar TV show, Fringe, in 2008, with Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. Collaboration seems his preferred mode of production, and this is borne out with the novel S, which Abrams "conceived", but which has been written by Doug Dorst.

A minute-long YouTube trailer, featuring a man with his mouth stitched shut and a voiceover stating "what begins at the water shall end there" and "this is what happens when you become lost", was the first hint of S. Online speculation wondered if this was a teaser for a Lost spinoff series, an adaptation of DC comics' Phantom Stranger, or even a cryptic reference to the new Star Wars film. Instead, it heralded a book.

S is a "fake artefact", much like the monster movie Cloverfield, which Abrams produced in 2008 and which used found footage. Not only do we get a novel, Ship of Theseus, purportedly by a "VM Straka" – about a man shanghaied onto a mysterious boat with a demonic crew – the copy in the reader's hand is heavily annotated by two other readers, Jennifer and Eric, who are attempting to make sense of the text and themselves, as well as the enigmatic figure of Straka himself. Interleaved into it are countless pieces of ephemera: postcards, telegrams, a map scribbled on a napkin from the Pronghorn Java coffee shop. It even has a fake library sticker (813.54 STR 1949). It winks at Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire – another book about the role of the reader in creating the story – and is probably the most intricately designed piece of literature since Mark Z Danielewski's two novels, House of Leaves and Only Revolutions.


The ship of Theseus paradox is first recorded in Plutarch's first-century Life of Theseus: if every plank of a boat is replaced during its voyage, is it the same vessel that embarked or a different one when it reaches its destination? The novel raises similar questions of identity. How much can you change before you are different? How much does interpretation change the text?

For the full interview go to The Guardian.


  1. He may have the Force but he is choosing a dark path...

  2. I think they are really close with kathleen kennedy. He talk for her in all interviews. She is so smart.

    SW7 really should be unique and original.

    I want more SW7 news noooooooooooowwwwwwwwww

  3. Star Wars episode 7 Knights Of A new Dawn starring... Mark hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison ford, Billy dee williams, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Ian McDiarmid...with...Michelle Pfeiffer (Mara Jade Skywalker), Liam Hemsworth (Ben Skywalker), Anthony Mackie (Lando Jr aka Chance), Mark Salling (Jacen Solo), Ksenia Solo (Jaina Solo), James Maslow (Anakin Solo), Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Sith King), Christina Hendricks (Sith Queen), Kate Mara (Adara Jade),Alyson Michalka (Vestara Khai), Hayley Angel Holt (Tenel Ka Djo), Saoirse Ronan (Sith Princess), Ansel Elgort (Sith Prince), Vanessa Williams (Tendra Calrissian), Jeremy Renner ( Darth Spiden aka Star Killer), Cate Blanchett (Lumiya), Daniel Day-Lewis (Lord Asp) and Sean Connery (Odysseus Jade)...........................................................................
    35 years after Return of the Jedi peace has reigned under the leadership of Luke Skywalker and the Jedi Order. During the new republic, something has risen from the dark side once again. An evil sith warrior Lumiya, has plotted to kill Mara Jade for her betrayal of her once master Darth Sidious. Meanwhile, little does Luke know that another evil sith, far worse than any sith known, is plotting revenge to kill not only Luke, but the entire Skywalker and Solo family. StarKiller, once Vaders student plans to carry out his masters plan to have the father and son rule the galaxy. Before he strikes, he must kill the sith king who has the DNA ( hands ) of Anakin and Luke from the past that the king has in order to create Anakin and Luke clones. Meanwhile, an ancient sith lord, 2000 years old has been waiting in the shadows for a so called chosen one to kill and prove the prophecy is a myth and also to rule himself. He believes its Luke because of both Vader and Sidious death. However, knowing how powerful Luke is, he must plan his attack carefully. During this time, a Jedi twin, Jacen Solo, who is a hero to the Jedi for his victories in battles has become very hostile. And with feelings of his loved one, Tenel Ka Djo, his emotions are starting to go dark. Ben Skywalker, tries to help him, but Jacen attitude towards the family increases and eventually turns to the dark side and becomes Darth Cadeus. Vestara Khai, Bens love interest, fights off the sith she was once loyal to and joins the Jedi as her love for Ben grows. While so many events shape out, and with a sad ending to the death of Anakin Solo in battle, Jaina Solo is confronted of both anger and pain. Many Jedi and Sith battles will take place with more violence ever seen before..When Han and Leia tries to help Jaina through the painful times, a legendary bounty hunter emerges from the past that shocks both Han , Chewie, Leia and Luke. But mostly Han as at the door stands a fighter that was thought to have been killed. Bobba Fett. Han and Chewie in suprise confronts Fett to kill him thinking he is trying to kill him, but Luke prevents this and they learn how Bobba Fett escaped the sarlac pit. To their surprise, Bobba Fett has turned to the good side and offers to train Jaina Solo and show secrets on how she could take down her once brother Darth Cadeus. This is the new age ( Dawn ) that the new generation will be the last chance to stand against a rising sith that has spread throughout the galaxy like nothing seen before. Many sith will fight each other for personal agendas and control. Jedi will fight each other in confusion of false flags and arguing about this so called chosen one. Some believe in the prophecy and many do not. Some Jedi will turn evil, some sith will turn good. This is the darkest times the Galaxy will ever see. There will be more bloodshed than ever before. This will be the time of the young Jedi to take one last stand against the sith
    ..... Episode 7 will be filmed in 35 mm with Daniel mindel working as the Cinematographer.

    1. Ok...DNA?? Your fucking fantasy up!!! STAR WARS IS NOT SCI FI!!!! did you read Ardn'ts script...because if it was something like this...they did fire him.

    2. What the f**k are you talking about lol?

    3. must not be much of a Star Wars fan man....Chewy, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jacen Solo & Anakin Solo can't appear in episode 7. The point at which Star Wars 7 picks up, these characters are dead. When will everyone let it sink in that Lucasfilm & Disney have both said many times already that the story for Star Wars 7 will not have anything to do with the stories already out there....books, comics etc. Besides your using story elements from other stories....not much of an original new story huh! the way, I do hope Chewy makes it into episode 7 regardless! But you just can't bring back every dead character....or will they???

    4. What?? You said it yourself "Lucasfilm & Disney have both said many times already that the story for Star Wars 7 will not have anything to do with the stories already out there". Episode 7 is going to continue film cannon. Chewie didn't die in Return of the jedi, so can easily be back for episode 7.

    5. Hey, you are good Wildcard. And Casting Sean Connery was a stroke of genius. :)

    6. I want the movie like this:

      Han and Leia are married, they got a son, «nameless», which suddenly and unexpected becomes extremely strong with the force. When Solo sees how much his son struggles and hurts, he takes him to Cloud City with the help of Lando. They plan to freeze him inn carbon if he turns any worse. He summons Luke, and he try to help Hans son. Luke senses a great disturbens inn the force. When Luke realize how strong the boy is, he disides to destroy him. A great fight between them destroys Cloud City, and kills Lando. But Han Solo turns against Luke saving his son, fleeing inn the Falcon.

      They hide on a remote planet. The son starts to dominate his father. The dark side of the force makes him extremely strong, tearing him apart, he looses himself. Han does not recognize his own son anymore, but he recognize what he is becoming. From the boy, Emperor Palpentine emerges. It turns out that his spirit had possessed Han`s son, and has now devoured him. Palpentine found a way back to life. The Emperor is reborn. Han escapes and warns Luke. Luke tries to fight the Emperor, but looses, badly. The Emperor turns him to the dark side, and his prophesy is for forfilled. Darth Vader the second is born.

      Leia and Han Solo gathers the younger Jedis, and forms a new resistant. New faces, new heroes emerges.

      The Emperor stronger than ever. He concurs a world, enslaves them.
      The war-machine has stared. Palpentine is building his new army.

    7. Sorry about my bad english by the way. I'm Nordic.

    8. Hey i had to come up with something... The fans are fucking insane and in a hurry to know something.... : ))

    9. kerot
      well okay storyline. But why the emperor and DV once more.

      No...... New villains and new heroes.

    10. Great job WiLdCaRd.. I loved it.. :)

  4. that's a whole lot of info ^^ any of it true? I guess we will have to wait and see

  5. Sean Connery??? in SHHTAR WARS? Hell...Stalone as a 3PO

  6. Sean Connery is the first give away that whatever he's going on about is strictly fictional. Have you seen Connery lately? He rarely even goes out anymore. The last picture of when he did... my god he's so frail. He's retired because I don't think he's got much life left in him. The rest is just from the novels... Which were actually pretty weak compared to the past set of books. I wasn't a big fan of Jacens fall... Plus there has been a fairly strong indication that the books will not be followed... at all.

    1. Always jason connery .

    2. hey the age of everyone fits nicly.. plus connery would die right before he got to meet his daughter Mara..... so i mixed the story with mostly EU a taste from old republi and other ideas from me or another website.... give me credit , i had only 40 min to come up with that idea... : )

  7. This all info includes a lot of Expanded Universe info, like names, plots, etc. The list of characters/actors it's false, only official statements can clear that up. All what I read here I've been reading it from 1999.... so, nothing new.

  8. Star Wars: Disney CEO Bob Iger's Firm 2015 Date Leaves 'Episode VII' Team Scrambling

    This story first appeared in the Nov. 8 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.
    Disney might be experiencing a disturbance in the Force.
    With the Oct. 24 exit of Star Wars: Episode VII writer Michael Arndt, the studio is under the gun to keep the film on course for a 2015 release despite a script that several insiders say isn't close to ready.
    PHOTOS: 'Star Wars' Actors Then and Now
    According to those close to the project, producer Kathleen Kennedy and most of the film's creative team have asked Disney to push the release to 2016, but studio CEO Robert Iger is adamant that Episode VII -- perhaps the franchise's most anticipated installment since 1999's The Phantom Menace -- not budge. That has created enormous pressure on all involved, with director J.J. Abrams stepping in to take over scripting duties with Lawrence Kasdan, who co-wrote 1980's Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, considered the best film in the series.
    For his part, Arndt worked exclusively on Episode VII for most of the past year and already had penned a 40- to 50-page treatment before Lucasfilm was sold to Disney in October 2012. But as one of Hollywood's highest-paid screenwriters, who can command more than $300,000 a week doing rewrites, the Oscar-winning scribe (Little Miss Sunshine) was ready to move on to other projects.
    Some sources say Abrams has become autocratic in recent months, wresting some casting control from Kennedy. But others disputed that notion, saying Abrams and Kennedy both have been involved in casting sessions. Unlike Kennedy, Abrams is said to be more in sync with Iger's desire to meet the 2015 release target -- which allows zero margin for error -- at all costs.
    STORY: Michael Arndt Exits 'Star Wars: Episode VII'
    Although the 2015 schedule already is full of tentpoles including Disney/Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron, Warner Bros.' Superman-Batman mashup and Lionsgate's final Hunger Games, Iger has crafted a Star Wars game plan that hinges on Episode VII hitting the big screen that summer. The studio is expected to roll out Episodes VII, VIII and IX over a six-year period, with at least two spinoffs -- penned by a team including Kasdan and Simon Kinberg -- interspersed between.
    Still, another project insider dismisses talk of problems and what the writer shuffle means for what is perhaps Hollywood's most valued franchise. "It's nothing out of the ordinary," says the insider. "Almost every big movie changes writers at some point. There's no drama here."

  9. Sounds promising lol , it will look good on screenI am sure with jj , but probably have no substance as they race to finish it , sounds a little like into darkness same problems

  10. You know so many people say this or say that, no one gets their facts straight. Everyone keeps saying stuff like...Disney doesn't own the rights to episode 4 A New Hope. For so many fans you guys don't read your collectibles much. Lucasfilm got the rights to episode 4 in 1998. The 2000 VHS release of the OT, Lucasfilm got the rights as part of the deal for Fox getting to release episodes 1-3....Disney just wont dis George Lucas and release the OT theatrical versions on of Star Wars need to get the facts.

  11. Happy Halloween May the Force be with you... all of you

  12. Disney owns Starwars and all of it's properties; however, Fox still holds the worldwide distribution rights for all of the existing Star Wars movies up until May 2020. After that date, they will revert to Disney… with the exception of Star Wars: A New Hope, which Fox owns in perpetuity. This also means that a full box set will not be possible even after episodes 7, 8 and 9 are released unless Disney can work out a deal with Fox.

    1. No, your wrong. Fox owned episode 4 from 1976-1998. Look at your 2000 VHS....the last VHS released ever. Lucasfilm then took over the rights. There's a few articles on the secret of buying Star Wars. Fox wanted to release episodes 1-3, GL didn't make up is mind yet as to who was gonna release them....but Fox wanted fox reverted the rights to ANH to Lucasfilm to do so....Read the articles. But yes until 2020 Disney can't release them. Unless they buy out the Fox contract. Check it out on the Blu-rays as well....20th Century Fox is only a trade mark, NOT a copyright anymore! As a matter of fact Fox don't even get trade mark listing on the Blu-rays even....READ THE COPYRIGHT ON YOUR has read Lucasfilm since owns all 6!

    2. If Fox still owned the rights to episode 4 ANH....then please tell us why they have not released it (the theatrical version) on their own?....because Fox doesn't own it anymore.

      Because people will buy even just A New Hope if the theatrical version was released. We all know we would.

      You can't say Lucasfilm owns the copyright, and them not own it now....that's not how copyrights work. A copyright is in place to establish who owns said product. They can be bought, they can be sold. But you CAN NOT EVER put a copyright to something in your name, unless you own it!

    3. Fox doesn't own the Star Wars franchise, Disney does. Foxy only has world wide distribution right of Episodes 1 though 6 until 2020, then the distribution rights revert to Disney except for Star Wars A New Hope, of which 20th Century Fox has permanent distribution rights to until a deal with Fox can be made. This was part of the deal when Lucas sold his company to Disney.

      The copyrights listed on the current videos only mean that Fox has the copyrights on the distribution. Lucasfilm owned all the ownership rights to Star Wars at that time the videos were made.

    4. Fox never ever held the copy rights to eps 5,6,1,2,3. copyrights & distribution rights r 2 diff things guys....and a deal will b struc....straight up fox will want there cut....and Disney will pay....cuz we will pay....but yeah the guy was only talking about ownership which a lot of peeps on the web say that fox will always own ep 4 as far as the distribution rights idk guys seems to me to b a pointless debate

    5. Wow.... You all act like Disney & Fox wont work together....They already have fools.... Narnia box set duh!

  13. Well ´Harrison Ford as JJ

  14. why the rush. I rather they take their time and make it right with full charecter development, story & plot lines. If done right, this will be the greatest triolgy of all the SW espisodes.If it takes to 2016 to make it right, then that is great, but being arrogant and drawing a line in the sand to satisfy the board of directors an stockholders, disney will find the force will release another "john carter". I say do it right!!

    1. I would agree with you... however, I know for a fact that STar Trek into Darkness wasn't particularly good, despite the one year delay. I think JJ Abrams is a lazy bum.

  15. I'm a big Star Wars book reader, so having some of the characters from the books would be great, there are some really good characters that should come to life on screen and I believe they will, but having said that, the numerous EU book series that have already been written Lucasfilm has said they will not be used at all and it will be a new story, I understand that part of it too. Again though Lucasfilm approved the EU characters, names, personalities, and paths, so certainly they have EU for inspiration at the very least.

    To the person saying the book characters don't line up with 30 years after ROTJ, yes they do, look at the novel timeline, especially the NJO to Legacy of the Force Series to Fate of the Jedi series, as the Original Trilogy actors are in their 50's-70's right now, so are they in the books, and their offspring, Solo kids, Ben Skywalker, and fellow young Jedi, are in their late teens to mostly in their 20's, which lines up with the new actors they are auditioning right now for those coveted New Jedi Order parts.

    Having Mara Jade and/or Lumiya would enhance the sequel movies as they both enhance the action in the books. The stories don't have to match the books but certainly the books can inspire the characters paths, actions, and even appearance. Taking ideas, themes, and characters from the books and injecting them in a new sequel story will satisfy the many dedicated book readers and the masses who just watch the movies and want to be entertained. It would be a win win in my opinion. We shall know soon what Lucasfilm plans on doing, either way, I am very excited, it was my one wish to have Star Wars sequels so I'm happy no matter what happens.

    1. I totally agree with you.

    2. I agree with both points of view.

      I'm just glad to have more films coming!

    3. The original cast lines up yes, but the Solo boys are dead!

    4. what the fuck does eveyone think i was trying to do ? dam....

    5. If this would be in the movie Abrams would be known as Jar Jar Abrams

  16. Who here hopes Darth Maul returns for 7?

    1. he is dead.. D E A D..... no ressurection.... he can be on a sith hologram but thats it..... if you need him that badly to make love to, play a video game of him.. : )

    2. Hmmm....just a question TaMeCaRd. Didn't wanna hear about how you shove lil toys in places where the sun don't shine! Let me guess...your one of those who sleeps with his whittle R2-D2 plushies...

    3. Darth Maul is not D E A D..... He is A L I V E! The EU explains this.

    4. well no Money in dead Maul toys. But please keep him Dead. Like Boba Fett, the Emporer, Obiwan, Yoda ect......

    5. I always thought Darth Mauls Ship looked like something Donald Duck would fly :)

    6. I just want to say Michael Boba Fett hasn't died yet

    7. In film cannon Fett is dead.... Disney needs to use new villians in episode 7.

  17. This is ancient news; I've seen this video weeks ago.

  18. All this EU talk makes me Wonder it if the new storyline should take place out so long after Return that there will not be any of the old crew and none of the EU characters like the Solo twins ect.. Some many fans will be disappointed with the story if it doesn’t follow EU or like me if it does follow EU.

    Besides please real star wars news if wanted, Disney wake up....

    1. ....and that Michael is why episode 7 will turn out like episodes 1-3. Every Star Wars fan will have their own view of how they want it to be like....if it's not atleast a shadow of that....well you know what happens next, endless web bashing of JJ & Disney.

  19. When will people get it through their thick heads that the new Star Wars movies WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EXPANDED UNIVERSE!!!

    1. Exactly!! shut the fuck up with all the eu talk people theyve said its gonna be an orignal story, nothing to do with the eu!!!

    2. I agree cannon doesn't need the EU!


    3. Totally agree, does people not read the official news?, people seems even to have forgotten what mr.lucas himself has said about the movies over a year ago (it is about the big 3 & their children, a multigenerational saga, following the skywalker family, including Leia) even what he said about the sequels in the 80´s: "i´t will be about Luke passing on the torch to a new generation, having a obi wan type role.
      He also said over a year ago: It will be original stories & have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE EU!!

      The ONLY thing it will possibly have anything to do with the EU, is if they borrow names (they have done it before) in the prequels, Coruscant & Quinlan Vos is two examples, but that´s it!! -personally i hope Solo children will have better names than Jacen & Jaina

  20. As long as there are Gungans in the new trilogy I will be happy

    1. Yousa have the lifeplay with thissen hissen?

    2. Actually, a nice Gungan character is a good idea. Not Jar Jar, but a gungan warrior that is actually smart and competant

    3. i like captain Tarpals in ep.1 he is smart & competent & lookes way cooler than other gungans with his "fishmustasche"-two strings on each side, someone like that being a badass could actually work

  21. The only news is Abrams' BOOK? Jeez, everyone is so disgusted by Disney/Iger/Abrams they're not even coming out with decent RUMORS anymore.

