Star Wars Episode 7 News

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UPDATE2! New Comment System on StarWars7News.


The comment system won't be changed. We'll continue to use the old one. Good that I found out about the issues just after one day. :)

Sorry for the inconvenience!


  1. "All previous comments will be imported.." How?

  2. This is good, now the bad comments can be taken down with thumbs down

  3. for now I see an issue with the number of the comments on the main page. it's not quickly updated when someone posts a new comment

  4. Aehooo, congratulations guys. This new system is really better!

  5. Awesome! Finally get to post. Just want to say viral, I hav been on this site most days since epvii was announced. Well done dude. Keep up the good work.


    this was the one i recommended and wanted!!!! i love you viral


    this was the one i recommended and wanted!!!! i love you viral <33

  8. woops it double posted when i tryed to sign in to my account :s

  9. I can't seem to delete anonymous comments.

  10. I read a FAQ on the system, and tested it. I'm not sure that down votes do anything.

  11. Everyone should not the ability to "Collapse" certain comments with the minus sign next to the flag... It's useful for not being annoyed by ALL CAPS SPAM.

  12. is this thing on .... tap ....tap

  13. I have a bad feeling about this.

  14. Ewan big beard, big chance obi wans in VII

  15. new rumor

  16. Glad you like it.

  17. This comments section rules

  18. Seems easy to use, either via google or with a new Disqus account.

  19. This looks fantastic, Viral Hide. It was easy enough to start a new Disqus account specifically for this page, and and the up/down vote feature is a welcome addition.

    I'm sure there will be some transitional snafus as people get used to the new system, but in the long run I think this is definitely the way to go. Thanks, VH!

  20. I'm sorry Viral I may be the only one person to say this but I like the other one better it was easier to see comments. with this system I don't feel like commenting anymore or reading any of the comments anymore. Idk I wish you would change it back. I know one person complaining really doesn't mean anything but I really don't feel like checking the comments section of the pages anymore which used to be one of my favorite things about your site. I liked the anonymous function better

  21. even just posting my last comment was more annoying than it should've been I didn't even want to put a name. it made me

  22. Well sorry to hear that. I knew that more than 70% of the anon posters will be gone after we change the comment system. But I really had to do it. While the anon option is cool it made some people confident to be more arrogant, insulting people and deriving the topics.
    Also when there are 200 comments it's really hard to follow things with the old system. The new option to be able to reply on replies is very useful. And when someone reply to your comment you receive a notification next to your name.
    Also there are many more useful things that the regular members don't see. The new system has a great spam control and is much easier for me to moderate. Each day we receive hundreds of comments that are spam and the new system help a lot. Soon I'll be able to tweak some more things with the current system. I also don't like the font is small and it's kinda hard to read the comments. I'm sure we can fix these things later.
    I hope we could build a stronger community with the new system.

  23. Hey, anyone know what happened with dopeyjoe? I miss his comments.

  24. VH, great that your doing this. My one beef with it is the reverse chronological order in which posts appear. It makes it hard to read through the comments. I preferred the other way myself where the latest post was at the bottom of the page. "Can it be done?"

  25. Just click to sort the comments by oldest, not newest. It's below the number of comments.

  26. Of course! My bad, didn't see that! Thanks VH!

  27. I continue to find things I don't like about the new system. I thought that it will be fully customisable. Well it's not. You can't change anything. I don't like that I can't increase the font size of the comments. My page is loading slower because of the system. And some other small but really irritating things. I wonder if I did the right thing.

  28. it's going to be a beautiful mess in the previous articles with the way the old comments are imported :)

  29. Sorry, but I will not believe this until it is confirmed by Disney/Lucasfilm. Heehee hoohoo!

  30. Importing the old comments will. :)

  31. That didn't take 24 hours....

  32. It was announced this morning Live on ABC during GMA, that Billy Dee Williams will be in the new cast of Dancing With The Stars taking place over the next couple of months or more. Billy was there and was asked on live natioal TV if he was going ot be in the new Star Wars. His reply was a sullen "I don't know". Now I can usually tell when someone is being coy, but I have to say that his answer sounded legitimate. Does this mean after making it known that he wanted to be in the new films, he was not contacted? It does seem that way. Would this new commitment with DWTS all but remove any possible involvement in Episode 7? If filming was to begin in the same time frame, it most certainly would. DWTS is an almost full time commitment.

  33. Another interesting development: Harrison Ford was at the Oscars on Sunday sporting a Civil war era beard. [Say Whaaaaaaaaaaat!] Is this leading in the direction of a Bearded Solo? Or is is a fake-out? Or is Harrison in the process of another production which will be finished before EP7 begins filming?

  34. Hello I'm from Brazil, have some system for translation of the comments. In ancient when I used the translator, translating everything now both is no translation.

    1. On the surface, what comes to mind is the literal return of Darth Vader from the original trilogy When It Should be assumed que Driver will play the character on a similar path que Darth Vader took to the Dark Side. With That in mind, there's a good case to be put forward before que Becoming Like this villain Darth Vader, Adam Driver will be the EU's first version of Jacen Solo, the son of Han and Read and grandson to Anakin Skywalker.

      I read it in jedinews, but it does not look or with soil or to read

  35. OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! WOOOOW are we going to get it back eventually??!?

    1. Sorry dandino. It just didn't feel right for me. I know the new system had some cool features but there were some things that I really couldn't get over with. If they fix these things soon we will see it again.

    2. what was the specific problems?

    3. There were many. Issues with the loading time of the page. If there many comments it could take forever to load. Not a single ability to edit the size and type of the font and other settings. Issues with the indexing of the comments by the Google bots. Some issues with mobile devices. Long time to update the number of comments on the main page after a comment is posted. And so on.

  36. Viral Hide, I'm sorry to hear about the problems you ended up having with the new comments system. I totally understand where you're coming from, though. I've got a couple of Blogspot sites of my own, and I've had my frustrations in the past about how much of a pain it can sometimes be to customize things the way you'd like to. Blogspot is free and relatively functional at its most basic level, but sometimes the customization options aren't as flexible and versatile as they might be.

    Hang in there, and don't worry... the old comments setup has worked passably well up till now, and it'll keep doing so while you figure out the best way to go about upgrading it.

  37. I remember a post saying: if it's not broken, why change it?
    I couldn't read and write any comment with the new system.
    Thank God we back to old school. Like Episode VII? ;)

    1. I agree completely. So nice to have the old system back. There was nothing wrong with it to begin with. I can understand the issues with people posting inappropriately or that time someone was going on and on with a bunch of childish names but making people sign in with an email address isn't going to change that behavior or get rid of it.

      Glad everything is back to NORMAL.

    2. Trying to change the comment system here is like trying to add the EU to SW canon.

      It just doesn't fit and it just doesn't work. It sucks.

  38. Oh well. I was confused by the voting down thing that seemed to do nothing anyhow.

  39. Glad the comments have returned to normal, the comments would never load in the new one it just said that "it is taking longer than usual to load" with a reload button and nothing ever loaded! lol nvm eh? :)

  40. Woo hoo!!! To the UPDATE #2!!! Please don't bring that DISQUS back Viral!!!

    It's almost as bad as the EU!
