Just a day after the speculation that Harrison Ford might not be back in Episode 7 comes another rumor suggesting the opposite...
The rumor is from JediNews' mysterious source Jedi Master SQL and they sound pretty confident with the news. Here it the direct quote:
"Han Solo, Harrison Ford, is back and onboard for Episode Seven, but that's not all. As part of the deal, steps have been made which raise the possibility of Ford donning the famed Fedora hat of Indiana Jones once more.
A verbal agreement with Ford to play Han Solo once more has been in principle place since before the Disney deal. Over the course of this summer financial settlements were reached. The outstanding points that had dragged on but are now resolved are:"
Ford wanted to see the synopsis for his characters development over more than just Episode 7. He saw this in August and is happy with the story arc.
Ford wanted a commitment to Indy 5. He did not get this as there is no plot line or script in place. What did happen was an agreement was made wherein an outline would be developed by the end of calendar year 2014, and if all parties can agree to it moving forward, efforts would be made to move on Indy 5 for release before the end of 2016.
Disney wanted a multi film deal with Ford which transcends Episode 7. This has now been agreed.
I really hope this is true. With all the latest talk around the new trilogy such news is a desired breath of fresh air. I hope we get a confirmation in the following two weeks (before November 7).
Another source close to HollywoodLife also confirmed the rumor.
When we ran into Harrison, 71, at the Ender’s Game premiere Oct. 28 in Los Angeles, he played coy about potentially reprising the iconic role of Han Solo.
“Trick question,” he told HollywoodLife.com, with a smile, when asked if he’d like to revisit any of his former characters on the big screen.
Knowing full well we’d never get a straight answer from the man himself, we did a little digging, and a source close to production gave us the confirmation we were looking for.
“Yes, without a doubt, he is coming back to play the role of Han Solo,” our source told us. “I am pretty sure Harrison hasn’t signed the deal yet, but that is just so people will be kept in secrecy. [Writer JJ Abrams] is excited to have him, and the fans will love it.”
Ender's Game opens in theaters tomorrow. There are rumors that Lucasfilm are holding back the announcement about the return of the Big Three because of Ford's other engagements. Well from tomorrow he is free...
Update 2!
Yet another comment from Ford this time on the Today show:
Host Erica Hill addressed the rumor about Ford reprising his role of Han Solo at the end of the interview.
"Before we let you go, I know you said you would love to reprise Indiana Jones, there's a lot of speculation about Han Solo," Hill asked.
Ford simply responded with a "hmmm."
"Would you care to entertain any of that speculation," Hill continued to prod.
Ford then answered, "You know I'm not in a position to say much about it at this point."
Hill said, "Ok, so we'll read into that whatever we want to read into it, how is that?"
Ford gave a big smile and hinted "It's a work in progress... maybe."
Source: WPTV
I was just thinking about this as I was drifting off to sleep last night (or was it while I was waking up this morning?) and it occurred to me that if there is some connection between the question of Harrison's involvement and whatever rewrites Abrams and Kasdan are doing, it could just as easily be about making the script more palatable to Harrison than about writing Han out of the story due to Harrison's refusal to play the role again.
ReplyDeleteI can see why he'd be a bit reluctant to commit to another SW movie. After such a great role for Han in Empire, the way his character was basically neutered with a rusty bread knife in Jedi couldn't have sat too well with him. And then seeing how half-assed the prequels turned out from a character standpoint... if I were Harrison, I'd be pretty careful about getting myself back into Star Wars too.
But maybe this will end up making Episode 7 a better movie in the long run, if this is indeed what's happening. Hell, Empire wouldn't have been the movie it was without Harrison leading the charge to rewrite scenes during filming. (The carbon-freezing scene in particular... a classic because of how the script was tweaked on the set.)
He was frozen in Empire because he had not signed on to do Jedi. Lando was going to take his place ( thats why he wore Hans clothes at the end of Jedi and was the original owner of the Falcon) He probably wouldnt have done Jedi had he not done Raiders. As far as not sitting well with him.... he wanted Han to die ( and Indy too)
DeleteI think they're doing a re-write to A) focus on characters, as stated, but B) to kill Han. Especially if they can only get Ford for 1 film.
DeleteWell... Cool I guess. I just wish Crystal Skull wasn't so awful. Which was not Ford's fault. The script and overall all plot was just terrible. I'd be willing to give Indy 5 a shot... but it'd be the last shot I give if it too were horrible.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I don't want to go off on what Indy needs as Star Wars is my primary concern!
Crystal Skull was awful mainly because Lucas took a good script by Frank Darabont and rewrote it... and we all know what THAT means. Had they stuck with Darabont's script it would have been a much better movie.
ReplyDeleteI liked Arndt's script for Little Miss Sunshine, and Kasdan certainly knows the old-school Star Wars style as much as anyone. I'm not familiar with Abrams' screenwriting ability, but having watched the blu-ray documentaries for the 2009 Star Trek I know he's great at tweaking a story in collaboration with others. As long as Lucas isn't doing any writing on the Ep 7 script, I think it's got a fair to middlin' chance of coming out okay.
Careful sir or you may bring down the Lucas loyalist yelling at you how thankful you should be he created it in the first place!
DeleteI for one am in your camp. Thanks George... but please stop. Which looks like he did... so really thanks this time! Now the franchise has a chance again! Seriously selling to Disney is easily the best news SW has gotten in forever.
blah blah blah, another "george lucas is so bad at scriptwriting, blah blah blah" comment.
DeleteI recommend checking out Super 8. It was written, directed, and produced by Abrams. It is a PERFECT homage to classic 80's Spielberg films like ET and the Goonies.
DeleteGeorge IS bad at screenwriting, and back in the day he was very frank about it. It was a process that he didn't like, and when he wrote classics like American Graffiti and Star Wars, he always had friends in the business do rewrites of his scripts, from which he would incorporate the best elements.
DeleteIn other words he was very good at coming up with ideas, then working with others who were more gifted writers to create a good script. Lucas's great strength was always as a facilitator and a collaborator.
After the studio screwed him repeatedly during the making of SW and Empire (at one point during the making of Empire, the studio was nickle-and-diming Lucas so badly that he ended up having to meet at least one week's payroll out of his own pocket) he very understandably got into the mindset where he wanted to control every aspect of his filmmaking. Unfortunately, the baby kinda went out with the bathwater there and he stopped collaborating and started trying to do everything himself, screenwriting included.
George Lucas has many strengths as a filmmaker. Screenwriting was never one of them, even though he eventually forgot that this was the case.
I agree, selling to Disney may end up being the best thing Lucas has done for SW in years. Time will tell!
(Cyclonic, I will be sure to give Super 8 a watch. Thanks for the tip!)
I don't get all the Skull hate. Indy 4 was was well done as the others in my book. All the elements of the character were there, and the story had the same type of folklore in place. I could have done without the swinging with the monkeys scene, but otherwise I thought it was on par. Better than Last Crusade If I were grading the series.
DeleteGo see that little movie by mike bay that stars Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck then you will know JJ's style
Deletewow, i am always amazed at the amount of people that do not like the prequels or the indy sequel. i guess i am easily amused as i thought all were good. of course, i also liked the clone wars saga which i also read a lot of complaints about. don't get me wrong, everyone is entitled to like or dislike what they wish, and i am not downing anyone, i am just saying if i disliked something so much i would just not watch anything else to do with it and find something i did like.
ReplyDeleteActually as a prequel and crystal skull hater... Clone Wars (I assume you mean the CGI series) has surprised me. It's better than the prequels. It starts off just awful for like the first 7 or 8 episodes of season 1 and then slowly drops all the annoying aspects and steadily gets better and better.
DeleteI just now watched the episode where Obi, Ani, and Ahsoka go into the black diamond where the Father, Son and Daughter were. I wont spoil anything but... I didn't expect the series to touch on such important events.
Again as a prequel hater and all, I do say people should try and stick with the CGI series. Surprising amount of character deaths. I think in season 1 they were still debating on being child friendly and then just decided to hell with let's tell a good story.
You're kidding me, right? Clone Wars is as heartless and wooden and bad comicbook-ish as can be. Just awful...
DeleteDude I'm with u...I like the PT & The Clone Wars...but a lot of Star Wars fans expect Star Wars to be what they want. If it's not they hit the web and complain.
DeleteThis is how far reaching Star Wars is... So many opinions on older movies versus newer series... i love it! SW transcends generations - from younger viewers to older (original) fans. In all honesty, Disney would have to screw up big time to turn away the amount of SW fans they have now. Nice to hear every point of view. Keep it coming
DeleteIndy 5 must be The Fate of Atlantis videogame. Period.
ReplyDeleteIf this pans out to be true then this is good news for the sequel trilogy. The Prequels didn't need Luke, Han or Leia But in my opinion the sequels need them, even in a minor role which has been said ad verbatim on most sites I have been on. All I want is all this talk of the new films following some sort of EU story line from certain people and leave Darth Veder out of this.
ReplyDeleteI hope they make Han Solo evil inn the new trilogy. That would have been fun. If Han and Leia got a kid, and the kid turned to the dark side. Han wouldn't abandon his only child, and he takes the Falcon and run away with the kid, initially trying to turn him back with the help of Luke. But when Luke fails, and Luke tries to destroy the kid, Solo turns against Luke, and escapes with the kid. Then inn Episode X, Han would get a chance to scarifies his own life, to save his kid.
ReplyDeleteWell, I dream on ;)
Han Solo turn evil?? ..are you a troll? or George Lucas? I'm sorry but that's so bad I can't even believe what I just read, it's so beyond stupid haha
DeleteEnough of the george lucas hate, hater.
DeleteBut Han becomes such a nice bloke by the end of episode VI. When we first met Him he was a gun for hire, a mercenary. He shot Greedo first for Gods sake. By the end of episode VI he was in love... he was in love with Leia. How could he turn to evil. How could he watch his son turn to evil. If Han Solo is anything like my Father and watched me turn to evil he would have thrashed that out of me before I could even wield a lightsaber.
DeleteLol, I suspect Han would do the same :) But i think all our fathers would do anything for their children as long as they tough it would be any hope.
DeleteI admit, this just came out inn like 3 minutes, but i stand by opinion that they should shake things a little around. Having Leia, Han and Luke fight just another Emperor would be kind of boring. The tree should have some internal conflict.
I re-read your original post and I can see where you are coming from. One of the OT children has to succumb to the dark side, even though that story line comes from the EU which I hope they steer clear from. I have no idea where they are taking this new story line like all of us .I've given up on speculating. I try hard not to think of what these new films will be about. I had all these amazing thoughts about the prequels and was slightly let down by them. Please, lets just wait until we hear more info on these films before we start to speculate on what is going to happen, The more we theorise all of this the more wwe might be let down by what comes out.
DeleteI hate to say it, but you are right :)
DeleteEarly inn movie project like this, i usually think: What film would i like to see.
Im there right now, and what Im hoping for, is that they really surprises us. That is kind of it. But even that thought will probably lead me on a path to disappointment. But I'm not a pessimistic kind of guy. This will turn out fine :)
What can go wrong? More JarJar? No, I don't think so.:)
Exactly. In my opinion, everything that could go wrong already has. Lessons have been learned from the mistakes that were made and JJ knows just what he's doing. Even if it is bad, we have no reason to worry about it now.
DeleteSee your setting yourself up for disappointment, your thinking of what kind of film "do you want to see"...everyone did that to the PT.
Deletehahaha, no Im not Lucas.
ReplyDeleteOk, but after a while, Han realize that his son is truly lost, and he comes back heartbroken but ready to fight. Better? hahahaha
But actually, its not that a bad idea. it would turn things arrow for sure, but instead of making a brand new enemy of some kind, the enemy would come from within, and that would make the drama more powerful, and it would surprise and give people the same kind of "shock" that we had when we found out that Vader was Lukes father.
DeleteSo, what would you have? The fab tree united inn the falcon ready to fight a new Emperor? Booooring!! Han Leia and Luke are old now, they are inn a new place of life. They are parents, even grandparents. And they should evolve the story around that.
ReplyDeleteWhat would I have? A new bunch of characters going on a bunch of adventures.. Then Han, Leia, Luke can be the new set of guardian characters, like Yoda and Old Ben were. And then a decent story revolving that, without any stupid plot points that make no sense, like Han going evil for instance haha
DeleteSo you want a totally predictable movie. As we say her inn my country: taste is as divided as our ass.
DeleteI respect that.
Actually, the more I think about it the more I like the idea of Hans son succumbing to the dark side and his father trying to bring him back to the light side with the help of Uncle Luke. Maybe Uncle Luke wasn't the prophecy that brings the force into balance. Maybe Hans And Leias Son is the complete bastard out of this whole saga. Maybe Leia is the one who finally brings balance to the force. Anyone thought of that?
DeleteI like it :) Think of the situations they could put Leia inn if that was the main story. The conflict she would have with Luke and Han Solo, AND herself. The possibilities are endless. It would give room for new characters as well, and big shocking revelations. :)
DeleteOhohohoh, and Han could return to clod city to put his son in carbonate just to by time and isolate him, giving us a good reason to see another good old friend inn action.
DeleteNot sure how Han would even manage to hold a sith under control long enough to freeze him in carbonite, although it would be a drama booster. I think it'd be pretty cool to have Luke finishing his training by meditating on the past (both ancient and immediate) with the help of the force-ghosts of Yoda, Anakin (not hayden Christiansen PLEASE) and Ben. This would take him to Ossus where he'd build the foundations for the new academy where he'd train Han and Leia's children as well as his own son. This could lead to Jaicen turning to the dark side, battling with his own perception of good and evil compared to the reality of it all, which is basically what turned his grandfather in the frst place. These plot points would leave way for the story to grow in several directions.
DeleteAnd thats what the story needs, ways to grow in several directions. The plot, and subplots are important to get the adventurous feeling. J.J kind of pulled that of inn the first star trek movie, when Kirk was thrown of Enterprise and meet the old Spock on the ice moon. But he could have done more of it. It became to linear.
DeleteI didn't know how many people didn't like the prequels till I came to this site, lol. That's what I've grown up with and I feel like I'm one of the youngest people here, because everyone loves the original trilogy, which I personally didn't like as much :D So it must be pretty hard for Disney, and all involved writing the script trying to get it to please both the generation that grew up watching the original trilogy, and my generation that grew up watching the prequels (and that doesn't even count the Clone Wars fanatics!). I'm sure that whatever they do, it'll turn out great. I just wish we'd get a little sneak peek soon :)
ReplyDeleteIve got a kid, he is 8 years old, and he like the original trilogy best as well. But maybe I have brainwashed him some. :)
DeleteBut he loves the Lego Star Wars part of the franchise best of all, and I can live with that :)
Well that's the thing. If you grow up watching the prequels you didn't really understand what came before it. Or even get why us older fans were so upset with the prequels. Heck there's a lot of things age effects. When I was growing up there was a long list of movies I didn't like... that I love now.
DeleteEither way I can't blame kids who grew up with the prequels for liking them. I'm sure in my own younger mind had something to do with my loyalty to the originals. That doesn't stop the bad plotting, poor acting and contradictions in the prequels... Not that the originals were perfect of course.
I'm just saying the overall quality level is quite different between the two trilogies.
I agree that there are some loyalty involved. And the fact that we, the old fans are getting older, and that the new movies are made with the young moviegoers in mind, kind of makes us jealous to. Why can't they make movies, good old school sci/fi movies for us above 40 to?
DeleteShitt, Im starting to sound like my late grandpa. ;)
@Kerot, I think that's precicely what JJ, Kennedy, Kasdan and Lucas are all planning on doing with these new films. The younger generation has had the prequels, the animated series, the video games and so on to reel them into the franchise. The OT fans still have had nothing new to be truly proud to represent since the 80's. In our eyes, Star Wars has just gotten more and more watered down over the years and I believe that JJ, being a die-hard OT fan himself, sees that and, in turn, will try to make this new trilogy for the original fans of the saga like himself. He knows what we want to see and I believe he'll deliver something that'll be a big breath of fresh air to all of us fans who have been left in the dark for so long. In a way, it'll be disney's "shut up" to everyone who's been complaining about the speacial editions, the prequels and the animated series for all of these years and I'm more than fine with that, as long as they deliver quality material in these new movies. I mean, it is a continuation of the original trilogy, being made by many original trilogy fans; who else would they be making it for? Abrams has told us in several interviews not to worry about the "disnification" of the films because he knows what and what not to do. I don't know why all of these crazy people on this site are such debby-downers. I say the future is bright enough, so let's look forward to it.
Delete^^Whoever this anonymous is, I grew up with the prequels in a family where Star Wars wasn't discouraged, but it also wasn't exactly the family favorite. However, I was immediatly obsessed with them as soon as I started watching my parent's original VHS copies of the trilogy. When episode 1 came out I was ecstatic and loved them as a child, but I've always known this: you have to be an idiot to not see everything the OT has to offer compared to the prequels and truly understand, as a fan, that the prequels were nothing more than Lucas' easy way out.
I hope you are right. But Im afraid they are making the new movies just to sell more toys, and to earn back the money they spent on buying Lucas-art.
DeleteIm not sure that they even care about the old fans. And if that is true, I understand Mr. Harrison for being reluctant to reprice his role.
That why I hope they put Han Solo, if not inn an "evil" situation, but inn a situation where he does the wrong thing cause of the right reasons. That would make his character extremely deep and interesting. Maybe a little to dark, but lets face it, Empire Strikes Back is the best of all the movies cause of its darkness...inn my opinion of corse. :)
Valid points, but if you ask me, Disney has many years with the Star Wars franchise ahead of them. They've already dished out several series to sell toys with more on the way. They also have several more movies planned after VII VIII & IX, all of which will make Disney well over what they payed originally for the company. With this in mind, I restate my point: JJ was chosen for a reason. He's said time and time again that he accepted the Star Trek job for publicity and cash. Star Wars is what inspired him to become a film maker in the first place. Why would he contribute to the downfall of something he's loved his entire life when he knows he'd make equally as much money off of the films if he just did what the fans wanted already?
DeleteMy point is: there's no need to worry. Anyone who is making the arrogant, bold statement that the movies will be complete shit is not putting these pieces together correctly. Just view this all from as many perspectives as you can comprehend. It all truly comes together in a sensible way once you do.
DeleteMy favorite J.J film is actually Super 8. That film alone is a good example that they have grabbed the right director. J.J knows old school movies.
DeleteJust like I said, Ford was playing us all.There is absolutely NO WAY Disney would go through with buying the franchise without first making sure they had the Big Three on board.
ReplyDeleteWell this sounds great I hope this is solid and Ford returns as Han Solo.
ReplyDeleteMaybe some news from Lucas films on the 30th ;)
May the force be with Ham YoYo ;)
He's coming back.. witness the recent talk-show sketches with Chewbacca, George Lucas confirming in an interview that the 'big three' were all allready on board for SW7, Robert Englund's comment that Hamill is in training to reprise Luke. Hamill is a cautious guy, he would never allude to the big three comin back (as he has) if it wasn't already pretty locked in..
ReplyDeleteIf they ALL weren't already locked-in**
DeleteThat's an enormous promise to make to the fans and I highly doubt they'd take it lightly.
You know... that guy who made up those rumors on the comments section of an article a while back, hasn't missed a few things, such as the script was still being written, the were considering the entire trilogy, etc... is it possible he was semi legit?
ReplyDeleteI said many times that they were all in it. This hype and rumors is always a part of it. Geeze. Its funny too see some fans panic for no reason.. LOL..... Commen sense always tells us all that many actors want to be #1 in hollywood. Harrison Ford coming back in part 7 makes him #1 most talked about actor once again. Do the math fans.
ReplyDelete^Please comment again on this forum if it turns out Ford is not in VII.
Deletebeing an original fan, i miss the fact that no one knew 'anything' on any sort of back story outside of the movies, making up EU as the story progressed, in a sort of 'real time' feel. i read all of the EU until 2005 and i liked most of it, but part of me would love to start over, to have that 'what's next' feeling again, as wondering what happened as Fett grew up, what happened to the clones, etc. i am really excited to see what Disney does with the franchise. i am with Kerot, i hope they do something that speaks to us older fans, giving important story parts to the original characters they bring back, i do not want them to just be background scenery.i am really surprised at the 'too old' comments i keep seeing. in a universe were humans age slower and live longer (and with good editing and FX), i think Luke Skywalker will probably have his most acrobatic, intense, energetic lightsaber battle to date. in the end, i think that is what every fan is after, to see SW again, for the first time. this will be as close as that gets, so i hope we all enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteHan's role being neutered in Jedi is Ford's own darn fault. He hadn't signed a 3 picture deal, and at one point said he wasn't returning, hence Lando's role being expanded to the point of flying the Falcon. Ford came back late in the game and said he'll do it, so they had to piece him in. That's what he gets.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how it would have played without Han. There wouldn't have been much of a need to go to Jabba's Palace, so that whole beginning part would either be excised or cut dramatically short.
DeleteThere also wouldn't have been any interaction between Luke, Leia & Han (the big three) on Endor.
In any event, I'd be interested in reading about how exactly Han's role was neutered, with regards to what it might originally have been, if you have any links you can point to.
I think there could have been a scene at Jabbas palace at the beginning of ROTJ. Leia brings in Chewie to do a deal . Jabba takes Chewie and the money. Leia releases Han from the carbonite only for him to die. Luke comes to Jabbas palace, really pissed off that Han has died to exact revenge on his friends death, only to show that he is receptive to the dark side. This in turn makes the audience think that Luke really could turn to the dark side at the end of the film. Of course Luke doesn't and the film wraps up nicely. Nice way for Han to die like Harrison Ford wanted him to.
DeleteI just want this confirmed asap.....can't be done with these teasing rumours any more .
ReplyDeleteI think now that not only did Ford play us, the fans, but also the casting directors as well as JJ.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he is preparing for his part that way :)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Horribly Mangled Childhood Memories...
ReplyDeleteAnd the raping of Indiana Jones continues...
I'd rather see an elderly Han Solo than an elderly Indiana Jones.
ReplyDeleteI'd want to see both.
Deleteme too, friend, me too.
DeleteAs long as it doesn't include transdimentional aliens and Shia Labeouf I think I can manage to enjoy it a little. But I swear, if they try to pass off Indy's roll as premium american badass to that sissy little shit that helped ruined transformers and Indiana Jones, I'll drop a train on 'em. The fact that they even minorly hinted at it at the end of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull made me vomit in my mouth.
DeleteFolks are making way too much out of this. Most of the speculation that Ford wouldn't return is just that; speculation. There isn't really anything one way or the other to point to in a concrete way.
ReplyDeleteIt needs to be pointed out here, that Ford is in a new phase of his career, where he is playing supporting roles, and fulfilling the role of a character actor. Playing an older Han Solo as a supporting character in the Sequel Trilogy is well within the scope of this new phase of his career. Additionally, since it would be a supporting role, he might also get his wish in having the character killed.
We also have to make note here, that he has a predominant role in Ender's Game which he is currently promoting. There's no question that he wouldn't want Star Wars, a film that won't come out for 2-3 years, to overshadow the film that is coming out now.
In any case, all of this is pure speculation. I would guess, that we won't know anything for certain one way or the other with regards to Ford's involvement until several weeks after Ender's Game's release.
somewhere above it was mentioned that Ford did not want to return for Jedi, and i have seen at least one interview where Ford did not seem interested in Han Solo's well being, and i have heard several times he wants his character dead. #1-i am ok with Solo dying, as long it is a true sacrifice, not some half-hearted effort that lacks conviction. #2-part of me is always somewhat confused as why actors don't seem to want to reprise the earlier roles that fans love them in. i know they cannot go through life pleasing everyone, i don't feel they owe us much of anything but respect, but this is a last in a lifetime to play a character that touched millions of people....i hope that alone brings Ford back. Han Solo really allowed me to be in touch with the SW universe, with all respect i'm no Jedi. in the prequels I identified with Captain Rex with the absence of smugglers doing good. i hope i get to see my hero in action one last time...but if not, i will enjoy wherever the story takes me...i hope!
ReplyDeleteif you think about it. Ford wanted to die in part 6. Now he will probably get his chance to have a dramatic scene where he gets his wish. i dont see him doing part 8 or 9. So that could have been one of the reasons for the delay. Maybe they did a rewrite of him dieng saving someone or many. then again, who knows when it comes to movies....
ReplyDeleteYou could be on the money here! but my guess is he (Harrison - Solo) will appear in 7 then again in 8 only to meet his end here. It set's up nicely for a final battle - perhaps his offspring getting their revenge for his death!
DeleteIt's totally possible that Ford's comments of over 30 years ago have nothing to do with the way he feels today. At the time he was a young man at the height of his fame. Today he is an over 70 year old man, whose recent box office returns have been nothing to write home about. Seems possible to me that Ford may want to stay involved with the juggernaught that Star Wars is sure to be as his "multi film deal" suggests.
ReplyDeleteI for one have no desire to see Han Solo (or any of the big three) die on screen. Remember when Star Trek decided they were going to kill Captain Kirk off? It took the series 15 years to recover from that disaster...#Han Solo Lives #Star Wars Lives
Any word on the rumored trailer scheduled for Wednesday?
ReplyDeletedon't get your hopes up for Wednesday. There will be nothing and Disney will disappoint.... as usual.
Deletebeing thrilled for a new storyline and maintaining the excitement..thats what I want and look forward in the new star wars trilogy..the curiosity, the unfolding, new unexpected scenes that make us stand in awe..and scenes where the characters are far away from civilization, and alien worlds, thrilling action..thats what I want, balanced CGI, and a movie where we can enjoy,and be suspensed , and not get dragged along...
ReplyDeleteWhatever is going on StarWars.com is having fun with it. Ever since the announcement they have been putting quotes of Han Solo. 1st "I've made special modifications myself". And now "Don't get cocky kid".
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed how OT-centric the official site has become? It's interesting how much difference a year can make.
DeleteYeah, they are dissing the prequels and the generation who grew up with them.
DeleteNot really??? Star Wars is both trilogies. You do realize that next trilogy will be about what happens AFTER the OT. It's not about dissing, it's about advertising.
DeleteIndeed You guy need to realize that this story happens after ROTJ. Of course they are going to advertise the original trilogy more lol
DeleteSure, it's about dissing the prequels and its generation, and I think you know it...
Delete...perhaps you will be convinced once they cast the original trio... and not Hayden Christensen... even though Star Wars is about the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker. Just you wait. He won't even appear as a Force Ghost. But I'm sure the Millenium Falcon and perhaps even stop-motion taun tauns will be in it. And as for the guy who said that it will be "AFTER the OT," sure..... maybe 30 years after, as the Phantom Menace was 30 years before the OT.
Do you have a point? You're reading far too much into this
DeleteAlso I just want to say that the Rumor seem to be true with Starwars.com having Solo right up front when the site pulls up. I can't wait for tomorrow to see what the news will be although I am pretty sure that it will have to be about the original cast coming back
ReplyDeleteThe news tomorrow will be lame. Probably something we already know or were led to believe.
DeleteLol That's pretty much what I mean Lucas announced they were coming back awhile ago
DeleteThe news will be far worse than "lame." There won't be news at all. Just saying.
DeleteSomeone at Disney needs to pay the fans some respect and give the fans some proper news about what's going on. We have waited long enough now.
ReplyDeleteSo, if there is any announcements tomorrow, hope it will be worth the wait.
T-minus one day till Star Wars fans are disappointed with no news... like always.
ReplyDeletePersonally speaking a priority for me would be official confirmation that Ford, Hamill and Fisher have signed up. And maybe a pic of them fully togged up in their outfits circa 2013.
ReplyDeleteThat will be good enough for me too. But remember, this is Disney. The same Disney who gave us NOTHING at D23, Comic Con, and who broke six months of silence with last week's confirmation: "Guess what guys. Filming is delayed and we got rid of the original screenwriter! Have a nice day!"
DeleteYeah, same here. Just confirmation of original cast members returning and a proper press announcement with them all together would make me very happy and then I can rest at night.
ReplyDeleteDo we? I have yet to see one confirmation, not even Kenny Baker or Anthony Daniels have been announced.
DeleteWell well well, I guess everybody should just relax now then, a random internet user must obviously be able to read into the future. "THE ORIGINAL CAST WILL BE IN EP7." Therefore it must be true. He wrote it in capitals and everything. You can't argue with that. You've heard it here first ladies and gentlemen.
DeleteThis is the biggest rumor site ever...I hate Disney for making us suffer, I bet George is having a laugh at us because of the prequel hating fans...
ReplyDeleteDisney won't have to lift a finger jet. They know that the buzz on the net is so present that the promotion stab just can relax. We, the fans, are doing all the work for them.
Deletewill this be day of the teaser? who knows? stay tuned ..
ReplyDeleteStablize your rear deflectors ppl, this is it!!!!
ReplyDeleteOl' General Solo.
ReplyDeleteI have hope for the new films but my concern is that JJ will try to repeat things from the OT like he did with star trek into darkness. Although I think and hope he is smart enough not to bring back Vader or Palpatine
ReplyDelete"what if he doesn't survive he's worth a lot to me"
ReplyDeleteHMMMM.......yet more run around mumbo jumbo. JUST ANOUNCE IT NOW DISNEY!
ReplyDeleteFord would be smart to avoid ending his career with this as recast of his greatest achievement.
ReplyDeleteHe is a legend, but after the last indy movie its clear he is not fit to be recast as anything but a novelty.
Harrison, if you have any self respect, please, tell disney to cram it up there mouse hole.
We're talking about him portraying the character Han Solo. Not spiderman. He's quite capable of saying "who's scruffy looking" in either his 40's 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's. So take your boring view about age being such an 'important' factor to play a character and cram it up your mouse hole.
DeleteIf all you want from General Solo is a few quotes from the original trilogy than you will likely get what you want from the new films.
DeletePersonally, I would like to see an all new cast. What exactly is it that a bunch of senior citizens will bring to this new film, beyond nostalgia?
Did you truly enjoy the latest Indianna Jones movie?
Disney will succeed in making back the money they spent on the franchise due to people like you.
If you want to relive the originals just dust off your old VHS machine.
Hey AnonymousNovember 4, 2013 at 11:35 PM, sure hope you don't get what you want! How's about showing a little bit of respect - for the elders - or weren't you brought up that way?
Delete"Did you truly enjoy the latest Indianna Jones movie?" No I hated it. Because the story was ridiculous. Harrison Ford had nothing to do with it's failure, he was good in it.
Delete"What exactly is it that a bunch of senior citizens will bring to this new film, beyond nostalgia?" What a stupid thing to say. They will bring exactly what characters like Yoda and Old-Ben brought to the trilogy. They are the wise leaders of the next generation.
It had its problems, but just because one was bad does not mean the others will be. Grow up and shut up
DeleteOverall, fans are called fans for a reason. We are all fanatic about something, and in this case Star Wars. The news will come soon enough. Maybe not soon enough for some of you, but soon enough. Let's just celebrate that they ARE going to be making more movies. Isn't the mystery alone enough to make you salivate? Eveyone's quest for immediate satisfaction, though is what drives this blog, proves to be creating discord with a great many of you out there. Have faith! The secret is not to give up hope. It's very hard not to, because if you're really doing something worthwhile, I think you will be pushed to the brink of hopelessness before you come through the other side.
ReplyDeleteActually I was hoping to see the new episode happening in the old republic...
ReplyDeleteI don't believe the rumours...and I don't see Harrison ford doing more than one movie.(in yoda voice).he is too old..yes...too old to complete the trilogy. they are going to kill him off in the first movie...then his son is going to get pissed and turn to the dark side..
ReplyDeletePure poetry. Harrison Ford wants to end his career with the same two franchises that launched him. And he will end on a high note, so no Han Solo or Indiana Jones deaths.