Star Wars Episode 7 News

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Rumor: Star Wars: Episode 7 Model Makers and Prop Staff Hired for a 7-Year Contracts. Millennium Falcon Being Build at Pinewood.

star wars

The rumor about a full scale Millennium Falcon being build at Pinewood was circling the web since September last year. So nothing interesting in that report. The cool thing is that the team continues to depend on the practical side of the VFX by hiring some model makers and prop staff...

According to DenOfGeek
A full scale Millennium Falcon is being built at Pinewood, as some staff are being offered 7-year contracts, potentially to include Indy 5.

There's been a security clampdown in the prop shop at Pinewood Studios, but we now understand that work is afoot on building a full scale Millennium Falcon there. Furthermore, model makers are also building lightsaber hilts. This would tie into reports that the emphasis is going to be on practical, rather than computer effects wherever possible with future Star Wars films.

Also, we now understand that model makers on the Star Wars project are being recruited on up to seven year contracts, which cover three sequels and three spin-offs.

star wars

And just as a reminder, the biggest confirmation that the Falcon will be in Episode 7 came from production designer Doug Chiang from September last year. He hinted that:
 "it would be cool to see a female Jedi in the movie and also confirmed that they will be bringing back the things the fans loved including a certain spaceship that was absent from the prequels…"


  1. What is a lightsaber hilt? If it's a dumb question, forgive me.

    I think if they didn't have the Falcon in EVII, the fans would revolt!

    1. Hilt - a handle especially of a sword or dagger. :)

    2. A lightsaber hilt is basically the lightsaber itself, as in the actual thing you hold. But I would have thought that this was pretty obvious it was going to happen. Although model makers have nothing to do with things like lightsabers, that would go down to the prop guys.

    3. Star Wars Rebels - Introducing Zeb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. It's the part of the lightsaber they hold in their hands. It's tricky because if you want to break it down part by part it sounds more complicated than it is. It's basically the part they hold on to that emits the blade. Ya know how when any Jedi/Sith deactivates their saber? It's what they are holding in their hand when it's off.

    1. So.... Do they hold it with their hands?? I thought it was with their filangies.....

    2. It's phalanges. And that's only the fingers or toes - excluding the hands/feet.

  3. & one day we will be able to go inside the Falcon ourselves at Disneyland in fullsize (when they filmed ep.IV-VI they built half of the falcon in fullsize) -I wonder if they are building 2 fullsize Falcons??? One for the movies & one for disneyland? -If they are going to use the Falcon from the movies, then we will have to wait at least 7 years until we can visit its inside at Disneyland

    1. "they only built half" was i going to write :D

  4. Maybe Natalie Portman is back.. I can't think of any other female actress's where it would be shocking to be in episode 7.

    1. Padme is essentially a Princess Leia wannabe. So, you would have two Leia's in EVII. I don't think that's going to work.

    2. Well I was actually going for the fact that Padme is dead. That's why I thought it would be shocking..

    3. It'd be shocking, too if monkeys few out of Luke's butt, but I don't think that's going to happen either

  5. Star Wars Rebels - Introducing Zeb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The less people they bring back from the prequels the better. Sad to see Doug Chiang involved. His art never felt like Star Wars to me.

    1. I'm totally agree with you. Besides, he didn't sign for Episode III and now he is back??

    2. ...are you kidding? Doug Chiang is a genius. Doug wanted to do stuff based on the originals but George told him to do things completely the opposite.

    3. Doug is so Star Wars, and is an asset. And although not a supervisor on Ep 3 he did design for the movie and his designs were used. You can look up Iceblink to understand more, it was a concept design team formed out of Ep3 designers, he was present and worked on multiple projects at the time.
      Ian Mcaig is back to and is so awesome. Prequel Trilogy designs worked, its just that some people do get confused because of what there assumptions are, Lucas warned and in the beginning of the film it is uttered "You assume too much."
