Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Star Wars Twitter Buzz. Filoni on Clone Wars & Rebels. First Rebels Concept Art and Admiral Tarkin Rumor. Star Wars Weekends 2014 and More.

star wars: rebels

Check out these interesting tweets from the last few days...

(For more info click the links in the tweets without the # sign)

Disney announced their plans for Star Wars Weekends 2014:

A thorough interview with Dave Filoni about The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels: 

After Instagram now Star Wars conquered Tumblr: 

And they revealed a concept art image from Star Wars: Rebels: 

Admiral Tarkin in Star Wars: Rebels?
star wars

Some mobile app updates: 

Star Wars themed Myth Busters show is coming January 4, 2014:


  1. Viral, you spelled "from" wrong... WTF??? I'm going to have to go somewhere else for news now... good going... this is the internet, no room for errors, dude...

  2. @Viral Hide , I often misspell because I´m swedish & that brings me to a cool idea: It would be interesting to have flags when posting, to see where people are from (maybe it is a lot of work or not even possible, I don´t know) but it seems like there are people from all over the world on this blog & it would bee nice to see how many countries are represented :)

  3. A few interesting names on the potential cast list

  4. BRAZIL here!! Lived 12 years in the States...grew up with the force.

  5. Hey Viral The myth busters star wars trend is an interesting one checkout Adam Savage's TESTED you tube channel on the 19th there was a video of Adam interviewing Damon Lindelof about the scripting prosses for about an hour and was asking about Star Wars being he is an uber fan and best friends and writing partner with JJ. Very interesting video with mentions of Being with JJ for a week talking new Star wars. The you tube show was called the The talk Room A very cool segment that Adam Savage Hosts from time to time. Also its in Lindelof's office and in the whole interview star wars memorabilia everywhere. Also keep up the good work if a typo is so worth commenting about! Besides mine would be better if I just shut of my Google spell checker. News is fast paced and a misspell onece in a while is a joke. Take care!

    1. Really cool interview. While Damon is really a contradictory writer I like his work (even on Prometheus). The interview is not Star Wars related but it's indeed very interesting. If anyone wants they can check it out here:

      Thanks Frank.

  6. Okay, Tim Curry as the Emperor? Seems a bit odd, but I have faith in his incredible acting skills! This Rebels shit just keeps building my anticipation to see the finished product on screen!

  7. "this is the internet, no room for errors, dude"

    ROFL - the entire Internet is one giant typo.
