Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, April 4, 2014

Star Wars Twitter Buzz: Filming Already Underway in Cairo. More Auditions Happening for the Episode 7 Lead. Lupita Nyong'o on her Way to London?

star wars

Check out the latest Star Wars talk on Twitter. Are they really still auditioning for the Episode 7 lead? It appears so, at least according to two different reports on Twitter and actor Mike Merchant's curious tweet...

This would have been suspicious but it was posted by two different persons, one of which is a student at the Calarts Academy.

Both reports state that the auditions are for the lead role. This fits with the previous report that Abrams is indeed looking for unknowns for the major parts. And although the tweets mention "Episode VII" and "the new Star Wars movies", have in mind that they could be for something completely different but still Star Wars related.

I've been hearing from different people that Disney are already discussing and preparing a new Star Wars TV series that will air on Netflix between Episode 7 and 8. Also certain people at Disney are casting for certain projects, so I won't be surprised if this audition was for a different Star Wars project.

Still this could be the real deal. Little known actor Mike Merchant revealed that he got a call back and will audition tomorrow for the Episode 7 lead:

Looks like they're really going for a black lead. Looks like Boyega is also dropped from the list.


According to another tweet Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o was spotted on a plane flying to London. Could this visit have something to do with Star Wars? Now this one is strange. The woman who posted this visits Kenya very often (Lupita is half Kenyan) but this flight was from Dallas to London. Currently Lupita lives in New York so this is probably nothing but who knows...

Nyong'o will be in L.A. on April 12 to present an award at the GLAAD Media Awards.


The next tweet could only make sense if they already started filming plate shots in Cairo as it was rumored for Iceland or maybe the crew is filming just a few establishing shots with no actors and director on location.


Yesterday Visceral Games Vice President and General Manager Steve Papoutsis announced that former Naughty Dog (the Uncharted games) employee Amy Hennig, has been appointed as the creative director for EA's upcoming, unannounced Star Wars project.

From comingsoon
"Over the last few weeks, Amy and I have spent a lot of time talking about what her first project would be. There are a lot of different directions we could have gone, but I could sense that what really excited her about this opportunity (because let's face it, we weren't the only ones knocking at her door) was Star Wars. Amy's a huge fan. We happen to be making a Star Wars game. Just thinking about the possibilities made both of us even more excited about having her join the team.”

Dead Space and Uncharted are two of my favorite games. Can't wait to see the result. Here's Amy's excited reaction to the news:


  1. I think history show's that if you want a part in this particular sequel, don't talk or tweet about it. #bye-bye

    1. Exactly my first thought too. :)

    2. That deserves a, "touche."

    3. Mike Merch probably just blew it by tweeting, if he is really telling the truth. The first rule of Star Wars Casting is You don't talk about Star Wars Casting!

    4. Yeah he probably just wanted to get his name out there and since we're grasping at straws he succeeded. Well played sir!!!

      And that lady from EA needs to ease up on the Twitter. I kept thinking every tweet would be the last one and I was wrong 8 times.

  2. My question is they had the open calls all around the world, and still continue with auditions... Seems like they did not find the the right person for the lead there, or that open call was for other leads in it. Its interesting casting process I think.

    1. I'm guessing that auditions are happening for all SW projects, Rebels, the "spin-offs," the EA game and so forth. The unofficial nature of the rumors leave a lot of room for confusion on all that.

    2. "My question is... " Never asked cause you're illiterate.

  3. I still can't get my head arround the whole black lead thing. The Skywalker's and the Solo's were white. Their kids are the presumably leads if they have any common sense, so it would be completely stupid to cast a black dude. The rumors about adapting the story so they can have a diverse cast are so stupid and such a wasted opportunity for the story and narrative, both logistically and thematically. They're willing to sacrifice the theme and narrative of the next skywalker generation over skin colour? seriously? ..

    1. Or the story is in fact not about the Skywalkers. Maybe a new Jedi comes into the picture and we begin to follow a new bloodline. Just an idea.

      If they do this, or something similar, it better damn well not be for the sake of diversity. It is not going to go over well with the fans if we get any hint of forcing diversity. I'm all for a new amazing part of the story that has a black lead. I'm not for some EEO, white guilt BS.

    2. Diversity and isn't about white guilt. Its about actually doing things fairly. Representing people who have historically been under-represented. Whites don't need to feel guilty about ancestors. We (society as a whole) do need to attempt to create fairness. If fairness seems 'forced' then that's a sign that our perceptions are warped by how we're used to seeing our media. Black people are 15% of the US and the world as a whole. Until more than 15% of movie roles are black characters, saying it's forced is somewhat nonsensical. If it feels that way then it's because we're not used to seeing actual fairness. By the way, I get why people would feel it's forced for Luke to have a black biological son, because that is uncommon. I don't think it ought to be, but I get why it seems forced to people. However, if it's an adopted kid or student, then saying it's forced is kinda silly. For all we know, George may have asked for that role as a message that you're no less a Skywalker for being adopted.

    3. Also, the feeling of forcedness because we're not used to seeing actual fairness is backed up by scientific studies. They've shown that in a conversation with equal male and female participants, when women speak 50% of the time (fair), men often feel like the women are dominating the conversation. This is because we're not used to it. What is actually fair seems forced because it's not what we're used to seeing in media.

    4. I'm talking about it being forced for the plot. It doesn't make sense as it's established the skywalkers were white. If this was a brand new thing then I wouldn't have a problem with it. And adoption is just stupid because it gives less significance and importance Luke and it gets rid of the concept of having the lead be the child of the previous skywalker. To force the story to go in a different direction because of something like skin colour is weird. Especially if skin colour isn't even going to be a part of the story. I mean what's the point? Just make the villain black if you care about diversity. Don't screw up the central theme of a narrative to compensate for an outside influence such as the race of the lead.

    5. Jeffrey must work for the NAACP.

    6. I'm strictly talking about the script/story feeling forced(as in unbelievable or poor quality). I'm not talking about the on-screen relationships going against the perceived social norms of the audience. If they sacrifice the quality of the story or characters for the sake of diversity, I'm going to be pissed. If the story is great and we get to see a new black Harrison Ford, I will be more than happy. There's nothing wrong with Luke having a black son, as long as there's some awesome back-story for it,

      You are blind if you don't see that diversity is sometimes used as a tool to manipulate others, and there are some that strive for it because they have been manipulated. Ideally we hope people have pure motives, but it's naive to think that's always the case.

    7. That's making a few assumptions...the EU is no guide for the upcoming movies. There's no guarantees that anything is to be taken for granted (marriages, children, new Jedi Orders and so on).

      Though I can see your objection to something akin to adding Vader's, "Nooooo," or Hayden Christianson on Endor, I'd be careful of ideas that reduce down to, "Black characters = wasted opportunity." or more startlingly, "Black characters are only good for bad guys."

    8. Jeffery Alfaro, the great emancipator! I knew that when someone says something remotely about race I'd see you down the line!

      You guys are really making it too much about race and that's not a good thing. PC goes to far sometimes, IMHO

    9. "If they sacrifice the quality of the story or characters for the sake of diversity, I'm going to be pissed."
      Yes exactly !

    10. Nathan, you're right it's not always the case. But I don't think it would be why JJ would be doing it. And whether some manipulate it for their own ends, fair is still fair.

      Anonymous, as long as I feel like I have something at least slightly new to say, hell yes I will comment. I feel strongly about fairness. I don't know why that would be considered a bad thing.

      Anonymous 3:33. If you feel adoption makes it less meaningful, I won't discount your opinion, but think about kids who were adopted or parents of adopted kids, like, for instance, George Lucas. They might think that the entire point is to show that being adopted DOESN'T make the kid any less a Skywalker, and might really appreciate that message.

      Think about the conflict and themes and callbacks to lines like,

      Merchant: "I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
      Nyong'o: "You're no Skywalker. You're a little lost pup the Jedi felt sorry for. You have Skywalker's pity, not his pride, not his love. You belong with us."
      Merchant: "I'll never join you."
      Luke, through the force: "You are my son. The words of the Sith cannot change that. Trust your feelings, son. Trust in the force."

      Or some such, and by an actual writer. Could be really powerful.

    11. @Jeffrey Alfaro You are the most intelligent person in this comments section. Everyone else sounds like they're in middle school.

    12. Also, twins, maybe separated at birth. One raised by Luke, the other by the Sith. Continues the themes of separated twins, continues the themes of a dark side family member trying to corrupt the light, continue the Skywalker line in a way that Lucas and a lot of others would find meaningful. Besides, Star Wars (ep 4) was partly based on Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress. What would Luke do if he found a child, strong in the force, abandoned by the Sith because, "Always two there are, master and apprentice," so a Sith has no need of twins. Lone Wolf and Cub, anyone?

    13. It could be that Luke has a black wife. The EU may not be honored in this regard. Besides, one of the leads could also be the progeny of Lando Calrissian.

      Fairness is something that little kids squabble over in the back of the mini-van. The Soviets tried Equality of Outcome. It was a horrible disaster on every level.

      Just tell a good story, and leave the diversity committees to the idiots in Congress.

    14. @Jeffrey Alfaro

      I like it. It's not something that hasn't been done before(Eragon books for example), but it definitely sounds entertaining.

    15. Would it be better thematically and for the narrative of star wars to continue the concept of the father/son skywalker? Yes. Is adoption a better idea? No. Could it still be interesting? Of course. Could there still be interesting dialogue? Of course. Could the character be interesting? Of course. But the plot and the way the story is told has nothing to do with the stories theme. Is it wrong to change the narrative? Yes. Could it still be interesting? Of course. But is it wrong and a wasted opportunity to start fresh and develop from an existing theme, just to include a diverse cast when they could give it to the villain or any other character? Yes.

    16. Those are all entirely subjective. As I said before, you might get different answers depending on who you ask. Adoption absolutely doesn't throw out the father/son theme. It continues to explore it further and ask new questions about the same theme rather than ask questions that have already been answered.

      It's fine with me if they don't go that route, too, but making a blanket statement that it can't possibly be as good as some other indeterminate story is silly. Not going with adoption could also be viewed as a missed opportunity to explore the same theme of father/son legacy in a different way. Same with any choice.

      'For the sake of diversity' is also an assumption. We don't have enough info to know why. Maybe they already knew they wanted an adopted son to explore that theme and Nyong'o was the best actress for the hypothetical twin sister role, so now they need Nyong'o's twin. Maybe it's Abrams and Kasdan's nod to Lucas. Maybe adoption was Lucas' idea for Luke, since that would fit his statements about Jedi celibacy and Skywalker legacy together. It could be any number of things.

      Also, correction, Lenin tried for equality of outcome and Stalin hijacked it into something else entirely. But that's a whole other discussion that doesn't fit here. It doesn't preclude others from being fair-minded and not thinking it will ruin Star Wars or feel forced. Some will think so, others won't.

    17. As long as there's at least one or two genetic skywalker kids I'm fine with them bringing in as many unrelated black jedis as they feel like bringing in.

    18. For clarification, I'm more for equality of opportunity. It could be debated though, that equality of outcome is a decent measure of opportunity. It's hard to say without looking on a case-by-case basis. Outcomes could be different for some other reason, or it could be because opportunity wasn't really as equal as claimed.

    19. Anon 6:23. I'm cool with that. In fact, a bio kid and adopted kid has a lot of other interesting possibilities.

    20. Yeah because what they make the theme of a story is just a subjective opinion..

    21. @ Jeffrey - 'For the sake of diversity' is also an assumption

      Yeah, who knows what they're thinking. I say they can do whatever they want, and have whatever motives they want -- I just hope they give us a great addition to the SW series.

      @Jeffrey - For clarification, I'm more for equality of opportunity. It could be debated though, that equality of outcome is a decent measure of opportunity.

      Growing up without a solid family is definitely an opportunity killer.

    22. Calm down people... You will live if it's a black Jedi or whatever, JJ Abrams knows how to cast. It's not like the Jedi is gonna drop his/her light saber in the middle of the movie and "throw down" busta rhymes or whatever.

      As for this "son" thing... c'mon. Who knows if lineage will have anything to do with this story? If Luke hypothetically adopts a black kid, as another user here pointed out before: it would make the most sense for Luke's Jedi code that he wouldn't procreate.

    23. Who cares if the lead is African American. As long as the acting is good and story is well thought out. That's all I care about. If the new movies end up being terrible like the prequels. I will walk away from Star Wars for good.

    24. I have to agree. Its getting a little late to be casting leads isn't it. So are they holding out hope the can find an unknown lead black actor. Just because they want to shoe horn in a racial type. JJ cast a white actor as khan & that was against Roddenberry's whole point of Khan being an Indian/Central Asian.

    25. It's just bad. The audience should not be pulled out of the film because of the actors appearance or race. If they want a diverse cast, make another character black. Isn't Lupita supposed to be up for a sith? Making the lead also black would be distracting. Not in a bad way because that would be racist, but distracting in any way is bad. It doesn't even make sense anyway unless they are indeed adopted which is so stupid it makes my brain hurt.

    26. "It doesn't make sense as it's established the skywalkers were white." My mums family were white until i was born just saying

  4. This all sounds beyond retarded !! btw EA is nothing but evil greedy shit and anything they make is garbage with MT all over.

    1. Dead Space, Mass Effect, Mirror's Edge. All amazing. The Madden games are still pretty solid too, though I wish EA didn't have sole control of the NFL license.

  5. They're still casting? No no, wait wait wait, they are still auditioning!? So supposedly they have to audition, start the process of elimination, have call backs, audition those people further, process of elimination again, screen test them with other actors for screen presence and chemistry with eachother, maybe further auditions again, spend the time to finally decide who they want, do costume fitting, have the actors start choreography lessons for stunts and fights, while they have to then learn their lines, baring in mind they are the characters. Filming is weeks away...

    1. new release date Dec 2016

    2. Shooting is next month. A delayed release date of an entire year has no effect on the time left they have to cast..

    3. Still casting just a few weeks before filming is very typical for Abrams. No need to worry.

    4. If these are more similar to OT, choreography might not be huge. Not so many stunts and most fights are with blasters. Maybe one or two lightsaber duels that are more tense and slow-paced, feeling out the opponent through the force, anticipating.

    5. Finishing up casting is completely different to still be beginning auditions.

    6. This is why I keep saying they don't have to shoot until July, or August first the very latest. They would still have a full year for post production, which is what Trek had.

      I know they officially announced a May shoot, but things change. Still looking for the lead? Shooting in 6 weeks? Hard to believe!

    7. Rumors about Disney casting for Star Wars are rumors. There's a lot of Star Wars projects on the horizon.

    8. If only Disney can treat its Star Wars fans with the same level of respect they treat their Marvel fans. There are many marvel projects coming out in the next few years and nobody hesitates to release casting/plot/title announcements.... but for Star Wars? I guess the execs running the mouse house think it's hilarious to keep us in the dark.

  6. At this late date, I find it hard to believe that they are still running initial auditions for the lead role in Ep. 7. I can see if they were maybe in final negotiations or even still trying to decide between a few actors. But still running cattle calls a month before principle photography is set to begin? That sounds fishy to me. With all of the SW projects beginning to ramp up, I think it's just as likely that these auditions are for something other than Ep. 7.

    The Mike Merchant tweets strike me as a bit odd too. As TheJDG74 points out, tweeting about it before casting has been announced is just going to piss of LFL and MouseCo - which seems like the last thing a finalist for a choice role in a Star Wars movie is going to want to do.

    The story about Lupita Nyong'o supposedly flying to London makes sense, though. If she has been cast, they're going to need her there for pre-production fittings and possibly training, especially if her character is going to be wielding a lightsaber. And she would hardly be the first person who had to deal with the airlines sending her to Europe via a ridiculous route like that. Happens all the time.

  7. Its really cool to see Mike Merchant's post about getting a callback. That's such a great attitude to think, "Even if I don't get it, Abrams thinks I have lead potential." I hope a lot of other actors get that feeling even if they don't land a part.

  8. Afro-American?

  9. Opening shot after crawl: stars. pan down, we see a small star ship spinning out of control in the void of space. Cut to inside. Lando lying wounded, his usual smile wiped from his face. His son holding his head. Lando murmurs "Find Luke son, he will know what to do..." as his eyes close and his head falls back. Lando's son takes a deep breath. We see an escape pod jetisson, as Lando's spinning craft burns up into a fire ball as it falls into the atmosphere of a nearby planet. The escape pod hurtles downwards, crashing into the ice wasteland of Hoth...

    1. That's terrible.

    2. And then the cinema goer wakes up and realizes it was just a bad dream, then goes onto watch a real Star Wars film.

    3. I can see Lando's son being raised by Luke from an early age (4 or 5) and having the 7th episode pick up where the kid is a young padawan. There'd have to be some kind of explaination of Lando's death at some point. I don't think this suggested opening would do very well, though.

  10. "I swear Lupita Nyong’o is on my lap" Anyone can post anything on Twitter and people buy it. They are still casting? My god, it has been over a year and a half, most films are shot, editing and in the theater in the time it is taken Abrams to finalize a script and do casting. I think Abrams has Peter Jackson Syndrome.

    1. "I think Abrams has Peter Jackson Syndrome."
      Yes he probably has. And Return Of The King earned him 11 Academy awards.

    2. As well as that overly-fan fictionized dreck the Hobbit (all 3,000 parts.)

    3. I'm not a LOTR fan or Hobbit fan, but please explain to me how a fictional movie be overly-fan fictionized? Am I missing something? Did Peter Jackson just take fan submissions for The Hobbit or something?

    4. The story was expanded from its' original version with lots of new material added to force it into a trilogy. There was a lot that happened in the movies that did not hold true to Tolkien's original story. I usually don't like to speak for the dead, but I'm fairly certain that Tolkien would not be happy with what they've done. The Hobbit films don't even come close to how awesome the LOTR extended trilogy was.

    5. Good God, don't even get me started on the Hobbit movies. The fight scenes were so over the top -- It felt like I was watching a video game. Legolas taking out an elephant or snowboarding down a flight of stairs while killing 8 orcs was cool in Lord of the Rings, but for some reason Jackson wanted to outdo himself and crossed the line. Now Legolas, who's not supposed to be in the Hobbit, is able to take out entire legions of orcs. Why they wouldn't run for the hills at the sight of him baffles me. Smaug, who I'll point out looks/sounds amazing, is turned into a bumbling buffoon for the sake of yet another ridiculously unbelievable and unnecessary fight scene. The escape from the goblin city == 1000 goblins killed, no dwarf losses and 25+ unbelievable near-death experiences.

      I was insulted that Jackson felt like we needed all the oversensationalized BS in order to enjoy tolkein's work.

    6. I couldn't agree more, Nathan.
      Not only did they feel the need to throw existing characters into the story that didn't belong, but took it upon themselves to completely change characters from the book and add brand new ones. The love affair between Tauriel and Kili was absolutly proposterous. I almost wanted to leave the theater. The movies weren't entirely awful, but I feel like Jackson did with LOTR and The Hobbit similar to what Lucas did with the prequels: Overexaggerated battles, way too much CGI, inferior soundtrack, etc. This is all opinionated, obviously.

    7. To be fair with the under-represented ethnia on the big screen, the lead must be asian-look, not black. I'm not asian btw

    8. I agree DJ. I walked out of the first Hobbit film felling pretty much the same way I felt when I saw TPM. I've not seen TDOS yet but will more than likely buy it when it's released on bluray

    9. @Fettman

      TDoS gets way worse. Prepare yourself before you watch it:P

    10. I'm glad to hear that we all agree that there was a film worse than TPM (which I kinda liked, btw.)

    11. Thanks for the heads up Nathan.

    12. The Hobbit pretty much butchered the original story, which I'd consider a 20th century literary classic. That's even worse than what Michael Bay is doing to the Turtles, in my opinion.

  11. "Looks like they're really going for a black lead. Looks like Boyega is also dropped from the list. "

    What, based on that dude's tweet? That seems pretty flimsy.

  12. Somebody tweets "the friend of my cousin's friend told my sister's nephew that he heard from a neighbor's friend that…" and everyone here buys into that BS? Get a grip, people. Till we get OFFICIAL info from Disney/Lucasfilm, everything else is just crappy rumors, period.

    1. said it yourself. "everything else is just crappy rumours". They are rumours and are being reported as such. Nobody is treating it as official news you idiot

  13. I'm not much for social media, but it seems that the Entertainment Industry professionals seem to tweet about there new positions. It seems the tweeting is the new form of brown nosing your new position. Call me old school, but weather you do it in person or in the privacy of your own computer it's still considered brown nosing. I simple thank you letter for the opportunity is more personal and speaks louder.

  14. Interpol Antics 2004April 4, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    Where is the part about them filming in Cairo?


  15. "Justin LaSalata @JustinL81
    RUMOR: #StarWarsVII Already Filming in Cairo; Abu Dhabi a Selected Location? #EpisodeVII"

  16. Please give us the cast it must be ready by now.
    It will be funny to see which rumored actors made it.

  17. I can't see SW with a black lead- doesn't fit, sorry. I didn't like Samuel Jackson as a Jedi bro either, yo.

  18. A black lead from the skywalker family can't see it. But we don't know the plot yet, who knows if the midichlorians came back to do some work on the script.

  19. Maybe the black lead is taking up the "Han Solo" spot in the cast. The OT was Luke, Han and Leia, and Luke and Han were the male leads. It could be Luke's son (if wanting him to have blonde hair and blue eyes makes me racist then you have the hang ups not me) and a male black as the other male lead. Then a female lead. I honestly won't be surprised if Disney tries to recapture the magic of the first movie by having three main characters, two male one female.

    I think you guys are looking too deep into it when they say "lead".

    Big Daddy Dave

  20. What I would like to see most is a white guy lead (as Skywalker's son) with a black guy sidekick and a white girl as Solo daughter. If this happens I will buy every action figure that comes out for Episode VII.

    1. Doesn't even have to be a sidekick. Han wasn't Luke's sidekick.

    2. good point, Han was definitly not a sidecick, even though the story is about Luke (& later his sister) there is no way to tell who is the lead among them, they are all 3 the main "character"

  21. Personally, i think Peter Jackson is pretty amazing really, he grew up in
    my home town, a lover of movies with a dream. Very eccentric in his earlier years,
    used to run round in a gorilla suit being a big fan of King Kong, inspired him into
    film making. Have you seen his first movies, the likes of 'meet the feebles' and 'braindead' (dead alive) absolutely nuts, he has come along way and although
    his vision of LOTR and or hobbit may not appeal to all, to clean up and take
    11 awards at the Oscars, is nothing short of absolute recognition, amazing achievement really. With James Cameron moving forces to New Zealand, to film
    the next 3 Avatar installments here and buddy buddy with Peter. Being a lover of
    great story telling and movies too, I am proud to be a Kiwi lol.
    As far as SW is concerned, Lucas always maintained that, the Skywalker story
    has been told! It is a big Universe out there lol

    1. & although Jar Jar was the first real CGI character in a movie (i don´t count the dinosaurs in jurrasic park) Gollum was the first beilivable CGI character

    2. yeah, but all that was lost after the CG-obsessed King Kong and the deplorable hobbit trilogy that came after.

  22. and no offense to Lucas although, if the Star Wars dream had
    been the vision of Peter Jackson and or, had Peter been behind the helm,
    as the likes of JJ Abrams is now, Star Wars (the Prequels at least)
    would have been better movies!

    1. ^only if you like overly dark, overly epic movies where every little thing is dramatic and characters stare at the camera and explain why the world is so evil.

  23. LOTR??!!! Race debates??? Movies done in a year and a half??!!...musta took a wrong turn at Albuqurque!!..

  24. White versus black blah blah blah... AMY is writing for a Star Wars game! That's the biggest and greatest news to come out in a while! Most of you clearly aren't big gamers.

    How good is she? Good enough to have had me excited if she were working on the dang movies! That's how good. Seriously... combined with Visceral EA may actually have a pretty awesome game lined up for us.

  25. Definitely not a racist, some of my closest friends are people of color. But I don't think a black main protagonist is a good idea in SW7. Important dark skinned characters, sure. But not THE main lead. For better or worse, SW is a product of (predominantly) white sci-fi culture, and having a black lead hero would seem, well, forced.

  26. The Force is with us

  27. Kind of off topic: when do you guys think we'll start to see trailers in movie theaters?

    and when i say this, i don't mean some feature length preview, i mean like a big "VII" flashes on the scene with a release date. Obviously a full length thing is about eight months to a year away.

  28. I can't believe I'm seeing bs about a black actor taking the lead. A lot of assumptions are being made here. 1. That Han and Leia stay together and have kids 2. That Solo children would automatically be good 3. That Solo/Skywalker children would be the main characters. Han, Leia or Luke could all have had a non white love interest at some time. Or their children could go wrong and a non family member is the hero. Or the main character doesn't encounter the Skywalkers/Solos right away. He might also marry into the family. Plenty of possibilities.

  29. I can see the possibility of a Black lead. For instance, what if Mara Jade turned out to be Black? It reminds me of Lucas marrying a Black woman and having a mixed child.

  30. Take a look at this: Abrams was recently spotted at a Paris, France toy store. Look at their latest post:

    1. Lots of star wars figures in the background...

  31. Hey, here's a rumor for ya. Dominic Monaghan cast as a Jedi in Ep.VII.

  32. Amy Henning working on a Star wars game, well thats bad news.

    1. Must be opposite day...

      Abrams is directing.
      Lindehofer is "writing".
      A chick is head of SW at EA.
      They've started shooting but they're still casting for MAJOR parts.
      This politically correct, "diverse" nonsense will bomb spectacularly.
      Why the frug did George sell, anyway.

      And to the guy that runs this blog ....
      I have a Core-i7b laptop but it still takes 3 hours for this page to load.
      Sure, I understand you gotta make a living.
      But could you do something about the interminable load times?
      Thank you so very very much.

    3. Check your internet provider then. It loads pretty quickly.
