Star Wars Episode 7 News

Sunday, April 13, 2014

UPDATE! Harrison Ford on Reddit AMA.

star wars

It's funny that the confirmation of Ford's appearance on Reddit came form James Cameron's Twitter account. Cameron was on Reddit yesterday. As we did with Mark Hamill's AMA we'll post the most interesting bits from Ford as soon as it starts just in a few hours time...

The event starts at 12 pm EDT (9 am PDT, 6 pm CET). Just 4 hours away.

The Episode 7 questions will not be spared. Probably Ford won't reveal anything but expect plenty of interesting comments regarding the Star Wars and the Indiana Jones franchises.

Here are some of the more interesting bits:

Q: I love you.

I know.

Q: How did you feel about Star Wars when you first started? How were you approached?

I was approached with the offer of a job, which at that point, was all I wanted to hear. I had helped George Lucas audition other actors for the principle parts, and with no expectation or indication that I might be considered for the part of Han, I was quite surprised when I was offered the part. My principle job at the time was carpentry, I had been under contract as an actor at Columbia and Universal. I had a house at the time I wanted to remodel, a bit of the wreck of a house. I'd invest money in tools but wouldn't have money for materials, so I realized this was another way of putting food on the table. And allowing me to pick and choose from the acting jobs that were being offered at the time.

Q: If you and Mark Hamill fought who would win?

Me, of course.

Q: Were there any injuries / weird occurrences / funny stories on any of the Indiana Jones sets?

Oh, let's see. On the first Indiana Jones movie, I tore an ACL in one of my knees, can't remember which knee, the scene in which I was fighting the big German mechanic on an airplane called a flying wing, I was run over by the landing gear and injured my knee, but I can't remember which one it was. Lots of bumps and injuries along the way.

Funny stories? We were shooting in Tunisia, and the script had a scene in which I fight a swordsman, an expert swordsman, it was meant to be the ultimate duel between sword and whip. And I was suffering from dysentery, really, found it inconvenient to be out of my trailer for more than 10 minutes at a time. We'd done a brief rehearsal of the scene the night before we were meant to shoot it, and both Steve and I realized it would take 2 or 3 days to shoot this. And it was the last thing we were meant to shoot in Tunisia before we left to shoot in England. And the scene before this in the film included a whip fight against 5 bad guys that were trying to kidnap Marian, so I thought it was a bit redundant. I was puzzling how to get out of this 3 days of shooting, so when I got to set I proposed to Steven that we just shoot the son a bitch and Steve said "I was thinking that as well." So he drew his sword, the poor guy was a wonderful British stuntman who had practiced his sword skills for months in order to do this job, and was quite surprised by the idea that we would dispatch him in 5 minutes. But he flourished his sword, I pulled out my gun and shot him, and then we went back to England.

Q: Can you elaborate on what happened between you and Chewbacca that lead to you having a falling out?

Ha. Well that was a skit for Kimmel, I think. With his writers, the idea behind it was that Chewbacca had borrowed my fictional wife.

Q: Did you keep any props from any of your movies, if so which ones are your favorite?

No, I don't keep any, I'm not terribly nostalgic and I don't have a lot of things from my movies. And certainly don't have a lot of them around my house. Those are separate worlds for me.

Q: How do you feel about snakes?

I actually like snakes! When I was young, I was a boy scout nature camp counselor, and one of our projects was collecting snakes and creating an environment for them, so I'm quite familiar with snakes and think they'r fantastic creatures.

Q: Are you still mad at Lando?

Lando who?

Q: What was your favorite Indiana Jones movie?

I don't have favorites. I just love the work, and I'm glad that the films were so well-received. But I don't really have favorites.

Q: Do you have any pets?

We have presently 2 dogs, numerous fish, and those are our pets. I haven't owned a cat for many years. I like individual cats, though, yes. Cats are fine.

Q: Hi Mr, Ford. I think we would all like to know: Who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo?

I don't know and I don't care.

Q: I've seen you on a couple of late night talk shows, where it really seems that you hate being interviewed, or maybe you're just uncomfortable? Am i right? And if i am...why?

Oh no, in most cases, those guys are so talented and so funny. I don't hate it at all, in fact it's interesting you would think that because I usually have a really good time. I'm there to bring attention to some project that's about to be released, and it's great to be able to take advantage of that to bring attention to bring attention to the film.

Q: Who did you prefer portraying, Han or Indiana?

I think Indiana Jones was a lot of fun to do because of the places we went to and the adventures and the action. But Han Solo was also a huge part of my life.

Q: Were you really a carpet salesman until you were 37?


For the whole AMA click here.


  1. Mark dint confirm on him AMA. This wont be any different

    1. Sure but he shared so many cool bits about Star Wars. It will be even more interesting with Ford because of Indiana Jones. :)

    2. In theory that may be true. However, it seems often times Ford just doesn't like talking about Star Wars, although I do realize sometimes he's just being sarcastic or trying to amuse. But, I always get the impression that, outside of basic, general info, he'd rather not discuss SW or IJ in depth.

  2. This should be interesting...

  3. Take a look at his Wikipedia page: . I know it hasn't been formally announced, but we can only hope.

  4. What is the link to his Reddit?

    1. What about now?


  5. Viral, where is that picture from?

    1. Found it on the web. It's fan made. The guy who did it has a remarkable Photoshop skills. :)

  6. As always, I'm hoping for the best news.... But still expecting no news.

  7. Very excited about 7 . saw episode 4 when I was 5 years old and have followed the saga since the early beginnings .

  8. I swear to God, Harrison better say something meaningful about SW7. If he continues to play coy and milk it and dodge the issue playfully, I am going to be disappointed yet again!

    1. You are going to be disappointed.

    2. As Han Solo once said, "I know."

    3. unless he slips up :D hasn´t he already said: "you know i can´t talk about these things" so that hopefully means something :)

    4. He shall say nothing. I have foreseen it.

  9. Hi. Though it's surely a coincidence, note in his AMA picture, the chair next to him starts with CA - Carrie Fisher?

    1. He's currently filming the age of adrenalin that has Cate Richardson in it

  10. I've been kinda following this Harrison Ford thing over on There has been some EpVII questions but he hasn't answered any as of yet.

  11. Lmao, someone posted him "I love you." and he replied "I know" ;)

  12. The fact that he did't respond to the questions about SW7 at all is very interesting. Surely if he isn't going to be in it he would just say so.

    1. Yup. It's been a year and a half, and principle photography is in a matter of weeks. I still don't understand how people can think they aren't back.

    2. The reason people question his casting in the film is that it has not been announced by Disney. His casting will be questioned until it is official.

  13. we should have a android app that has a notification come up whenever a new story is posted

    1. I concur, Viral make it happen

    2. Yes. Yes, to Dandino8100 you listen. Good idea!

    3. Yes, and make it for ios too. kthxbai

    4. Isn't there someway you can subscribe and have it sent to your email, and by extension you cold put into your phone/smart device? No need for a separate device.

  14. looks like England , new look , what that chair next to him say ? ca...rrie fisher ??? and now hes working on star wars he is open to talk about anything relating to that without getting pissed ....mmmm - looking good though ..

    1. Yeah, and that shed behind him houses the new jedi council.

    2. Perfect lil' Disney version of the Jedi temple.

  15. I still cant fathom why anyone would think that the big 3 aren't coming back. George Lucas confirmed it a year ago. Carrie Fisher has said multiple times that shes back. People are just so willing to believe any baseless rumor that comes up. Just as dumb as thinking that the EU is canon in any way

    1. nah mate you got it totally all wrong the big three aren't back at all and of course we will see the EU in fact my source says Mara Jade is the main character ..;)

    2. Heh. So the films would then be Episode VII- The Yuuzhan Vong Menace, Episode VIII- Attack Of Darth Caedus, & Episode IX- Revenge Of The Jedi Coalition. I ain't buying it.

  16. It will be interesting to see Mark and Carrie, having to somehow pretend nothing has happened, when in the meantime Harrison has become like 1000 times more successful than them.

    1. ..bit harsh and very ignorant. "Success" includes many definitions and variables. If we're talking about how well they are at doing what they do, I'd say Harrison is not a successful actor. For instance, I recently saw him in Ender's Game. I heard he was bad in it but bloody hell... However, if by "successful" you mean how big their roles were and therefore how big of a "star" they are, then Harrison is hugely successful. To compare him with Mark and Carrie is rather odd anyway. Carrie doesn't enjoy acting a lot so doesn't do much anymore, she turned to writing and stage shows. Plus she had to turn away from the spotlight because of a load of issues in her personal life. As for Mark, he prefers theater, broadway, and voice acting. Mark and Carrie are a big success in what they do, it's just not the same work like Harrison that draws loads of media attention to themselves as people. Harrison Ford has become the bigger household name and public figure, but Mark and Carrie are equally special.

    2. Only good Ford has been in last 15 years is in last Indiana Jones...

    3. If you call the last Indiana Jones good, I have some beach front property in Pheonix to sell ya.

    4. You mean "Phoenix", bub.

  17. The problem with hugely successful actors is that they stop taking direction of any kind. They think all they have to do is show up, be present, and everyone will love their work. But the biggest stars lose the hunger and edge that made them stars.

    They start mumbling and underacting. I hope Harrison regains his passion for acting and gives us what he gave in his 30s and 40s, his best years.

    1. So... you're saying Harrison needs a Rocky III montage?

    2. Yeah, I want to see him put forth that kind of effort the way he used to.

  18. Good example, William Shatner. His "over acting" in the original Star Trek was actually perfect for his genre. Watch him act now and he under performs so well that his voice is barely perceptible. I like it when guys put some heart into it and get loud. I don't remember Ian McDiarmid under-acting. He went histrionic and it worked.

    1. Shatner's shtick worked well (most of the time) on Boston Legal. SHATNER: I want you to shoot me. SPADER: I'm not gonna shoot you ! SHATNER: Why not- -I'd shoot you !

  19. I think that goatie beard is being kept for EP7.....

    1. We hope he's keeping that goatee for Episode VII. . .

  20. Assumptions. Let's all jump to them!

    1. Idle-sitting, Let's all jump them too !

  21. I think Lucasfilm made a mistake re-signing Harrison for more SW & Indy..leave the old mentor job to Luke/ Hamill in SW(one old mentor is enough) & move along with a brand new lead in Indy. Why Lucasfilm would want to shell out millions of dollars for geriatric Harrison to mumble his way through yet another film, is beyond me.

    1. Maybe he'll get the Obi-Wan treatment & get killed off. Perhaps that'll be more Shakespeare to your liking.

  22. E7 cast now on imdb

  23. I really think Carrie and Mark will outshine Harrison. Harrison has lost his acting ability big time. Harrison will only be good if he is in a good mood, otherwise he won't be motivated. Unless Harrison is in high spirits while filming and likes JJ Abrams, and Mark and Carrie give him a nostalgic boost, he won't put in much effort. Hopefully JJ isn't too scared to tell him to get his shit together if he just sits there all grumpy saying his lines in a deadpan voice. You can literally see his boredom in all his recent roles. Mark will put in a lot of effort.

    1. They will, if only because it means more to them than to Harrison at this point. Mark is chomping at the bit to reign at the box office again. It has been a long time for him to be out of 1st place... 1983 was the last time Mark was King at the the box office, Carrie too. Harrison's like, been there done that let's fire up a j.

    2. And, the likelihood of Harrison being a supportive yet somewhat lead role is quite possible. This will mean that should he pull a Connery or an Eastwood, it hopefully will not chew up too much precious screen time.

    3. Yeah, I don't think HF is your go-to guy at this point. He could be if he would wake up and show he cares. I love the guy, but by the time he is doing Crystal Skull, he is flying his flag at half mast, and you know he was grateful as hell to finally be playing Indy again at that point. And with Shia swinging from vines in a leather jacket with monkeys following him, I was like what the f is going on here?!

    4. I'll admit I don't really believe that Ford needs to transition with Lebeouf to give him the lead over in Indianaville. Star Wars is a little different with it's "everything old is new again" routine, so here I can see that as an easy stretch.

    5. When you say easy stretch it reminds me of the fat lady singing for the end.

  24. In the lead articles off photo, Ford is leaning on a Harrison Ford cast chair. Next to him is a another cast chair where you can only see "CA"...

    ...Carrie Fisher?

    1. More likely it's Cate Richardson. They are filming together The Age of Adaline right now.

    2. The name on the back of the chair is too short to be Cate Richardson - notice how the font is larger than Harrison's? It's because the 'CA' leads into a shorter first and second name. The background may be old buildings in the vicinity of Pinewood Studios.

    3. Well Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford have both 12 letters in their names. So if this was Fisher's chair the font size should have been the same as Ford's.

    4. CA stands for California :)

  25. *lead off article's photo*

  26. Just a note. Mark Hamill has done Reddit. Harrison Ford has done Reddit. Can this mean an appearance by Carrie Fisher?

  27. Q: Hi Mr, Ford. I think we would all like to know: Who shot first? Han Solo or Greedo?

    I don't know and I don't care.

    Very Han Solo like.

  28. Han Solo with a beard... I don't like it at all.
    Leave the bearded stuff to the Jedi's.
    Hope he shaves it off and grows the hair on his head just a little more instead

    1. Ah , good ol' change. The arch-enemy of human imagination.

    2. um change is not a stretch of the human imagination. Expanding is a stretch on the human imagination. Change in this case would be stupid as it would make less sense than if it was not changed. Beards emphasis wisdom, which is exactly what Luke needs. Han on the other hand is not wise, he's wisecracking.

  29. A goatee is actually not a complete beard; hence, maybe Han is merely wiser in olden years but not a Socrates. Luke on the other hand, for the purpose of Lucas' reoccurring themes should indeed have a complete beard. Change is an inevitability, for which expansion can smooth a transition.

    1. i like the goatie"beard" i hope he keeps it while filming, it covers up his neck a little bit, why can´t Han have a beard also? & Mark should definilty have a full beard, since Lucas said he will have an "obiwan type role" he looks so much more wiser with beard & it would also cover up his scar on the cheek

    2. I agree. Clean faces are in many cases best to the youth; however, I wonder now what Lando would look like if he's in Ep7 or maybe even Wedge ?
