Star Wars Episode 7 News

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Rumor: Possible Star Wars: Episode 7 Plot Outline.

star wars

This is just a possible rough plot outline for Star Wars: Episode 7 that I heard a while ago from another blogger. It's quite interesting and in case you are avoiding possible spoilers don't read after the break...

When I first heard this story I contacted my sources and they told me that actually this story was circling the web from last July and that it had something to do with Michael Arndt's script. Well I haven't heard it before so here it is:

Here's what the source said. Possible spoilers ahead:
After ROTJ the Empire is never wiped out. It just floundered for a few years. Han and Leia end up in prison during a time when Luke goes away.

The main characters are the children of Han and Leia . Тhey grow up as orphans for the most part and seek out Luke Skywalker to break out Han and Leia.

They are in prison for like 8 years.

So according to that story the movie would have been a prison break - search for Luke movie. It's strange that nothing is said about Luke's kid. And having in mind the latest rumors I can definitely see Luke going back to Tatooine and the kids try to find him and eventually end up on the dust planet too.

star wars

Still this outline sounds too similar to A New Hope. As I said I'm not sure if this is the real Arndt script. And we know that when Abrams took control of the script he increased the parts of the Big Three.

I personally like the simplicity of this plot outline. Also this fits with things I heard from other sources that the movie is going to be really simple because they want people who never saw Star Wars before to be able to start at Episode VII. It starts fresh in its era.

So take this with a grain of salt. It might have been part of the Arndt script or it may be just another fake one. Actually I'm hearing that maybe only 10 people might have seen the real script and one of them is Abrams' friend, writer Damon Lindelof...


  1. ok, so its basically kingdom of the crystal skull?

    1. WAS*. Too many people are working on this for it to be unimaginative. That outline is really boring. Lucas was all about symbolism, historical references and deeper meaning.

    2. I meant Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in terms of story not quality -

      Mutt sought out Jones to help him rescue his mother. Then they go on a journey to rescue her.

      Solo's seek Skywalker to help them rescue their parents. Then they go on a journey to rescue them.

    3. Yeah, but let's not forget that supposedly, Arndt's script had few rewrites. So... if we're to believe this rumor, the heros will be Luke's kids, not Han/Leia's... the rest will be the same.

      I hope this whole thing is a fake.

    4. In my opinion, many of you fans from the OT, PT and EU will not like part 7 much. Too many of you complain way too much about anything that comes on this page. No matter how this movie plays out, alot of you wont be happy with it cause you too dang picky.

    5. Just my two cents, but hasn't Lucas said that Jedi do not get married and have kids? He is still the lead creative consultant and the story is said to be based on his original vision from 35 yrs ago. I feel that too many fans may be caught up in the 'expaned universe'. It will be VERY different than the books and Luke will not marry or have children- no Ben Skywalker here folks...

    6. OT, PT, EU & now the ST, if they somehow manages to please all groups, there will still be dissapointed people, in the future there will be ST fans who may or may not like the OT & PT ,personally i hope the ST will unite the OT & PT fans a little more, but the EU fans will never be happy & i don´t understand why some EU fans wants to see a movie where they already know every little detail, where is the surprise moment to see that?

    7. From what I have heard the story is to take place 30 years after the ROTJ. Star Wars is nothing if not continent. So this would mean they are making the New Jedi Order which is about the Yuzon Vong. Han, Leia, Chewbacca and the Solo twins all have huge roles. Luke is the Grand Master of the Jedi Order he created and Married to Mara Jade Skywalker. The new Jedi Order does not hold the traditions of the old Jedi order so, Jedi are allowed that kind of attachment.

  2. It was just me or someone also liked that version?

  3. Some blogger came up with this? What a load, it sounds worse then the EU books. Why does this garbage even get posted. Was the blogger that 10 year old SW kid that is your big source?

    1. Lets see you try to run a blog for EpVII news the way Viral has, douche.

    2. Yeah, anon, try reading a EU book, that is, if you know how to read.

    3. I lol'd. While yes, this rumor is most likely complete BS, it is a rumor. Its something.If you want only official news, go to Starwars .com and get updates every 7 months. The good outweighs the bad for this site. For every "gut feeling" there's good speculation and rumors.

  4. This would be a little boring. I mean, Han and Leia in prison for 8 years and Luke hanging around in the Galaxy like he doesn't care at all, while the Empire is still alive and kicking? I wouldn't believe that...

    1. I thought the same thing upon reading that possible outline. Luke wouldnt just wander the galaxy without caring if Han and Leia were in real trouble. Their efforts throughout the OT would have been in vain otherwise.

  5. My gut reaction is that this probably isn't the real thing.

    Think about watching the entire series back to back. You've got the big old happy celebration at the end of ROTJ, showing all these worlds throwing off the shackles of the Empire and dancing in the streets, all ending with that final tableau of the main characters standing there together with their arms around one another and that "happily ever after" grin on their faces.

    Then, Episode 7 begins with "Oops. It didn't take, and everyone's in prison."

    I just don't see it.

    1. LOL. When you think about it, isn't that what happened after "A New Hope"?

      Episode IV ends with everyone happy and getting medals, Episode V begins with the rebels on the run and the Empire about to wipe them out.

      You can see the parallels.

    2. I see your point, but remember those dancing in the street scenes were from the special edition. It is very possible that the Emperor had a second in command to take over operations if he got assassinated. Remember, the death of the emperor and vader and the destruction of the new Death Star was wasn't even complete to begin with does NOT signal the end of the empire. So in that sense, I understand that part of the script...

      Now, the whole thing about leia in jail..... No, just no.

    3. Vader was second in command.

    4. Personally I wouldn't mind if this sequel trilogy starts out with everything in bad shape. I can't stand this demand for everything to be predictable and a happy ever after. If what they did was in vain, then the stakes and story would be richer than ever.

    5. I can accept there being remnants of the Empire in the galaxy. However, you have to follow the power shift. At the end of ROTJ, the balance of power shifted. Real life example, Germany was never the same once they were defeated and Hitler was dead. Same thing with the Emperor.

    6. @AnonymousApril 10, 2014 at 9:08 PM

      I'm all for starting off with a galaxy in chaos, or with someone finding a holocron of the greatest sith of all time and getting possessed, then converting a jedi that Luke is training to the dark side. Whatever it is, I want a well written script and not something that's going to reduce talented actors to looking like they should be doing high school plays.

    7. "Episode IV ends with everyone happy and getting medals, Episode V begins with the rebels on the run and the Empire about to wipe them out."

      That's a very good point, and I thought about that. The difference there is, of course, that at the end of ANH, Darth Vader was still alive, the Empire was still in control, and they now knew where the Rebels were hiding, even if they hadn't managed to destroy them.

      In other words, there was plenty of setup in ANH for what we saw at the beginning of ESB.

      One thing that I thought that the EU authors got right was the idea of there being Imperial remnants here and there throughout the galaxy, though more at the level of regional warlords than as a central power. I could see an overall ST scenario where the chaos of the sudden transition away from a centralized Imperial government has resulted in the rise in power of not only regional warlords, but also organized crime, pirate gangs, etc. So instead of one thing to fight, they ended up with multiple smaller enemies.

      One other thing I've also considered is the possibility of a parallel with the Versailles Treaty after World War I, in which the Rebels follow up the victory at Endor with an overly-punitive approach to dealing with the Imperial remnant, out of genuine concern that they will reorganize and start the war all over again - and in the process, inadvertently ensuring that the remaining Imperial worlds DO end up banding together under new leadership and starting another war.

      That might actually work well with the 30-year span of time between the OT and the ST. The Versailles Treaty took less than 20 years to bring about World War II, so I could see the same sort of thing happening on a galactic level within about 30 years.

      Of course, I don't expect the ST to dwell too heavily on political matters, since that was one of the gripes so many people had about the PT. But I could see there being some sort of parallel there between interwar European history and whatever the galactic situation is as of the beginning of Episode VII

    8. I am so glad that you brought up the remnants. They are really undeveloped in the EU and would be a great plot addition to the new movies, and here's why:

      When the empire fell, it would indeed fall into chaos and probably split into many factions. Some would indeed ally with the new republic, others would try to form a new empire, and still others would isolate themselves.

      The problem is, most of those leaders were complete f**ktards. Honestly. Most got lured to a space station by a girl and they all got gassed.

      A few were actually good leaders, such as pallaeon and Kaine. And that brings me to my next point.

      Ardus Kaine is the most underdeveloped character in tr entire Star Wars universe, bar none. He was a cold, calculated, brilliant tactician, basically a human thrawn. He was awesome.

      However, they killed him off too easily. He died when his shuttle got ambushed.

      Either way you slice it, and I know they won't, Kaine would be a great villian for VII. Mainly because he is such a clean slate that they can do anything they want with him and his Pentastar Alignment, his faction. And since they're dismantling the EU, they can play with time a bit, and all would be set.

      What do you guys think?

    9. Don't dis Dalaa, all those "Warlords" deserved to get gassed. Bring up Kaine and Pellaeon made me have a bit of a thought though, as I've never really pondered both characters at the same time. If you think of Kaine as a "bad guy" and Pellaeon as a good guy and the best character in all of SW then you get a nice divide between what's left of the Empire, ala Specter of the Past, except with a competent antagonist.

    10. The remnant of the empire has been done overkill in the books. Might as well have the original idea of a new Death Star. And maybe some solo twins. And maybe Luke have up the Jedi way and gone the way of his dad and gotten married and had kids. Makes sooo much since that jj Abrams would be writing this stuff in his original stories,

  6. Possibly a remnant of the Empire captures Han and Leia during episode 7 and their kids go in search for Uncle Luke, who's been training Jedi on a secretive planet somewhere?

  7. Well, this sounds like crap, good thing its not the real story. If i'm wrong i will eat my hat.

    1. hopefully you're not wearing a plastic stormtrooper helmet.

  8. So, Luke needs to rescue Han and Leia from prison just like in ANH and ROTJ. Okifine. But I really, REALLY hope the backdrop is a little bit more complex and imaginative than "the Empire's still around." Anyway, it's probably not true.

  9. If this rumour is true, no wonder JJ decided to rewrite!

  10. I appreciate the effort in bringing back star wars but to be honest I'm not entirely sold on the idea of bringing the "big three" back. if anything I just would like to see a new story with new characters, new worlds etc. but hey as a star wars fan I'm still going to love it.

    1. The big three pretty much have to return at least for episode seven for transitional purposes. Throwing the audience into a completely new story is uncomfortable and confusing for the viewer.

    2. thats nonsense. A great story will stand on its own.

    3. I'm also curious to see if the sith will return I mean wasn't the idea of evil force ghosts thrown out? excuse my poor knowledge of rumors lol

    4. Said George Lucas about the PT

    5. "thats nonsense. A great story will stand on its own."
      Perhaps if it's meant to stand on its' own, but this is the 7th installment of one of the most well known sagas in history. None of the Star Wars films have been meant to stand on their own. Why should this one?

    6. Yeah because the main characters in a story always just vanish from one episode to the next don't they?.. Yeah that would be brilliant.. lol the original three will just be the older generation and mentors to the new lead generation, which has been announced as a "new trio of leads". The original trio were great characters. If you're a star wars fan then you'll jump at the chance to see them develop and go into new territory. Especially as they have aged so they won't be able to screw them up and rehash them in their glory days.

    7. It sounds like we're going to get both a continuation of the old stories AND some new characters in their own adventures. I will be thrilled to see the "big three" back and passing the torch. It's art imitating life and means a lot to me, personally; my dad took me to see the ANH in 1977 and I will be taking my boys to see the new movies starting in 2015. I get to pass the torch while Luke, Leia and Han do the same. Hopefully the new kids in these movies will appear as old fogeys in the Star Wars of 2044 and my sons can take their kids.

  11. Michael Arndt really likes his prison break-out stories (remember, he also wrote Toy Story 3.)

    I am a little angry that the empire is still this big bad guy that Luke seems to turn his back on. If this is 30 years in the future, the galaxy should be as different from the OT as the PT was from the OT (which was also 30 years difference.) This summary sounds like somebody wanted any excuse to keep building Star Destroyers, Death Stars, and other things that characterized the OT.

  12. Yeah, I can see this if it's from Lucas.........lame story. Don't think JJ would sign on for something so unimaginative......jus sayin.

  13. Not buying it. We know Luke doesn't sit still while his friends are in trouble. Why would that change? And why would he let their children live as orphans? I hope they come up with something more epic than yet another prison break.

    1. Yeah, there's a prison break in II, IV, and VI. Am I missing one?

    2. V, forgot about Cloud city.

    3. There's also a prison break-type story in III when they "rescue" Palpatine... if that counts. And a bunch in TCW of course.

    4. I believe that would count, although Palpatine let himself be captured. Still, it was a prison break-type story to Obi-Wan and Anakin. So that,s 2, 3, 4,5,and 6. Does Anakin being rescued from being a slave count?

    5. Rescuing Padme from her own city where she's captive—in the beginning of 1—might count, even though it's only a very short segment.

    6. And you guys said Michael Arndt really likes his prison break-out stories! GL is full of 'em!

    7. Not defending the story, but if luke either was in a position where he did not know they were prisoner, or could not find them. For example, if Han and Leia were taken prisoner to korriban or whatever it's called now that would be a hard break, even for Luke.

    8. I'm assuming that, give the prison break-type type sections in the other movies, that IF this is (partially) true, then the prison break story will be only a part of the movie, possibly even a small section. Besides, it's Star WARS, not Star Prison Break.

    9. Oh yeah, If you think about it, the ENTIRE OT is a prison break story. The galaxy is in the clutches of the evil Empire and it's up to Luke, Han, and Leia (& friends) to rescue them!

    10. there is always a prison break in sw, but what if the table is turned & the ones being rescued from prison is Empire generals & sith, or maybe the generals are rescued by sith

    11. First sinerio I thought of was of Luke and his new Jedi breaking Boba Fett out of a Compound just so he could find Han. So its an easy plot divice to come up with to get things moving, but Im not into the part of Leia being imprisoned for eight years.

      Can't wait to what they come up with.

  14. Haha there's no way in hell that this is the plot.

    1. Honestly, this wasn't even worth mentioning.

    2. I like reading these rumors but I think most of us could come up with a better outline within about 30 minutes. It's short and still makes so little sense that I don't even know where to start.

  15. I'm a little confused. Would this basically mean that Leia and Han are in prison during Episode 7 and that the plot is for their kids to get Luke to bail em out? ..

    1. Yes, that's what it means.

    2. ok thanks. I didn't know if that's what it meant because it was so bad lol. Must be fake.

  16. Mercy! I hope they can come up with a more interesting story than that!

  17. If this is true, The movie will be a flop of epic proportions.

  18. If pt and ot were a reflection of Rome/Hitler of human history, would the ST then be on some religion-related conflict? You know, the middle ages and recent wars? This could mean Sith or some anti-force entity like the Vong. Not the vong of course since eu is dead but something similar. I personally think the embrace of pain vs jedi philosophy will rock on screen.

  19. Maybe Han and Leia settle on Endor and become Tribal Leaders to the Ewoks.
    And to encourage commerce on Endor and give the Ewoks a better standard of living,
    they open a casino which soon becomes the biggest in the galaxy.
    Unfortunately as a consequence, Han’s son grows addicted to playing the slot machines and to support his gambling he steals from the casino. When Han finds out he disowns his son, who then seething with rage and hatred, seeks out a rogue band of Sith to help rob the casino vaults of billions.
    The title of SW7 will be ‘Oceans of Endor’.

    1. That is literally the dumbest shit I ever read. Thanks for lowering my IQ.

    2. George and Steven didn't think so - they're laughed all the way to the bank.

    3. Are you playing with your computer again Darth Malgus?

    4. Who's Darth Malgus? This is Darth OBE.

    5. Sounds more like Back to the future part 2 with Ewoks.

  20. Idk why such blatantly ridiculous rumors are posted sometimes.

  21. Every film had a prison break, including 1 (Padme on Nabo). It would seem that jail breaks , along with many other little quirks, are a common analogy throughout the entire saga, another small part of in what Lucas referred to as the "reoccurring symphonic themes".

  22. He said the outline sounds too much like a new hope. Lucas likes to repeat himself, we all know this. Expect the story to be very similar to a new hope and the phantom menace. The closer the story rumors are to episode I and IV the more likely they are. While this may not be true its still a decent idea. There was no way to completly wipe out the empire or the sith. Vader or the emperor had to have been preparing another apprentice. This was all probobly part of palpatines big plan

  23. I hope the empire remains, as this sequel trilogy would seem like a pointless spin-off trilogy if the main story of the rise and fall of the empire has already been told.. Either Palpatine has cheated death via the force, or it has a new leader. They can even use admiral thrawn to keep the EU fanboys happy. But this thing about Han and Leia being in jail for the film is pretty dumb. They should be the generals and leading the new trio with Luke.

    1. i hope they use the 501st legion as extras in the movies if there will be stormtroopers, it would be smart of disney, saving time & money & make the fans veeery happy.

      So, now i need to go & build me a strormtrooper armour & join the 501st legion :D

  24. It sounds like a sequel me and my brothers would have made up as kids playing in the backyard. Perhaps this is just the first part of the film, similar to Han's rescue in ROTJ- that will then lead into more complex webs. I've been hoping there is betrayal/turning to the dark side from within the new Jedi order..ghost of Palpatine luring misguided young padawans to the dark side right under Lukes nose..

  25. What would really be awesome is if we could see a lightsaber assembled on screen as a culmination to the Padawan's training. Have them travel to a distant planet to procure the rare crystal....might as well throw in a parallel to the OT by having young Skywalker ignite the saber just in time to slay a creature that's been stalking him/her.

  26. lol the fall of the empire has been told! really? fall of Palpatine maybe lol Everyone"s speaking like the entire empire was on the Death Star< hardly! The evil witch is dead<
    now lets have a party hahaha funny! seriously though< Palpatine has his own orchestra
    and agenda> Taking out a couple of sith and a death star wouldn"t have even made a scratch in the Empire"s leadership or war machine> For all we know< there may have been several death stars on the go lol what I am really saying is that the leadership structures within the Empire would have been absolutely massive< way beyond a single movie<trilogy or cinema screen lol

    1. You mean the same Empire who's "best men" get taken out by little teddy bears with sticks and stones? Or builds giant Star Destroyers that cease to function after one little fighter explodes into the bridge and takes out it's command structure? People need to stop being so realistic about these fairy tail movies. It's about drama not realism.

  27. I agree with Anon (@10:59 & @11:41). There is a pattern to how a film in each trilogy reflects another from the opposite, even down to how the films begin; arrivals at another station in space (1 & 6), something arriving on a planet from space (2 & 5), & a fight in space (3 & 4). I wouldn't be surprised if this trilogy follows suit in a pattern resembling the prequels intros. As for the villain/ villains, nothing can be said with 100% certainty in any event. As far as we know, Anakin may return as a force ghost (thus the whole nine episode saga would still be about him in some way), Luke may have a relationship with a wife or may be introduced to somebody's legal guardian (a new force welder brought into the plot), & the Emperor may return as a force ghost, cloned, possesses another force user (like an offspring of the Solos or Skywalker) or possibly even a combination of the three. Lots of things can go right and wrong over the course of a trilogy, let alone an individual film.

    1. i know many people don´t like hayden (i liked him in ep.3) but it would definitly make sense if he was in the sequel trilogy as a force ghost, he knows more about the sith than any other jedi

    2. At the very least, let's hope that episode seven will be interesting.

  28. So would the kids break out of prison and then go get Luke to free Han and Leia? More importantly ...

    Why would Luke disappear if the galaxy is in such bad shape? It would have to be to do something very important ...

    But if it was so important that he let the entire galaxy go to heck then why would he come back for 2 people? Honestly that doesn't really strike me as heroic, just self-serving.

    Overall, very underwhelmed by whoever thought this up.

  29. I would wager a guess that whoever thought this info up might have guessed or gleamed a bit of possible truth, but for the most part it's full of hollow details & vague characteristics.

    1. one very big hole in that plot is that Luke let´s them be in prison for 8 years

    2. Yeah but he was in deep transendetal midicolrian enduced meditation with the after life and could not sense his force sensitive sister while he himself on Dagobah stranded -when his hyperdive motivader was wet. It took him eight years to figure it out that Leia was in the big house and then reverse a negative power coupling with R2D2 parts, thus enabling Luke to jettison the swampy planet, pick up Buzzlight year on the way, so he could break his force sensitive sister out of jail and say hey, why didn't you use the force to open the locks, like I trained you to do in the first place?

  30. Sorry, nothing to do with the latest rumour story, but is there anything you can do Viral about all the nuisance Ads and banners that keep trying to download crap onto my computer whenever I visit theses pages?
    My last few visits these past several days my Kaspersky security is being kept very busy blocking potential threats as soon as I enter the site. It never used to be like that before.

    Anyone else having the same issues? Just hope everyone visiting here has decent internet security installed on their PCs.

    1. Please tell me when exactly did this happen. 2-3 days ago or more.

    2. Started in last 2 days, annoying banner pops up at bottom of my divice on an already jumpy site. By the time I think its all loaded and start reading, more jumpy screen, guess I'll adjust, but with ads on the side were fine, this one on the bottom just bugs me.

    3. I removed 2 ads that might have caused the problem. If you continue to have issues please let me know. The ads should stay in they places they don't have to pop up something and do anything.

    4. Thanks, seems ok now.

  31. Can't help you there. I've been blessed so far (I might've just jinxed myself there) and can't complain. Maybe something else you picked up in the past few days/ weeks on another site, perhaps?

  32. Rebuttal on the possible script: Luke always worried about your friends. Lembrece of episode 5 he gave up training to read and save soil. Never would he let the two abandoned prison in order

  33. It's more believable that Luke has established a semi-sized community of Jedi trainees (possibly even in Jabba's long since abandoned palace) and has been busy teaching/ tutoring the future of the Jedi. I hope we see at least two or three new environments/ worlds in this first installment since we'll apparently be beating a dead horse on Tattoine again.

  34. It wouldn't surprise me if JJ purposely "leaks" multiple outlines to throw people off the real track.

  35. There is another possibility to all this rumor-milling. I've noticed that there has been nearly zero mentions about the spin-offs on whatever site I've been too, and this is startling. With the first spin-off release nested between episodes 7 & 8 you would think that a lot of what we have heard, whatever may be construed as possibly real, is probably a mix up of what's going between both films for filming purposes. Why would we only be hearing about 7, when at this point Disney must be well into that particular project as well ?

    1. My assumption is that the delays with EP7 have brought home the reality of trying to produce an annual SW film to Disney, so perhaps the first spin-off will be delayed until 2017, and EP8 pushed back to 2018. Saying that, the spin-offs may be working to a smaller budget and could be less visually ambitious, so accelerating their turnaround?

    2. lol disney aren't stupid. They're the biggest film company in the world, they don't plan films and then get shocked when it doesn't happen when they want it. The delays of episode 7 will not cause them to have a panic attack and delay all the other films. Delays happen all the time and they are prepared for anything. JJ Abrams could suddenly be in a car crash and be left in hospital 2 days before shooting and it wouldn't even phase them. They know what to do in every and all situations.

    3. maybe the spinoff movies have not been approved by George?, he has said for example that he does not want a Yoda origin story.

      If they do a young Han Solo movie, I really hope they use that young actor who makes that amazingly good Harrison Ford impression on youtube, he even looks like him & can make the same facial expressions

      What about an r2d2 origon story? He must clearly have been built by someone very special and not just come off an astromech industrial line, they could tie in the Chopper droid from Rebels also since he seems to be special in his programming to.

      PS. why don´t we hear anything about the live action tv-series? ABC has clearly stated an interest in it

    4. Lucas spoke in the negative about a Yoda movie, and that is all. He had (now in Disney's grasp) three other film outlines too, one about Wookies (perhaps a Han Solo as Tarzan origin flick), one about droids (there's your possible R2 film), & a third one which based upon things Lucas said many years ago would probably be a Jedi Order origin film. Maybe a Darth Plagueis & Sidious film, anyone?

    5. The live action show is MIA. There is a live show in development between Disney & ABC, but no one knows if it's Underworld or another series all together.

  36. All in all, it's still a long way to go until December 18th.

  37. They must steer away from ANYTHING from the EU. If they dont it will all be compared to it. That means no solo twins, infact no children for Han and leia. They should honestly not even be together. Han Solo being the rouge smuggler that he is should NEVER settle down with anyone. Luke should be the only one with offspring, and it has to be a boy to carry on the skywalker name. The new hero has to carry the skywalker name. Heres an idea. Since anakin was obviously created by a sith lord, that dark taint should run through the skywalker blood line now. How about a plot to end the skywalker blood line and prevent anyone else turning to the darkside?

  38. "They are in prison for like 8 years."


  39. So Han & Lei would have been in prison for 8 years without Luke trying to rescue them? We know he would have done the same than previously in The Empire Strikes Back when he rushed into the Cloud City. This plot is completely non-sense.
    I don't buy it.

  40. I really hate the idea that they are making the EU Non-Cannon. I mean, they could have just adapt the new movies to the events that happened by 38 ABY. Really hope they dont screw this up.

    1. The EU was never cannon. At least, not G-level cannon.

  41. "After ROTJ the Empire is never wiped out. It just floundered for a few years."

    So, are they reverting to the original ending of RotJ? The SE version clearly has the entire galaxy celebrating the fall of the Empire.

    1. Celebrations on three different worlds does not ground armadas of starships and galactixc Naval vessiles with the legions and army's that run them, when there is power to be had some else will always move into the vacancy. Other worlds or groups funded it to begin with, others with mal interest will fill the void.
      Defeating the Emperor and his interests they did, but they did not defeat the empire that was spread all over the galaxy. And killing the Emperor doesn't make everyone good.

    2. This is entirely correct. Whether or not they are as mighty as they once were or are now reduced to pocket militias being funded by private interests, we haven't seen the last of the galactic empire.

  42. Why does it seem everyone wants expanded universe rehash movies. Get a go pro and make one!! Enough garbage theories. Carrie fisher already gave hints. She said, and I quote:
    In an interview posted on SciFiNow, Fisher says that her ideas shows that "Han Solo and I have been unhappily married for many years, and so we speak through the Wookiees and use a translator." She goes on to say:

    "I regularly say to R2 ‘Tell that son of a bitch to ***!’ And we have children, but one of them looks a lot like Chewbacca, and we use Yoda, who’s regenerated on a planet somewhere, for marital therapy. ... There’s also a lot of shopping because there’s cool things to buy and giant planets that are shopping malls. Alderaan means shopping mall by the way. And then I start sleeping with robots, how about that?"
    I think this is a highly more likely plot than the expanded universe rehashes.

  43. And now it's time to turn our attention to other rumors as this one has us talking in circles.

  44. That's not the plot. We won't know the plot till the movie comes out. That movie will be locked up tighter than Ft. Knox.

  45. The part about Han & Leia´s children growing up orphans is interesting, but why would Luke let them be in prison for 8 years? There must be a VERY good reason for that, if this is part of the plot, since Luke can sense Leia & feel that she is miserable & Leia can probably also stretch out to Luke with her senses. It must be a very powerfull enemy if they can keep away Luke for 8 years

    1. Luke is frozen in non evasive-cryonite and it is the orphans (with the help of R2) that free him, but it is C3po that instructs the children of the cordinants of the intergalactic space station orbiting Neberdellderon, in the DoRuhruhn System where mom and dad is so the whole disfuctional Skywalker/Solo bunch can be Groovy again.

  46. Viral, I try knocking out ads but, it takes me to their site anyway, makes for a not so enjoyable experience here. But I'll try to adapt, just being honest.

    1. I have removed some of the ads that might have caused this yesterday. Did you have the same issues since yesterday?

    2. Yes, I'm adapting to the banners at the bottom, I just don't mess with them and advoid them, I just have to be patient while the page loads before I start reading. I check out this site on my tablet. No ads pop up in front, its just that I notice them at the bottom now, no big thing.

    3. There shouldn't be any banners and ad pop ups. I've contacted Yahoo to remove them. I never asked them to put pop ups. Only one ad at the right sidebar. I hope they fix it on Monday.
      Is the page load really that slow? It opens very quickly on several places I've tried.

  47. Isn't that the plot for Spy Kids?

  48. FFS...if this is the actual plot..JJ better change his name and leave the country, and hide in antarctica..because the whole world will hate him for it.. that is the most Ignorant plotline i have ever heard.. fake..anyone who knows anything about star wars could see right through that in a matter of seconds.. why would anyone think that Luke would just disapear for decades away from Leia? And even if he did..he would definately know about them being locked up and would of rescued them within a week..I mean he is a Jedi Master now, and im sure he meditates he would of forseen this. Just as he did when Leia and Han were in trouble on Cloud City... cmon man really? are you just posting ANYTHING you can find, just to keep people coming to your website? Do you even know anything about Star Wars at all? If you would not be posting this trash ~Dave Fitzgerald

  49. I was thinking (see whatcha think...) "Star Wars Episode VII: A New Dawn;" Prologue - The Empire had rejected the idea of anymore uses of clones in warfare, after Jango Fett, because it was discovered that the cloning of subjects with too high a level of midichlorians produced persons who were just fine, apart from the fact that they were insane! This is why nobody has been cloning (albeit after getting skin cell scrapings) Obi Wans, Anakins/Vaders, Yodas and Palpatines. But, now desperate after their defeat in Episode VI, they decide to go for it again. Imagine, Luke Skywalker having to saber fight two of himself (or successfully ''seducing" one or both of them to the Good Side).

    A word of explanation before my next comment. This idea was spouted by someone in the 80's Starlog/Fantastic Magazine, and I thought it was GREAT. Let's say Luke finds his way to a creepy gothic planet, a bit like a Sith version of Dagobah, where they conduct experiments (that opening idea is mine - it's cold, foggy, red mooned; then...) and Luke comes across a rejected clone of Obi Wan, who was elbowed out due to the fact that he had some kind of genetic fault. And our uncredited author said ''Let's say he's blind.'' He then gives Luke some important information on how to combat this form of clone war. Then, Luke realises that the New Republic is somehow going to have to steal certain new cloning procedures from the Empire/Sith to make and train clones of their own. A secret Imperial/Rebel double agent would be required here.

    I was also wondering if a new form of special effect fun could weave around an idea I thought would be cool. Let's say both the New Republic and the Sith have come up with a different form of weaponry and vehicles - Genetic Engineering. Sure, sounds a little strange and un-Star Wars when you first hear it. But think about it. Luke's son (let's say it's Ep 8. Enter the Jedi ) has a dark green bodysuit giving him two extra limbs (each housing its own light saber). Bit of fun. I also like the idea of flying stratospheric manta rays, which you can hop inside. A G.E. space craft? Tell me what you think. And if anyone knows who that author was (the one from Starlog/Fantastic Mag), please tell me. Just tell him Talby4 called.
