Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ahmed Best's (AKA Jar Jar Binks) AMA on Reddit.

Star wars

Best Known for playing Jar Jar binks in the Star Wars Prequels Ahmed Best
Had a AMA on Reddit, here are some of the Interesting Q&A..

Q: *Sigh* guess I'll be that guy....
How does it feel to have played one of the most unintentionally hated characters in movie history?

I like the fact that you said unintentional. I feels great to be a part of movie history regardless of how anyone feels about him.

Q: Did George Lucas ever say anything to you about Jar-Jar in light of the near-universal negative reaction towards him after The Phantom Menace?
Obviously he intended for him to be likable and you were doing the best with the role you were given but I wonder
if he felt the need to defend his character or explain himself to you during the production of the subsequent films.

He did. He let me know that this was nothing new. There was the same reaction to Chewbacca and the ewoks. HE sent me a stack of press from the original movies for proof. He never needed to defend his character. We new what the intention was.

Q: What's your favourite Star Wars movie?

Empire Strikes Back

Q: In the special features on the Episode I DVD, you seem to be full of enthusiasm and always in good spirits. What are some of your favourite fun moments you had making the movie?

The submarine scene with me Liam and Ewan. We laughed through most of that.
We were all very close, but Liam and I had a special thing when we were on screen together.
I always thought we should do a buddy cop flick

Q: .After filming Episode 1 and before it was released, how did you expect Jar Jar to be received? Did you manage to not take the hatred personally?

star wars

No, it hurt a lot. You put your heart and soul in to something groundbreaking for two years and it gets slammed, that hurts.
But It made me stronger. Cheesy answer, but it's true.

Q: How do you feel about all the people that found Jar Jar to be annoying?

they all have a right to their opinions. Star Wars belongs to the fans as much as it does all of us who were in the movies.

Q: As far as you know, did George Lucas ever consider making any changes to Jar-Jar Binks in light of the general negative reaction towards him?

Not to the character, but to the story arc there were huge changes.
George wanted to give the fans what they wanted. That meant more lightsabers and less Gungans.

Q: Have you had conversations with Abrams or anyone regarding Ep. 7?

Nope. I'd love to.

For the whole AMA Click Here


  1. hope you guys enjoy my first article for this awesome website!
    May the Force be with you!

    1. Thanks dandino for the great job!

    2. congrats it was cool.I feel bad but I hope jar Jar doesn't return lol

  2. I have a bad feeling about this.

  3. *Sigh* Guess I'll be that guy. Why did you feel it necessary to post an article about Jar Jar for your 1st publication? Lol. Nice job indeed.

    1. I asked him to do so. I never thought a real Star Wars fan would have an issue with that. Jar Jar is part of Star Wars whether we like it or not. Please guys don't start another war.

    2. Really? Did you just read in between Sigh and lol? There is no issue. Read again. You are getting way too defensive over nothing.

    3. Yeah I know. Although I responded to you my post was towards everyone.

    4. My problem is Dandino8100s biased attitude.

    5. @ Fettman

      This is not true. Don't worry.

    6. Fans don't blame Jar Jar or the actor who played him for anything. Lucas just tried to hard and overdid Jar jar Binks character so much it got on everyones nerves. the creature was fun loving at first but then became a nerve rack. Its all good.

    7. I actually hate jar jar. i just posted the most relevant questions.

    8. Everyone's entitled to an opinion - even the person who posted it in the first placed. Viral Hide seems chill guys. He's just getting defensive over this place because he likes it. Can't blame him for that.

      *Pleasantries over*

      Jar jar had potential. But, i believe many fans found him hard to connect with particularly because he was entirely made of CGI in the film.

      A high pitched accent and useless demeanor don't exactly help to boost his popularity either IMO. I was rather happy to see the alternate scene from The Phantom Menace showing his death. Again, Ahmed did as he was told - can't be blamed for that. Simply put, Lucas has just lost his touch when it came to writing Jar Jar's character. Still, with Lucas out of the picture (literally) SW 7 can only go upwards...right?

  4. It wasn't Ahmed's fault that the character didn't work. The character and production design of the prequels featured some serious misfires, not just Jar Jar. Remember Anakin riding that weird fat cow animal with a huge body and tiny legs? Very awkward.

    Obi Wan riding that squawking CGI lizard? Lameness. Watto? The 1950s style diner where Obi Wan goes to get a milkshake and some insider info from the manager?

    The droid army?

    George was trying to reinvent the wheel with the PT. I think he got his mojo back with ROTS, but the damage was already done.

    Ewoks were the first indication of the shark jumping that would happen in the PT. Ahmed was an innocent casualty of the PT carnage.

    1. thanks, I mean, as an OT fan I was dying for the prequels to rule. I bought 2 tickets presale for TPMenace. Star Wars is a myth for our times and if you bring back the Big 3, all of us old time fans will line up for the blockbuster. I have the highest hopes for EP 7.

  5. I think I'd like to see a Gungan (Jar-Jar's son?) in the new movies as well, but with a certain twist ...

    We meet a Gungan that is maybe some kind of military person, but nobody takes him seriously, given how he looks. Then, in the midst of some dire crisis, our heroes finally decide to ask him (mocking the Gungan style of speech): "So, do YOUSA have anything to contribute?"

    And then he finally opens his mouth and says in the most impeccably perfect Oxford accent: "Given the gravity of our current situation, I shall overlook your gratitious slur respecting the pidgin spoken by my ancestors. As it happens, my father saw to it that I was raised at the military academy of Coruscant ..." -- and then he goes on to deliver a brilliant, eloquent tactical analysis that eventually saves the day.

    With some training, maybe Best could still do the voice ..

    1. I think that would be too dangerous to do bringing in another Jar Jar relative. Because if they did that, they mine as well make Justin beiber play the role. Thats how bad that idea is. LOL

  6. Like I said, I have a bad feeling about this.

  7. Gungan's as a culture, the way how they live their lives, their underwater cities and underwater vehicles, all that was really interesting, personally brilliant idea from MR George Lucas...

    1. Definitely. If Jar Jar even had a different VOICE, it would've been OK. Lucas likes to tweak his movies. He should find the most bass-filled deep voice you can find. Let them replace each line of the text (like they did with Boba Fett) with this new voice acting. Problem pretty much solved.

    2. Sandis, I liked the general idea of the Gungans too, their underwater culture and technology, etc. It was Jar Jar himself who I thought was an utter train wreck. But the underwater cities and all... very cool concepts and designs there, I agree!

    3. Anon, I have often thought the same thing. Changing the voice wouldn't fix the bad slapstick that was the Jar Jar character's other major problem, but it would go a long way toward making the character a lot less irritating. The shrill baby talk is, I think, a big part of what got on people's last nerve about the character.

      Personally, I think they need to do the same thing with the baby-talking battle droids. That problem got worse and worse throughout the PT, and it never failed to ruin the tension and yank me right out of the story. I will never, EVER understand what possessed Lucas and Ben Burtt to make the enemy army all talk like Alvin and the friggin' Chipmunks. Yes, they were designed to be cannon/lightsaber fodder. So were the stormtroopers in the OT for the most part, and there was never this attempt to make them sound cute and harmless as was done with the battle droids.

      Reworking the voices for them and especially for Jar Jar wouldn't fix all of the problems of the PT, but IMHO it would certainly improve the overall tone of a good bit of it.

    4. Star Wars has always been a mix of drama and slapstick, as has been present since A New Hope. As you say quite correctly, it's the presentation of the latter that backfires. It's when a serious series of scenes has Laurel & Hardy comedy inserted in-between that upsets the narrative.

    5. Yes, misplaced comedy often spoils what should be serious battle sequences. In Phantom Menace we have the silly, clownish antics involving Jar-Jar in the battle against the droid army. In Clones we have the hyper-contrieved mishaps involving C-3PO (he "accidentally" gets his head exchanged with that of a battle droid ... PLEASE!) In Jedi the cutesy-cute little Ewok war seems to take place in a movie quite different from the one where Luke struggles to save his soul before the dark throne of the Emperor, leaving the film woefully inconsistent in tone. Revenge of the Sith, A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back have good climatic sequences because the battles are allowed to stay serious. There is no unwelcome, gratitious "comic relief" when the Jedi are exterminated during Order 66, when Anakin battles Obi-Wan and gets maimed, when Luke flies against the Death Star, or when the Rebels face the Imperial Walkers. Instead, people DIE left and right, just as it "often" happens in real wars that can be taken seriously. No "funny" droids or aliens are blundering around. The misplaced comedy in Episodes I, II and VI greatly diminishes the impact of the stories told.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I like Jar Jar, he is underestimate. hahaha. But sometimes C-3PO is more annoying than him.

    1. c-3po, one of the most iconic star wars characters, and you even think to rate jar jar over him? oh dear my friend. oh dear

    2. 3po was more annoying at times. At least jar jar's antics were limited to one movie.

    3. If Lucas didnt try to overdo Jar jars character, then fans would have liked him. But when you try to hard to make a character funny and fun, it usually backfires.

    4. Han Solo tried too hard to be funny in VI.

  10. "Q: Have you had conversations with Abrams or anyone regarding Ep. 7?
    Nope. I'd love to"

  11. I'd actually love to see Jar Jar in the new trilogy.

  12. Best is a nice guy and wonderful job portraying the character.But yeah it was not right for the movies but perfect for the clonewars cartoon that is more towards kids only.

  13. I like jar jar really much, he's one of my favourite characters, he gives something to the movie that give you the feeling that there is peace, kind of, there were much better times then in episode 4, 5 and 6. Happy and fun times, Jar Jar let's see those things, but if you look at the character in the 3 movies he's in, yu see that the fun in him, and the jokes went away, if you look at the movies you actually see the same thing, the last scene he is in is a sad scene, just like the end of the movie, that's what Jar Jar gives to the movie, he let's see that in the beginging there was a little peace, and that it wents to war and bad things.

    1. But what a character represents, and their on-sceen personality are very different. He was way too silly and I could barely understand what he was even saying.

    2. Because ewoks and admiral ackbar could be understood perfectly, right?!

    3. At Anonymous.... Lucas didnt use Admiral Akbar way too much like he did with Jar jar. His character was simple. As far as the ewoks, i admit they are cute and funny, but fighting against storm troopers the way they did was kinda far fetch to me. But i believe the ewoks were meant for the kids at that time than for the adults.

    4. I saw ROTJ at 9 years old and I liked the Ewoks back then. Wicket was the first action figure I bought from ROTJ. The backs of the cards showed you all the characters, which was great. At this point, though, the E dudes have not aged well. Wookies would have been better.

  14. Q: Have you had conversations with Abrams or anyone regarding Ep. 7?

    Nope. I'd love to.

    - BEST part of this interview!

    I feel sorry for Ahmed Best, the actor but as for Episode VII, we don't need no stinkin' Jar-Jar!

  15. Fans had a negative reaction to Chewbacca? In the 37 years since all of this started way back in 1977, I have never met one fan who hated Chewie, or held an opinion about him that was even vaguely comparable to the negative reaction fans had to Jar Jar.

    Ewoks, okay. I know I was never crazy about them. I liked the concept of the ultimate underdog being the key to destroying the Empire, but that was always tempered by "Why in exactly the FUCK did he have to make them into gorram TEDDY BEARS?!" I know quite a few other folks who have had that same reaction to the Ewoks over the years. It may not be as strong as the fan blowback over Jar Jar, but okay... I can certainly see the parallel there.

    But Chewie?! In what bizarro world universe did legions of fans groan and roll their eyes whenever he came onscreen?

    1. In concept, the Ewoks are fine, but practical effects limitations had them appear as blatantly little people in furry suits with dead eyes, who ran about with difficulty. A shame, but what's done is done.

    2. The ewoks were good. They were clever from a narrative point of view. But if you want serious action, then you're not going to like them. Their execution felt a bit low-budget. The problem wasn't the ewoks, it was the bloomin' stormtroopers. If the ewoks had rocks/arrows/spears, then they had to have put the stomtroopers in different clothing to make it work better. People always moan that the ewoks couldn't have beat the empire yet instead of blaming the empire, they blamed the ewoks... Like umm stupid alert. The ewoks were clever from a narrative perspective. The problem was the fact that the stormtoopers were still in armour rather than something lightweight where the rocks/spears/arrows would have worked. I always think the troopers from the incredibles hit the nail spot on.
      They were armoured yet if you hit the crap out of them with spears and rocks and arrows it would have worked. I don't know why they didn't adapt the stormtoopers into something more lightweight like this.

    3. The ewoks were mostly for the children of that generation. Same way Jar Jar Binks character was in some way or another. But anyone who says they didnt like Chewbacca is either a liar or a sick time traveling Star trekkie. Can i get a MUHAHAHAHAHA !!!!

    4. umm star wars as a whole is for kids. George has said that Chewbacca was aimed for kids. If the battle had been with wookies it would have destroyed the concept of non technology vs technology as wookies were established as technologically advanced. Chewie for instance is the co-pilot and can fix the falcon. The ewoks were inoccent but deadly. Love 'em. The fact people don't understand ewoks and say it's stupid that the "ewoks destroyed the empire" is so stupid. The entire battle was just a diversion so Han and the gang could get into/destroy the shield generator. All the ewoks did was start bashing a bunch of stormtroopers so this could happen. I hate how it's become this big public thing and misinterpretation that the empire lost because the ewoks killed them all.. like wtf? The word 'ewok' isn't even mentioned in the film. That's how stupid the whole thing has become.

    5. Actually, if you go back and look at Rinzler "Making of Star Wars" book and check out the stuff about Lucas' various studio pitches and that sort of thing while he was making the original movie, his intention was to aim it at 12-18 year olds. And the film itself bears that out. In the first five minutes you see a bunch of close-ups of men being shot to death and another man's neck being very audibly snapped. Hell, you even get a nice lingering shot of Luke's aunt and uncle's incinerated corpses. Benji and Charlotte's Web it's not.

      The whole "Star Wars was always intended to be for small children" thing didn't start getting tossed around until much later when Lucas began throwing things like teddy bears and baby-talking space ducks into the films.

    6. yes "12-18 year olds". otherwise known as 'kids'

    7. "12-18" year olds", otherwise known as adolescents, not small children as stated above. Small children of movie going age to me would mean 6-10.

  16. By the way... great job, Dandino8100. Congrats on being the first guest blogger hereabouts! ;^)

  17. ooooooh, maxi big the force.

  18. TO VIRAL HIDE......... or whomever runs this website...... Question...... Any way you could do one post about the debate on whether or not Anakin was actually the chosen one, or a false hope. it seems like every other topic thats here seems to have some fans redirect the info back onto that topic. It didnt happen here in this post yet, lol, but im sure many more debates will come soon again. So any chance you will post that and see over 5000 responses in 1 hr LOL or would you be interested in doing it. Just wondering. And thanx for your hard work on this website. its fun to come here and talk about the greatest saga of all time. Thank you.

    1. Anakin was the chosen one. period.
      it was 100% confirmed by lucas. and all the fans who say they he was not, do know know what they are talking about.

    2. dandino8100..... lucas might have said that before, but he also once said that Anakin and Vader was different characters before he chamged it. he also said once said that Luke and Leia was not brother and sister at first before it was changed. So your 100 percent confirmation is thrown out the window on that debate. In Revenge of the Sith, there are 2 scenes.. One shows Sidious telling Anakin about the legendary Darth Plagueis being able to create life. the other shows Obi-Wan asking Mace and Windu isnt he the chosen one to destroy the sith and bring balance to the force. Did you hear the first part ? " Detroy the Sith ".... Now, if the sith planet Morriban ( korriban in the EU ) is gonna be in part 7, and with millions of sith on that planet, then all the sith are not destroyed yet. Which means with all of this evidence, it clearly means that Anakin was not the chosen one, but more of a flase hope type character. Also, if its gonna end like that with Anakin as the chosen one, then whats gonna be the plot of the Skywalkers in the new trilogy ? Each trilogys basic plot was focused on the adventures of the Skywalker clan. Lucas might have said during the filmings of his movies on the prequels that Anakin was the one, however, he once again made changes to open the door for the new trilogy. Why cant some of you just accept this ? every arguement about this, the ones who defend Anakin always goes back to what Lucas said years ago. Well do we all argue that Luke and Leia was not brother and sister like Lucas said one time ? Do we argue that Anakin and Vader are different people like Lucas once said ? Im just saying open your minds and think and quit always revering back to what Lucas said at one time. He has changed things many times over with his script and saga.

    3. lol i meant Obi-wan asking both Mace and Yoda....correction...

    4. All those decisions about Anakin and Vader and luke and leia were made before or during filming. Lucas confirmed Anakin was the chosen one after all the movies were done. it is also on the official star wars wikipedia.
      Anakin was the chosen one. the jedi were becoming too involved with the corrupt politics and they were not once as they once were.
      to balance the force there needed to be a clean slate.
      the jedi and sith both needed to be wiped out and started fresh.
      Anakin Destroyed/ helped to destroy every single jedi of the old order. in return of the jedi luke was the last jedi. the start of a new order.
      Anakin Fulfilled the prophecy by destroying palpatine.
      and when he died the sith were wiped out as well.
      making both the old sith and jedi orders gone. balancing the force.
      the sith homeworld is not filled with sith. it is where the sith came into existence, it is not filled with sith, it is merely where the name and group of the sith first started.

      please stop trying to get around the most fundamental part of the star wars saga. every single official star wars representative and site can confirm what i have said also about anakin being the chosen one.

    5. What on earth are you talking about. George Lucas has said that Anakin was the chosen one. Sure George said loads of things and changed his mind on lots of things, but those things that he changed his mind about were things that he never wrote, because he changed his mind. He hasn't changed his mind over things he's already written. He said that Anakin was the chosen one, he destroyed palpatine and brought balance back to the force.
      "Which means with all of this evidence, it clearly means that Anakin was not the chosen one" You can't just claim that there is evidence when there isn't any lol.
      "if its gonna end like that with Anakin as the chosen one, then whats gonna be the plot of the Skywalkers in the new trilogy ?"
      Then the force is going to become unbalanced once again. Or hey, maybe they decide that the chosen one wasn't Anakin. But this will be all new. Your argument that Anakin wasn't the chosen one because of some scenes in Revenge of the sith is stupid as this new trilogy wasn't even a possibility when he was writing the prequels.

    6. "Well do we all argue that Luke and Leia was not brother and sister like Lucas said one time ?"
      Soo, you're saying that Anakin wasn't the chosen one during the prequels because of a slight chance that people can change their mind about things later on.. wow, that is truly so logical. You should be rewarded for your brain power. Guys guys guys. Obi-wan's name wasn't obi-wan. His name was Bob. Think about it guys. obi and bob are very similar, and yes, george lucas has said his name is obi-wan, but he also said that Luke and Leia weren't brother and sister. You can't argue with all this evidence guys.

    7. the sith planet not filled with sith ? LMAO !!!!! then who lives on that planet ? ET the extraterrestrial and his buddies ? C'mon bro. Not to mention, what happened to the rest of the Emperial Star Destroyers still flying in space when the Death Star was destroyed ? They all didnt surrender. Some of them took off gettn away not to be punished.. OK Question..... Why would Lucas put in that scene about Darth Plagueis creating life using the dark side of the force knowing whomever that child would be that was created would have the dark side in the body. Why did Anakin who was supposed to the chosen one of pure light turn to darkness ? Pure light do not do evil things no matter what anyone wants to believe. Why was episode 4 called " A New Hope " after what happened with Anakin in episode 3 ?.... Why was Anakin the only one that betrayed the jedi order having a wife and child when the rest did not ? Anakin?Vader did not kill Sidious because he wanted to end the sith and bring balance to the force, he did it to save his son Luke. So if you say there are no more sith now. Then you must be saying there are no more Jedi either. And if you are saying that, then what is gonna be the point in making a new trilogy ? What is going to be the basis of this last trilogy of trilogies ? Cant you just accept the fact that Lucas either played with our minds, or made another change like always to a character to open the door for more new adventures ? Please explain this one dandino... And thanx for our debate.. Im just trying to figure this out. not do a personal attack. thanx for responding on this topic....

    8. ^J J Abrams is directing. So that means anything will happen. Remember, this was the same guy who destroyed Vulcan, changed Uhuru's personaity, made Khan a Brit, and a million other detestable changes to the accepted template.

    9. "Why would Lucas put in that scene about Darth Plagueis creating life using the dark side of the force knowing whomever that child would be that was created would have the dark side in the body."
      Sorry but you lost me. Please could you use english in your question?
      "Why did Anakin who was supposed to the chosen one of pure light turn to darkness ? Pure light do not do evil things no matter what anyone wants to believe."
      Pure light? What? That was not once mentioned in the film. The chosen one just means you'll bring balance back to the force.. Which he did..
      "Why was episode 4 called " A New Hope " after what happened with Anakin in episode 3"
      Because Luke was his son. Luke was the one who redeemed Anakin. He was the hope.
      "Why was Anakin the only one that betrayed the jedi order having a wife and child when the rest did not?"
      Because he turned to the dark side. That has nothing to do with being the chosen one. You might as well ask- 'why did anakin have long hair while the others did not?' It has nothing to do with the eventual outcome of bringing balance back to the force.
      "Vader did not kill Sidious because he wanted to end the sith and bring balance to the force, he did it to save his son Luke."
      ..You just said it yourself 'he did it'. That's all that matters. He brought balance back to the force. Luke made him realise that what he was doing was wrong, he made anakin realise that the emperor was indeed wrong and the puppet master. He destoryed the sith. How he did it is not important.
      "So if you say there are no more sith now. Then you must be saying there are no more Jedi either."
      ...what?! You are not making any sense at all. Did you not see star wars? Did you not see Return of the JEDI. Hint on the work JEDI. Did you suddenly just forget about Luke skywalker? a.k.a, a JEDI..?
      "What is going to be the basis of this last trilogy of trilogies ?"
      I presume a jedi will turn to the dark side and train more sith. So once more the force will become unbalanced and they have to destroy the sith again... This happens in real life. Just because world war 2 ended, doesn't mean there won't be any more wars. This is very simple stuff.

    10. Bro... I know what it all means and you are not listening to my point..... Some of you are so deep into the phase when Lucas told you about Anakin being the one that, you can't see what he did in Revenge of the Sith with those 2 scenes and once again changed the direction of what was going to be one way , but now has made a new turn once again in the story plot. . I can't believe how many of you fans didn't pay attention to those 2 scenes. And yes. the good is the light side and the dark is not. Plain and simple. I cant wait until the new and last trilogy plays out and you all doubters that want to stay on the bandwagon of Anakin being the
      one will all get a rude awakening when you see who is the true chosen one born with the light of good from the medirclorians itself, and not minipulated with the dark side of the medirclorians from dark magic from a dark lord that created an abomination. Say what you want. Anakin was the abomination. Luke and Leia was the twins that restored the Jedi family name with Luke saving his dad. Obi- wan kenobi in part 3 even asked a question to Yoad and Mace about " Is he not the chosen one who will destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force ". Nobody sit here and say that the sith planet in episode 7 will be a planet with no sith. If there is no sith on that planet, then why the hocky puck duck would they call it The Sith Planet ?...... Be open minded about this and think.... The sith are not all destroyed. Anakin turn to the dark side so he wasnt made from the light side of the force, so that would connect him to the darkness of the force with the only known sith lord to create life was Darth Plagueis the Wise who was killed by his student Darth Sidious..... Do the math. If your true fans and really follow the 2 scenes that im trying to explain, you will see it. Lucas has always changed things around for better or worse.

    11. oh this is so frustrating. Dude you are WRONG. this is not a debate. It's like arguing if the moon is real or not. It just is. Please accept that. There is no argument to have George wrote Anakin as the chosen one. Whether this is now changed or not is all new, it was not during the time of reveneg of the sith at all. Lucas said during that time he was the chosen one. You keep saying that tha'ts not evidence but it is.
      "all doubters that want to stay on the bandwagon of Anakin being the
      one will all get a rude awakening when you see who is the true chosen one born with the light of good from the medirclorians itself, and not minipulated with the dark side of the medirclorians from dark magic from a dark lord that created an abomination. Say what you want. Anakin was the abomination. "
      Dude, you are making htis up. There is nothing about abominations nad pure light. There was a chosen one. The chosen one would bring balance back to the force. There is nothing about abominations and pure lights and blah blah blah. You are making this up. Give me a source. ANY source that says the chosen one must be pure light and can't do bad things. I beg of you. Because you're just repeating yourself over and over again without any evidence other than your paranoid opinions that anakin being the chosen one was just some kind of conspiracy theory or something.
      "Obi- wan kenobi in part 3 even asked a question to Yoad and Mace about " Is he not the chosen one who will destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force ""
      Yes because this was epiosde 3. Not episode 6. He said that quote to make you doubt if he was the chosen one. But if you actually watch episode 6 you will see that he indeed was the chosen one as he destroyed sidious. Please just accept this and stop arguing against solid facts.
      "Nobody sit here and say that the sith planet in episode 7 will be a planet with no sith. If there is no sith on that planet, then why the hocky puck duck would they call it The Sith Planet ?"
      This has absolutely nothing to do with Anakin bringing balance back to the force.. I presume Luke trains a Jedi and one turns bad, and trains sith. Just because Anakin brought balance back to the force, doesn't mean it can't become unbalanced again.
      "Anakin turn to the dark side so he wasnt made from the light side of the force, so that would connect him to the darkness of the force with the only known sith lord to create life was Darth Plagueis the Wise who was killed by his student Darth Sidious..... Do the math." Yes, darth plagueis and palpatine created anakin through the force.. So what? The prophecy about the person that will bring balance back to the force has nothing to do with how the person is born. You might as well argue that Anakin wasn't the chosen one because he had more eyelashes than an average person. It has no outcome on what matters, if he will bring balance back to the force.

    12. every debate we have, you always go back to " This is what Lucas said "........ i cant wait for the new trilogy to begin and that will prove that my theory was right.... Just remember when the new movies come out, remember this time we had when i tried to explain to some of you what was going on with what the new trilogy and connection of revenge of the sith had.... thanx for the debate, see ya at the movies....

    13. haha you still have not answered my question. Where does it say the chosen one can't do bad things? Where does it say that there will be abominations? Where does it say that there is 'pure light'?.. You never touch on my points. You always just say the same thing.
      "every debate we have, you always go back to 'This is what Lucas said'" ..That's like saying;
      Every debate we have about which day of the week it is, you always look at the calendar.

  19. Always like the guy behind Jar Jar. Great guy... shame it ended up the way it did but it certainly wasn't his fault. At least the younger generation seem to love Jar Jar.

    1. You mean there are young people who actually liked the PT?!? GASP! From some of the comments on this site, you'd think that the requirement to be a Star Wars fan was to be 50 years old and bash anything to do with the PT.

  20. Glad to see that the actor behind Jar Jar did not become bitter like Jake Lloyd (he wants nothing to do with Star Wars and does not want to talk about it), who is perhaps the second most hated character in the PT. He even respects Star Wars and was glad to be a part of it, even if his character was despised.

  21. I am pretty sure that the chosen one is Chopper. I mean even the words "chosen" and "Chopper" both begin with "cho." That's a huge clue right there. Think about it.

  22. I'd honestly love to see Ahmed Best play a small but well conceived and realistic role in episode 7. I don't doubt that he's highly talented and I'd love to see his efforts redeemed through the leadership of a discerning director at the height of his powers. I'd also like to shaKe Lloyd in a similar bit part.

  23. Yes, a Best cameo would be great. Similarly, David Prowse (the man inside the Vader suit in the OT) would certainly deserve to be seen onscreen in some role. Not necessarily big roles, but brief speaking parts.

  24. He seems like a good guy & hope they give him a good part this time. Jar Jar was hardly the worst part of the prequels anyway. The worst part was a three way tie between Lucas' awful ideas & Lucas' awful writing and Lucas' awful directing.
