Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Star Wars Twitter Buzz.

star wars

Nothing much newsworthy but still some cool tweets from the last few days...

Finally here's a guy desperate for some attention. After the rumors that third call backs from the open Star Wars auditions are already happening he posted that he got one. On the other hand he never mentioned anything about auditions in his previous tweets.

And not only that but later he posted an obviously fake Episode VII script page with pretty ridiculous content and filled with typos. I was hesitant to post this but consider it as a fake alert. :)

star wars


  1. The heart and soul of those production shots from the originals say all they need to point out the vast gap between them and the prequels.

    So glad JJ and the team are going back to the roots of SW and cutting back on the green screen. I hope they can somehow bring back the mystery of SW.

    1. The first comment on this board and it's a prequel basher. Do something original for once.

    2. Never going to happen. People likes hating it too much. Personally, I love all six movies.

    3. I'm not sure what cannot be understood about this... It's not like we enjoy the fact that the prequels sucked compared to the original trilogy. Don't get me wrong, episodes I, II, and III have their place and they all have lots of segments that are worth watching, but I've never been the kind of fan to watch them all the way through several times a week like I have the OT.
      I, like the Anon that originally commented, am genuinely excited to see what the new movies will bring. JJ is a director that will not take this job lightly; he's going to handle it delicately, like a fragile newborn, and take his time developing it to make sure it reaches past it's potential to be one of the greatest films of our time.

  2. If someone has a terminal illness, would it be kind or evil to wish them a Happy Life Day?

  3. Why, why announce a movie and then never say shit about it? What the balls? How the crap? Who the shit?

  4. This is all crap.

  5. The wording and phrasing gives it away as bogus content. To messy to be official.

  6. Do you guys even know what an original script looks like??

    1. Guess you missed the part where he said it was fake. Reading is hard.

  7. Life Day is November 17th.
