Star Wars Episode 7 News

Monday, March 17, 2014

Part 2: Latest Star Wars Rumors: Spin-Off Movies, Toys and Video Games.

star wars

I've decided to separate the "Latest Star Wars Rumors" article in two. The recast madness had the whole attention which is wrong. The never before heard stories about the spin-off movies and the toys deserve more... 

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Spin-Off Movies.

As we reported before according to our sources the spin-off movies won't be based on characters from the movies. Now I've heard that they may be used as background stories for important elements from the Sequel Trilogy. It's very possible that the first spin-off movie could be about the Jedi or Sith origins. T
hey also have potential to each have their own sequels. A possible first spin-off movie about the Sith origins could explain the whole Moraband fuss lately. I really believe that Moraband will be very important in the new Star Wars movies.

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Episode 7 Toys.

I learnt from a really trusted source that at the Shanghai toy fair (only for buyers), Hasbro showed their Episode 7 toy prototypes to buyers. The toys were kept top secret in a briefcase. I heard that the toys were of Han, Luke and Leia, they were looking young with Luke still wearing black. The Episode 7 figures are 6'' and they are a brand new sculpt, no kitbashing. Also the Episode 7 Falcon will be based on the one from 2008. We know that most of the time toys have to be movie accurate so keep that in mind too.

It looks like Hasbro is well underway with production of Episode 7 toys.
Howard Roffman from Lucasfilm Licensing would be giving Hasbro character sketches, vehicle blueprints and character names as Abrams and Kennedy approve them. So probably the first leaks about Episode 7 will come from Hasbro. Most likely starting at this year's San Diego Comic Con (July 24-27).

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Video Games.

A few months ago it was revealed that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II developer Obsidian were pitching a new Star Wars RPG game. The game would have been set between the events of the films Episode III and Episode IV. It would have been about the fall of the Republic, the extermination of the Jedi, Obi-Wan going off and making sure Luke is OK and so on.  Now we received a word that Obsidians' pitch didn't go through. One possible explanation is that the upcoming Star Wars: Rebels TV series is also set in that period.

Upcoming Announcement?

The visit of Hasbro's Steve Evans to the Episode 7 set from yesterday was not a random one. And the presence of Abrams, Kennedy and Kasdan was not a coincidence. It looks like they are presenting something. And I don't want to give you high hopes or anything but many people think that there's a connection between Marvel and Star Wars announcements. Оften one is following the other. And the Marvel Special is tomorrow...


  1. I really like the idea of a spin-off movie that explores the origins of either the Sith or the Jedi or both. Having always really enjoyed the KOTOR games and the Tales of the Jedi comics, I think there's very fertile ground there for either a one-off movie, or even a short cycle of interrelated films.

    1. ♫ I just hope if they do anything EU related they keep it to a spin off film. If anything does get mixed into Episode 7 8 and 9, it would be disappointing since Lucas all ready confirmed the 3 stories were all original and No EU wouldn't be involved in the films. ♫

    2. AnonymousMarch 17, 2014 at 9:02 PM
      The article does say that the purpose of the spin offs will be to expand concepts introduced in the sequel trilogy.

    3. May be*
      This is a rumor afterall

    4. Yeah, but it's a pretty cool rumor! ;^)

    5. The EU has too many AMAZING storylines to be ignored. Just going to say it.

    6. if they do spin offs, fine... but if they dont have the original 3 ( luke, han and leia ) in part 7 at least, millions of fans will say fk SW and leave.... a good plot for them at their age would be that the sith king, or sith warrior kidnaps han and lando.. then luke leads a team of Jedi and star fighters across the galaxy in attempt to rescue them so they wont die in the hands of evil but die peacefully with their loved ones.... this way, han and lando doesnt need to fight or do things that the young do... and luke would be like obi-wan who leads the rescue with his mind and maybe one last jedi sword fight for fun.... and the rescue attempt would lead them to the sith planet, and when they rescue them, they take them back hom, etc etc... then in part 8 at the start, they die of old age except for luke, and then the new generation is next in line to lead the final charge against the sith leading to the destruction of the sith planet in part 9.... just my opinion as a long time SW fan.... at least give us one more episode of the 3 so we fans can say goodbye to them...... also, with this idea, ford wouldnt have to have many scenes to do like in the past, therfore giving him plenty of extra time to film indiana jones 5, etc.... make since anyone ?...

    7. @AnonymousMarch 18, 2014 at 6:02 AM

      Nah, fans will watch it with or without the big 3. Be jedi-like and take your emotions out of it. Can you honestly say you wouldn't be in line with your friends at midnight on early release night?

      The best part about the big 3 was their chemistry on screen. It would be a waste to have them split up for an entire movie. Bad idea.

    8. Please do a movie about revan u could do so much with his story

    9. at Nathan Chapman....... i didnt mean slpit the 3 up in the begining of part 7... i meant sometime about 30 min in the movie, han and lando was kidnapped and taken as hostages to the sith king or by an evil dark lord with him using those 2 to suk Luke into a trap because he wants like dead... and then with luke leading the rescue team. the new generation would be introduced more into the plot and on the way to rescue them, other side adventures happen with introducing even more characters... i know you young SW fans who didnt grow up watchn the originals like we did, dont have a clue about what im saying about the original 3... but its cool... i was just saying it would be nice to see the 3 one last time for our old SW fans to get to say goodbye to them one last time... how many darth maul fans would like to see him back even if its a ghost or on a holocraun... same as Vader on a holocraun.. or the young obi-wan ?... u get my point ?.... thats the point i was making... but i guess you young fans from just the prequel trilogy wouldnt understand that...

  2. Make a new KoTOR! The Old Republic MMO is cool. KoTOR is cooler!

  3. I want my mo fo Boba Fett movie!

  4. Maybe a Disney animated feature about the lives of the Midichlorians! Set in the blood stream of Anakin Skywalker. The midichlorians will speak (or sing) to him what they hear in the force that binds all midichlorians together. They saw Padme die, so they told him. And the rest is history...

    1. I hope never to hear Luke say 'Midichlorians' - it is about the dumbest thing that destroyed the myth of Star Wars. And JJ Binks off course.

    2. So, basically Osmosis Jones with a lightsaber?

    3. Can all of you damn SW Classic cocksukers stop bagging against the ideal of the midichlorians ruining the Force?! Christ, I understand why people like you my have identified the Episodes I and II as moronic, but the midichlorians are not to be complained about,not a tad bit. If the midichlorians would have never existed, that would mean that ANY person within the Star Wars Universe could master the enigma that is the Force ... which means that Luke and Leia would have never been the only pigments of hope during the rise of the Empire thus ruining the true genuine of the Star Wars plot itself. Do not let your ignorance blind you from reality.

    4. If a twenty second conversation about midichlorians destroyed your image of star wars, than you have some real problems.

    5. "If the midichlorians would have never existed, that would mean that ANY person within the Star Wars Universe could master the enigma that is the Force"
      Yes that it good. It means the force is beyond the physical. The force is life itself, destiny, that you can tap into. It's a spiritual thing anyone can master. Introducing midichlorians broke that and so your power is not determined by your focus with the force, but by your blood.

    6. It's still pretty much Osmosis Jones with a lightsaber.

      Hell, I'd watch that!

  5. I'd like to see movies abou:
    - The Origin of the Republic
    - The origin of the Jedi and Sith
    - Jedi Civil War
    - Mandalorian Wars
    - Yuuzhan Vong War

    1. I couldn't agree more.

      I have a few additions to your list:

      -The Rakatans
      -The Sith under Adas
      -Ardus Kaine(Read about him, he is SO underdeveloped)
      -The Imperial Remnants
      -The Chiss. PLEASE
      -Also, I think they could literally make a full movie JUST on the battle of Ruusan.

    2. JUST on Ruusan? Perhaps on the end of The New Sith Wars in general, but I don't see how you could stretch one battle into a 2 hour movie(that isn't a documentary or historical fiction), regardless of how awesome it is.

    3. There were several battles on Russan, and events leading up to it.

    4. I know. And the events leading up to it are important thus a movie just on the final battle at Ruusan wouldn't work in my opinion.

  6. EP 7 does not have to roll cameras until August 1st, 2014. That start date would provide the production with nearly 5 full months to wrap on December 18th of 2014. That would leave one full year for post-production.

    So for everyone yearning for a May shooting start, I suggest that the release date is December 18th, 2015, for a reason: namely, to shoot later this year and develop this project fully.

    The recast rumors are interesting and make a lot of sense. Lucas sold Disney the Big 3: Han, Luke, and Leia. And we will all be there to see those characters whether right after ROTJ or 32 years later.

    1. Errr, wrong place! I believe Viral would like this thread to focus on spin off and other non casting related things...

    2. Yes, I see... but the headline was about the recasting rumor frenzy, which is what caught my attention. These other ancillary issues are of interest, but the recasting is a major development in my view.

  7. The most awesome spin off would be
    1. Rogue Squadron!
    2. Origin of Sith and Jedi and possibly about the Celestials (fantasy /sword and sorcery style)
    3. The Yuzhaan Vong invasion done WwII epic or 'Saving Private Ryan' style (rated! M or R)

  8. i heard a good rumor too! i heard from a friend of a friend that has a cousin who saw a guy walk by a Star Wars poster say that HIS father's cousin's sister's former roommate twice removed from their family may, just MAY have a role in the new SW movie!!....or not....:/

  9. Good that the toys thing is being pursued. But, you said that they were young looking Big 3. If that were so, than wouldn't the toys look like the new actors, or not? Taken at face value, what this suggests to me is that the movie will start earlier in the timeline a la Star Trek 2009, or flashback, with makeup or special effects to make em look young.

    Glad to get some stuff about the non-trilogy things. Most news could care less about the wider universe: "Episode 7 gets hits, what does the European Union have to do with Star Wars?"

    1. The facial sculpts can be handled two ways get actors who resemble the toys.
      Or reshape the sculptsd to match the new actors.

    2. OR they're having another round of OT toys to help hype and to make lots of money in general.

    3. They've already announced a re issue of ROTJ toys, and figures, that have nothing to do with the ST. They are promoting the OT figures as OT

    4. Viral said they were Episode 7 toys, multiple times. If it's just re-issuing he mentioned, than he's wasting everyone's time linking them.

    5. "what does the European Union have to do with Star Wars?"



  11. give the EU a rest already. no one except a small minority of fans (small compared to SW worldwide fandom) wants to see the EU on the big screen!

    1. The general mass are unknowing of, and thus apathetic towards the EU so you can't say that they don't want to see something. And there are more EU fans then there are fans that irrationally refute the EU, so most people either want or wouldn't be bothered by the new trilogy or spin-offs being related to the EU. It's just you and an asinine and vocal minority.

    2. I guess you are not much of a reader then. It's natural to put down things you have not experienced joy in.

    3. I can't blame people being apathetic, they could easily have read a copy of Crystal Star or the Jedi Prince books, and thought they were average quality. They aren't.... That's right that people who expend energy actively hating something they haven't experienced are the smallest minority

    4. On the subject of sub-par novels... Death Troopers is the most painfully average book I've ever read.. I can't say it's flat out bad and I only have slight canon concerns in actual content... Despite the fact that making a zombie plague in Star Wars is moderately retarded, the best and worst I can say about it is "Eh," which pisses me off to no end. (Why can't it just be objectively terrible?)

    5. "I guess you are not much of a reader then. It's natural to put down things you have not experienced joy in."
      Stupid comment. Nobody is putting the EU down, people are putting down the concept of bringing in stories that only a tiny few even bother to care about, rather than creating something new and untold to everyone. If they went with the EU story, people would just look it up online then it would go viral and everybody would find out. Creating something new, anything could happen. That's much better than succumbing to what 0.5% of the general audience demand for themselves as though they should have special privileges.

    6. *30%

      No, I kinda doubt that most people would look up the story online... But regardless nobody wants or has asked for them to use an EU STORY. It's desire for them to remember that it is a very important part of Star Wars and something Lucas supported a lot. I want a new story, I do, but to say the EU has no part in the films is both asinine and absurd. A lot of the rumors that you're interpreting as plots people want is more akin to us expecting them to be lazy and use one or more EU stories as a general backbone for the films. While I don't mind them cannibalizing some of the stuff that would be retconned anyway, I don't want to see one of the books of read in the theatre. You know why? Because they're (for the most part) great BOOKS.

    7. minority u say? a few million alone play Star Wars the Old Republic. And that's just one "story" from the EU....

  12. As long as Star Wars doesn't deteriorate into some epic Lord of the Rings type of franchise where characters spend two hours deciding whether they should fight or not I'd be happy.

  13. Ep VII Toy at a Toy Fair and nobody takes a photo? Yeah... of course. Ridiculous.

    1. It was only for buyers. The source told me that all the phones were collected before the presentation. It's not a regular toy fair.

    2. Wow, you really understand how this stuff works don't you? Let's say YOU get to go to a trade show or a licensing expo. You see the Hasbro booth and you are escorted in to a side room to see brand new product, before you enter a security guard or two are there to collect cell phones and cameras. You are taken in to the room and shown prototypes of upcoming stuff. Sometimes you are allowed to talk about what you have seen and sometimes you can't. The toy industry really is this secretive with their stuff.

  14. Haven't heard anyone say luke should be the new sith lord.. mark always wanted to be vader. The solo kids could be the galaxies new hope. Lets give mark a chance to walk on the darkside of the force

    1. No. Completely stupid. They did that with vader anyway for christ sake. I truly worry about what some people want to happen in these films. No offense but hopefully Lucasfilm actually have a brain and a spark of genius unlike some of the tosh I read here haha

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Sorry if this is a dumb question but I'll ask it anyway. It says the Episode 7 Falcon will be based on the one from 2008. How did this version differ from the one in the OT? I've only dipped in and out of the EU over the years.

    1. He means the big-ass Millennium Falcon Hasbro released in 2008. The toy.

  16. The 6 inch figure comment makes me think he saw upcoming Black Series figures, probably Jedi Luke and others.

  17. Um... Revan anybody??.....

  18. Toy rumors sound really lame. And yeah, it does sound like Star Wars Black. Oooh news.

  19. Heero_Yuy at TF.N is a retard
