Star Wars Episode 7 News

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Star Wars: Rebels Character Details + First Look at Rebels Lego Sets.


The new Star Wars: Rebels Lego sets revealed quite a few new details about the upcoming TV Show. Hit the jump for the names of a 2 new Characters + the name of a new ship. Also is it possible to see Expanded Universe characters in Star Wars: Rebels? ...

MakingStarWars made an interesting discovery with some description found on 2 of the new Lego sets about Star Wars: Rebels. The description says:
Take on evil Imperial forces in The Phantom with opening cockpit, 2-way spring-loaded shooter, rear cargo compartment and more.
Join the Rebel resistance against the evil Empire in The Phantom attack shuttle, as seen in the exciting Star Wars: Rebels animated TV series! Place young Rebel hero Ezra Bridger in the detachable cockpit and store his cadet helmet and blaster in the cargo Fly The Phantom into battle against the evil Empire!
Pilot The Ghost with 2 cockpits, 360-degree rotating gun turret, spring-loaded shooters, detachable escape pods, Holocron and more.
Get ready to battle the Empire with the Rebel heroes’ awesome starship – The Ghost – as seen in the thrilling Star Wars: Rebels animated TV series! Stay on course with Rebel minifigures in the two cockpits and put Zeb on patrol in the 360-degree rotating Join the Rebel heroes aboard The Ghost!

So we have two ships now - The Phantom and The Ghost. Also we have the names of 2 of the good guys in the series - Ezra Bridger and Zeb who will be opposing the Inquisitor.

And here's a sneak peek at the Ghost Lego set as well as some other potential names from Star Wars: Rebels:

Also here's an interesting answer from Rebels' executive producer Greg Weisman on will we see some Expanded Universe characters in the TV show:


  1. I'm not too happy with those starship names: Phantom and Ghost... I feel like they were brought about by an 8 year old. Also, Ezra and Zeb probably could've been named better, just saying. My hopes in this series are slowly diminishing. I was hoping for something that'd revamp my enthusiasm in an animated Star Wars television series, but so far this isn't looking too promising. I hope I'm wrong, but we'll have to wait until the show starts airing to make an accurate judgement.

  2. Inquisitor kind of looks like Pinhead without the pins

  3. Rebels could still be ok hopefully. You have to figure it will have some dopey characters, names, etc. I mean it is a cartoon afterall and its geared towards a younger audience. Its not like its a mature animation for adults.

  4. I love the art, but I have a bad feeling about this. The Droids cartoon in the 80s only lasted 1 season. I think that was due to the lack of familiar cast in the series. The droids weren't enough to keep fans' attention. REBELS has yet to have a character we know. The Clone Wars succeeded because the central characters (Ashoka aside) were ones we knew from the movies. We're talking A-list characters Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, Jedi, Dooku, Palpatine etc. It doesn't sound like this series will star Vader, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, the droids, Senator Leia Organa, Tarkin & the Death Star etc. I'll still tune in out of curiosity, of course.

  5. my Grandson and i cannot wait to see Rebels! He really likes the ships! in the end after all, this will be his generations "own" Star Wars beginnings!

    1. star wars is a multigenerational saga about the Skywalker family, but it is also a multigenerational thing for the fans & their families & I like that! We old guys like the original trilogy best, the next generation prefer the prequels & the clone wars & now it is time for yet another generation to discover star wars through rebels & the sequels & if you look at it that way there really is no reason to talk bad about any star wars material. We all like different things, i prefer the originals since i grew up with them, my nephews prefer the prequels since they grew up with them & the next generation will maybe prefer the sequels & rebels,.. but overall i like all star wars material :) Can´t wait to see Rebels/ J from Sweden

  6. I think all of you need to have more faith and just sit back and wait for the show to premier. Its created, writen, produced by AMAZING people. I mean Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg enough said. You haven't even seen anything yet and are judging it so hard. "my hope is diminishing".....please...

    1. No shit what's wrong with some of you people

    2. If you had finished reading my above comment, you would have noticed that I'm actually agreeing with your statement here... Talk about early judgement...geez.
      I'm aware of the talented writers and producers assigned to develope this show. I'm not saying I'm completely giving up on the series, that'd be arrogant and foolish of me to determine so early in its' pre production. I'm simply saying that the recently released information hasn't really been sitting well with me. No shit, I'm still going to wait for the series to premier and watch it. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to make any accurate judgements whatsoever.
      There's nothing wrong about not being satisfied with the information we've recieved so far. I mean, we've gotten more news about this series that episode VII and people are making stronger judgements about that. I say what's wrong with THOSE people?

  7. Very beautiful ship. There's any chance to see some new SW Rebels ship in Episode 7?

  8. They stole the vehicle names Ghost and Phantom right out of Halo...

  9. Mos Eisley Cantina Lego sett? Im inn :)


      It's been done. I had this set as a kid. I'm guessing they'll just be re-releasing it with a new design and lots more pieces. I'll admit, this first cantina set is a bit lame.

  10. To say that rebels isn't going to have any characters we've seen before is a major misjudgment. Of course we are going to see Han Solo and Leia and probably Luke too, and several other characters. This may not happen right away in the series, but it has to start somewhere. Also, seeing that there's about 20 years in between episodes III and IV, there's gonna be a LOT going on in Rebels. The possibilities are endless as to what they could do with this. But I can assure you without a doubt that several familiar characters are going to be intermingled with this untold story...and some new ones also. IT'S GONNA BE AWESOME EVERYBODY, WHAT THE WORLD! can't wait!

    1. they will probably focus on introducing the new characters first, but the impact of seeing a familiar face when we have been left hanging for some episodes will be even greater, imagine Vader suddenly appearing without any warning !!! :) i agree: IT WILL BE AWESOME, just seeing familiar designs on spaceships such as the TIE fighter & hear the sound of them will surely send shivers down my spine... -Do you guys Think we will see Millenium Falcon in Rebels?

  11. Let's hope that Zeb and Ezra are the viewer's entrance into "Rebels" the way Ahsoka was in "Clone Wars" and that they are surrounded by some better-known characters.

  12. Did anyone else notice how different Joel Aron looks now in the Rebel's videos? I hate to say this but he looks very similar to my father-in-law before he died of cancer. I hope he isn't sick but if so I hope he gets better soon.
