Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Wednesday Tease. The Empire Strikes Back Theatrical Trailer #2.


Although the teaser videos that had released on 4 consecutive Wednesdays didn't lead to any official announcements, they will surely continue today. What will it be? Guessing by the previous videos it should be something about The Empire Strikes Back...

Here's a quick recap of what was released in the previous Wednesdays:

It really makes you wonder why are they only releasing videos about the Original Trilogy. Not a single word on the Prequels. What if they really have made some kind of deal with Fox and we might see the Original Trilogy re-released in some form in the near future? We know about the problem with the rights but who knows...

Still don't get your hopes high. Many people were disappointed before so just sit back and enjoy the discussion here and hopefully we'll get another video probably part of something bigger.

While we're waiting for the new video {which should be released around 5pm EDT (11pm CET)} here are some interesting Star Wars bits from the day.

Here's an interesting bit of info from Bleeding Cool on the casting news from yesterday:
There were whispers – rooted more in speculation than anything else, I expect – that JJ Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan would be throwing out the plot that Michael Arndt had been working with. In cross-checking this casting call with my sources, I’ve confirmed that, actually, the same story – at least as much as it might boil down to a synopsis – will still be in play; the same characters are being sought as several months ago.

Abrams and Kasdan appear to be reworking the flow a little, and will do some dialogue and character work, for sure, but the building blocks of story are staying pretty much untouched. Well… that’s a bit of a relief, I guess.

Also pay attention that one of the characters from the yesterday description is "being an orphan". So could the roles of Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in Episode 7 be really a short ones? What do you guys think?

bad robot

Look like the Episode 7 production offices have opened up at Pinewood Studios.

Remember Dennis Barbie who yesterday made a slip that Episode 7 is planned for the end of 2015? Looks like he got some calls today. He has deleted all of the tweets from yesterday (you can still read them here) and now it is time for damage control.

Also don't forget that tomorrow is a big day for Diney and its shareholders. It's the Disney's 2013 earnings results webcast. Probably we'll get some Star Wars bits from Bob Iger.

star wars

Cool poll from IGN.
Which Star Wars character would you like to see return in Episode 7?
(click for bigger)


An interesting fan made interpretation of one of the deleted scenes from The Phantom Menace.

And here's the expected TESB video from the official site:


  1. I like to be teased with Star Wars 7 related articles. It is unavoidable.

  2. Im hoping news of some kind today.. and if is not the case, it has to be tomorrow!

  3. I don’t think we’ll be seeing any news this year. Prolly when they start filming, then we’ll get some stuff.

  4. Maybe that Harrison Ford has desided to not to be a part of the new movies.
    I'm a Han Solo fan and I realy don't what Ford to play him in new movies. Ford is to old and hates the star wars

    1. Maybe so, but why couldn't he at least be a supporting character and be dramatically killed off at some point during the movie? He'd be satisfying the fans while not having to act as Solo in 8 and 9. I'd be totally fine with that. The new movies most likely won't focus on the big three as much as they will on Luke and the yung Solos.

  5. Something tells me Han and Leia die in Ep7. leaving Ania, Ben or Jaiden or whoever Solo an orphan. Chewie as Hans best friend takes the orphan child who should be force sensible to begin training of the force along side her new master and uncle Luke Skywalker.
    Training begins in at a young age and keeps going onto final teenage years…But there is something Master Skywalker senses in his apprentice, much anger and much hate for those who took her parents. Luke decides to end her training, preventing her to fall into the same fate as his father did. Something solo is disappointed and angry at her master so she takes a speeder and leaves to the unkown. (midi-clorian low for luke LOL, just joking)
    Luke is left alone with his other apprentices at the Jedi academy on Yavin IV. In korraban Thrawn Begins his galactic war, invading all outer rim systems and spreading new terrors in the galaxy. It seemed Thrawn had been pulling palpatines strings all these years and with Palpatines failure his darkest plans are still to come, beginning with the assassination of the Jedi who killed thrawns pawn.
    Luke feels a threat arrive in the distant moon. It is a dark power he hasn't felt for a long time. A new sith arises and enters the Jedi temple. Luke manages to evacuate all young-lings and faces the sith warrior alone but is slain by the mighty sith.
    Something solo feels this “ending” of her masters life force and sets travel to the jedi temple to investigate . As she leaves Courascant after working as a bounty hunter she meets up with chewie and tells him of what she has felt. Chewie takes her to a hanger and there she finds her father millenium falcon and as the entrance ramp descends we can hear the paranoid conversation form C3PO and R2D2. A new adventura begins. As they arrive in Yavin IV they find lukes jedi cloths and his saber on the floor…It was as something solo had feared, her uncle had been slain. Suddenly luke apears with the force and directs her to a system where she could find help to destroy the new evil empire. As something solo, chewie, C3PO and R2D2 arrive at the planet just near the outer rim their ship is locked for attack but they get hailed and stopped by a great battle vessel. In side they discover a new alliance of mercenaries who are battling Thrawns forces. Something Solo then meets Lando Calrisian and the war begins.
    Lando dies exploding his own vessel against thrawns battle station. Something solo kills the sith with her force power . Thrawn escapes to Korraban and hides. End EP7… If this is something like it…It will be very sad to see our heroes die..but it would make a good story to open way for new characters. I think!
    May the Force be with you
    From Brazil.

    1. If only they were referencing Zahn's adaption. Unfortunatly, they've mentioned several times that they won't be using the extended universe as a reference for the new films. However, I do believe that even if they're not including characters from the EU, the revival of the academy should be the centerpoint of episode 7. It'd be cool to see some new characters training at the Praxeum.

    2. I love these long posts that drone on about a hyper-detailed treatment for the movie when we know nothing about anything... lol. One of the very few things we know is that it's going to be an original story, yet you want to put Thrawn and a bunch of EU crap in here. Not going to happen. EU is dead.... thankfully. Movies are the only things that are relevant.

      Also, really neat-o story, but time wasted. I get that SW nerds want to use their imagination to figure out what is going to happen, but it's very silly to post it here... on a site used for news and rumors. No one really cares how you think the movie "should" go. Sorry if you think I am being a jerk, I am just sick of seeing everyone using these sites as a forum for "their imagination". Write a story and read it to yourself for your own pleasure or something. It's ridiculous to take a "hunch" and go... "something tells me that in the movie....." and then pour out a whole movie's worth of plot that is based on nothing. No one cares. Just wait for the movie or some verified news like everyone else.

      Why can't Star Wars be heavy on awesome and light on nerdery?


    3. I agree man. I fraking agree

    4. That's a wish that can never be granted. Star Wars IS "nerdery."
      If that weren't the case, there wouldn't be an EU.

    5. It's also quite ironic for you to say that it's pointless for people to waste their time posting obscenely long comments that no one cares about here, when you just did that very thing. I say let people have their fun; make predictions, argue about what will and what won't be included. That's how it's been for the Star Wars fanbase for years. You're really not doing anyone a justice by calling fans out on a fan-run site, whether it's primarily used for rumors and news or not. It's a forum for fans, so let the fans have their fun.

    6. Interesting, just don't get ur hopes up. Luke shouldn't die like Obi-wan in ep 4...he should die like Yoda in ep 6...a Master Jedi death...but none of us should treat this trilogy like we did the PT...we'll only be disappointed if we do. It is the film makers right to make whatever type of film he/she feels is best...and we all have our own opinion of what is best.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. @dopeyjoe.... I said it was pointless to make up silly SW stories and act like people care about them or are super excited to read them here. There a tons of SW books out there taking place after ROTJ if people want to read them. I could care less if a post is long-winded as long as it is relevant to the discussion and not a nerdy kid writing a silly story.

    9. All I'm saying is, why care? Your complaining about fans being fans is a bigger waste of time in my opinion. It's not like the people making plot predictions expect everyone to visit these forums, read them and get all pumped-up for nothing. It's just a fun thing to do. I don't understand why you're even putting any energy into this conversation. It's quite ironic.

    10. If you don't like what they're saying, don't read their comment. It's as simple as that.

    11. Like I keep on saying "FORGET ABOUT THE EXPANDED UNIVERSE. IT"S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN" The next person who mentions Grand Admiral Thrawn Or the Yuzong Vong or whatever, I swear to God I hope maggots eat out your eyeballs.

    12. It may not be the exact same plot as Zahn's, but as I said below: Timothy Zahn was one of the only EU authors that approached Lucas about his view of the post-ROTJ story and used his guidelines as the basis for the Thrawn trilogy, and even if Lucas isn't writing the script himself (thank god) it's been said that his original view of the story will be heavily referenced in the new movie's development. With that being said, even if it's a different set of new characters, they'll probably still include the Jedi academy on Yavin IV, Han and Leia's children (whatever their names may be) and some other vital plot points that become clear after a simple process of elimination. That is, if you've actually read the series, know the OT well and have a good sense of the Star Wars universe.

    13. New stories for sure but certain EU characters are a part of Star Wars fans' blood. Mara, Jaina & Ben for sure. Fuck Jacen though, we dont need Anakins story all over again.

    14. It's funny u sayn that tho....cuz GL himself said Star Wars is like a poem, certain lines are gonna rhym....Soooo....episode 7,8, & 9 will be vary much in line with episodes1-3.

    15. Han Dies. Chewy fulfills his life debt by impregnating Leia with wookie force babies that take over the galaxy

    16. I don't think I've ever read anywhere that George Lucas wrote the original 12 part story as a Sonnet... I don't think these movies will be as much in line with the prequels as they will be the OT. Lucas isn't writing the story entirely, anyway. It's for Kasdan and Abrams to decide now. Lucas' story will be referenced, but I doubt it will be completely in sinc with the new screenplays.

  6. I've given up on these official Star Wars website teases. It won't lead to anything about VII. This is just Disney being stupid again.

    1. But you don't know that do you so ..

  7. The first trilogy is to be more Machiavellian and melodramatic, like a costume drama, as Lucas revealed in 1981, while the second trilogy (prequels) is more action-packed and light-hearted, leaving the third to be more philosophical, addressing issues of ethical responsibility and moral ambiguity. "The third [trilogy will] deal with moral and philosophical problems," Lucas said in 1983. "In Star Wars, there is a very clear line drawn between good and evil. Eventually you have to face the fact that good and evil aren't that clear-cut and the real issue is trying to understand the difference."

  8. i doubt anything "big" is going to be announced.

  9. What if Han and Leia split up shortly after the events of ROTJ? Perhaps Leia continued her political career and married someone else. Han and Chewy could have continued on their adventures. Also, Luke may have decided not to create a new Jedi Order (preferring to become a secluded hermit).

    Might be a nice way to stand out from the story path taken by the EU.

    1. Would also be a good way to add a little moral ambiguity (without the good Jedi and the bad Sith). The new, younger characters are tasked with essentially re-discovering the Force and deciding how it should be used.

    2. Zahn was one of the only EU authors that actually confronted Lucas about the post-ROTJ story and used his guidelines as the basis for the Thrawn trilogy. I'm sure the new movies will have at least some amount of reletivity to the plot in those novels.

    3. Dopeyjoe... no they fucking won't.

    4. Who are you to say they won't? I'm sure you know just as much as I do as far as new information about episode VII, and that there really is none, but I don't know if you've actually read any of the thrawn trilogy or know of it's relevance to the OT. Zahn wrote those books by the guidelines of George Lucas' original story, and it's well-known that Lucas' original story will be heavily referenced in the process of writing the new screenplays for the new trilogy. I'm not saying characters from the EU will be present, but the direction of the story will most likely have several similarities.

  10. LMAO.......AHHAHAHA.......LOL.......I said yesterday that this "Barbie" fool wasn't CEO of Disney and that anything he says is pure misleading garb......Episode 7 will be released in the Summer of 2015.......Shareholders WILL NOT BE PUT OFF BY DISNEY!!!!!!!

    1. When did anyone say he was the CEO?

    2. It was an honest slip. That's why he deleted his posts later. Actually I think this was one of the few real info we've got for Episode 7 so far.

    3. Yesterday a bunch of people were acting like he was, like what he said was the end all be all truth...the Disney CEO already said episode 7 is going to be released in the summer of 2015. Disney Shareholders were already promised this...and you don't mislead Shareholders. regardless of how us fans feel about it.

  11. I want Quinlan Vos

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. To tell the truth...I've always wanted to see at least a book series about Qui-Gon Jinn and his master, Dooku (AKA Count Dooku). I think it would make a great movie as well though they probably have a lot of different ideas in mind. If they have Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin in the next movie I hope they have them younger, more as kids/teens than adults :D

    1. I'm pretty sure Qui-Gon has a couple book series.

    2. There are three books, two scholastic and then a longer one, ("Cloak of Deception" I think??) and then of course the Jedi Apprentice series which has Qui-Gon (master) and Obi-Wan his padawan. As of yet, I haven't found any others, especially not of Qui-Gon and Dooku. If you know of any could you please tell me?! Qui-Gon's one of my favorite characters!

  14. I feel very bad for JJ Abrams. He has to get it just right. Whatever will be in the new movies will be added to the SW Universe and stick. For die hard fans this might be considered even scary! lol....

    I had enough of Ewoks 4 for cryin' out loud! Please, give me a teaser with something tangible!!!

    1. But the worst part is that many people will treat the NT just like the PT.... Everyone has so many of their own view of what should happen...and some fans get upset if it doesn't come out close to what was in their heads.

    2. Episode 7 was Great......It's called Heir to the Empire.

  15. Jar Jar Binks should be killed in episode VII

  16. If there is anything to the two character profiles leaked yesterday, I would say that there's a very good chance that the "orphan" character who grew up on the streets is somebody new, rather than being part of the Skywalker line.

    The male character who grew up without a father figure could be either Luke or Han's son, and there are plenty of ways their father could be absent without actually being dead. Luke could have been off trying to re-establish the Jedi while his son was growing up, ANYTHING could have happened to Han to make him scarce while his son was growing up.

    Or, it's possible that neither of these characters is a Skywalker. Or... the character profiles could be complete bunk to begin with. ;^)

  17. However it shakes out, please, fer the luvva Gahd... NO MORE PRECOCIOUS KIDS!! There was already too much of the "Muppet Babies" thing happening in the PT with Baby Darth and Baby Boba. Let's not go there again.

    The OT never needed child characters to appeal to kids. What the OT had was adult heroes (and badass villains) for kids to look up to. When I was nine and saw Star Wars for the first time, I'd already seen a ton of movies about kids and animals and all that stuff. Star Wars was something much more than that, which is why it grabbed my imagination immediately and completely. Had it been about kids running around in space, I probably wouldn't have given two shits about it.

    The following year, when Battlestar Galactica came out, I didn't know a single kid my age who watched it because of Boxey and his robot dog. ;^)

  18. Saoirse Ronan says she didn't get the role. "-Sadly, it seems like she doesn't have the gig. "I don't have 'Star Wars.' I don't have the role," Ronan said, sounding kind of defeated-"

  19. These comments are so f**king violent...

  20. Where is the Wednesday teaser???

  21. They just put up the Episode V original trailer.

  22. Empire again. They seem to really be leaning exclusively on the OT films with these - a very promising thing IMHO, if this is any clue as to what sort of directions they're looking to take with the sequel trilogy.

    1. To me, it seems that they're just doing them in chronological order. If so, they'll eventually go through all of the prequel teasers and re-releases, and maybe by that time they'll have an Episode VII teaser ready to release.

  23. Does there have to be a New Republic? Maybe the galaxy simply collapsed into chaos when the Empire was overthrown.

    George Lucas once said that the Old Republic becoming the Galactic Empire was modeled on ancient Rome transitioning from a republic to an empire. After the Roman Empire collapsed, there wasn't a new Roman Republic, so I don't see why everyone seems to assume there will be a New Republic in Star Wars.

    Maybe there will be a "Dark Ages" period in Star Wars following the fall of the Galactic Empire. The new generation of heroes could be trying to restore some law and order to the galaxy after a few decades of chaos. I think that would be a much more interesting storyline than an already-established New Republic.

    1. That's a VERY good point. I always felt that the New Republic concept was a bit too clean and easy a solution to the big galactic question of "What next?" once the Empire was defeated. The Empire didn't just arise in a vacuum, after all. The Republic was already deeply corrupted, which was what gave the Emperor the opportunity to manipulate events to suit his ambitions. Merely reinstating the Senate and reforming the Republic would seem to merely set the cycle up to repeat itself.

      An interesting point to consider, for sure.

    2. The Empire should still be ruling the galaxy...1 Jedi a new republic does not make.

  24. Lol, some people here crack me up with their theories on the plot.
    No details about plot have been revealed yet, they haven't even finished writing the new movies and people here are writing utter nonsense based on reading to many comics or expanded universe rubbish.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. TESB is such a fantastic movie, great trailer. I was 10 years old again for a brief second. I love that they left in the scene where C-3PO rips the Wampa warning sign off. Here's to hoping EP VII is that good.

  27. Star Wars Episode 7 : No Hope

    Thomas and Rachel help the evil Lord Mickey bring balance to the force by creating the worst Trilogy of all time as a sequel to the greatest.

    Disney remember the words of Master Yoda,
    Try not,
    or do not.
    There is no try.

  28. I think all these "Old Trailers" are a "distraction bait" for us ;)

  29. Star wars will kill all movies in 2015 and will be highest grossing movie of the year and may be even highest grossing movie of all time. Star Wars won't be just entertaining like marvels and DC films! Expect a lot of mythology in it with master of mythology and best sci fi creator JJ Abrams(more mythology than in original trilogy) and great new characters with SW original writer like Lawrence Kasdan! This will be best sci fi movie of the decade. If darth vedar is there even for one second will be best news ever. More sith lords like darth vader/darth maul(they are fan favorite of all time)! And female sith lord sound outstanding cool!!! I hope they create one as darth malgus(really like his face costume etc) and may be one new hot sith with mask helm etc. Like raven. I want to see kings of the Sith species (Korriban) & sith kingdom( homeworld ) will be insane! Star Wars never show us that. I want the humour, great story, the mythology, war, evil and good, and the magic that made up star wars. The war between Sith and Jedi is amazing and what makes Star Wars greatest sci fi franchise of all time.NO politics.

    A bearded Hamill, training new jedi & to see Leia as a jedi also.

    I want too see an original story, something NEW, not anything from the EU (although i don´t care if the borrow names from it)

    Hopefully familiar design from original trilogy on vehicles etc. .. Hopefully forceghosts: Obi Wan, Qui Gon, Anakin & YODA (as a puppet) & as many as possible from the orginal cast, to see what has happened to their lives.

    & i want lightsaber duels with some new lightsaber colours and lightsaber models.

    & finally i would very much like to see Warwick Davis in many roles & maybe wicket decides to leave endor & travel in space with the crew of millennium falcon? & yes, as much screentime as possible for siths & new wookie!!!

  30. Star wars will kill all movies in 2015 and will be highest grossing movie of the year and may be even highest grossing movie of all time. Star Wars won't be just entertaining like marvels and DC films! Expect a lot of mythology in it with master of mythology and best sci fi creator JJ Abrams(more mythology than in original trilogy) and great new characters with SW original writer like Lawrence Kasdan! This will be best sci fi movie of the decade. I want to see kings of the Sith species & sith kingdom( homeworld- Korriban) will be insane! Star Wars never show us that. If darth vedar is there even for one second will be best news ever. More sith lords like darth vader/darth maul(they are fan favorite of all time)! And female sith lord sound outstanding cool!!! I hope they create one as darth malgus(really like his face costume etc) and may be one new hot sith with mask helm etc. Like raven.I want the humour, great story, the mythology, war, evil and good, and the magic that made up star wars. The war between Sith and Jedi is amazing and what makes Star Wars greatest sci fi franchise of all time.NO politics.

    A bearded Hamill, training new jedi & to see Leia as a jedi also.

    I want too see an original story, something NEW, not anything from the EU (although i don´t care if the borrow names from it)

    Hopefully familiar design from original trilogy on vehicles etc. .. Hopefully forceghosts: Obi Wan, Qui Gon, Anakin & YODA (as a puppet) & as many as possible from the orginal cast, to see what has happened to their lives.

    & i want lightsaber duels with some new lightsaber colours and lightsaber models.

    & finally i would very much like to see Warwick Davis in many roles & maybe wicket decides to leave endor & travel in space with the crew of millennium falcon? & yes, as much screentime as possible for siths & new wookie!!!

  31. BEST NEWS EVER!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE STAR WARS!!!!!!!!!!

    Star wars will kill all movies in 2015 and will be highest grossing movie of the year and may be even highest grossing movie of all time. Star Wars won’t be just entertaining like marvels and DC films! Expect a lot of mythology in it with master of mythology and best sci fi creator JJ Abrams(more mythology than in original trilogy) and great new characters with SW original writer like Lawrence Kasdan! This will be best sci fi movie of the decade. I want to see kings of the Sith species & sith kingdom( homeworld- Korriban) will be insane! Star Wars never show us that. If darth vedar is there even for one second will be best news ever. More sith lords like darth vader/darth maul(they are fan favorite of all time)! And female sith lord sound outstanding cool!!! I hope they create one as darth malgus(really like his face costume etc) and may be one new hot sith with mask helm etc. Like raven.I want the humour, great story, the mythology, war, evil and good, and the magic that made up star wars. The war between Sith and Jedi is amazing and what makes Star Wars greatest sci fi franchise of all time.NO politics.

    A bearded Hamill, training new jedi & to see Leia as a jedi also.

    I want too see an original story, something NEW, not anything from the EU (although i don´t care if the borrow names from it)

    Hopefully familiar design from original trilogy on vehicles etc. .. Hopefully forceghosts: Obi Wan, Qui Gon, Anakin & YODA (as a puppet) & as many as possible from the orginal cast, to see what has happened to their lives.

    & i want lightsaber duels with some new lightsaber colours and lightsaber models.

    & finally i would very much like to see Warwick Davis in many roles & maybe wicket decides to leave endor & travel in space with the crew of millennium falcon? & yes, as much screentime as possible for siths & new wookie!!!
