Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mark Hamill on Star Wars: Episode 7: Nothing Has Been Decided Yet.

star wars

Mark Hamill is hosting his first Reddit AMA event today where he is answering all kinds of questions asked by the fans for one hour. Here are some of the more interesting quotes...

Looks like he is indeed doing a diet:

Q: What's your favorite soup?

A: I like Anderson's tomato soup and french onion soup, although I'm not eating dairy right now so I can't have that great cheese on top.

Q: The age old question. Who would win in a fight: Batman, Luke Skywalker, or Skips?

A: Well you know Batman is physically much more formidable, but Luke has that Jedi magic, maybe he'd use mind tricks. I hope it would never come to that, because I think I'd have a hard time beating someone like Batman. My only hope would be mind tricks or running and hiding.

Q: What is your favorite Lightsaber Color?

A: I just worked with Samuel L Jackson and he reminded me he had a purple lightsaber, which nobody had, I thought that was cool that he got his own color.
My favorite is green, I'm happy with what I had. You don't need to give me lavender or raw umber or whatever.

Q: Hi Mark. I am a wish grantor for make-a-wish. Thank you for what you are doing for the org and kids.
If you could change one scene from the original trilogy what would you change and why?

A: There was a scene at the beginning of the first movie that was cut out. When you're first introduced to Mark he's on the farm and he sees the Robots, when R2 and C3PO eject he races to the club, and you see what his life is like on Tataouine. This beautiful actress calls him wormy. I loved it bc you saw that he wasn't well liked by his peers, and he bumps into Garrick Hagon, and Luke is really excited bc he has joined the empire, and Luke is so anxious to get off the farm and find his lot in life. He's thrilled that Biggs has joined the Empire, and feels as soon as he'd get the chance he'd join the rebel alliance. this shows that Luke is apolitical, and joining the empire is even attractive to him.
They changed to get to the plot faster, so now it goes straight to the 4th scene. The only place you can see it is the novelization of the screen play. With all the tweaking and adaptations, why not put it in to add detail to the story that's not there?

Q: What's the Inside of a Taun Taun like?

A: You know, warm and cozy. I also got inside a Bantha, those creatures that were outside the cantina. The inside of it was pasted over with newspapers and glue to give it substance, I thought, 'This is really odd.' I also got inside of Jabba, which was like a sauna bath, because it's like a big rubber enclosure. All the puppeteers had gone to lunch and I wondered, 'I wonder what it's like in there.'

Q: How proud are you of the Star Wars Holiday Special? Did you know at the time of shooting it that it would turn out the way it did?

A: Oh yeah. I thought it was a mistake from the beginning. It was just unlike anything else in the Star Wars universe. And I initially said that I didn't want to do it, but George said it would help keep Star Wars in the consciousness and I wanted to be a team player so I did it. And I also said that I didn't think Luke should sing, so they cut that number. And now, I think we shouldn't be ashamed of it. They should put on the extra of the DVD's - it shows how incredibly fallible we are! At that same time, it did introduce Boba Fett in an animated sequence, so it's significant in that respect. Plus Art Carney was in it, who is one of my favorite comedic actors of all time.

Q: Was it hard to keep the secret that Darth Vader was Luke's father? I read you were one of the few people who actually knew this before the premier.
Also, another question because it is my cake-day. Do you enjoy episodes 1-3?

A: Irvin Kirshner brought me aside, and said "I know this, George knows this, and you'll be the third person who knows. If it goes out we'll know you leaked it." So i was terrified of being the one to ruin it. I remember when they screened it, Harrison turned around and said "I didn't know that! Why the f*&^ didn't you tell me?!"
Im good at keeping secrets. Especially when the goal it to maximize the enjoyment of the audience. That's why I'm worried about episode 7, they're going after casting sheets! I'm someone who doesn't want to know what I'm getting for my birthday. My sisters would go through the closets at xmas, and i hated that.

Im trying to keep the surprises for the movies, not for the internet. I hate spoilers, I like being surprised. There's a natural curiosity, and a competition to see who can reveal the most. I beg people, please lets keep it a surprise! Don't you want to be surprised? I know I do.

Q: Apparently Carrie Fisher let it slip that you guys will be in Episode 7, any response?

A: The only character I know for sure is returning is my friend R2-D2. He hasn’t stopped beeping about it.

Q: What was your reaction when you first met Harrison Ford?

A: Well I'd seen him in American Graffiti, and I did the screen tests with him. We just fell into our character roles. Luke idolizes Han Solo, it was such a great role because Hans was the cynic, he was the modern role in this fairly tale. It was just the right element in the stew for all the cynics in the audience.

I just thought Harrison was fantastic, so perfect for the part. We fell into the role of mentor/student. they couldn't have made a better choice, and he can do no wrong. He's got a great sense of humor, it was fun to try to make him laugh.

Q: How much are you allowed to tell us about your involvement in the upcoming starwars movies?

A: Haha. I’m not being coy, really. When I find something out, I’ll let everybody know. But nothing has been decided yet.


  1. Is that a recent photo?

    1. Yeah, realized that after I posted the comment. He's not looking bad. Better shape than he used to be.

  2. Yeah, that's the first picture of him we've seen in a while. He's definitely looking for defined in the jaw line, and he seems to have lost most of his gut.

  3. Gosh he looks so horrible

    1. Trust me, he looks much better now than how he did two years ago. He's lost a lot of weight and he continue to do so.

    2. Where is your picture?
      Please post in your profile icon!
      Can't wait to see!!!!

  4. On Luke vs Batman: "Well you know Batman is physically much more formidable, but Luke has that Jedi magic, maybe he'd use mind tricks. I hope it would never come to that, because I think I'd have a hard time beating someone like Batman. My only hope would be mind tricks or running and hiding." I think he's being modest, Luke would cut Batman in two.

    1. Luke would not do that!!!!
      Unless he fell to the dark side... and besides Luke having R2D2;
      Batman has a butler so that alone might make it impossible.

  5. Speaking of the Holiday Special, maybe that's why Harrison Ford is so stand-offish about anything Star Wars

    1. I own a copy of this special. I wonder if I should download it to youtube. It is really cute to watch.

    2. Please destroy your copy, please!!!

  6. "Are you good at keeping secrets?"
    "Tell us this secret."

    I remember as a kid reading a children's book that included those lost early scenes with Luke's friends. I think that empire talk is part of why they scrapped it: "I don't like the Empire, I hate it, but there is nothing I can do about it right now!" doesn't mesh with that.

    1. The Academy was an institution independent of the Empire. Though most who attended the Academy joined the Empire. Biggs had just left for the place before Luke met Ben and soon he rejoins Biggs in the fleet.

    2. Actually Biggs said they jumped ship, so he and some others could join the rebellion, and he said keep it down as he told Luke and pulled him asidep, so I would say he was part of the empire, I also remember it being referred to as the imperial academy. And it was Luke being informed by Biggs for the first time that there even was a rebellion, that is why he knows about it later on talking to C3PO in the Lars garage.

  7. Hamill is a legend. I think he was very typecast after SW.

  8. He looks bloody good in the above photo. Just compare it to the Jay Leno picture on the right hand side column of this web page. He looks younger and his hair is different, it's grey in the Jay Leno pic.

    The only one we have to worry about now is Carrie Fisher, even if she loses a bit of weight, what about those damn ugly Botox lips she has now, what's going on there?

    1. Eh, yeah her lips do look very 'enhanced'. But hopefully they smack the same shade of red lipstick on her to Leia her up a bit. They are certainly not "ugly". I mean she hardly looks like Jocelyn Wildenstein does she.. Carrie is not ugly at all, she is just really different to how she was 40 years ago. She was only 19 when she was first cast and still developing. Carrie actually looks different in A New Hope to how she does in Return Of The Jedi, she lost a lot of baby fat in her cheeks. Carrie's looks have definitely changed the most compared to Mark and Harrison, but we certainly don't "have to worry" though.

  9. HAHA not decided 3 months before shooting with a script done lol.And yeah he lost alot of weight ! Imagiine that face with makeup, obe wan beard and jedi robes awesome !

  10. Anyone who believes "Nothing Has Been Decided Yet" is a moron. The main cast has signed onto it or not before they started to write the script

  11. Wow Mark looks great. and he is 62!? If I see anyone else complain about how his age or looks is going to be some problem, then I'm going to vomit in their face. As for his comments about nothing being decided, he did say that they wouldn't recast Luke Han or Leia if they didn't want to be in the film. But as we know, the script is done. So they must have made the decision a long long time ago, and right now will be setting in stone as we speak. I think he is just fibbing bless him. Hurry up and confirm it Disney so we can start talking details !

  12. some of you movie fans just want to know too much right now.... why cant you all just wait untile the movie comes out.... most fans like you are the reasons secrets get leaked out and ruined. geeze..

  13. Ummm Are we taking about Mark losing weight? Really? Why am I reading this.....

    1. Probably for the same reason you commented on it.

  14. So, they have finished the script, but 'nothing has been decided yet'? Hmmmmm......

  15. I don't care what anyone says. Carrie Fisher is Hot, even at her older age. Put her in the gown she wore on Cloud City and put anyone of us fan boys in a room alone with her....

  16. how can Anonymous from January 23, 2014 at 5:40 AM comment on spoilers on a Start Wars News website? That's the reason why we are all on here, but not to ruin the film, just to find out something to look forward to.

  17. can't wait to see hamill in episode seven...beard and his jedi robe and people will be buzzing....episode seven could break record's..just because luke Skywalker is in the movie

  18. Hey guys, just wanted to remind everyone that someone who's in the know is watching you! Keep up the good work, fans!

    1. I am sure there will be lines for days when episode VII comes out. I just wish you guys could tell us if the big 3 are coming back

    2. I am just curious if you guys have called people from the online auditions yet. Also about when you guys are going to anounce the big 3.

    3. I can tell you that the big three are alive and well. The problem is, when to announce it. The whole world is waiting for this news and forums are going crazy with excitement. The fans, god love 'em, just can't rest waiting for it. I suppose I will break this news: James, Wade, and Bosh are all going to be back next season. They just won't be in Star Wars.

  19. If I could ask Hamill a question, it would be "what motivated you to get inn shape?" And then I would look at his face for his first reaction.

  20. Do we really want Luke Skywalker to still be young and pretty at this late stage? He will be a hooded, bearded elder now, not the young hero. There is a lot of 'flattering' they can do with makeup and digitally, too, if need be. The big 3 will all look fine For Their Age, in the film.

  21. There are a lot of extra scenes with Biggs and other characters like Princess Leia's father in the Star Wars Radio Drama. It includes a bunch of cool stuff like Leia stealing the Death Star plans and the race in Beggar's Canyon.

  22. at they have removed rumor for the actores and Leia have change name to Leia Solo.
    Just saying.

  23. He does looks good on the photo with the note and the banana!

    If there is another Indiana Jones movie, I hope they bring in Mark. I always thought it will be effing cool if they have Mark in the Indy movies. Its not uncommon to have same actors in a few different movies together. How many movies have George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt in together that is not Ocean movies?

    Harrison is an idol of mine since Han Solo. Mark is just plain under-rated but everyone knows he is the best Joker voice actor on earth. He will be a great addition in the upcoming Age of Ultron!

    1. Mark will never be in Indy just like Ford will not be in The Black Pearl.

  24. Regarding IMDB changes, could this mean an official announcement very soon?

  25. Hamill looks great in this photo.He has rejuvenated 30 years!!!(almost).Now,Hamill almost prepared to play Luke again with Force and Dignity.

    I hope that he plays Luke without a beard.....the essence of this character is his spiritual strength but,also,his boy soul.If Hamill growing a beard will break this.

  26. he also mentioned about not be allowed to eat diary that he loves, which tells me hes on a DIET, also he kept going on about keeping secrets because its good for films. the three are in the new film, they would of told us by now, because if we were told they were not, there would be a huge let down

  27. Look at it this way. If he wasn't in it, then he would say so.
    If he is involved, then he can't say anything!


    Recent pic performing a force choke??

  29. "Older Luke Skywalker: beard or no beard?

    Well based on what has gone before, I have a feeling it’s beard, but I have no confirmation of that. My wife said if you grow a beard, you’ll cover up your cleft chin. That’s not something that occurred to me. But I can only guess. I’ve never read any of the novelizations or anything but someone said to me, ‘you’re married, you have children.’ Based on Obi-Wan I would have guessed I’d be living in an igloo or something. He was more spiritual, he didn’t have a wife or children. And when you find out one of the only eligible women in the galaxy is your sister, it really cuts down on your odds of hooking up with anyone. But that’s not what these movies are about. The charm of the trilogy is it appeals to the child in all of us. It goes back to playing in your backyard. It’s very primal, it’s good versus evil, a high sense of adventure."

  30. I hope they stay away from the EU stuff completly. I hope for a great new twist such as Han and Liea never got married and had children and went their seperate ways. I mean come on, Han Solo getting married and settling down? LOL I would hope that the teenage girl and boy mentioned in the casting calls are lukes children. I dont think the rules of the old jedi order should apply anymore. You would think that the only way the order could replenish itself would be for force sensitives and any remaining jedi to breed to help the order flourish again. As for spoilers, I was all about thems with I, II and III but this time would like to know little, however I dont consider giving us cast information a spoiler. Just announce that they are coming back already and quit toying with fans!!! On a final note: Benidect Cumberbatch would be a GREAT bad guy. I hope those rumors are true. Even though he was in star trek he seems like a perfect fit for star Wars. He has the look, attitude and accent of a perfect sith!!!

  31. I'm just excited that we all get to experience the thrills of the SW universe on the big screen again, in whatever capacity! I've been a fan since standing in those long lines back in '77, and have been hooked ever since. I've read a number of posts here that go back and forth about the EU stuff, but I'm sure with the crew that are in place making this film, it's going to be great. Mark looks awesome, and I am so glad that he'll be a part of this in any facet as he'll always be Luke Skywalker, hero of the galaxy! My one hope in the new trilogy is that Boba Fett or another Mandalorian/Mandalorians make it into the story. Impatiently awaiting this release!!!!!

  32. Luke never wanted to join the Empire.The Empire was looked at as the dark side.Biggs and friends joined the academy for the Republic.The ships/fleet were called Imperial Cruisers.If I'm wrong forgive me.Sounds right to me.

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