Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, May 30, 2014

Adam Driver Talks Star Wars: Episode 7.

Adam Driver recently gave some insight into what it was like to do a table read for Star Wars: Episode VII . . .

Talking to Empire Magazine, Driver spoke about his surreal Star Wars experience thus far: 
''You grew up watching something and then suddenly you're in the midst of all those characters with them talking to each other! You want to make R2-D2 noises and lightsaber whooshes - but nobody actually did.''
(via Huffington Post)

Also, for the Adam Driver fans out there, check out these trailers for a couple of new movies he has coming soon -- August:

And in September:

It was rumored that Driver will be playing the villain with speculation even suggesting that he will be playing [Jacen] Solo. The [Jacen] Solo part seems highly unlikely but we'll keep you posted on anything that develops on that front.


  1. "The [Jacen] Solo part seems highly unlikely."
    Why is that? I have heard others say he doesn't look like a son of Han or Leia, but I disagree. See comparison here.

    1. "Why is that?" Possibly because the EU stuff is out of the picture.

    2. Just because they aren't using the EU directly doesn't mean he isn't a son of Han and Leia. It could go a completely different direction than the EU and still have a son of Han and Leia go to the Dark Side. .

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My money is on Von Sydow playing a Tarkin-like character. He will appear only in the first movie, leaving Driver to play the main bad guy for the whole trilogy. I'm guessing he will probably start off good, only to fall to the dark side.

  3. Another guy I'm not sure I want to see in a Star Wars movie.

  4. lol who cares about looks. I'm sure the casting call was to look for nice faces, not carrie fisher and harrison ford faces

    1. What do you mean "who cares about looks?" If they were casting for a son of Han and Leia they would absolutely try to find someone who looked enough like them to make it believable. Casting agents do that all the time when casting family members. I don't get what there is to "lol" about.

    2. You clearly don't know much about casting

    3. "You clearly don't know much about casting."

      Which Anonymous are you talking to?

    4. So Han and Leia have a Latino son? That doesn't make sense.

    5. "So Han and Leia have a Latino son? That doesn't make sense."
      Um... I'm pretty sure Driver isn't Latino. Are you thinking of Oscar Isaac? And if you are thinking of Oscar, don't forget that he played Prince John in Robin Hood. He doesn't have to play a "Latino" character.

    6. Driver's ethnicity: "English, along with some German, Dutch, Irish, Scottish."

    7. Harrison Ford's ethnicity: Irish, German (father). Ashkenazi Jewish (mother)

    8. Well, you definitely corrected me on Driver's ethnicity. I thought he was a Spaniard based on his looks.

  5. "who cares about looks?" I do! This cast is one of the ugliest bunch of bananas I've seen in years. Only the Wookie will give me a chubby!

    1. I bet you're quite partial to C3PO too.

    2. Only if I'm driving

    3. Anon 404 you are right. Not one of the guys in this movie actually looks handsome. It's weird. It's like JJ said to his casting director, "I only want ugly dudes in this movie."

    4. Oh yeah! I forgot gay guys care about stuff like that. Oscar doesn't do anything for you? If not, maybe you'll come across a cute extra or something...

    5. What are your, ugly too? Sensitive about it?

  6. I dunno. Watching those clips, Driver has pretty great comedic timing and delivery. I like the guy. He may not be THE villain or A villain at all.

  7. Yeah but great comedic timing dose not get you puss-eee! Ya feel me Virgin?

    1. Right, because not stand up comic has ever gotten laid. I'm sure Driver does better than you ever will. Stick to frat parties and scoring with drunk chicks genius.

  8. The more I see of Adam driver, the more I see the crooked smirk of young Han Solo. He could easily be solo offspring.

    1. I can see Driver being a Solo child. What if he played his own version of Darth Caedus?

  9. Wow Harry Potter might beable to escape his typecast... that movie looks ok.

    1. I thought he was pretty good in Kill Your Darlings. Not a fantastic movie but not bad. And definitely not Harry Potter

  10. You sound like a douche

    1. Why? It's just a common thing for actors who played in huge roles, that's why Abrams doesn't want to use known actors for the new leads... cuz then they remember them from other films and it becomes distracting.

      Thanks though, much appreciated.

    2. Stop it: Attack the Block, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, Inside Llewyn Davis, When Harry Met Sally, The Exorcist, About Time, Batman: The Animated Series, etc. - YOU'RE DISTRACTING ME!!! <=-O

    3. Looks like your trolling fucked up.

    4. Who are you speaking to?

    5. You talking to me?

  11. We really don't know who's playing what yet- its all guessing games until we know more. And the prequels were full of 'pretty faces', and most fans don't like them as much, with the exception of ROTS. By the way, I'm betting Von Sydow as evil Lord, Driver young apprentice to evil.

    1. That's true. The rumor mill says Driver is Han and Leia's kid, but we actually don't know yet.

      JJ, are you there? Please clear this up for us! One post is all we need!

  12. I just watched 1-3 again back to back.....first time in about 5 years or so. Binks & Lloyd ruined Episode 1 thought Neeson came out the best. Still enjoyed the Pod Race, Darth Maul & Duel of Fates.

    Episode 2 was better than I remembered expcept the romance parts which seemed worse than I remembered. The droid factory was eye rollingly bad but the arena battle was cool as was the Fett/Kenobi fight.

    Episode 3 I didn't enjoy as much as I originally seems to have the most amount fake looking CG of the prequels but I was surprised how far Lucas went with Anakins injuries it was pretty gruesome for a so called kids movie.

    Overall too many characters just sat around spouting exposition on what was probably a CG set - too much confusing politics - overused CG...oh and characters just leaping around in very unrealtistic ways pull me out of the movie as it was badly done...reminiscent of Raimi Spiderman rag doll effects.

    Out of my 3 kids ( all boys ) 13yr old scoffed several times in each movie and put his head in his hands at the cheesy script or obviously fake FX.. 9yr old seemed to enjoy it all and played Lego star wars afterwards....almost 6 yr old said he was bored and left each movie

    1. And they say we should quit our bitchin' cause it's a kids movie...

      But in all honesty, I did the same thing last year and I thought 3 was the worst. It felt like someone farting constantly during a funeral. It's supposed to be the darkest and most depressing (and quite frankly the only one of the prequels that even matters, since it's the one we were all waiting for), but every five minutes someone says something stupid. The dialogue can range any where from stale to down right clusterfucked, and is often disjointed from surrounding dialogue (a testament to the fact that he changed Anakin's motivation for turning to the Dark Side in Post-Production). I would go so far as to say it has the worst dialogue of any major Hollywood film I've ever seen.

      Now excuse me while I get off my soap box.

    2. I wish someone could resurrect Kubrick and have him refilm & recast the PT.

  13. I don't think I would ever want them to re-shoot the PT but I prefer to think of them as an expensive TV mini-series all joined together as a companion piece to the 'real trilogy' then they don't seem so bad.

    They still have good bits and the over-arching plot is fine but the good bits are way outnumbered by sub-par acting. dialogue , FX and exposition.

    Jake - What was change in post production to Anakin's motivation for going over to the Dark Side?

  14. I don't mind the casting choice. I just want him to make a facial hair choice. Grow the mustache or shave the fuzz. It makes him look cheesy.and hard to take seriously
