Star Wars Episode 7 News

Monday, April 21, 2014

Star Wars Spin-Offs/Rebels Could Include Expanded Universe - WonderCon 2014

Expanded Universe

IGN Posted a video not too long ago of an interview with Simon Kinberg Executive Producer of Star Wars Rebels and Writer on the Star Wars Spin Off films Stated that The EU is not Off limits...

And they were taking inspiration from everywhere including the EU For 
The Upcoming Star Wars TV show : Star Wars Rebels
Also Stating that the Films were not off limit for Inspirations from the EU...



  1. I Really do hope they take the best of the EU and Base it on new characters for the show and movies, it would be cool to see a "thrawn like" person or other characters from the EU pop up in the movies or tv show.
    it would be a great tribute for the fans of the EU
    and it would also give the non EU readers a chance
    to discover some amazing characters for the first time. everyones happy as long as
    they do it right!

    1. Agreed, dandino. Really this is what they've been saying all along though. People have only heard what they "wanted" to hear. The bottom line is that there is money to be made off of established characters and they are too shrewd to let that opportunity pass them by.

    2. Yea I know this is nothing new but it's nice to hear it confirmed by someone so involved like Simon is

    3. Here we go with this EU crap again.

    4. Thanks for your contribution.

    5. Here we go with Anon Crap again..

  2. I think we can all be happy with this. Keep the EU inspiration for the kiddie cartoon/ spinoffs. And keep the episode movies the hell away for EU altogether

    1. Well hopefully they're going to be all interrelated though. It would be dumb to include EU influenced stuff just in spin-offs and not in the episodic movies.

    2. We can hope Jason. While I doubt that any content from the EU will be in the films, I kinda suspect they'll reference something in passing. Disney's best move is to keep the EU ambiguously canon. (

    3. You EU fans are too obsessed. Or should i say too possessed... MUHAHAHAHAHA !!!

    4. You probably shouldn't say anything ....

    5. @AnonymousApril 21, 2014 at 6:05 PM

      Says the one on a star wars news site.
      now whos obsessed?

  3. That would make sense if Thrawn was in it. The show takes place in the Outer Rim. Thrawn was in the Outer Rim at this time.

    1. The captain of a Victory-Class right? He would be an interesting antagonist for the show, him being relatively "limited" at the time.

    2. The EU has nothing to do with SW. Thats like if we wrote a novel on what happened after Lord of the Rings and we made a movie of it saying its part of that saga when it really isnt because the original writer didnt write it, it was fans who wrote it. You EU people are soooooo lame...

    3. So we should disregard Episode VII because Lucas isn't involved then???

    4. No. The EU is not film canon. It's spin off stories that were published. This is episode 7 so it will be in the film canon. This is simple stuff..

    5. Read Anon 6:07 ...

    6. "... when it really isnt because the original writer didnt write it, it was fans who wrote it."

      With Lucas logo on them. ;)

    7. Thrawn was mostly in the unknown regions building up his Empire of the hand and preparing for the coming Yuuzhan Vong invasion

    8. The EU should be used in the spinoffs and movies... all the books serious the new Jedi order, swarm war, fate of the Jedi ... all of the writers actually sat down at a table with Lucas and talk out how the book series going to play out like they was doing screen play or script for a movie... all of them had Lucas approve and and input moving along a path he wanted. So EU is canon only thing Disney trying to finger out is how to make a 7 that both fans of books and people that never pick them up would like.... but truly if you a true star wars fan you know you reed at least a series or two in last 30 years.

    9. @ AnonymousApril 22, 2014 at 11:55 AM


      I know there is a bit of hate for the EU here but I dont think many people know just what all the authors had to go through when writing the books. Would I like to see EU influence in this new Disney era, sure. But as long as they at least honor it, I'll be fine with it.

  4. Frankly I think a younger Thrawn would have made a better villain for Rebels than the Inquisitor. Does the Inquisitor have a name anyway?

    1. Would be nice to see Thrawn in the show. I think that if this new series were in the TCW style, we would see him and others characters in the show.

    2. Maybe Jerec is in here somewhere? Not sure if the timeline lines up, but he was an Inquisitor during the rise of the Empire. In fact, I think he was looking for clues on where the Valley of the Jedi was during that time as well.

  5. This is not anything new from what they have indicated all along. They are treating the EU like a library of ideas to draw from as opposed to any sort of limitation to what they will present. Same thing Lucas has been doing all along.

    1. I agree, we'll put

      Low humming

    2. Well said indeed. This likely sums it up the best.

  6. Just make a Empire animation, it would be fricking epic!

  7. "The canon is the canon, and the canon is the six films that exist."

    Ya'll only hear what you want to hear...

    1. Ironic that you too are only hearing what you want.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Ironically, it would actually fall within the definition of 'dramatic irony.' Perhaps you shouldn't just assume that because many people use irony or the word ironic incorrectly that everyone uses it incorrectly without fully knowing the the meaning of irony/not analyzing the context in which it's used.

    4. I've hear that EU is not off limits, so ''thank Force'' for that!...

    5. "The canon is the canon, and the canon is the six films that exist."

      Is this from that deleted twitter post?

  8. I would have thought the Thrawn Trilogy was a no-brainer- they are good & millions of fans already love them..

    1. Thrawn trilogy was lame, so removed from what Star Wars is all about. And why would anyone want to see an adaptation of this instead of something original? It boggles the mind.

    2. Agreed. EU is the wanna be world of SW and not part of the real SW family.

    3. Well obviously you should have tried reading it before commenting ...

    4. EU fans disregarding opinions from people who don't like it as usual I see ;)

    5. If you didn't like the Thrawn Trilogy then yes, I choose to disregard your opinion.

  9. The EU sucks and Thrawn is just a smurf.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I never thought about that! LOLOL, Thrawn is a smurf! LOLOL

  10. With hypnotic glowing red eyes and an evil genius brain..they could have a good 2nd run with Thrawn replacing Vader. Anyways, I'm sure they will think of something good. One thing is for sure, if they do use ideas from the EU, stuff from the Thrawn Trilogy is bound to be in there..

    1. I certainly hope not. Thrawn goes against the Empire's "no non-humans" policy and doesn't fit with canon. He's out the window, thankfully.

    2. That was explained in the novels. He was basically exiled to patrol the Outer Rim territories since he didn't fit into the human-centric politics taking place in the Core. There is no clear indication as to whether or not he will be in the next series of movies.

    3. lol…so what you're saying, RK13, is that we're supposed to buy into this Thrawn nonsense, because his involvement/affiliation with the Empire is "explained in the novels"?

      See, the problem with your logic is that the novels are not canon, they're EU. Therefore anything included in the novels is EU and not canon. And so your "explanation" still makes no sense and Thrawn is still non-canonical, any which way you wish to look at it.

  11. I won't watch any movies or series that includes stuff from the EU.

    1. Now I really hope all of the movies include things from the EU, either making live true to your petty spite or making you forced to enjoy it.

  12. It would probably be a mistake if the new movies completely eradicated such fairly popular characters as Mara Jade or eliminated major events like the Thrawn Trilogy or the Vong invasion (I actually haven't read any of the relvant books, but I understand they are huge events in the EU, and liked by many).

    Episode VII could include a remark to the effect that Luke for a while was married to "this woman Mara Jade, but she is dead now" (as she should be, according to the EU). Also, in some throwaway remarks, Han or Leia could point out that the current crisis (whatever it turns out to be) is "worse than when we were fighting Thrawn", or something similar.

    This would be very little different from how Anakin and Obi-Wan in their dialogue reference various (unseen) missions they have been on together, some of which were later shown in the Clone Wars cartoon. Obviously it must be implied that Luke, Han and Leia have had a lot of "adventures" in the 30 years that have passed, and with the EU in existence, there is little need to reinvent the wheel.

    Even if characters like Jaina and Ben do not appear in the movies, clever writers could come up with an explanation for why they were away or alienated from their parents (Han/Leia and Luke, respectively) at this particular period.

    The best strategy would indeed be to keep the EU "ambiguously canon", steering away from very explicit contradictions and perhaps even alluding to some major events in it (Vong, Thrawn), but not BASING the new movies on it (i.e. actually adapting, say, the Thrawn trilogy).

    If the new trilogy will somehow deal with the end of the lives of all or some of the Big Three, as I think it should, it may however be difficult to maintain the canonicity of EU stories that had them living beyond this time period (into the 40s ABY). I would make that sacrifice to cover the entire life of Luke Skywalker, from his birth in Episode III to his "ascencion" (or whatever) in Episode IX.

    1. Cenindo - i agree with everything you said above. "Ambiguously canon" is a good way to go: ignore the stuff that gets in the way of telling the new story, sure, but don't necessarily throw away the baby (lots of characters and stories known and loved by many people) with the bathwater. Even if they establish a new canon 'cut off point' of say 10 years after ROTJ, i think that would be a good compromise. Thrawn Trilogy fans would get to keep those sories and characters (including Mara Jade, etc) but it gives the filmmakers a leeway of 20 years or so of run-up for the new trilogy storyline. Suppose it'll not be long til we find out either way. i don't envy Chee & the New Canon group having to sort this stuff out.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Exactly. A while ago I said that I think everything before Pellaeon-Garvisom treaty (about 20 ABY) is pretty safe. Honestly the majority of the stuff afterwards is bad. While I hold that the majority of the Vong related books where good it's way to big of a thing for the movies to bend to, killing it'd be for the best. NJO? Nuke it. The Last of the Jedi? Nuke it even more, but that happens after the movies are supposed to happen so it doesn't matter anyway.

      But now I've got to bring up The Legacy of the Force and the Second-Galactic Civil War....ehhh. There was no consistency in the quality of that series of books... And they also take place when the ST is set to be, so it will almost certainly be swiped. Whether or not Arndt, Kasdan and JJ borrow anything from it as some rumors have suggested or alluded is still probably going to be argued over till we get an official announcement.

      Well, probably even after that considering some people are morons.

    4. look, i like the idea, but realistically, theres no way to do that and make it fit. i agree with the expectation from EU haters (even though i disagree with the hate...) that the movies should be the highest point of canon, and they shouldnt have to zigzag intensely through the EU to fit into established canon. The only reason most of the original post-ROTJ EU wasn't rendered non-canon when Lucas began making the prequels was because for the most part, Lucas wouldn't let them go back before "a new hope's" storyline. Unfortuantely, with these new movies, they are gonna have to tread on the EU.

      look, here are the options the way i see it.

      #1: make two forms of canon.
      -the EU, which includes the book adaptions of EP 1-6, as well as all EU material written and canon-approved up until this year.
      -then the NEW CANON, which includes EP 1-6 films, the clone wars, and all new films/ tv shows.

      #2: declare the films, tv shows the only canon and start from scratch. they could draw on the EU for inspiration in the new films, and adapt the material in the cartoon shows.

      #3: go through with a microscope and re=establish a new canon. this would probably mean rendering all pre- EP3 EU canon, and all post EP3 EU non-canon.

      the way i see it, it makes sense to go with #1 or #2. #1 would be great, but something tells me that disney will want to go and create new EU material (comics, books) based on the new canon established in the new movies. Which means #2 is the only real candidate. I would encourage them to adapt the EU, and add new crap, rather than forsake it completely.

    5. Um....this has already been decided. Kinberg said "the canon is only the 6 films", and that they may draw inspiration from the EU to fuel future stories. This could be taking a character, like when they put Quinlan Vos in Clone Wars, but they will NOT be adapting EU for the movies. Why are we still debating this? LOL

    6. Its still in debate because the EU fans are really mental patients that need to be locked up in a galaxy far far away.

    7. The EU bashers are jsut as bad, possibly worse.

    8. Where did this idea come that everybody has even read the EU? And where has this idea come from that everybody loves it? The EU readers of the general audience will literally be tiny, and the ones who actually care about it's continuity with this new film will be minuscule.

    9. The only people who think/thought they're going to adapt a book into a movie are morons. I don't know why we're still debating this. "It will be an original story." "..For the movies, the canon is the canon, and the canon is the 6 films."

      It's been clear from the start that they're not going to follow the EU, they simply can't, there's to much stuff to stumble over. What really confuses me, regarding this entire thread, is why people with no vested interest in it are hating the EU and thinking/expecting a scorched earth on the EU. It would take far more effort to actually do that then to just leave the majority of it alone. If you don't read it, that's fine, enjoy the Star Wars universe that you know, but needlessly bashing something you don't know to annoy the people who do enjoy that Star Wars universe, THEIR expanded universe, is infantile and you should really be above something like that.

  13. Can't wait for the Jaxxon spin off :P

  14. I would love to see some version of the best of the EU mixed in with brand new content for the new Star Wars movies. Best of both worlds. Also, EU lovers wouldn't be spoiled much or at all.

    1. Folks might love if they did that, but they aren't. It's already been stated. Canon is the 6 movies, and the EU may be used as "inspiration"...that means no direct adaptation of the EU.

    2. Anon @ 6:26 PM

      That's what I said.

  15. Honest question... outside of the Thrawn Trilogy did he ever make an appearance in any other novels? I remember he appeared in Outbound flight.

    1. There was an impersonator in "Specter of the Past" and "Vision of the Future". The actual character was in "Allegiance" and "Outbound Flight" (like you said). I think he was in "Choices of One" as well.

  16. look, at this point, its fair to assume most of the EU as a second point of cannon (after the movies) is dead. this was always gonna have to happen after disney bought out out lucasfilm. Hopefully, we can have a bit of a marvel situation (in which the film series draws off the comic story lines...) where the EU, as well as original ideas and content, provide character and plot inspiration for the canon material

    1. whilst everything at the moment indicates that rebels is gonna be awesome, i much would have preferred a cartoon show based straight after ROTJ that could have adapted EU (as well as original ideas), showed us the original characters in their glory years without the need to recast, and we could have seen some awesome stuff, like mara-jade meeting luke, a thrawn trilogy adaption.

      i think this would have been an excellent way to bridge the gap between ep6-ep7. but hey. in abrams we trust i guess

    2. even if the characters followed completely different paths, or if they scrapped every part of their personalities from the "EU", i would much rather they just named leia/hans kids "jacen" and "Jaina" rather than change it as a rumor going around was suggesting. if luke has a son, he should be called "ben"

    3. OMG !!!!! EU fans just can't let it go. Lucas never said Han had twins. Lucas said he never saw Jedi having children. Get your head out of the EU fog.

    4. Lucas isn't involved with VII either ...

    5. Where did you read that Lucas isn't involved anymore? He's said all along that he remains pretty much involved as a creative consultant.

  17. Anon @ 2:37 PM

    That's always a possibility later on. If they do one day show us a post-RotJ cartoon, it'll be better than Rebels.

  18. If I were writing the script, I probably would have tried to work in Jaina as the established daughter of the Solos. Her brother Jacen is already dead (killed by Jaina after he turned dark) and doesn't have to be mentioned in the movies at all. There could be some oblique references to him, to the delight of EU fans who are in the know -- like some character talking about how terrible it is to lose a brother, and Jaina saying "I know".

    Whether there is any room for Ben Skywalker greatly depends on what kind of story they plan to tell. But even if he doesn't appear in the movie, that doesn't mean he doesn't exist (and Mara Jade should already be dead according to the EU as well, so no problem there).

    As I said above, I would have tried to keep the EU largely "ambiguously canon". Introducing entirely new Solo/Skywalker kids with new names and personalities, wiping out large portions of the EU in one fell stroke, seems to me unnecessary.

    How much of the EU one wants to "accept" should however be left to one's own preferences. Analogous example: According to the EU, Luke repeatedly encountered Darth Vader between "A New Hope" and "The Empire Strikes Back". There is nothing in the latter movie to explicitly CONTRADICT this, but people watching the films are surely left with the impression that Bespin was the very first time Luke came face to face with Vader. To my mind, the power of the sequence is sadly diminished if we assume that Luke had met Vader many times before (and why did he postpone the "father" revelation until this particular encounter?) So in this case, I simply shrug off the EU stories of Luke/Vader meetings set between the movies.

    But others, if they do like these stories, are free to accept them -- and the movies themselves are strictly inconclusive either way.

    See? "Ambiguous canon" in action!

    1. your idea ? lmao you just took out whats in the EU. Blah blah blah. I wish the EU would just go away.

    2. Not to be rude, but after reading your post, Cenindo, I am ecstatic that you won't be writing a script for ANY SW film ever.

  19. Of course they'll make use of and draw from the EU. It would be the height of stupidity not to!
    The EU is a ready made source of established characters and material which they can use directly or change names and histories slightly to better suit story lines.

    1. Established characters and material known only to a handful of people who know the EU inside out; not to the casual moviegoer, which is the profile Disney's looking to attract to these new movies.

      The height of stupidity would be to think that the wishes of the few outweight the wishes of the many.

  20. To all the haters who insisted that the EU was dead:

    L. O. L.

    1. To all the people who insist, demand, think, or presume that they will use the EU just because it's possible to do so

      L. O. L

    2. I see the laughing gas sprung another leak. Does anyone even bother to read the related articles before posting the same tired comments over and over again?

  21. I read rumor that Luke was exiled and Soils children ask him for help to save her parents. This matches the end of the Vong War

    1. Thrawn dies in EU?

    2. They posted this scrpit rumor a few days ago.

    3. Yes to Anon 4:39, Thrawn was killed in "The Last Command" by his bodyguard. His clone was killed in 'Vision of the Future" but never made it out of his cloning cylinder anyway.

  22. There have been some really cool elements in the EU and some really crappy ones also. It all depends on the author and the subject matter. The problem with adapting the EU is that if you attempt to do a direct adaptation, you must take the bad with the good. It has been stated that the new trilogy, spin-offs, etc. will not be bound by the EU and that is a good thing. While it is really cool that the current Star Wars canon (minus a few discrepencies and retcons) is one massive cohesive story, future authors are bound to the work of previous authors. I think it is a great idea to draw from the good elements of the EU, but I want the movies moving forward to be new, creative, and inventive with the story they tell. You don't have to forsake the EU however, just move forward incorporating the elements that are necessary for the new story. Leave the rest ambiguous, but never go back to that material again. If the story is a good one, it will have been built on a good foundation of past events. I don't see them doing a story that depends on explaining what happened with the Ssi-Ruuk after ROTJ, where an alien race that looked like velociraptors transported people's consciousness into their droid technology. This story didn't feel much like Star Wars to me and it's inclusion would be weird in my opinion. But it still doesn't have to be destroyed. Just never speak of it in the films. Good elements and characters (from the Thrawn Trilogy for ex.) can be used directly or as inspiration to move forward with a really great story. I never thought it would be necessessary to do away with current material that is not relevant to the story, but I do see the necessity of disbanding certain material (such as everything from NJO forward since this is the timeline of the new films). If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If it is broke, don't mention it and move on where possible. Reinvent storylines where necessary. We shoudn't dwell too much in the past. Focus on 34ABY and on. I would like the main characters of the EU to retain their identities in the films, but steer these characters in whatever direction fits the purpose of the new story (this is just a personal preference of course). Either way, I look for these new films to be the best yet. In the grand scheme of things, I really don't care if Han and Leia have twins named Jacen and Jaina, Facen and Faina, Bill and Sue, or if they never got married and moved on with their lives separately after ROTJ. I'm just ready for some more Star Wars!

  23. Why are you not reporting today's and tomorrow's TF.N special event at DIsney Store in California?

    1. Still there is nothing to report.

    2. You could at least acknowledge that TF.N is going to report today's and tomorrow's events. Furthermore, I wonder if it is related with the supposed breakfast on Thursday?

  24. No wonder todays generation is so out of touch with the real Star Wars. Too much of EU, Kardashians and Jersey Shore. No wonder we are headed to an Apocalypse.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. no offense but a lot of EU fan seem to be looking at this whole thing upside-down. why would Disney hire Lawrence Kasden who helped make arguably the best star wars movie of all and ask him to try to match the work of the virtually anonymous writers of the EU. that's like a major league baseball team sending its best players to the minors so they can try to win a single A championship. if you enjoy reading the fanfiction and comic books and playing the video the games great! but the standards are different for fanfic and comic books. the ICONIC characters and stories from the OT that are known and loved around the world by people spanning like 4 Generations. that's what Disney paid 4 billion dollars for. the rest (EU AND PT) were throw-ins. they are not looking to continue the disappointing trend of the last three movie. to really maximize their profits they need to captivate the world the way the OT did. Like Lonestar said they're not just doing this for money... they are doing it for a sh*t load of money! they are not gonna do that by cutting and pasting from fanfictions .it will be done by getting back to the feel of the OT and doing something fresh with it. and that is what every single influential person involved in the making of these movies have consistently said they are trying to do.

  27. This website is turning into a place for the EU fans to get their hopes up and then us OT fans to come in and call them out on their rediculousness

    1. And vice versa to be fair.

    2. I wish everyone would just read the article. It's not even that long or anything.

    3. No vice versa EU fan to be fair, that's exactly what I'm talking about. We don't like the EU, I'm glad Chewie lives. RIP EU, you were here to long.

    4. JJ Abrams have recieved counselling from Timothy Zahn, and I'm sure you guys know that he wrote The Thrawn trilogy, Outbound flight and much more. The Thrawn trilogy was by the fans in the 90's called the trilogy that never made it to the movies. They will probably use EU inspired stuff in the movies as well. If that breaks your hearts and make you loose faith in the movie that's kinda sad, but it would be stupid to through away such good characters and personalities. Maybe not the same names, but their character.

    5. Man you guys are really stretching to find ways that EU garbage will be included. New stories people and the EU isn't canon....thank the maker!

  28. I don't get it. He literally just said that the EU was certainly "inspiring" and that rebels will probably "take inspiration from everywhere".. But I guess this is where people overreact over nothing. Hurray lets all talk about exactly which actors will play our favorite EU characters that obviously have a very huge chance of being in ep7 ... *sarcasm*

  29. All I want is 3 good, brand new Star Wars films.




  31. Guys guys guys guys. Come on now. Can you not remember what Kathleen Kennedy has said?
    "we're sitting down with a couple of writers and we're discussing ideas and we're starting to discuss what these stories might be." -Obviously discussing what stories of the EU they will be.
    "we're sitting in long lengthy story meetings" -Obviously meetings to disucss exactly which stories from the EU they want to use
    "I think we have an opportunity to create some amazing new characters" -Obviously talking about what amazing new characters from the EU they want to reboot. Duh.

  32. I don't get it, does EU haters hate everything from the EU, or just the stuff what happened after the movies?

    1. I don't know, I guess they hate every single thing from the EU. When they see "Expanded Universe" start screaming.

  33. EU is weaksauce I could fart better stories

    1. You obviously don't know what you talk about. I agree, some of the stories in the EU is accually quite bad but most of it is really good and the writers are amazing persons. Just remember that it is advisors that worked on the films and in lucasfilm that mostly were the writers advisors and such,

    2. I'm sure the EU writers are amazing people, and if they were as good writers as they are persons, then I'm sure they'd be writing best-selling, original stories of their own, as opposed to depending on the SW EU to make a name for themselves.

  34. Wow, and I thought my kids fought non-stop.
    I don't get why it's important at this point either way. I'd guess no one here has any control over what they put in the films. Worry about how good it is when the credits role.

  35. More mystery from Bad Robot

  36. wow....really, i mean really...did this discussion really need to start again? i am so freakin' sick of this...i am beginning, for the first time in my life...just not really care anymore about a future SW...not that my not caring will topple the SW Empire, just stating how sick to death i am with this particular discussion and lack of useful SW info in general...thankfully Phantasm 5 has been made and is to be released next year and i would gladly trade a new SW trilogy a hundred times over for one last Phantasm...take your time JJ and Co. i really do not care that much anymore...

  37. Every time.

    Every time an EU article is published, people rush to log off, and totally blast the EU with baseless arguments about how it is SOMEHOW not even related to star wars.

    If you're going to blast something like this so hard, at least tell us who you are.

    1. Are you suggesting that 90+% of the aforementioned people are anonymous? This is groundbreaking, tell us more wise sage.

    2. Absolutely right, Cullen. Too many anonymous people on this site.

    3. Let's get rid of the Anons, thereby eliminating easily more than half the traffic on this site. Plus, you can keep the real insiders from posting clues and relevant information on the site when they are creeping around, too. Yeah, that's a good idea.

    4. lol! I could tell you all you wish to know about me, Mr. Cullen Peterson, and it how would you know it's true?

      This is the internet, not your local grocery store or mall. People can still use fake names or id's online, in case you didn't know.

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