Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Update! The Wednesday Tease - TESB Video Released. New Star Wars: Rebels Bits, Michael B. Jordan and More.

star wars

Last Wednesday the official Star Wars site released the ROTJ theatrical trailer although the pattern so far suggested TESB related video. So will they start over again by releasing something about A New Hope or something different. Also hit the jump to check out some other stories from today...

Interview with Star Wars: Rebels executive producer Greg Weisman (via

Star Wars Rebels leans towards Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope in terms of tone, Weisman explains, and shows the early days of the Rebellion. When the series begins, the Rebellion is not yet organized, and the series will show how the Alliance forms over the course of seasons. "That is tremendously exciting," he says.

Weisman says he is a longtime geek, having read comics from a young age and getting his start as an editorial assistant at DC Comics. He worked his way up to associate editor and then transitioned into animation, eventually creating the Gargoyles cartoon for Walt Disney Television Animation, and recently worked on Young Justice.

Weisman saw Star Wars for the first time in 1977, when he was 13 years old, and loved it -- but The Empire Strikes Back stands as his favorite film the series. "Empire...blew my mind," he says, and also talks about his favorite Star Wars character and scene.

Despite all the hard work that goes into it, Weisman is very excited about Star Wars Rebels. "It's just really cool," he says.

And an interesting observation:
And a free ad. :)

Also ClubJade found out some more bits from Weisman from the latest issue of Star Wars Insider:
We have two strong female leads in the show among our set of characters and we think they are going to be fan favorites very quickly. That’s always been a personal priority for me in all the work I’ve done, to have a strong and diverse cast of characters, both in terms of gender and race. 
  _____________________________________________ is now on Instagram. They've already started posting some intriguing pics. :)


For your Christmas decoration:

star wars

Michael B. Jordan briefly comments on his possible Star Wars involvement (via ComicBook):

“With the Star Wars and all these other franchises, Fantastic Four and stuff like that, it’s good to be in the mix of those conversations. You know, it wasn’t like that before, so it’s kind of cool to be in those conversations right now”. 


As always on Wednesday has changed their Facebook cover image.

a new hope


Here it comes. Obviously they are pretty random now with no specific meaning. Nevertheless the "Wednesday Tease" articles will continue. Can't wait for the Wednesday in two weeks time (December 18). :)


  1. This is very reassuring. I've never liked the Clone Wars series and to be completely honest, saw it as a bit of an abomination. There are plot points that just really don't make any sense to me. I mean, how was it at all possible for Anakin to have a Padawan between episodes 2 and 3, and why was there absolutly no mention of her in ROTS? He was not ready enough as a Jedi Knight to have a padawan assigned to him, especially one of Ashoka 's age. Also, I've seen an episode where a few clones turn on the republic. How is that possible if clones have been genetically modified to have no free will and to only follow the orderd of those they are pre programmed to obey? Just seems like there was a lot in that series that just doesn't work.
    This new animated series, however, looks to me like it has to potential to be something really great. I'm excited and curious to see the early rebellion build itself from the ground up. It'll hopefully have an accurate portrayal of how the Empire effected the entire galaxy and their iron-fist reign of fear.

    1. You must not have watched the last two seasons of clone wars. They were pretty great

    2. Agreed. I don't even view the clone wars as actual canon. I just view it as some kind of fan-made thing that isn't actually part of the star wars storyline because it's so weird. I think Rebels will be better.

    3. I have not seen the latest seasons, but I guess it couldn't hurt to give it another chance. I can't stand the animation either. It makes it almost impossible for me to take any of it seriously.
      I agree with the second Anon. It's really just a high budget, fan-made installment that doesn't make too much sense when viewed side-by-side between episodes 2 and 3. It's almost like the writers didn't take important pieces into consideration when adding new characters and twists and it's frustrating to say the least.

    4. I trust that rebels will be much more satisfying to the overall Star Wars fanbase.

    5. I agree with dopeyjoe. The Clone Wars has never made any sense to me. I'm hoping Rebels will be more in-keeping with the movies. The images I have seen of the Ghost and TIE fighters look very promising. Although, I hated the image of the Inquisitor (it looked too close to TCW's rag doll style).

    6. "I hated the image of the Inquisitor (it looked too close to TCW's rag doll style)."
      Totally agree with you, there. From the looks of their CGI renditions of old OT designs (tie-fighters, stormtroopers, etc) look pretty well done. I'm not so happy about the inquisitor, though. Seems like he's going to serve as the Ashoka of this series. Where did he come from? What happened to him by the time episode IV comes around? Who the hell is the guy?!

    7. Dopeyjoe... you may want to catch the last season of CW especially the last few episodes. it will give you some idea what happens to Ashoka.... but since it was cancelled we are stil unsure... hope the episodes they were working on for season 6 expands on her fate.. those shpild be released sometime next year...

    8. I don't care what happens to her, the thing that bothers me is that there is absolutly no mention of her in episode three and that there's realistically no way (considering the law of the Jedi council at the time) that Anakin was ready to take up the responsibilities as her master. In episode 3 the council recognizes his power as a Jedi Knight, but they also know that he is unstable as a person; impatient, unpredictable and dangerous. They were extremely hesitant in allowing him to temporarily join the council under the circumstances they find themselves in. That being said, why would they place Ashoka's well being in his hands? It'd just be irresponsible on their part and I believe the council was wiser than that. He also never endured the trials necessary to become elligable to take a padawan under his wing. Therefore, how is it that he is training a padawan, especially one of Ashoka's age? None of it makes any sense to me whatsoever.

    9. Hey man, this won't change your opinion of the Clone Wars obviously, but just thought i would mention that i caught an interview with Lucas about order 66 and he said that the clones were not genetically modified with no free will. They were modified to be more docile, but that the clones obeyed Order 66 because of their unswerving loyalty to the Republic, but they did have free will. Just an interesting tidbit i will never have reason to bring up again so i thought i would throw it out there! i personally loved Clone Wars, both Tartakovsky's & Filoni's, but different strokes for different folks.-Prymal

    10. That's very interesting, @Prymal. I seem to remember the Kaminoans mentioning that as they grow, clones are bread to follow orders by those whom they are pre programmed to obey (the republic) and cannot sway from that loyalty, therefore not having the free will to make rash decisions for themselves like betrayal, because they're CLONES. I'm gonna have to rewatch the prequels now. Oh well, I've been waiting for a good reason to. Thanks for running that fact by me!

    11. This is pathetic. The clone wars was made and by the way it's not "fan made" no matter how hard you try to view it that way. Why was Ahsoka not mentioned in RoTS? She wasn't concieved back then dumbass. Why did Anakin get loaded with a padwan in the first place? Because the CW team decided to. Why did the clones turn on the republic pre-66? They didn't, watch and Comprehend fully, the episode next time. You don't like Clone Wars and some people (gasp!) do. Quit making such a big deal out of it and move on. Talk when you create a 5 season series with just as many views.

    12. I do not like that show. The one episode I remember clearly is were they go to the planet of Mandelorians. The mandalorian people were scattered through out the galaxy and certainly don't have a queen. Bull I say

    13. Well, I enjoy The Clone Wars for what it is (hell, I've got four seasons worth on DVD) but I've never really felt like it connects up with the movies all that well. It's kinda like the old Marvel Comics SW series from back in the day... it was fun and I liked a lot of it, but I never considered it as actually being part of the same narrative as the movies.

      Things like Anakin having an apprentice, even though he himself had been one about five minutes before, just don't ring particularly true for me. Doesn't mean I can't watch the show and have a blast doing so, but for me it's all sort of a "parallel universe" version of Star Wars. (Then again, the prequels were kinda like that for me too, a lot of times, so...) ;^)

    14. "Why was Ahsoka not mentioned in RoTS? She wasn't concieved back then dumbass. Why did Anakin get loaded with a padwan in the first place? Because the CW team decided to."
      ... You must not really be a Star Wars fan, dude. If you were, you'd know that the series is all about CONTINUITY. I consider the show part of the EU because it's a story of it's own and does not fit in with the over-all, preconcieved Star Wars timeline. The developers of the show did not care to actually work the story between episodes 2 and 3 in a way that it makes sense, so I don't care to watch it. Plus, as I've said before, I can't take any of it seriously because the animation is ridiculous. It's all a matter of opinion. I don't give a shit how many people watch it; that's really not the point.

    15. It doesn't matter to me whether or not people like the CW series. I have my reasons for disliking it and I really don't care to watch it at all. I'll just be here waiting to see if Rebels will be any good and so far it looks far more promising than the CW..

  2. I think they are using this teaser campaign just to mess with us. I'm sure we won't see any big announcements until January at the very earliest.

    1. Unfortunatly, I agree with you. Wish we could've gotten at least a confirmation of the big three's return, but I guess 2014 will be our big year for episode VII announcements. A real teaser trailer will probably be released a year from this month.

    2. We might get something on the 18th. As it's the release date, and also a Wednesday which is when they are releasing these tidbits.

  3. Many negative comments about The Clone Wars, everyone is entitled to an opinion and in mine the series was excellent, improved as it developed and the final series was amongst the best there is throughout all things Star Wars. In terms on canonicity, SWTCW was EP'D by George Lucas and from the "making of" vignettes it seems he was heavily involved in the creative development of the series which should be a good enough to establish canon for anyone. There were certainly stories that came out of left field like Ashoka as Anakin's padawan, Darth Maul's resurrection and Mortis but sometimes it's easy to take it all a bit too seriously, it's fictional entertainment after all.

    1. Fictional entertainment that is meant to establish a convincing reality of it's own. Star Wars did an incredible job at that with the movies, but the Clone Wars was just a major contradiction to the rest of the story, the animation sucks and I don't think it should be considered any more true-to-the-story than EU novels, video games or comic series. It's fan fiction and really should not be directly associated with the film saga.

    2. "I don't think it should be considered any more true-to-the-story than EU novels, video games or comic series. It's fan fiction and really should not be directly associated with the film saga."
      Agreed. For me, everything that is actually true to star wars, is in the films. Anything from the books, games, comics, fan-fictions, spin-offs, or whatever stories other people make up in-between the films, I don't view as anything that actually happened in the star wars universe. I just view them as stories that people have thought up of 'what-could-have-been'. For me I find it impossible to watch star wars and then try to imagine that Anakin is supposed to have some apprentice, or Vader is supposed to have some apprentice, or if Maul actually survived or not, or if the emperor was cloning himself or whatever. George Lucas or not, it's all just too insane for me to try and believe in.

    3. Exactly. If it were actually significant to the story, it'd be in the movies.

  4. I felt more than a little sore at Lucas and star wars in general after ROTS. I was done, and didn't care anything about the clone wars movie, didn't go, wasnt interested in TV show and didn't watch first. Then one day, completely by chance, I saw episode 12 of clone wars tv show. Full of characters I didn't know, but in familiar settings with familiar story telling. I was hooked immediately, Loved opening narration, a new take on the opening scroll of the movies. overall clone wars has mended those old wounds from prequel disappointments. I like Anakin now, well, the clone wars version anyway. And I've spent many a moment worried about Ahsoka's future. Clone wars is star wars all the way through, just as I'm sure rebels will be. Im a star wars fan again, maybe more than before because of clone wars. Open your minds younglings.

  5. Why is there no Rule of Two on the Clone Wars? Everywhere you look there are Sith and Sith apprentices!

    1. Perhaps because the "rule of two" never made all that much sense in the first place?

      I can see where the combination of ambition, power and sociopathic outlook would tend to limit the number of Sith, but "always two, no more, no less" doesn't take into account that the apprentice might train an apprentice of his own in order to overthrow his master. That wouldn't resolve itself overnight, of course, and at some point in there there'd be three of 'em running around.

  6. Hi guys, I am from Europe, can someone PLEASE explain what "CANON" (canonical/canonicity) MEANS???

    My English is not so bad, but I have never understood exactly what "Canon" means, although I understand it has something to do if something is part of the main story or not...

    1. "Canon" refers to a set of books in the Bible regarded as scripture. When refering to Star Wars, it's basically considering something as an official part of the saga, or just a fan-made, roughly associated piece of fiction.

  7. wow, i thought when disney bought lucasfilm, that everything lucas came with that, including indiana jones? as far as what dopeyjoe is saying about the films being the only thing canon, he is right...i like most of the eu and both clone wars, most comics, etc. BUT george lucas himself said only the films are canon. i just take everything as a whole, but i am not surprised if and when the film contradict anything from eu...- prymal
