Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Details on How the Star Wars: Episode 7 Cast Was Assembled.

Star Wars

Another cool article from THR about how director J.J. Abrams managed to keep the Star Wars: Episode VII cast a secret and other details about the casting process...

From THR:
It took nine months of meet-and-greets, script readings and screen tests, all conducted with more secrecy than a raid on the Death Star, for director J.J. Abrams, Lucasfilm and Disney to assemble the cast of Star Wars: Episode VII Abrams cast a wide net, with actors asked to read material that was not from the top secret script. They couldn't tell anyone for which parts they were reading, and their agents and publicists had to sign strict nondisclosure agreements.
Although Abrams began meetings as early as August, sources say he didn't cast the British newcomer Ridley -- one of the first leads to be chosen -- until February. Securing Driver, who likely will play a villain, was more complicated. The actor also was sought for a role in Warner Bros.' Batman-Superman movie and had to work around his schedule on HBO's Girls. But by late February, he was on board.
star wars
Around that time, Serkis, who was in Los Angeles for the Oscars, also entered the picture. Lucasfilm's Kathleen Kennedy, who worked with the actor and motion-capture specialist on The Adventures of Tintin, is a fan and encouraged Abrams to talk to him. As if to underscore how effective the cone of silence around Star Wars was, while word leaked out about other projects Serkis is lining up -- like the Warners adaptation of The Jungle Book, which he will direct -- Serkis remained under the radar amid all the Star Wars speculation.
Talks with Inside Llewyn Davis' Isaac began in March, according to sources, but then hit a snag in early April when it looked as if the summer and fall shooting schedule might run up against theater commitments. Meanwhile, Boyega, who made his feature debut in 2011's Attack the Block, was courted by several fran­chises, including Paramount's Terminator reboot. His Star Wars deal only began to firm up in the past few weeks when he dropped out of a biopic of sprinter Jesse Owens.
In fact, despite all the rumors during the past few months, many of the castings were decided only in the past few weeks; actor Dev Patel, who failed to win a part, tested as recently as three weeks ago. And despite a rush to meet a Dec. 18, 2015, release date, the casting process isn't over. According to sources, at least one major female role remains open.


  1. Got to love the Mystery Box! nice details.

  2. I am encouraged by his casting choices. Not a bad one in the bunch.

  3. And see? There's apparently another female lead that they're still trying to cast.

    (Perhaps now we might be able to dispense with the endless "Sexist!" "PC Narzi!" arguments.) ;^)

    1. lol. I don't mind people voicing their disapointment. I'm dissapointed too. But if people are indeed happy with the lack of female cast members, then they can keep their opinions to themselves. A lot of people like myself would enjoy seeing more female characters on screen for a change in the star wars movieverse. There is nothing wrong in that so to be called a PC nazi is hysterical. If the cast was 12 new women and only 1 new man they would all go absolutely ape shit. Too many butthurt men who hate change. So cringeworthy.

    2. I never even said I was particularly happy with the lack of female characters; in fact, I tried my best to make it clear that what really matters is the actual plot of EpVII and that since none of us have any idea what the plot will be, it's just foolish for us to makepremature judgements of any kind. JJ Abrams is no sexist and neither am I.

    3. Butthurt men? Are you slamming gay men now? That's a homophobic remark! You arrogant pig!

    4. "And see? There's apparently another female lead that they're still trying to cast.

      (Perhaps now we might be able to dispense with the endless "Sexist!" "PC Narzi!" arguments.)"

      --Rush Limbaugh.

    5. Evidently not.

      Carry on, then. The bottomless cuppa internet ro-sham-bo is far more fascinating than actual discussion...

    6. This is getting completely out of hand.

    7. Hey Anon April 30 14 10:12

      This is getting ridiculous. I don't know about you, but I don't count how many white, black, male, female, gay, straight people are in a film. Oh wait, I think I left out Muslim, Christian, and Jewish. This is an outrage! Call you local congressmen/women and let's boycott Disney, the theaters, Orville Redenbacher, Coca-Cola, the Post office, and your mother!

    8. Yes, boycott! Boycott all you please! I for one will wait until the film is actually released before making any solid judgements as to whether or not there should've been more female characters in the cast. JJ obviously knows what he's doing. Otherwise, he would have casted more actresses if it was necessary to strengthen the plot.

    9. You people are so quick to jump to conclusions. It's hilariously childish.

    10. Of course you don't count all those "other " people. You only care about white straight men. Thank you for proving my point.

    11. Do you really believe people are that shallow in forming opinions?
      I'm sorry. I wouldn't wanna live my life with such a black and white view of things.

    12. No, I'm not. That logic traps people into being who you want them to be. You are the one who's filled with hate. You' have turned to the Dark Side and are trying to take us all with you. You cannot lower me down and make me feel bad about myself because I know that I have a clean conscious.

      I have proven that YOU are the one who counts black/white/blue/grey/ whatever the heck color you want to add in. You are the one who forces the rest of us to feel like we owe someone something and must be forced to always "check the numbers" . That breeds racism and hate. YOU are now the cause of hate in America. YOU are the hypocrite

    13. I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time understanding you over the gagging and choking. Is that your pride you're trying to swallow?

    14. I think the gagging and choking are from some large things stuck in their throats.

    15. Why are people being so mean when the movie hasn't even been in the theaters yet. There may not be many females in main cast, but there are still things like secondary characters and stuff.

      You know, those characters who actually help the leads accomplishe something.

    16. I second that this is completely insane.

    17. "What is a PC Narzi?" That's the big question.


    18. It's frigging Star Wars!!! Stop getting politically correct with it and let us enjoy it!!!!!

    19. They did call for two females in their late teens... One they got now Daisy Ridler but whos the other?

  4. I'am glad that we will get at least one more female character.

    1. A movie with more than one woman? Gasp! What is the world coming to!?! Right guys?

    2. Females!? MULTIPLE females?! In films!? Stop the madness!! I'm not ready for a perfectly normal representation of what real life is like!!!! My closed-minded moronic nature can't cope if a character doesn't have a penis!!!!

    3. Agree Anon @ 2:45.

      It amazes me how some people think Boba Fett surviving a Saarlac Pit and Han Solo surviving an astroid field despite 3PO's enormous odds can be remotely "reasonable," and yet two main female characters who might (gasp!) talk to each other is less believable and should not be seen.

  5. So glad to get at least one more female lead. :)

    1. we know. we saw your first reply.

    2. That was not me....

      Maybe this will be shock to you, but many people want more female cast memers.

    3. shhhhh don't provoke the sexist monkeys they'll call you PC and fascist

    4. Um there is leads for two Female's in their late teens as someone posted.
      We also have Carrie Fisher too...So that's 3. So chill with the not enough female leads!

  6. Now I am offended that their are no children in the cast.

    *That's me making fun of all the stupid sexist rants on this site.

    1. It is not funny....

    2. I know people like trying to make me feel bad when it comes to liking the prequels, but my god, what makes you think it's a good thing to make people feel bad for wanting more women in the cast?

    3. Then why are you posting so humorously, AnonymousApril 30, 2014 at 10:12 PM?

  7. Too many women. They'll need a bigger set for the kitchen to put them all in. We should protest.

    1. ^ if that's not sexist I don't know what is.

    2. I've stopped listening to them to be honest. Their collective IQ is rather worrying and their heads are so far up their backside it's rather astonishing.

    3. Nice story, babe. Now go make me a sandwich.

    4. This is by far the best sub-thread here just for the humor...

  8. "It took nine months of meet-and-greets, script readings and screen tests, all conducted with more secrecy than a raid on the Death Star ..."

    Ah, but the Emperor knew they were coming! Remember Admirial Akhbar's immortal line? "IT'S A TRAP!"

  9. When did this site become so unbearably and unreasonably politically correct?

    1. Better be politically correct than full of rasist and sexist.

      There is nothing unbearably in diversity.

    2. FULL of racism/sexism? Tell me, when during any Star Wars film have you seen a female deliberatly slandered by any protagonistic character? When were racism/sexism ever supported in any of the films by anyone the audience respects and wants to support?

    3. "when during any Star Wars film have you seen a female deliberatly slandered by any protagonistic character"
      well.. actually.. since you ask..
      "If we can just avoid any more female advice, we ought to be able to get out of here."

    4. Now no sense of sarcasm? Even from a scoundrel like Han Solo? Pathetic...

    5. It seems that many people are upset with lack of females in SW cast.
      Read this.!GP13N

    6. Oh so he was sarcastic now? Lol, you idiots always twisting things. But hey, I am so sorry for being 'pathetic' by answering your question. God i'm so pathetic. My pathetic-ness is truly astounding. Come on everybody, bow down to the king of male chauvinists, dopeyjoe. pip pip.

    7. *Sarcastic applause*
      Boy, you really showed me...

    8. @dopeyjoe don't call her a boy. THAT'S SEXIST!

    9. "her" ?? I believe I am a male judging by my penis. You don't have to be a female to respect and enjoy the simple concept of having female characters in a film. Yeah, shocker I know, take your time.

    10. Let's just never mention it again and maybe this Anon troll will get bored and leave.

    11. The problem is you have trolls here, trolls on the TV grandstanding, trolls on the radio talk shows, and trolls working for the newspapers! We're all surrounded by trolls! They all want to grand stand and push their stories so they can become bigger and attract more drone listeners, viewers, and readers.

      These are the same people who whine about there not being any female NFL football players. These are the same people who want to tell you that you need to marry someone of another race because you're being a racist for wanting someone that looks and thinks like you. These are the same people who have turned this country into a PC first nation.

      All these people need to watch the comedy classic PCU.

    12. What's funny is your accusations of chauvinism when not a single thing I've said is at all sexist... You feminazis are all the same; taking absolutly no one's perspective into account but your own and so quick to lash out and accuse. Let's give a round of sarcastic applause for this pathetic wannabe activist who actually thinks they're supporting a cause by posting hateful remarks on a Star Wars fan forum! Hazah!

    13. In response to AnonymousApril 30, 2014 at 10:46 PM

  10. Where are the disabled people in the list of actors?

    1. Anthony Daniels is gay. That's the Token Homosexual / disabled person.

    2. Where are the deaf and the blind characters? Why aren't they represented in this film?

    3. Oh I had no idea half the worlds population was deaf and blind. So silly of me.

    4. What about the gay Jewish black girl? Where is she in the mix?

    5. Black girl might be the second "Female in her late teens.." Their trying to get casted....

  11. There aren't enough dwarfs! Not enough robots! Not enough transexuals! Not enough Homosexuals! Not enough Twi'leks! Not enough Wookiees! Not enough Ewoks! Not enough not enough not enough not enough...

    1. But there is waaaaaaaaaaay more than enough males in movies.

    2. So lets kill all the males, shall we?

    3. Who said anything about killing men? That is just your demented imagination.

    4. wow, all these pathetic blokes who think it's some big huge horrible demand to want a few more female characters... so pathetic

    5. There point is why are you focusing only on females ...

    6. because half the world are females? Does that not account for anything?

    7. Why should it? In what warped world do you write a story to meet casting quotas. Bizarre ...

  12. Wow some comments here are racist and sad to read

  13. Everyone chill! We are all Star Wars folks here... lets show some solidarity for each other instead of calling each other bigots and get back to complaining about the EU and prequels.

    1. Wait... Star Wars?! Oh yeah... I think I vaguely remember something about that.

    2. Yes! I was actually hoping some EU nerd would be jumping to the conclusion that the woman soon to be casted is for Mary Jane or whatever her name is but alas I'll take this opportunity to express my dislike for the self entitlement of the EU fans because they know how to read and their boring stories that the majority of movie goers haven't read need to be the movies even if it means Chewie dies....FYI I saw Peter Mahew in the official actors list so ha ha ha the EU is dead!

    3. Great, the only thing that's almost as bad as all this sexist drivel.

    4. When I make fun of EU people I do it in a lighthearted kind of way, sort of like how parents mock their children when they do dumb things. Sorry that came out wrong... It's just... JJ's not sitting around reading Zahn and being like "lets just make this into a movie!"

      Maybe there'll be a thrawn but he wouldn't be like a main villain, more like admiral piett... that is the extent of which we'd see EU references... but I'm doubtful it would even go that far.

  14. That's some pretty horrible casting choices... Dead eyes, no personalities whatsoever... Max Von Sydow and Andy Serkis are amazing as always, but the young "leads"...
    On the other hand, what can you expect from Abrams?

    1. Can't agree more. I wonder if there's some online petition to remove that bastard from the helm before he screws things up completely.

    2. Sorry guys... go see inside llewyn Davis / attack of the block / or test reels to see how wrong you are about this... Abrams is great at casting.

    3. I love all of them except John :| He just doesn't have the right vibe about him. His screen presence isn't naive or innocent enough for the lead role. He comes across as very level headed and strong which leaves very little chance for his character to develop much strength. His acting better be friggin' oscar worthy or something.

    4. Agreed, the young leads don't really shine or have that mesmerizing charisma that I was hoping for. Maybe they will surprise me, but I am going to be happy just cuz the OT gang is back. These new dudes must be talented because the ladies aren't going to be too impressed with them. They really needed to find a younger Dicaprio or Matt Damon or Chris Pine. I guess that is hard to find.

    5. Yeah, it's a rogue's gallery when you line up Serkis, Driver, Isaac, and Boyega. Only Daisy looks good.

    6. No I disagree. Adam and Domhnall are absolutely brilliant brilliant actors and look perfect for star wars. They have a lot of personality to them and they are very interesting to look at but aren't the stereotypical super attractive pretty boys. I'm glad there's no heartthrobs. Daisy also looks great but isn't stereotypical glamour model looks. Very similar casting to Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher back in 1977. I just wonder what the trio will be. Obviously Daisy will be the girl, I presume John will be the lead (not happy about that but there we go), which leaves the third position which is presumably Adam or Domhnall. I think Domhnall will join Daisy and John in the trio as Adam is supposedly the villain. Which I hope is the case. Domhnall is great at playing very innocent timid characters which would bounce off brilliant with Daisy who is very cocky and wisecracking. Presumably she is Leia and Han's daughter.

    7. good predictions about the new trio, anon.

    8. Should have got Anthony Ingruber. Hope they'll save him for the Han Solo role in one of the spin-offs.

    9. @ anon..1:29am... you sir are racist's, let JAR JAR rape you!

  15. Hey guys, remember that bad robot workshop mystery box? I think I know what's inside!

    1. The Mystery Box contains the brain of the idiot Abrams, which he removed in order to carry out the casting. Otherwise I can't explain his choices.

    2. How many epic blockbusters have you cast anonymous?

    3. No no no it's Davey Jones heart!


    I encourage everyone to read this article and recognise it's relevence.

  17. First Complaining about lack of official news.. now complaining about lack of females. I guess the star wars community can never be satisfied xD

    1. Well, I reckon something's always gotta massively suck in order for people to be truly satisfied, doesn't it? ;^)

    2. It's just one Anon that's posted like 1000 times today.

    3. Lack of Female's????? How and why....there are two late females in their late teens, one had been casted one still on the way, plus they got Carrie fisher who will also be the lead female...So that's 3...

  18. It seems that many people are upset with lack of females in SW cast.
    Read this....!GP13N

    Good video on the whole sexism aspect.

    1. That's impossible because there is no sexism aspect.

    2. That's what I'm getting at, people need to remember that the story is more important.

  20. i think they should cast more "jews of both sexes and hermaphrodites"
    this conversation reminds me of stan's (loretta's) constant interruptions in Life of Brian
    i personally don't care what the male female ratio is. and i don't care if the lead is male or female. and i think if you care about the actors ethnicity you are retarded.

  21. ^"but why do you want to be Loretta Stan?" Lol

    Jeez, all this debat is rather serious for a Star Wars blog... we should be celebrating, not arguing.

  22. Not the greatest looking cast- but I'm sure its their acting that counts..By the way, Mark Hamill & Carrie Fisher NEED to be slim & fit for this, or people will LAUGH (& cry)..I can't believe Disney would risk 4 billion $$ on whether or not people will accept chubby old Friar Tuck versions of Luke & Leia- they have had over a year to get cut!

    1. Yeah, no one is going to accuse any of the new guys of being the next Brad Pitt, that's for sure.

  23. Movie Pilot says that the title for ep7 is:


    1. That's a bloody awful title. It's so bad it hurts my brain to think about.

    2. A bloody awful title for a bloody awful cast.
      But I'm glad at least the old guys are back.

    3. SW7: The day JJ died...opps I say JJ? I meant JAR JAR!!! hahahahaha

  24. I am ecstatic about the cast. If there are more women that will be great too. I really don't care what we have in terms of gender or race as long as they produce a great story. Some of my favorite films have had exclusively white male casts, black male casts, female casts, etc. Any mix can work when done right. I don't think films need quotas.

    Here's to a great film! I hope they all rock!

  25. Holy Moly, you can't even watch a Star Wars movie without incessant activist whining over an imperfect representation of the U.S. Census.

    I really wish they'd take their wagging fingers and nagging and go back to watching Oprah where that sort of thing is respected.


  26. Sorry, but Oscar Isaac is the best actor you could find? Come on, he looks very sleepy and depressed. Very boring actor from that depressing Llewn Davis movie. Just not impressed with the new guys at all. Not a single movie star among them.

    1. Right. What a mistake. Especially since Mark, Harrison and Carrie were such HUGE household names around Hollywood in '77.

    2. Maybe he looked sleepy and depressed because the character was supposed to be sleepy/depressed?

    3. the character was supposed to be sleepy and depressed. If you bought into the fact he was sleepy and depressed, he did a good job at acting lol. Although I admit, he is a good actor but he's not very interesting.

    4. Ok, well, Oscar better show some passion is all I am saying. Bcuz I didn't see it in his previous work. No fire.

    5. I think it will all be fine... no need to get pessimistic until we see a trailer haha. JJ's very good at casting... the only fuck up so far was Cuberbatch as Kahn,,, although I'm not sure if that was his decision.

    6. Me neither. Crap cast of young male leads. Disappointed but meh..

  27. They should have discovered the next Heath Ledger. Kinda disappointed but trying to stay open minded.

    1. IDK about Ledger (RIP), but how do you know one of these kids won't be the next…Harrison Ford?

      Nobody will know what they have till we've actually watched them perform.

    2. Anthony Ingruber will be the next Harrison Ford.

    3. You can't just imitate legends to become a legend, Monsieur Ingurber.

    4. Ingruber the pampered Kiwi who does celebrity impressions oh so well on his webcam in his flat.

  28. Every board now. There's not enough this not enough that. Sheesh can we talk about Star Wars. I fear when the spin offs come it will be worse.

    1. lol, thanks for bringing up the spinoffs, lest we forget!

    2. Zach Effron Casted as young han solo
      Justin Beiber Casted as Boba fett


  29. I don't feel like logging in but can we just take away the Anon option now???

    1. No, thanks. I love this option.

  30. I'm going to completely ignore the brainless arguments going on as both sides have gone way to far... and simply put are silly at best. I never thought the OT vs PT arguments would look so intelligent :P

    I love the casting. Can't wait to hear more about the ones unfilled. The speculation as to what roles they play is quite fun to contemplate! I'm so danged optimistic about this new trilogy. Gotta long wait ahead of us for a trailer :(

    1. I'm pessimistic about the movie, and I absolutely hate the young leads. They had at least half a year to do the casting thing, and these dead-eyed robots were all they could get?

  31. " In fact, despite all the rumors during the past few months, many of the castings were decided only in the past few weeks; actor Dev Patel, who failed to win a part, tested as recently as three weeks ago. And despite a rush to meet a Dec. 18, 2015, release date, the casting process isn't over. According to sources, at least one major female role remains open."
    I suppose I found the answer why none of the emails I send asking if they're still casting people were never answered.

  32. So you got your female and black jedis..but what about the biggest minority of them all? The gingers! I want to see a ginger jedi for once this is racist! Hope domhal gleeson gets the mainrole as lukes son but that'll never happened in this iron age of bigotry where redheads get treated worse than blacks or females
