Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, March 28, 2014

Peter Mayhew Back For Star Wars: Episode 7? He Is Canceling His Appearance At Comicpalooza Due To Filming!

star wars

The Comicpalooza convention takes place in Houston and is held in May. They've just posted very curious tweet. Could this mean that Peter Mayhew is back for Star Wars: Episode 7? I strongly hope so...

Here's the tweet:

As we know Episode 7 officially starts filming in May and the convention is also held in May. So I really doubt that this is just a coincidence. 

That's the best news of the week! Love the big guy. 
Still this is not officially confirmed.

Thanks to Ryan for the heads up.


  1. "due to filming"..... Nah doesn't mean anything.. Yeah Right!! :-)

    1. I'm sick of all of the EU fans. You want to see new things and trash the original trilogy fans of their ideas. and yet in the end, you all always come back with the EU crap. To hell with the EU fans. The EU was created by fans writing novels, and not from Lucas chapters. Stick with the movie plot only. If thats all you EU fans want to do is yak about the EU, then go somewhere else.

    2. I´m with you 100%!!! EU is out!!!

    3. Agreed. I don't mind if they use a few characters from EU for fun and have them play small roles, but i don't want them to use the EU story with Luke having children or wife. Part of Lucas saga was about the life of what a Jedi is. No relationships because it can cloud the issues and cause problems. But for some odd ball reason, the EU fans just can't except that. It's like they want to rewrite the history of what the Jedi truely are. And yes that is correct. The EU books were written by fans of the saga not by Lucas or the SW family. Lucas never imagined the Jedi having children and wives. That's what made the Jedi very special and the sacrifice they make to help others more than they help themselves. How many times did Yoda say this to Luke in part 5 and 6 about emotions clouding the issue ? Eu fans take a break.

    4. I never realized that so many people hate the EU. They're just books, it's not like they're the prequels.

    5. What's the European Union got to do with all this?
      Oh yeah, that's right-Angela Merkel is Darth Vader!

    6. Cullen Patterson: The EU may just be books, but they're not exactly The Lord of the Rings or A Song of Ice and Fire; just glorified fanfiction, where most characters are even worse than Binks. And unlike others, I'm not afraid to say the truth.

  2. I'm a little confused now. Since the EU no longer matters/is canon... are details about alien species still accurate? Do Wookies still live hundreds of years? That's the only thing bothering me now. What details have been changed...

    Not that it matters since all the humans are still alive... just wondering.

    1. I don't see why that detail would change. That's a lot different than including significant characters and plot points from the EU. I think it's safe to say that yes, in the Star Wars canon Wookiees tend to live about 300-400 years.

    2. Chewbacca was in his early 200s as far back as A New Hope; it's ancient lore created by George Lucas himself. Assuming he was no more than middle-aged back then, Chewie's abilities will remain just as sharp 30 years after RotJ.

    3. I'm worried it'll be similar to the odd transition between the Yoda we see in the PT and Yoda in the OT. Why is it that in episode II, Yoda can do all sorts of flipping around like a half-pint ninja, but in ESB he seems like a scraggly old hermit? Does 25-or-so years really do a number on a character who's almost 900 years old?
      I'm worried the same might be seen for Chewbacca in the ST.

    4. I honestly think... and I mean this. George really didn't put a lot of thought into it. He had some basic ideas left behind from years ago and just revisited them. Not realizing how much the fans had been pouring over every scene for decades.

      As far as I'm concerned Yoda will forever be the wise old master who's moved beyond such silly things as physical combat. The force is all he's needed. The prequels will never really fit into my Star Wars universe. They clash to horribly with originals.

      Yes I know it's a stubborn stance... but honestly it's not that hard considering how different they feel from one another.

    5. I doubt they'd even consider putting a gray-haired Chewie on screen.

    6. I agree. I enjoy the prequels as their own series, in a way, but when lined up with the originals, it's hard to watch as a continuous saga. I hope the same won't go for the ST.

    7. Presuming Chewbacca will be not be a prominent character (well, he's not going to have more screentime than Harrision Ford and you can bet they are still partners), it'd not be much of a statement if Chewie looks exactly the same, or has got grey temples since his role is not likely to be profound. Visually, it does make 'sense' (symbolic of the end of an era) if he'd look more aged even if he may have originally been conceived as a long-lived entity. I tend to imagine he will have spent more time on Kashyyyk and become a higher-ranking figure among his people, now that he no longer needs to both escape the Empire and smuggle to make ends meet.

    8. The next trilogy is still going to be based on Lucas' storyline he had before selling to Disney. Only expect things in them to focus on Lucas' ideas for those. A lot of the guys that did Clone Wars and will be doing Rebels are fans that tried to use as much EU as they could get away with under George's supervision.

    9. ...and you could use those examples as the probable extremes.

    10. Hey Nate, Chewbacca showed signs of greying from ep.3 to ep.6 so he could be damn near albino by ep.7
      Some people go grey in their 20's and most who start greying go quick.
      Might want to start checking, its a com'in!

  3. Now THAT would be some excellent news! Even if Peter can only do closeups and not a lot of heavy running around, that would be fantastic. Not only has he always been the heart and soul of that character, but of all of the Star Wars alumni, he is the one who just seems to genuinely LOVE those movies. I'll be really happy if he's able to do Episode VII.

    1. He's been working his ass off in therapy trying to get back on his own two feet after knee surgery. If anyone truly deserves a reprised role, it's Mayhew.

    2. Brother, I couldn't agree more!

    3. Definetly well deserved, very happy for Peter!!!

    4. Yeah, he's one of the few actors who are also fans and don't go all, "Shatner," when the movies come up in an interview.

    5. haha I just have to know...what is "going all Shatner" lol

    6. Yeh, I like to know too! What does "going all Shatner" means?

    7. Its no secret that Shatner is a little Diva..and an asshole. He actually dislikes the fans of star trek and treats them like shit and insults them, does not like doing interviews about star trek, and is a depressed human being because of the typecast of Kirk...when he should just embrace it.he thinks he is bigger than he actually is and has no clue how lucky he is for the opportunity that he has been given... he is really an ungrateful prick...

  4. "Do Wookies still live hundreds of years?"

    They have ever since the script for the original movie when Chewie was introduced as "a two-hundred year-old Wookiee."

    1. Exactamundo. Wookies being hundreds of years old is as much canon, as the metric system being used across the galaxy; that's all Lucas from the very beginning, not EU.

  5. Chewie punch it !

  6. Good luck, Mr. Mayhew... hope you can make it to the big dance!

  7. You know one day we will refresh this page and see the headlines "Star Wars 7 Cast Announced"

    one day my good friends...... its gonna have to be within 2 months cuz filming is in may

    1. That's going to be such a crazy day when the cast is announced. And probably a lot of arguments in the comments here haha

    2. The cast will not be announced unless you consider, reading the names off of the as yet to be released movie poster, a cast announcement.

    3. How do you figure they even have to make a cast announcement? Is it a union thing? A Film Association thing? Please explain.

    4. that day when the cast is announced i think we will break the record of comments on one post :) & it will be a beutiful spring day !

  8. Does this mean all the EU fans are going to be in an uproar because Chewie is still
    alive because some book thought it was a good idea to kill him?

    1. No, at least I won't. Quite the opposite actually. I only want them to use some of the good ideas in a way that fits whatever it is that they're doing.

    2. Anyone who's angry about plot points from the EU not being carried over to the movies needs to understand one very important thing: Star Wars is not a franchise that was originally a famous book series that later became a film, the audience got all of the surprise, engagement and edge-of-your-seat anticipation in the theater. No one knew what was going to happen in any of the films when they first hit theaters. Why would that change with the ST?
      Those post-ROTJ EU stories exist because fans wanted to know what happened after EpVI and they were under the impression that they'd never get an EpVII. They're great books, but that's just not the way Star Wars has been done over the passed 40 years.

    3. Most of us like the character and the actor and are happy to see him back.

      As an EU fan I'm happy to see a lot of options open up including a:
      1: Living (or even dying in the movie) Chewie,
      2: Luke's 6-year transition from, "Toshi Station...power converrrterrrs!" to, "You ask the impossible," to, "I'm a Jedi like my father before me," rehashed over 30 years and a brow-beating from Mara Jade (no disrespect).
      3. Any number of other things that don't come to mind at the moment.

      The EU's just your bro that brought a guitar to the party and everybody got to have a good time while nothing else was going on. I also secretly look at the post-RotJ EU as the subtle tale of the personal growth of Lando Calrissian. The guy you meet in the Han Trilogy and Scoundrels is a totally transformed man by the time you get to Crucible. ESB and RotJ Lando is only enhanced by the EU stuff.

    4. As an EU fan, my first reaction to the news that they were making new Star Wars movies was: CHEWIE!!!!! While I liked his funeral in Agents of Chaos 2, it'd be dumb to not have chewie in new movies and come on, everyone loves Chewbacca.

    5. Shhhhh, don't talk too loud. Some people will get angry at just the mention of the Expanded Universe. To them, it's like a dirty word.

    6. no, sun johnson, we're in an uproar because some exec at disney thought it would be a great idea to bring back every little thing that makes you OT fanatics happy, even if it means causing Mayhew discomfort by putting the old man in the big monkey suit.

    7. What will the executives do if this movie don't make enough money?
      What happens to JJ, KK ?
      Will Arnold Schwarzenegger get a part and other Big Names?
      Robert Rodriguez could direct.
      What if no big drawl at box office?
      Could Star Wars go direct to video?
      How much contamination of the zeitgeist will the executives try to foist on us?

    8. EU fans suk big time. They all live in a diluted world thinking that Luke supposed to have a kid. Chewy dies. One of Hans kids go to the dark side. Them ideas was never from Lucas Star Wars Saga. That was from the minds of some fans who like writing books. Stick to the movies and forget the EU, because you people are really draggn crap all over for no reason.

    9. Make up your mind EU people. Either chewy dies or lives. You can't have it both ways. lmao ! Make up your mind.

    10. Chewie will be like Brian. They'll try to kill him, everyone will cry, Disney will realize how much money they're about to loose, and revive him.


  9. assuming this is true, this is the best news we've had in a while. I agree peter is probably the most deserving of a reprised role. he has been through alot just to get back on his feet and maybe all the rumors of the casting call for a taller person were for scenes when he would need to run and or just for other wookies in general. great way to start a friday!!!

  10. Oh dude! When I saw the picture of Peter, I acutally thought it was a picture of a caveman/bigfoot. LOL! And speaking of Peter, half of me is glad that he will (possibly) be in episode 7 and half of me wishes that he was still going to the Comicpalooza. I could've met him for the first time (in forever. *wink*). Oh well. At least I'll still have fun there. If I go. And this is kind of off subject but...

    I'm just wondering, did you really break into Hasbro? Or were you just like messing around?

    God Bless (and no rude replies please)

    1. Maybe i did maybe i didn't ;) but when i found the seceret files on star wars they caught me, but it was too late i already saw what was inside... and it was such a big surprise/secret that they didnt want to send me to jail cuz i would tell everyone what i saw... so they paid me off ;D now im filthy rich ;3

    2. well, well, well. That's nice Mr. "Flithy Rich". Glad you're not in jail. ;)

      God Bless (and no rude replies please)

  11. There's only one co-pilot of the milenium falcon, and only one actor who should play him. And no I'm not talking about Nien Nunb..

    1. agreed, & even if your not talking about nien numb, i would really like to se that ugly weird laughing face again :) maybe nien nunb has become Lando´s co-pilot??, that would be sooo nice

  12. Glad to see him back. I saw him last year at Denver Comic con and he was having trouble walking. But the surgery seems to have helped him a lot. I really hope Mayhew is able to return, this is a good sign of that happening

  13. Hopefully they get Chewie's face right. The ROTS version wasn't bad but it could be a better likeness IMO

  14. That's right, no one can replace a guy in a giant ape suit.

    1. With that sarcastic mentality; the whole film might as well be filmed with gopros.

    2. "When Mayhew grew ill in the shooting of The Empire Strikes Back, a similarly tall stand in was used, but the actor could not match Mayhew's studied movement style and the scenes had to be re-shot upon Mayhew's recovery." Anyone who thinks actors aren't important parts of bringing a character to life are a complete idiot.

    3. Why not replace Tony Daniels while your at it?

    4. I like your thinking dopeyjoe ;) I still don't know why they used Ian Mcdiarmid in the prequels when his face transformed. He was in prosthetics so why on earth would you use the same actor to play that character? It totally doesn't even matter. Utter madness. To be honest they should have just got the cleaner to play him in the first place because you don't see the face with all the prosthetics so it obviously doesn't even matter who they cast as the character

    5. @anon at 6:59 PM,

      if I put 10 guys in wookiee suits and told them to act like chewbacca and peter mayhew was in one of them and didn't tell you which one was him, would you be able to tell him apart. Answer truthfully.

    6. Yes. I would. Just because you couldn't see any different doesn't mean I couldn't because I'm pretty sure I can. Chewie has very particular movements. I'll point out the quote again- "When Mayhew grew ill in the shooting of The Empire Strikes Back, a similarly tall stand in was used, but the actor could not match Mayhew's studied movement style and the scenes had to be re-shot upon Mayhew's recovery."

    7. Liar. U can't tell from just by looking at him. LMAO !!!! plus he asked you to notice him out of 10 not 1...

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    9. anyone who thinks you couldn't tell are just plain fools. you could put 100 chewies in a group and ask any Die hard to pick the real Chewie...and we would his eyes and his body movements..and ESPECIALLY the way he walks... you could absolutely tell that it was not David Prowse in the vader costume in revenge of the sith.. you can argue all you want about it...but it don't don't know wtf your talking about.Peter's eyes and the way his knees bend inwards are a straight give away. and if that's not enough..the way he moved his head, arms , how his shoulders slump and the way he walks period can only be done by Mayhew..I mean...look at the new Freddy Krueger..its blasphemy..a fuckin joke one can do that like Robert is the same case with Chewbacca...If Mayhew is not in the suit...then they need to kill him off...because it will fail within 3 seconds of the first scene with Chewy in it.

  15. Regarding the above post about Yoda's age and the difference between the prequels and ESB, who is to say how Yoda's species age. They may live to be hundreds of years in age but it may be only the last few years that takes them down. Just like in humans. So the difference between a 900 and a 905 year Yoda could be very dramatic.

    1. That is a viable point. It was almost as if they were trying to convince you that an enormous amount of time passed between those films. That's what I didn't understand. the illusion of time is an essential element of storytelling and it's important to add details that suggest how much time has passed so as not to confuse the audience.

    2. Maybe living in a swamp for 20 odd years took it's toll on him.

    3. In ESB Yoda to be, and was an old man.
      Lucas wanted to show off Yoda in prequels and everyone wanted to see The Great Warrior in action.
      Also stressed his aging at beginning of ep2.
      The force was still strong with him even not at his peak, but face it War and Exile takes a toll on you.

  16. Guys. Chewie is going to be CGI.

  17. Yes, it could mean Mayhew will be working on Ep.7. Or, maybe he's just still busy with his PT. *insert Debbie Downer noise here*

  18. Disney, just hire a new, younger guy and put him in a Wookiee suit. He'd probably play the part just fine.

    1. What a stupid thing to say. If you don't care and just want an actor who will "play the part just fine", then there's obviously no problem with bring back the original fucking actor.

    2. In fairness the original comment was so stupid

  19. Would it kill Disney to confirm even Anthony Daniels. ffs

  20. i hope Disney at least announces the cast soon...Phantasm 5 was just announced, so at least that is keeping me preoccupied...i would trade seeing new SW a hundred times over for one last Phantasm, but i am glad i don't have to choose as we are getting both!! hopefully news coming soon, everyone hang on...:)

  21. guiseds some major back issues, frankly im not suprised that he would pull out, didnt need a cane as much before now he needs it to walk around without pain. Sad thing is, he's the nicest guy and his wife pushes him for the money.

  22. you heard it here first so definitely not Chewie since he died during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Episode 7 would be after the Yuuzhan Vong since it's 30 yrs after ROTJ. so the most notable wookie around that era would be wookie jedi Lowbacca. //KYP

    1. Reading all EU and no news can have this result.

    2. Yuuzhan Wrong!

    3. I hate all EU fans.

    4. All you have to do is take a look at a post from around a week ago where it is officially confirmed that the only thing to be regarded as canon is what is on the screen, in other words episodes I to VI, all of clone wars and the upcoming rebels, everything else is OUT.

    5. EU fans, I find your annoying lack of faith and common sense disturbing

    6. First off, the Vong invasion took place 25 yrs. after RotJ, not 30. Secondly, Lowbacca? For your own sake, I hope you're just trolling…

    7. Fortunately for me...when I started reading the EU stories( and ive read almost all of them)..i read the fine print and other interviews from lucas about it...So I knew and understood going in, that these were just fan stories and never to be official within the REAL SW universe...a mere tool to keep people interested in the SW franchise...I am sorry EU fans...but it is a fact that most of the crap in those books were so far fetched that it could NEVER possibly even be a thought in one of the REAL SW universe stories..some of the characters are admittedly fucking awesome..but if your a true EU fan..then you KNEW going in that none of them were going to ever be let your hopes cloud your mind..YOU set yourselves up for this disspointment...its your fault...not lucasfilm or Disney's....I am a fan of the EU to an extent..but ive been realistic through the whole process... So coming on here stating "facts" saying well this doesn't fit with this timeline and that timeline...know this!... when you post that ignorance, be expecting to get owned on here by the real SW fanbase. to argue EU facts up against the REAL universe, is like saying that you don't understand why The Original Muppets aren't going to be included in or make a cameo in Episode 7, because you saw an Episode of the Muppets with Princess Leia in 1978... or you don't understand why they did not show Chewy's wife and son on kashyyyk in Ep.3 because of watching the SW Christmas special. You guys just make yourself look like fucktards...please go away

  23. Going all Shatner would be going over the top and talking smack like most here do.

  24. It's something else to listen to the EU fanbase. They scream they want new ideas, and then they want to see EU characters and story from that. You people are worse than the original and prequel fans combined. muhahahaha !!!

    1. hahaaa, SPOT ON! the OT & PT fans can at least agree on some things :D

  25. its entirely possible they use mr mayhew to get his performance correct by using some sort of motion-capture and CGI his part. but given i hear JJ wishes to go with less CGI this could be doubtful. hope peter is well enough to do it all himself

  26. All this EU vs OT bitching is friggin hilarious! I personally don't care what the beef is with the new movie, so long as it's good. If not I think that's it as far as me being a fan is concerned. E3 was pretty piss poor in its attempt to tie loose ends up (Yoda + Chewbacca bit was sooooo stupid) I nearly lost faith in the franchise.
    I never liked many of the EU books, although a few bits and pieces from the comics were ok and a few of the characters were cool, but the majority of it didn't really feel like star wars. I'm sure there will be elements from the EU, but lets face it EU fans, most of it has gone.
    On the Chewie issue, of course someone else could play him, its not fucking rocket science, even another actor could replace C3PO (although Anthony daniels really would need to do the voice) Next you'll be expecting someone to dig up Peter cushing or alec guiness for a cameo in 7, along with the rest of the geriatric cast.....
    Mr JJ, just make a decent film....

  27. This would be absolutely fantastic news if he were playing the character.
