Star Wars Episode 7 News

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Exactly 10 Years After Gary Oldman Turned Down Star Wars: Episode 3, He Has Been Asked Again for a Role in Star Wars: Episode 7.

star wars

While discussing with Sky Movies his latest movie Robocop, actor Gary Oldman revealed that "they (probably Disney) have called him" about a role in the new Star Wars movies...


This is not the first time Oldman's name is connected with Star Wars.

If you remember during the filming of Episode 3 it was reported that Oldman was fired from the movie. However it turned out that Gary quit out of support for the Screen Actors Guild, since this film violated his unions rules. The film was being made outside of the Screen Actors Guild, so all union actors technically are not allowed to be in it.

Then Oldman's spokesman said:
  "Gary was excited and looking forward to working on the film. The snag is that the movie is being made without members of the Screen Actor's Guild. It means Gary would have been working illegally overseas. Out of respect and solidarity with the other members, he could not and would not consider violating the rules of his union."  

Hope he gets it this time. He is one of my favorites and really a great talent. His role in Leon was one of the best villain roles ever.


  1. He will play Grand Admiral Thrawn.

    1. He will play Thrawn *waves hand.

    2. No, he won't...What, you think you are some kind of Jedi waving your hand around like that?

    3. Thrawn isn't going to be in the movie.

    4. He will play Dutchess Thrown - as in Overboard, with a thong butt shot and all.

  2. he is a class actor plays a bad man very well in Leon plus stawars written for us brits

  3. Replies
    1. Darth Meany-head

    2. oh wait I'm thinking of somebody else oh i killed the joke im sorry

    3. Darth Father. Oh wait, we've had one of those for decades.

    4. Or, Dark Laser.
      Definitely a good Dark Laser.

    5. Darth Pepsi... he's a sellout

    6. Darth Pepsi... he's a sellout

  4. Darth Gordon!

    Honestly, I think he will make a great addition to SW!

  5. Gabriel Byrne was tied to ep2 for a while, he's add some weight. Rutger Hauer would be amazing too.

  6. Replies
    1. Actually I can see that. He would make an excellent Gilad Pallaeon.

  7. Oldman as Jorus C'Baoth would be awesome as well..

    1. are people still ignoring the fact episode 7 won't be anything to do with the EU..?

    2. AnonymousFebruary 6, 2014 at 4:52 PM
      You must be ignoring the recent news because we've been informed that EpVII will be barrowing concepts from the EU. Maybe not the same characters or plot points, but very similar.

    3. Seriously??? You´re calling rumours for news now??? The EU stuff is NOT happening, so just drop it already.

    4. Thanks for your unbiased opinion...

    5. I don't think JJ and disney would just throw all the amazing EU characters out of the star wars universe and pretend those things never happened.. Maybe alter the timelines but that would hopefully be the only thing they alter. For all we know JJ could be an EU fan as well?

    6. It wouldn't really be "throwing it out" if Disney chose not to include specific material from the EU. Those stories are a world of their own. With the ST, they're trying to build on the story that the films have established.

    7. "You must be ignoring the recent news because we've been informed that EpVII will be barrowing concepts from the EU. "
      ...Like I said before, are people really ignoring the fact we've been TOLD that it will be an original story? They wouldn't just pick and choose stuff from the EU. And if they at all are indeed interested in anything from the EU, they'd only use it as influence when they create the ORIGINAL STORY, which we have, I repeat, have been told is happening.

    8. That doesn't mean they won't barrow any concepts from the EU whatsoever. The Solos will certainly have children and Luke will have started the NJO. They may not use the exact same characters, planets, plot points or threats, but they will be very similar.

    9. we've been informed that EpVII will be barrowing concepts from the EU-
      Oh do excuse me, I must not have realised. So, when did Disney announce this? Oh they didn't announce it? Oh, sorry, when did Lucasfilm announce it? .. They didn't? Oh ok then.

    10. "That doesn't mean they won't barrow any concepts from the EU whatsoever." Um.. Using a character from the EU, Jorus C'Baoth, is a lot more than simply 'borrowing a concept'.

    11. I never suggested that they'd be using Jorus C'Baoth... You're all completely missing my point. Just forget it, it's not worth providing any explaination to fans who are too narrow minded to understand.

    12. I'm just pointing out that all this talk about the EU and backing it up because of some rumours is just silly. Open minded and being logical are completely different things..

    13. I wasn't saying it was for sure or trying to back it up at all. I was making a point that it's equally likely at this point that the EU will or will not be included. I'm sorry if my above comments were at all misleading.

    14. The movies will be following Lucas' outlines. Period.

      Since the EU is an expansion of what Lucas creates, it's highly unlikely that much EU material will show up in the Sequel Trilogy.

    15. I'm afraid I agree about the fact that it isn't likely, but when we know that Abrams have been talking with Timothy Zahn, i like to think that the villain would at least be a chiss grand admiral who has been building up a powerfull fleet and seeks to "restore order" in the galaxy.

    16. Timothy Zahn approached Lucas in the 90's asking what his vision of the post-ROTJ story was and based the Thrawn trilogy off of that vision.

    17. I'm not saying Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy was exactly what Lucas had in mind, but it was based on Luycas' vision. That gives Abrams enough reason to borrow concepts from certain EU material. At this point, it's foolish to try and proove whether or not the EU will be referenced, but it's not a far fetched suggestion.

    18. Some of the characters in the new continuity will be based on EU characters. That doesn't mean that EU stories will be used in the new movies. We'll have a chance to discuss this in an article I'm preparing for next week. Jedi Digger shared something really interesting and quite shocking for me. Although there are some signs about it on the web for some time now...

    19. Why would they bother redefining canon if that were'nt the case?

    20. People assuming 0% of the EU will appear, despite evidence to the contrary, like Rebels using COMPNOR, and the EU heads being promoted.

      People assuming 100% of the EU will say, purely because they want it to, ignoring the impracticality of it.

      Reality = Somewhere in-between.

  8. Who was Oldman supposed to have played in Episode III?

    1. I'm not sure, but it'd be interesting to see him play a role in Star Wars. Possibly a senator or some political figure? I cant see him with a lightsaber.

    2. I had read in another article that he was supposed to be the voice of Gen. Grievous.

    3. I could totally see him with a lightsaber in some kick ass jedi robes

    4. I don't know what he would play but I can't see him being a Jedi to be honest. Maybe a sith or a general villain or something

    5. Anonymous @ 4:27pm is right, he was going to br the voice of Gen Grievous

  9. can disney or someone please just confirm something, anything, I don't care what it is which fans it effects or who's playing what, I just want someone to come out in the open with us and say so and so is definitely in the movie or so and so is definitely not in the movie, so all the actors can stop beating around the bush when asked questions by reporters!

    1. Don't hold your breath. There won't be any official announcements for a while. The film won't be released for almost 2 years...

    2. We'll at least get casting announcements soon. Look what Carrie Fisher said recently. "Fisher says she, Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are expected to report to work in March or April." Which likely means that she's been told that it will be announced in March or April that she, Mark, and Harrison will be confirmed to the public that they are cast. And I'm guessing they will want to film little videos like they did with John Williams. Hence the "expected to report to work in March or April". I'm guessing Disney wanted to prolong their announcement so they had time to get in shape before they were presented to the public in the announcement. Then as we know, JJ confirmed that actual filming begins in May. So in at least three months we'll know our cast. They wouldn't keep the cast a secret when filming has started.

    3. Besides all of that, there is the fact that they tend to announce casts together. That would require getting the cast in one place, I think.

      If that rumor about needing to cast 2 leads still is correct, that is yet another reason.

  10. Fassbender and Oldman would be epic. Weaving as well? Insanely awesome. I wish it were true but... you know how it is.

  11. Imagine if he was cast as Talon Karrade...

  12. This, now, this would make me Squee. He is soothing, just like Mark.

    With all of these rumored cast-members, probability suggests that the results will spark Yaoi fanfiction by the thousands.
