Star Wars Episode 7 News

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

UPDATE! Rumor: Star Wars: Episode 7 Starts Filming on May 14 in Morocco?

star wars

According to the latest rumor, the filming of Star Wars: Episode 7 may not commence at Pinewood studios as was previously expected but under the hot sun of the Moroccan desert. Although posted on April 1, this rumor and its source are pretty solid so here we go...

From badassdigest:
Sources tell me that Star Wars Episode VII will begin shooting almost exactly six weeks from today, on May 14th. The first two weeks will be on location in Morocco. 

If I had to guess I would say this means a return to Tatooine, and that it's possible the production will be skipping over to Tunisia as well, where most of the Tatooine stuff was shot.

As you may remember photographer Ra di Martino showed some really great photos of the abandoned Star Wars sets used in the previous movies from Tunisia and Morocco. 
And now here's a very interesting assumption by "badass" on how they could use those weathered sets to their advantage.

star wars

Recently Star Wars fans realized that the sets, left standing after production, were weathering away and some launched campaigns to save them. What if JJ Abrams intends to use the dilapidated sets to show something has changed radically on Tatooine in the 30 years since Return of the Jedi? It would be kind of cool to shoot exactly where Lucas shot, using the exact same structures.


Although this story sounds really interesting, there's still one big question. Have they ever filmed in Morocco some scenes from the previous Star Wars movies? The answer is no. Here's a list of all the filming locations of all the Star Wars movies (click).

Also here's what writer John Rinzler wrote in the book The Making of Star Wars (via makingstarwars):
In addition to its artistic advantages, Tunisia won out over Morocco because it was logistically superior. “It’s locations change very quickly in a very short distance,” Barry Says. “The sand dunes, the big ravine, and the salt flat location–they are all within thirty minutes of one another, which is amazing.”

So if they indeed film in Morocco, they won't be using any weathered sets, because there aren't any. Still that doesn't mean that Morocco can't stand for Tatooine in the movie. I just hope that if we see Tatooine again, it would be something really quick. There are so many other planets waiting to be explored in the galaxy.


  1. The idea of using the set ruins "as is" would be neat, actually. It's also cool—and more than appropriate—to return Tatooine; at this point it's like the "backbone" of Star Wars, if you will.

    1. Nahh, thats something that sounds neat, but if you give it a mere seconds thought does not make any logical sense. How could you film with 30 year old dilapated facades?

    2. Exactly, we're not talking stone, more like plaster. Worn would mean the plaster is gone and you can see the plywood underneath. At least that's what I'm thinking. I can't imagine the wear would add realism -- it would probably be the opposite.

    3. Who said that the farm of Owen Lars was built with stone? Most modern dwellings use plaster and a framework in some fashion. The dwellings look far more like they were built in a similar way to the Xanadu attractions from the late 70s/early 80s. They don't look like stone to me at all.

  2. I hope that somewhere in the sequel trilogy there will be lightsaber fights that are filmed in ACTUAL outside shooting locations. If I am not mistaken, the only time that has ever happened in eps 1-6 is when Qui-Gon Jinn briefly dueled Darth Maul on Tatooine. All other lightsaber duels in the entire 6-part saga were filmed indoors on built sets and/or against blue/green screens. Yes, there have been scenes filmed outdoors where lightsabers are used for many reasons. However, the Qui-Gon vs. Maul on Tatooine remains the only one filmed outdoors where there are at least 2 people going at each other with lightsabers.

    1. I never thought about that. That is a pretty good observation... And I'm sure the OT fanatics will find some excuse to show how even this was inferior to A New Hope.

    2. It would be difficult to film an extended scene in the open considering the choreography. How many fights can you recall (lightsaber or otherwise) that were filmed outside in the daylight. see the shots were short and a lot of quick cuts and simple movements and very little background information except for one wide shot which was a couple of simple slaps. To do an extended fight like the end of ep1 would not be practical considering that pesky sun and all that moving it insists on persuing thruout the day. You can choreograph the fight but not the environment.

  3. I doubt they will use these sets. If they want to show a weathered version of something we have seen before they would scratch build new sets of weathered ruins, not attempt to dress up these sets. Stick construction and stucco are not going to affect their budget.

  4. Jedinews has heard this date also from several people, too. That's where I first read this.

  5. Could be cool yes.Tatooine is like home to Star Wars.

  6. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Tatooine again in the ST. My understanding is that the political situation in that part of North Africa (Tunisia being right next door to Libya and all) had made it rather undesirable to try to schedule filming there for awhile. However, since the US Embassy in Tunisia just lifted the travel warning that had been in place for the past year and a half, perhaps Abrams and company will feel more confident about a possible shoot there.

  7. Tatooine or Korriban, ops Moraband.

  8. Wouldn't surprise me if it's Tatooine as it's probably the most iconic star wars planet, and if my memory serves me correctly I seem to remember someone reported that either Iain Mccaig or Doug Chiang supposedly hinted they had been drawing and designing a lot of Rancor's, which are from Tattooine. All this Tattooine and Hoth speculation does make me wonder what on earth the story is

    1. According to wookieepedia Rancors come from Dathomir. But since the Eu has been put to one side It could be possible that we'll see a Rancor or two in the next film. I'm just doing some research here. Don't crucify me for it.

    2. I'm just saying if they were going to have a monster scene in the film and on another planet, then they would create a new monster. If they are re-doing a rancor scene then it's highly likely it would be Tatooine.

  9. I understand completely.But why do it on Tatooine with a Rancor or any other monster. I think If Tatooine is to be a part of Ep 7 It would have to do with Luke who wants to find out about his father and makes his way back to Tatooine. That's the planet where it all started from.

  10. Rancor monster with today's effects would be very cool... you could have several of them.

    1. ^unless they decide to use yesturday's effects, which is what it sounds like.

  11. Be interesting to see both ruined Tatooine structures and a scrapped Millennium Falcon (as recent rumours suggest, based on witnessing the intentionally damaged condition of the Millennium Falcon interior/exterior sections at Pinewood); they would symbolically tie off the OT era and provide dramatic impetus for brand new worlds and vehicles to take centre-stage in EPs7-9.

    1. where did you hear the damaged millennium falcon set rumours?

    2. I just got done listening to the Forcecast over on TheFoce.Net and they were talking about the damaged Falcon and maybe a Chewbacca thing. Very interesting.

    3. Thanks for the reply, just had a listen and yeah, apparently it's a crash landed version of the falcon. Which is very interesting

    4. Crashed Falcon!!! Maybe they will kill off all the original trilogy heroes in Episode 7 to make way for the new actors.

    5. that a serious suggestion? All the main characters die in a plane crash?..

    6. Maybe Chewbacca gets his legs crushed in the cockpit of the Falcon when it crashes. Then for the rest of the movie he has to use a hover pad or something to move around.
      Great way of overcoming Peter Mayhew's disability with his knees and adapting the story to work around this.
      They did something similar with Mark Hamill in The Empire Strikes Back when he had a car accident and scarred his face.

    7. I'm going to presume your trolling. Good one.

    8. I think that was supposed to be the forcecast April Fools Day prank.

    9. If I suggested Hayden Christensen would die in a spaceship crash you guys would not be opposed to the idea. With that said, I think at least one of the original characters should die a heroic death.

    10. John CaliberApril 2, 2014 at 4:23 PM

      Your really really boring john, a bit to polite to be taken seriously. Now John Nukem Sheridan that guy had something to say

  12. so much for that rumor that New Mexico will be used as tatooine to save $.

  13. Maybe the current condition of the sets (lukes home) would work and it could represent a symbolic attempt from a darker force with a personal understanding of where Luke came from and it is trying to destroy luke and his family from the ground up. A deeply resentful person driven by hatred would do something like that, it makes no sense to the wider universe but to luke it would be a very personal attack on his life, something unknown and ominous coming for him as a person and a symbol and when it gets him there will be nothing left to prove that luke ever exhisted. Total victory and no evidence left behind. A well thought out plan that not many if any would notice as war in its infancy. Deliberatly knock over a couple of buildings on a dusty planet who cares? Luke would and it would be quite unnerving for him.

    1. I would also like to add to the above how many people know where luke lives. That sort of destructive behaviour is something a child would do to get at their parent. Luke could very well be standing there on Tatooine with his children trying to figure out why and who would do such a thing. The kid would be standing there with his father (luke). Knowing exactly what is going on why it happened and also knowing that they are responsible. And a father who loves his children is always in denial of anything they may do wrong. The father and child relation ship when young and trying to proove themselvs and step out of the parents shadow is a breeding ground for the dark side especialy when the dark side still wants to own luke.

      get the kid and you get the dad the similar to what happened in episode 6. Classic dark side of the force behaviour espessialy now it better understands luke. He was willing to sacrifice his life to save his father aniken, As soon as he finds out about his kids they have luke cold its the real twist of the knife that im sure the dark side would laugh about as it takes ownership of lukes souel.

      Son im doing this to save you. will the son realise what has happened will he return to save his father is he strong enough can he overcome what he has done when he realises the conciquenses. Once luke is out of the picture (no not the movie). Who is left with the same strength as luke to do what luke did to defeat the dark side when it was his turn. leia nope, the kids well wich one, and which one has to die (sacrifice themselvs)to motivate the others
