Star Wars Episode 7 News

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

UPDATE! Rumor: More Fuel to the Ksenia Solo Rumor and Other Star Wars: Episode 7 Casting Bits.

star wars

Few months ago the Latvian-Canadian actress Ksenia Solo was rumored to be one of the many names considered for a role in Star Wars: Episode 7. At that time her agent neither denied nor confirmed the rumors. Now there are some more signs for her possible involvement with J.J. Abrams' next movie...

Note: If you're watching the Showcase series Lost Girl with Ksenia Solo and still haven't seen the final season 4, then stop reading. Spoilers ahead!  

The rumor about Solo was first mentioned by JediNews in September last year

Since then many of her followers on Twitter asked her for a comment on the rumor but she haven't dropped a word. This is pretty strange considering that she is very active on Twitter and always shows a great engagement with her fans.

star wars

Since 2010, Ksenia Solo has starred as Kenzi in the Canadian supernatural crime drama Lost Girl. Her character is the show's comic relief and she quickly became the fan's favourite. Then suddenly and quite unexpectedly her character was killed in the last episode of season 4. This caused a huge fan rage. All message boards and blogs about the movie are filled with angry fans who are really shocked by this.

Killing her character would have made sense if this was the final season of the series but that's not the case. There's already been a casting call for the next season. 

It's a common practice to kill a character played by an actor/actress who is unable to reprise his/her role. And we know that filming a TV series requires much more devotion and time from the actors. Also Solo doesn't have any future projects on her IMDb page which is strange for such talent. 

All these facts really suggest that she is preparing for a new project that is being kept a secret. Could it be Star Wars: Episode 7? I really would like to think so. Actually I really believe it. Most likely Abrams and Lucasfilm won't announce the cast for Episode 7 till May, so we should get the answer of this in 2 months time. Until then consider this a speculation.

star wars

And speaking about Episode 7 casting I just received two very curious tips.

The first one is about Sigourney Weaver who at some point had a meeting with J.J. Abrams regarding a role in Episode 7. There are no details if it was an audition or a negotiation. This doesn't come as a surprise as we all know that almost everybody in Hollywood went through some kind of discussion about a role in the movie. 

The second and more interesting tip is from an LA source that I trust, who told me something that was quite shocking for me. It's about a young actor who may have been offered the role of one of the original cast members. Unfortunately I was told not to run this story before May, so I can't tell you their names. I know that this is not what the fans would want to hear but let's just wait a little bit more, before you make any assumptions. Treat this as a rumor for now. I personally hope it's not true. More on this in the first week of May...


Obviously the last few sentences caused a confusion so I'm making a clarification. The original cast member is from the Big Four (Luke, Leia, Han, Lando)! Until official word is released this is just a rumor.


  1. I read Ksenis Solo and thought: "That's kind of a weird way to rename Jaina, but ok..." But no, so I wonder who Solo would play if she is in the movie(s)

    1. At this point I'll take hayden Christensen as Luke's daughter if it means breaking the silence and revealing something OFFICIAL.

    2. Ksenia Solo is a brilliant actress- She really brings Kenzi in Lost Girl to life and is the heart of that show. I really hope that she is able to act in both SW7 and LG5

  2. I could see Sigourney Weaver as a Mara Jade type character or as a love interest for Luke.

    1. Hmm.. On the bleak possibility they're trying to recast the role of Leia I could also see her as that

    2. ....Or an Aliens crossover. Darth Ripley uses her new found powers to exterminate a race of xenomorphs, that has infested Korriban.

    3. Enough with the mara jade crap already, I'm sure this is relating to Leia being recast

  3. My sources tell me that the big 3 will be recast as singing penguins... shhh, don't tell anyone... Disney wants to announce it big time...

  4. About Ksenia Solo, she already has the name "Solo" hahaha. On the second rumor, might be for the role of "Solo" in spin-off

  5. Why would your source tell you a rumor they don't want you to tell yet? Would clarifying whether it's a young actor or actress be braking that trust?

    1. It's an actor. Revealing more could really endanger my source. Just wait until May.

    2. Thanks for that at least Viral. And it's ok, I've already guessed that they're replacing Kenny Baker

    3. Ahhh... Reverse psychology.. (; Say no more, say no more lol

    4. Maybe an unknown young actor like Anthony Ingruber as a young Solo is a distinct possibility, he nails Ford/Solo hands down. He says on his twitter & FB that hes got a "HUGE announcement coming soon".. what could that mean? a lot of chatter & interest starting to grow around this guy...

    5. WOW ! i just watched the clip where he does his han solo impression, this guy IS young Han Solo!!! They would be foolish not to cast him in the spinoff movie, he got all right faceimpressions, quirky smiles etc. .. & he even sounds like Harrison, but i do hope his up for the spinoff movie & not ep.7

    6. You have to be kidding me... Anthony Ingruber is a hack.

    7. He has an upcoming role in a new film which he can't reveal for legal reasons. He's perfect as a relatively complete unknown actor, just what JJ and K Kennedy are looking for. Linked to Disney. Would be a great Solo offspring and also an opportunity for Harry to pass the baton i.e. Indy. Ingruber is a long shot, but just the sort of talent hidden in plain sight. Keep an eye on this kid, he's got the goods.

  6. Recasting anyone of the big 3 would be the death of star wars, and that's no joke.
    Anyways she could play Jaina yeah, of course that would not be her name as the EU is dead by the arrogand LUCASFILM.

  7. The quote was 'young actor who may have been offered the role of one of the original cast members.' If it was any of the big hitters then a 'young actor' wouldn't fit the bill with them all being 60+ so I wouldn't worry about a big three recast or anything like that

  8. I really hope Disney doesn't decide to cast her on the basis of her last name, and how "Solo" would be the perfect ice-breaker on Disney Channel interviews.

    1. ...yeah they are going to audition thousands of people, only to cast the person with the ironic last name.. I've always wanted Ksenia to play the daughter of Han and Leia as she is one of the best young actresses around at playing funny female badass characters, and Leia and Han are the definition of funny badasses. Plus (not that it matters but) she actually kind of looks like Leia..

  9. wow, Sigourney Weaver and Ksenia Solo. That's fiine by me !

  10. The original cast members were Carrie Fsher, mark Hamill, and Harrison Ford, and Billy
    Dee Williams, if you count ESB.

  11. Hmm, maybe it's time to start opening our minds to the fact that we very may well see some crummy pointless flashback, especially after the rumour about Leia auditions and now this. But please.. god.. just.. no..

    1. I would rather see flashbacks I suppose than some kind of alternate universe, or alternate timeline like in Lost and Star Trek.

    2. star wars never needed flashbacks, alternate universes or alternate timelines. I don't see why they can't just continue the story like normal.

  12. Any replacement of original cast members will just kill it for me, including the actors who play C3P0 and Chewbacca.
    All or nothing otherwise Disney suck cock big time.

    1. Yeah I can live without Kenny Baker, But I will be so dissapointed not to see Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels and king Harrison Ford come back. But especially if Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill aren't in it- My soul will burn with fiery anger from the deepest pits of hell.

    2. Actually, I would be disappointed to not see Chewbacca, R2D2, and C3PO. It's the characters I care about, not the guys inside the suits. Who cares if they choose someone besides Mayhew to play Chewbacca? It's not like you're going to tell the difference between wookee barking sounds.

      Now Fisher, Hamill, and Ford are a different story because their faces/voices are irreplacable.

    3. they only announced returning character yet is r2d2, a fan made one, so this could mean they are only going to use the robot & not Kenny

    4. "Who cares if they choose someone besides Mayhew to play Chewbacca?"
      Stupid comment. Well I do, and loads of other fans. He has very distinctive Chewie movements, and it would just be nice for the fans who care to know that it's still the same actor. Plus it would be nice for Peter.
      "It's not like you're going to tell the difference between wookee barking sounds."
      ... idiot

    5. ^actually, jackass you are the idiot. If I put 10 guys in wookee suits, coached them to act like Chewbacca, and then asked you to tell me which one was Mayhew, I bet a hundred dollars you couldn't tell which one was him. Search your feelings... you know it is true.

      You are just a raving mad OT fanatic with a great "childhood." If I put Ahmed Best (who played Jar Jar) in a Chewbacca Suit, you will say he was the worst thing in cinematic history. The human mind works in strange ways. And before you ask, yes, I like the OT too.

    6. omg you don't even understand. Well duh it would be more difficult seeing that he's wearing a monkey suit for god sake, but he knows the character inside out. At the end of the day, out of all 7 billion people on the plannet to play chewbacca, I'd pick the guy who already played chewbacca. Why is this a difficult concept?
      "You are just a raving mad OT fanatic with a great "childhood." No, I am just using common sense.

    7. Irvin Kershner tried to use a replacement for Chewbacca while filming pick up shots for ESB, but canned the idea as Mayhew's movements in the Chewbacca costume, were unique to the actor.


    9. Chewie died on Serendipal whe the Vong crashed the moon into the planet.

  13. "A young actor" certainly seems to rule out a replacement for Hamill, Ford or Williams (and presumably Fisher - unless Leia has undergone a sex change) So maybe the role is one where we cannot see their face. If Peter Mayhew was replaced this wouldn't be shocking because of his recent operation. Kenny Baker has possibly been replaced by modern technology. So this perhaps suggests Anthony Daniels is out.

    1. The term "actor" can refer to either males or females. It's actually considered the politically correct term these days so don't discount Fisher. IMHO I wouldn't be surprised if it was her considering recent rumors. Maybe they want to kill her off (or one of the others) and are casting a young actor for a flashback?

    2. Because this is a Disney/JJ Abrams production, I can certainly see them killing off Fisher's character (as well as an assortment of female characters.) Disney has a whole history of killing off female characters and villain-izing women. And J J Abrams felt no hard feelings in killing off Spock's mother in the first atrocious Star Trek reboot, directly contradicting Star Trek canon.

    3. "Disney has a whole history of killing off female characters and villain-izing women."
      So what? Disney aren't making the film. Lucasfilm are. Disney have just acquired Lucasfilm so they will be doing all the funding and marketing and distributing and moneymaking etc etc. Disney is just a business, Their production and film companies are completely separate and have nothing to do with episode 7.

    4. Really? Are you that braindead? You really think Disney has no say in Lucasfilm which they acquired? If Lucasfilm decided to make the top three main protagonists girls, would you not think Disney would step in in outrage and say "We need more boys so they can buy our action figures!" ?

    5. Of course Disney have a say. But they will say "no I don't like that" "no that will be difficult for marketing" "no blah blah blah". But they won't have a creative say and make a suggest like "we want Leia to go dark side"

  14. Why would they ditch Anthony Daniels, though? Not only does he seem to live to be part of all things Star Wars, but let's face it... the guy IS C-3P0, right down to his toenails. And as far as I know, he's in good health.

    IMHO, if they're replacing a classic character with a younger actor, it's gotta be Chewie. Which is a shame,because Peter Mayhew is another one who seems to really love being part of SW-related events, and who genuinely IS his character at heart. But since he has mobility problems and is recovering from pretty major surgery, I could see them wanting to get another actor in there.

    If that's the case, then I hope they at least keep Peter on for closeups. So much of Chewie's character is in the eyes, after all.

    1. Yeah I think it was here I saw how Mayhew had taken pics from the set and stuff, seems like he had good time with Star Wars. Would feel bad for him if he couldn't be in it. Could be casting for Lowbacca!!!

    2. i also hope they keep Peter Mayhew for closeups, not only is so much of the character in the eyes, but it is hard to replace those Blue BLUE eyes of his without people noticing.

      Keep him for closeups & let someone young do all the running & climbing etc. ... PS. Wasn ´t there a rumour some months ago that they were looking for someone with the exact same height as Mayhew?


  15. chewie? 3PO? DARTH VADER? (noooOOOOOooooo)
    i'm going to be paranoid until May, gods.

    1. It just occurred to me they could be replacing Billy Dee Williams, as he is no longer the coolest black guy in the galaxy.

  16. at that picture Sigourney Weaver looks like Carrie Fischer does today, & she has a very natural look. I wonder what part she would play? third twin of Luke & Leia? :D hahaa, that would be a weird plot twist (& yes, I am just kidding) Casting Sigourney for any role would be nice, if they are going to have new big famous names, then she is a good choice, since she has already good merits from the genre. They can´t just pick anyone, especially not people associated with completely different things. Gary Oldman & rumoured John Noble is good choices to :)

    1. maybe they are going for a femal badguy, and Sigourney Weaver would most def be a cool femal emporourouroru..rrr

  17. Yea I definitely can see Noble playing a Sith Lord

  18. I wonder if they will stick with the whole Sith tradition of "Always 2", One Master & One Apprentice. I never read Darth Plagueis, but heard good things. Is this Tradition/Rule ever brought up in that?

    1. Of course it's the whole premise of the book. I didn't read it but i listened to its audiobook on youtube

    2. Its the same anon, I loved it! i thought it was fantastic and it tells you everything you will ever need to know about the PT and pretty much ties all of the loose ends together that the PT left you with and it even mentions other particular events that you can read about in the EU elaborates on certain arc's we see in TCW, like how Savage and Maul are related and were separated at birth so Maul wouldn't become a slave to Mother Talzin. But all in all I thought it was excellent and the fact that it is being considered official Canon by LFL because George had great influence in the book makes it even more worth reading, or listening to it.

    3. Cool, thanks! Just got it off amazon. Wonder what Sith antagonists will look like in this movie. Only one that was ever normal looking was Dooku, the rest always had either mask/helmet or just plain crazy looking!

    4. If you're interested in learning about the rule of 2, I recommend reading the darth bane series of books by Drew karpysyhn. Their well written, and explain the beginnings of the sith as you know them in the movies.

    5. Nice! Probably getting these as well. Thanks!

    6. I'll vouch for the Darth Bane series, excellent trilogy of books those!

  19. The big four. Is that luke leia han and lando? or luke leia han and chewie? or luke leia han and c3po?

  20. Princess Leia will appear as a force ghost in Episode 7. She died a few years after ROTJ. Hence casting a younger Leia.

    1. That would be beyond stupid, and it would also therefore make her child (if she did have a child) around 35 years old, which takes out the coming of age element to the story. Also, with Leia dead, it would erase a lot of the point and depth of Han as a character, and erase any chances of seeing Leia and Han be the classic wisecracking arguing couple a lot of the audience would like to see. Plus they would need to recast, and it would therefore be a huge distraction for the audience and also make it harder to take seriously and believably. To be honest there's a million reasons why this is a bad idea for the film.

    2. Agreed. Han would be pretty pointless as a character. If theres plans to kill one off, let them make the appearance first, then do what you must. Personally I don't wanna see that but I'm sure there will be something of a twist.

    3. Necessarily could have children 10 years after episode VI, can say that they married after that last remaining bit of the empire were destroyed, and GEMOS have 17 or 20 years

    4. They got their first kids in 9 aby, during the Thrawn trilogy. They never destroyed the imperial remnant, but Jagged Fel, Jaina Solos future husband became emperor and they kinda became good guys for a moment at least.


  21. Who sya the movie takes place 30 years after jedi, it could be 3 to 10 years after.

    1. Well Harrison was 41 in Jedi, he's now 72. 3 years must've been rough on ole Han! Jk I don't think they've announced the time distance, so good point.

    2. Lucas has said that the movies would be about an aged Luke, having an Obi Wan type role, passing on the torch to new generations, training young jedi etc. .. & that Star Wars is a multigenerational saga about the Skywalker family, meaning the next generation

    3. He's had several ideas for the ST, one of them had Luke, and his siter tracking down, and facing the emperor.

      Another one has luke, in his thirties going from knight to master.

      Aded to that George Lucas always changes his mind, or he lies.

    4. all those ideas was incorporated into ROTJ & after that Lucas still said the sequel trilogy (if ever made) would be about an aged Luke passing on the torch & it would deal with moral & philosofical questions

    5. That is something I read as well and wondered what angle they would go, its so imbiguous.

    6. George was writing this treatment around 2010 to the sale, this is all new.
      Steve Snnsweet said he was inspired while working on TCW. We have no idea what he put in this new treatment, and how abrams, and kasdan are doing with it.


    1. Where did I reprint these rumors from? I'm confused.

  23. Recasting makes sense if the movie takes place 2 to 10 years after ROTJ

  24. It's Peter Mayhew peeps....they are recasting Chewy due to the fact that Mr. Mayhew can't get around very well without a cane these days.

    1. Don't go spoiling their fun now.

  25. Ok for one thing, the film is already pretty certain to take place 30 years after the first movie. If they recast one old cast member with one young actor, then they would recast them all, because they aren't going to have a young actor playing an old character act along side the same actors who are now 30 something years older. Come on people. I don't even know why the source is worried.

    1. How do you know it's thirty years later?

  26. Funny how all the comments are about earlier articles. And everyone assumes, that older actors could ONLY POSSIBLE BE replacements, and not, I don't know, other characters? It's a big galaxy, and if the Jedi Order is being rebuilt, there should be others besides Luke in that generation.

    I think Ksenia Solo could be good.

  27. Why oh why..... these rumors are crazy. Fuckin disney just announce it alreadyyyyy

  28. Anyone notice that for the last few hours on IMDB the sites have been unusually buzzing about the rumors of the big 3, Billy Dee, Ian McDiarmid, Gary Oldman, and Benedict Cumberbatch all now officially cast in EP7?

    1. I think were gonna get an official cast announcement in a few weeks, tops.

  29. I wonder if time travel could be a part of the story of this movie?

    1. I hope to god not. Time travel does not belong in Star Wars they have Trek for that kind of ridiculousness

    2. Time travel was a part of Lost and Star Trek 2009, both JJ productions. It could explain young Leia and the return of the Emperor.

    3. Please JJ don't mess this up!

    4. If there is time travel I will rip off my own head I cannot believe filmmakers still use time travel in films it's the most ridiculous and lazy way to write a film ever.

  30. Star Wars Episode VII: Enemies of Old

    Young Jaina Solo must travel back in time to find and stop the resurrected Emperor Palpatine from changing the events of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

  31. Think about this: What if Princess Leia is captured by the Empire BEFORE she is intercepting the Death Star plans. Her mission on the blockade runner never happens. That would mean Luke never gets the help me Obi-Wan hologram AND does NOT go on his adventure! He never meets Han Solo! The Death Star is not destroyed! The Empire continues on.

    1. What's your point? There's literally thousands of things in a story that could cause different outcomes.

    2. The time travel scenario would give JJ all the Star Wars elements to play with. The Empire, Palpatine, The Death Star, even Darth Vader -- who would have never met Luke and turned to the light.

  32. Gee I hope by the big 4 you mean Chewbacca & that Peter Mayhew can't reprise his role due to ill health then I have no problem cause we don't see the actor anyway but if any of the big 3 are re-cast then the ST will be a way bigger mess than the PT .

  33. I think they're mixing the return of the emperor books with the thrawn trilogy, into a hybrid tie all together trilogy.

  34. I don't no how some of you people can just dismiss the actors that play masked characters. I remember seeing an interview with Irvin Kershner who said that during the filming of TESB Peter Mayhew fell ill so they got someone who was the same hight as Peter to put on the Chewie costume, they had to throw out those scenes because Chewie did not look right. It's the actions and mannerisms of the actor inside the suit who brings these characters to life, not anyone can jump into a Chewie or C3PO costume and say "Look at me I'm Chewie"

    1. couldn't agree more. People have this mindset that just because you can't see their face, it therefore doesn't matter if they can play the character or not.

    2. Yeah, I don't know how the hell they pull off Kermit the frog without Jim Henson.

    3. "not anyone can jump into a Chewie or C3PO costume and say "Look at me I'm Chewie" "

      Why would someone in a C-3PO costume claim to be Chewbacca? ;oP

    4. I'm not going to bother posting on this site anymore. Most of the comments are pure drivel, and when you make a mistake you get it shoved in your face. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, bur I must admit I feel embarrassed about it now, knowing that most of you are just spiteful little men who needs to get a life.

    5. Omg Fettman I couldn't agree more. People here are such mindless idiots that do not understand how stories are constructed or the process of filmmaking and it's just so embarrasing it actually hurts my brain. I don't know why I bother commenting amongst such idiotic babies.

    6. I'd agree that most people here are assholes, it's the internet, what do you expect? But that everyone here is a spiteful little man? There are plenty of large spiteful men and medium sized spiteful women here too.

    7. You forgot butch spiteful lesbians.

  35. "It's about a young actor who may have been offered the role of one of the original cast members". I wonder if we are looking at this wrong? Perhaps what Viral Hide is referring to are the numerous young actors who auditioned for the major roles back in the 1970's. People like Kurt Russell, Christopher Walken, Amy Irving, Jodie Foster, Cindy Williams, Terri Nunn etc. If so it could hint at one of the key characters been recast as these were the parts these actors were going for. However, Viral Hide mentions it is one of the Big FOUR. To me this says it is number 4 (otherwise he'd have said the Big 3) Who is No 4 though? Lando or Chewbacca? Anyway, this is my attempt at being Sherlock Holmes!

    1. haha. I don't think so judging by "a *young* actor"

    2. My point was that the "young actor" would have been young at the time in the 1970's. For example, Christopher Walken was a serious contender to play Han Solo before the part went to Ford. It depends how that sentence is read. In the past tense or the current tense.

    3. "My point was that the "young actor" would have been young at the time in the 1970's."
      Well yes I know what you meant. I'm saying that he said "young actor", as in, he is a person who is a young actor, not a person who once used to be a young..

  36. When you say Big Four I think of Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer.

    1. Hah...Brilliant. As did I...on an instinctual level.

  37. If it is a young actor for a big four, than it HAS TO be earlier in the timeline like Star Trek 2009, or a recording. They aren't just going to have a young person stand next to the others. So that Carrie Fisher thing and casting sounds like two unrelated things.

  38. There were several rumors posted on here about auditioning black males in their 30's or something like that. My assumption is that they are replacing Lando. Not sure why, but if you connect the dots it makes sense.

  39. First of all, I would think that JJ Abrams would want to do anything BUT another time-travel story at this point. Add to that the fact that we have never had even the slightest indication that there is anything like time-travel technology in the SW universe, and I think we can probably dispense with the time-travel concept altogether.

    Cloning, though... this we know they've got available in the SW universe. If they are casting for a young actor to portray one of the "Big Four", then I think it's a much safer assumption that we'd be looking at a clone of one of them.

    I think the most logical possibility here would be that somebody cloned Luke or Leia for their genetic Force bugs. Since Lucas reduced Force sensitivity to a biological element like midichlorians, as cheesy as that may be, I think it almost stands to reason that this will be used somehow to create the conflict in the new film. I can think of no other possibility other than flashbacks (and as many have pointed out, this would be a pretty serious stylistic departure for the SW series) for casting a young version of one of the "Big Four".

    That's all just a mildly educated guess, of course. I have absolutely no connection to anyone involved in the production, or even a connection with a friend of a friend of a brother-in-law of the orthodontist of the kid of a neighbor of an old fraternity brother of anyone involved in the production. It's all just me yammering on, as usual. ;^)

    1. Well, Star Wars is a science fiction setting, and time travel is a science fiction concept. They have never used it before, not even in all The Clone Wars episodes. But all the rumors keep suggesting young Leia, return of Palpatine, return of Darth Vader--that's a lot of cloning going on. It will be the Clone Wars all over again.

  40. starwars7news = Supershadow 2.0

    1. Idiot, they don't make their own stories. They report from other sources. Go troll somewhere else.

    2. This really makes me sad. All of the stories on this blog have a credited source, and every time I make it clear if the story is official, rumor or speculation. We have 3 rumors of our own so far that can't be find anywhere else:
      1. Some of the characters in the ST will be based on characters from the EU and there will be a Mara Jade like character.
      2. The Spin-Off movies will be based on characters outside the movieverse.
      3. A Young actor was offered the role of one of the Big Four

      So please at least wait to see if these rumors are debunked before accusing us. Everything else is on the other Star Wars sites too.

      I really consider removing the anonymous option.

    3. @Viral Hide : don´t be sad, most of us loove this site & i think one of the reasons it is so popular is because of the anonymus option, other star wars sites don´t have that & their comment section is sometimes empty. Of course there will always be people taking advantage of the anonymus option & write something bad, but most of us anonymus posters don´t
      Keep up the good work!!! :)
      greetz: J from Sweden

  41. This site is run by a guy from Bulgaria without any connections the the US film industry!

    1. For some reason your comment was marked as spam by the blogger anti spam system. It did a great job. However I removed it from there because your statement is funny. Do you know me? How do you know about my connections? Obviously you don't know anything. My job is in the VFX business and 90% of the productions we work on are from the US. But still my sources don't come from these. Please allow me to have friends from the US and the UK, OK?

    2. ^don't listen to that loser Anon poster. He is just butt-hurt that his precious Original Trilogy idols may not be in Episode VII. And he's taking it out on you.

    3. "He is just butt-hurt that his precious Original Trilogy idols may not be in Episode VII." To be fair I'll be butt hurt too if it turns out they're not involved. They're great and iconic characters. Fact

  42. After all this time, and it just turns out that Mark, Carrie and Harrison are not there or are recast or just have silly cameos, then I will vomit up my stomach lining. I'm just going to cling on to what Mark said. "George [Lucas] wanted to know whether we’d be interested. He did say that if we didn’t want to do it, they wouldn’t cast another actor in our parts – they would write us out."

    1. That was Pre Rewrites, Pre Abrams, and Pre Kasdan.

      George is not involved with casting, JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, and Nina gold are This is JJ's film

    2. Yes I know. But the script is being written based on George's outline. They only thing we know for a fact about the story is this. Everything else is rumours. JJ has said there's been loads of rumours that people are dissapointed by and they're nothing but complete rubbish,

    3. The biggest rumors are the return of the original actors, and when the movie takes place. George's treatments are usually flexible enough for major rewrites, Star Wars, is very different from his original treatment. So were ESB, and ROTJ. The PT, he was the sp;e writer/director, so their was really no one else to suggest changes. This time, Disney, and JJ have final say. again we shouldn't take him at hsi word. In2008 he said their would be no ST.

    4. (^to the first Anon poster,) The so-called "Big 3" had their moment to shine. They were in three movies. Their story ended with Episode VI. I say Disney should move on to bigger and better things instead of being stuck in the same "What would the OT fans think?" mentality. There are kids who are living now in the year 2014, you know. They need their own Star Wars heros, as with my generation who grew up with Ewan M, Natalie, and Hayden.

    5. lmao. Right, because if the big three are back, the entire film will be just them in a room and nothing more. No new heroes. No passing of the torch. It will be a complete copy of the original trilogy won't it? .. People are so stupid to assume that bring back the main characters means it will be the exact same plot and nothing other than those characters. Luke could be obi-wan and die. Leia and Han could be generals or something. Whatever, they can come back and also move on to "bigger and better things". Characters returning, and a bigger and better story are not mutually exclusive things.

  43. Flash back, time travel does not work in star wars, if they think the 3 are old, make a story in the distant future. I think you should not touch the script Andy

    1. Disney values the characters, not the actors.

  44. I really think it would be best for the production to steer clear of any actors that have played major roles in other famous franchises.

  45. sigourney weaver would be disgusting, i dont want star wars to be like avatar or the new star trek movie...

  46. Yeah I've seen Anthony Ingruber as Han Solo back some weeks, he is phenomenal. I mean he could simply play a young Solo and it would be perfect. Not almost, but perfect!

    Sigourney Weaver?
    I can hear a new tagline coming up:
    This year. A whole galaxy of foreign Aliens are gonna get their ass kicked!

  47. Viral Hide,

    What happened to the Millenium Falcon story? Did you have to pull it from this site from a complain issued by Lucasfilm? If so, that is very suspicious. It deserves a story.

    1. What Falcon story? The one referring to construction of it at Pinewood?

    2. It was a fake picture. Actually it was a picture that I posted before on the blog, but it was cropped in a way that tricked me. I was too excited and posted this without checking. Embarrassing story. :)

    3. darn! well, there's always next time...

  48. Variety is reporting that Adam Driver is close to inking a deal to be the main villain!!!!!!

  49. She is from LATVIA. Very interesting.

  50. on the article's writer frustration of the who is the young actor I'd guess he's not a fan a recent fantasy franchise protagonist/star :-p and the original cast have mostly agreed to appear in one way or another in the new star wars films, flashback or not remains to be seen so pipe down people, just wish the twilight idiots, oops! meant cast, don't invade the films

  51. You all missed the memo. LucasArts isnt owned by George Lucas anymore....
    Lucas sold LucasArts with full creative rights to Disney. Hence: Disney owns the LucasArts logo and everything associated to it pertaining to Episode 7.
    Also to clarify things a little for the new generation. This is Episode 7. Not Episode 4(which with its opposite releases, Episodes really screwed with time lines in watching order).
    Han. Leia and Luke are all still alive and vibrant(unless we're looking way into their future). Even so, I think Ksenia Solo WOULD be a perfect cast pick for a Solo child. Not only does she have Leia's height and bad-ass attitude, she also has Han's hair and his quarky sense of humor.
    This of course depends on if Han and Liea hooked up and if they are continuing the original story line where it left off.
