Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Actual Scenes from Star Wars: Episode 7 Have Been Used During the Open Auditions.

star wars

Here's the extraordinary story of Irish actor Daryl McCormack, who made it through to the last round of auditions for a role in Star Wars: Episode 7. The 21-year-old talent didn't get the part but revealed some interesting bits about the open audition process...

Although he narrowly missed out on the role, he's been told he's now on the Hollywood casting agents' books for future projects - as they loved him on screen.
"It came down to experience mostly," Daryl told the Herald.
"I got through as far as I could and that's amazing, I'm thrilled about that."
It all started when he turned up to Croke Park last November for an open casting and within hours had turned producers' heads.
"After the first stage there was a call back that afternoon and we had to play out a scene from 'The Hunger Games' to the camera," he said.
"A couple of weeks later they rang me to record two scenes from the actual 'Star Wars' film for them and send it over. I had almost forgotten about it at that point so I was delighted."
Daryl had to sign a confidentiality agreement not to reveal any details about the scenes he was given, as producers want the storyline to be kept a surprise for fans when it is released in 2015.
"In January there were the final call backs in London and I was one of them," Daryl said.
"There were very few of us there and it was a fantastic experience - we were in a proper studio acting out scenes from the movie."
He added: "It was really exciting for me to get to do an audition of that scale and make it that far. The fact that I know I'm on their radar now too is beyond anything I expected."

Source: (via JediNews


  1. "producers want the storyline to be kept a surprise for fans when it is released in 2015."
    I wonder if this is exaggerated or not. I hope not. I want to know if it's still about the empire or not (I hope so), but apart from that I don't want to know anything at all till I'm sitting down watching it.

    1. 30 years after the return of the jedi the Empire must have already been destroyed. Some secret apprentice must palpatine is preparing to take revenge of the jedi, hiding on Korriban or Malachor. Mara Jade must have died from the birth to ben kenobi. The plot should focus Sith against Jedi

    2. This sounds like fanfiction to me, Anonymous #2. There are no rumors about Anakin Solo, who you mean, who was conceived to be a copy-paste of Anakin Skywalker's story, and was killed because Lucas said to make original stories (ironically, considering what happened in the Legacy books.). For Anonymous #1, there are almost certainly going to be trailers.

    3. "must have already been destroyed." ... oh well that's settled then, thank you for you insightful knowledge of how stories can develop.

    4. The chance of mara jade is dead in the movie is great, it is known that the description of the test was an orphan possibly be the son or daughter of luke

    5. Or, they could be NON-RELATED people of a new generation. Spinoff-babies was a joke, not a rule.

    6. I'd say the most likely Star Wars couple to have had kids by the time EpVII comes around is Leia and Han. I always thought that Luke having children was a little hard to believe, but I can see the solo kids joining forces with some unrelated younger characters that will shape the next installments of the ST. EpVII will serve as the transitional film from the OT into the ST. Familiar characters will have to be in it for that transition to be effective.

  2. well its not going to be a surprise because we still have trailers and shooting news

  3. That is amazing! I can't wait until we get the official cast, let alone the storyline.

  4. Note to anyone who was part of an audition: It's ok to brake a confidentiality agreement as long as you do it confidentially

    1. ... And announce to the world that you can't be trusted; it's very easy to plant different information so you know who saw it.

    2. I think Star Wars is a *bit* more important then being black listed in the industry (;

    3. You mean ruining people's fun is more important than making a living? I remember when people didn't know the entire plots of movies before they watched them.

  5. It's nice to have something that isn't just a rumor. People pointed out before the 'leaked auditions' were altered Hunger Games stuff. This suggests to me that the rumors of the re-write could be false; that was just a rumor not news, remember. The Hunger Games is popular with men and women, just like Disney wants Star Wars to be. (They have Princess stuff for women, Marvel stuff for boys.)

    1. @ R3GARnator,

      If Disney wants Star War to be popular with males and females, they sure have an odd way of showing it. Rebels: no girl characters announced so far (and I'm expecting there to be only 1 girl characters.) Episode VII: from the casting rumors, NONE of the young cast is going to be female.

    2. Two big problems with your logic. One, those are rumors. Two, they ALREADY CAST several people. It's not like they have no cast and then a full cast the next day.

    3. Check this out guys

  6. I wanted to audition so bad but I have no experience and I know I wouldn't make it lol. this means to me that we should start getting some interesting news here in about 6 months or so.

  7. Worthless information. Yes, people are auditioning. They can't talk about the script lest they become bantha fodder.

    The only thing we need to know is that Kasdan is writing the script. Check out his work over the past decade to set your expectations for Episode VII.

    1. Ignorance is always amusing to me. No that is not "all we need to know" How much of the script is he writing? How much is JJ writing? Are they collaborating together as they write? How much influence does Simon Kinberg have on the script too? How much influence does Kathleen Kennedy have on the script? Is the script being completely re-written after Michael Arndt's depature? Or is JJ and Larry fine-tuning it? Is this a completely new story after Arndt left or is it just being re-written? If it's a completely new story how much say did Arndt have when he left? Were all of Arndt's idea's scrapped? How much of George's outlines have made it into the script?
      So no there are a lot more things we need to know than "Kasdan is writing the script." Which is just faulted information anyway, baring in mind JJ is writing too..

    2. You said it anonymous Feb 16... 1:17 AM,

      I couldn't have put it any better. I wonder if we threaten Disney to not buy their Star Wars merchandise and/or not watch Rebels on television if Disney would finally listen to us fans (the same way they listen to their Marvel fans.)

    3. Yeah right..... just like they listen to us Southern California locals øvet their upsurdly inflated prices yo go to Disneyland these days.... Prices have skyrocketed in the past 6 years... Sure didn't listen when I called them to complain....

    4. How it worked before, was that Lucas wrote the script, and then Kasdan fixed up the dialogue. Abrams is the main writer, especially if that whole re-write thing is true; that would mean that he didn't like it and decided to do it himself.

  8. You're all believing the word of some nobody? What if I said that I had auditioned for Star Wars and that they had parts of the Episode VII AND Episode VIII scripts, and that I "heard" that Jennifer Jawrence was chosen for a lead role? Would you believe me?

    1. ^Jennifer Lawrence, of course, I meant to say.

    2. Well, he is an actor. Not an anonymous commenter. So, no.

  9. Well, the Empire MUST have been destroyed after 30+ years. Sure, same should be true regarding the Taliban or Al Quaida... If these small organizations are still at large on our tiny planet, then the Galactic Empire has no chance against a small rebel fleet and some insurrctionists in a whole galaxy...
