Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

UPDATE! 6 Star Wars: Rebels Propaganda Postcards.

It looks like Lucasfilm is mailing a set of six Imperial propaganda postcards to 2500 fans around the world on Wednesday. Here are some of the images...

Some of the sites that got the cards are IGN, Empire, Mashable, The Force, Omelete and ET Online.


The Official StarWars site has posted the following description:
The Empire's propaganda machine is in full effect.

Six pieces of Star Wars Rebels "patriotic art" were sent to 2,500 people around the globe and select media outlets, promoting the noble intentions and work of the Empire. These bold, graphic-style cards, urging galactic citizens to accept and even join the Empire, reflect the political landscape of the upcoming animated series.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine first declared himself Emperor, many people in the former Republic welcomed the change after the chaos of Clone Wars. As this campaign shows, the Empire continues to build upon that goodwill with glorified images of the stability and security that were ushered in by its might. It's easy for worlds newly welcomed into the expanding Empire to be swept up with such ideas, though those citizens who have witnessed the ruthlessness of the Empire firsthand know the real story.

Thus far, the cards have appeared online at,,,,, and They were designed by Amy Beth Christenson, a member of the Lucasfilm Animation art department working on the series, and can be viewed in the accompanying slideshow. (But don't be too swayed by their message.)

Star Wars Rebels is scheduled to premiere in fall 2014 as a one-hour special telecast on Disney Channel and will be followed by a series on Disney XD channels around the world.

So make sure to check your mail tomorrow. Your real mail! :)

via JediNews


  1. Really awesome posters.

  2. Propaganda is right. Disney obviously doesn't want us to forget the look of the Original Trilogy. So they keep slamming us over the head with this.

    I guess I'll have to wait for Episode VII for something visually original...

    1. Okay, so you want the Empire to look different than what it looks like in Episode IV? Even though the time period is between Episode III and IV? How's that logic work? Just before the time of Episode IV the empire suddenly decides to change all their outfits and redesign all of their ships? If you want something to look different from Star Wars I suggest you watch Star Trek.

    2. @Rebel Scum,
      There is no logic in this Anon's comments. Best thing to do is disregard it completely. They clearly won't listen to any of our reasoning on passed threads, so why would they now?
      I'm with you 100% on the subject, though.
      P.S. Sorry for the deleted comments. My computer is kinda acting up at work today.

    3. Well, I do like to feed the trolls from time to time. I would hate to think they starve to death.

    4. This is material for/from Rebels, obviously. It was not created for episode VII. Why do people think that VII is the ONLY Star Wars product?...

  3. I don't think I've ever seen that bottom left trooper helmet in the second poster before. Can someone please provide some insight?

    1. Ever notice how the Scout Trooper looks kinda like the mask from Scream?

    2. Concept mcquaey snowtrooper helmet.

    3. Maybe a little, but that's one of my favorite imperial troop helmets. I've always wanted a replica.
      I'm just wondering about the helmet to the left of it in that poster. Have you ever seen it, @Rebel Scum? Could it possibly be a new addition?

    4. No but what Anonymous below said sounds viable.

    5. take a look at these.

    6. I'm a rather big fan of McQuarrie's artwork and I can't say I've ever seen that helmet in one of his pieces. He was pretty specific about how the snow, sand and stormtroopers were portrayed, because he always kept a continuous design for them all in his preliminary drawings.

    7. Dopeyjoe. Its the helmet from the mcquarties snowtrooper. And yes there is a action figure out there

    8. Yes, I see now in my Art of Ralph McQuarrie book. Looks like his depiction of a snowtrooper without the cloth covering the bottom half of the helmet. Thanks for the clarification guys! My mistake.

    9. Can't you just tell it was an evil Empire that designed these Storm Trooper suits? They obviously have to wear them when they're going back and forth on the Death Star all day long. The Empire never thought of how difficult it would be to take care of one's business if duty calls. Pun intended.

    10. Not to mention the armor barely offers any protection against blaster fire at all... lol

    11. However, the armor does offer protection where it matters most though.
      You don't want the goodies getting shot off!

    12. @dopeyjoe To be fair it's not like the NR has better protection or anything and it does provide protection from non-military standard blaster pistols. Cause you know the elite forces of the Empire are going up against poorly equipped street gangs. They leave the rebels to the green troops

  4. I think it is one of MyQuarrie's early Stormtrooper concepts, IIRC there exists an action figure of it...

    1. This was McQuarrie's original Stormtrooper design:

      I've never seen a piece of his artwork thaqt included the peculiar helmet in the second poster above.

    2. Actually, it's adapted from early SNOWtrooper concept art. I remember seeing very similar looking helmets in the old "Art of The Empire Strikes Back" book from 1980.

    3. Yes, looks like the original snowtrooper without the cloth covering the bottom of the helmet/mask.

  5. These people moaning about the original trilogy are so stupid it actually hurts my brain. What the f*** are you expecting? The original trilogy is amazing, how can anyone in their right mind even think about MOANING that they're going back to the amazing content from it.

  6. BIG NEWS!? the clone wars to air in a few weeks??? here is a screenshot from wiki

    here is the link to it, go down to season 6

    1. It's been announced 2 weeks ago. :)

  7. Nothing beats the original Empire. The Republic can stuff it! I'll take my SD's over Venators any day. AT-ATs over AT-TEs... AT-STs over AT-RTs...

    Ok that list could be quite large so I'll just say... The Empire is awesome.

    1. I'm with you there! Can't wait to see them back in action in Rebels and the ST!

  8. Now if only they have dialog in the show like TIE Fighter the game had I'll be in heaven. Love the propaganda posters, can't wait to see them in the show too.

  9. Viral Hide,
    Have you seen this article floating around about the Rebels movie airing on Disney this summer?

    1. Well The Clone Wars started with a movie so it seems pretty likely. Have any idea if it's one hour or two?

    2. Here includes more of the letter:

      It sounds like the two-episode Premier is being called a movie, when it's just the premier. Literally 0 news came from that announcement.

    3. Sometimes time zone difference is a bitch! :)

    4. Hmm. Nonetheless I have to admit I am quite a bit excited for it

  10. Oh look, it's...... Star Wars IV: A New Hope. wake me up when we get something i haven't seen before.

  11. Too bad I didn't get one that would of been epic!

  12. What's that ship on the bottom-right of the third picture? I'd like to think I pride myself as something of a Star Wars nerd, but I don't recognise that one at all....
