Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

First Star Wars: Attack Squadrons Beta Footage.

star wars

One of the readers of posted in the comments section a video from the "Beta Project" of Disney's Interactive upcoming online combat game Star Wars: Attack Squadrons...

The guy who posted this clarified that "the video isn't laggy, the beta is laggy tho. hopefully they will fix it."

Here's another video with an actual gameplay:

And the official description of the game:

The new title is a free-to-play, open web, space combat game offering an intense multiplayer battle experience where players can customize and tune popular Star Wars ships, including the Rebel Alliance's X-wing fighter or the Empire's TIE Interceptor. In Star Wars: Attack Squadrons, players will enter exciting dogfighting action with up to 16 players at a time as they maneuver through iconic Star Wars locations. Future ships, environments, and game details will be announced in the coming weeks.


  1. OK From this i get that the game is not optimized as it is still in bets, of course most games comes out way to early these days and have tons of bugs and a poorly optimizes game client.

    Also very dumbed down gameplay, third person view, same hud both faction rebel,imps.

    Very light grafics so guessing this will be a phone, ipda etc game.

    This is under NDA still ? so the player will get banned and flagged youtube channel
    he also shows his mail in the video, not to smart...

    In other words Star Citizen will still be my main MMORPG game in the future that i'm waiting for.

    1. yea haha i didnt notice my mail was up ;D

    2. also if you look on some of the vids i show the alternate view for the starfighter. its not quite cockpit view but its more up close

  2. Also on the bottom you can see the credits and coin options so this will be a MT game, pay to play in every way.Question is how greedy will they be.

    1. you earn money to customize after each match depending how well you do

  3. Yeah I read about this game awhile back. It's not really the game any of us wanted. It's multiplayer only. Basically a deathmatch between 16 fighters. It's not meant to fill the void of X-wing or Rogue Sqaudron which frankly... is kind of dumb.

    Hopefully when this game does only middling in sales they wont be stupid and think the genre isn't viable. Then again this has nothing to do with EA. The company that's going to be making real next gen videogames of the franchise.

    1. This looked to me, like they saw how unrefined Battlefront 2's Space Combat game-play was, and wanted to split that into two functioning games. With that turning around maneuvers straight from Battlefront 2.

      Yeah, Disney does the casual stuff, and outsourced any hardcore games to EA.

    2. I just can't wait for Dice's Battlefront 3. It'll be one of the best Star Wars games we've ever gotten.

  4. A game that isn't finished yet isn't finished yet! Oh the humanity! Oh, the horror!

  5. Wow this game sucks a lot of ass, even for a beta. Looks like battlefront flying to me, dont see a point of doing it a standalone game.

    1. its free to play man. what do you expect. its just a small time game, nothing big.
      it was actually quite fun to play

  6. Looks bad. The Old Republic: Galactic Stafighter looks 1000 times better, is not Pay to Win and is not laggy at all.

  7. THANKYOU for putting up my videos. appreciate it! it was what i was hoping for.
    everyone this is the beta stage. it is very glitchy and laggy. the final project will be much better.

    a beta is for the creators to see any bugs or improvments. if they get this game running smooth it will be awesome

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for sharing. I'm surprised they're still up. :)

    2. well they are up cuz they are unlisted. and well i was stupid enough to send the SWAS2beta video to IGN and Machinima and it got taken down. i reuploaded it if you want to replace the video. these ones on my main channel shouldn't be found

  8. AND these videos i made are unlisted. so it will be much harder for anyone to get meh in trouble.

    plus i had my brother accept the agreement then i took over haha

  9. If you want to contact the guy who made this video, go to

  10. Wellllllllll Disney blocked the first one

  11. ok i know how they found this "unlisted video" and blocked it. i sent it to IGN and Machinima on my spare account and they must have flagged it.

    whatever i re uploaded it. but i wont give the link to anyone but this site.
    so hear ya go viral, replace it if you want


  12. More kiss-ups to the Original Trilogy. I wonder when Disney is going to present something "new" about Star Wars. This is the same recycled imagery and stylization from the 70s and 80s. Not impressed. In fact, I haven't been impressed with the whole Disney deal in general thus far.

    1. Aw, how sad. Sorry the world's most influential franchise doesn't impress you, fuckin' snob...

    2. Have you no respect for continuity?

    3. There has been DEMAND for a continuation of the X-wing/TIE-Fighter series of games. To meet that demand, it seems they are fixing up part of a canceled Battlefront game. So there was not only demand, but a partly made supply already payed for... They can always add new ships later.

    4. Well, when modern artists can produce something as iconic with the same kind of staying power, then I suppose we'll be talking about them.

    5. I hope for your own sake you are being ironic.
