James Cameron made two of the movies that top the
list of Box Office Champions -- Titanic and Avatar. But can
Episode VII beat them all to become the first $3 billion dollar
When Disney purchased Lucasfilm Ltd. for $4.5 billion dollars a lot of fans were as nervous as they were shocked. The initial reaction around the web was mixed at best, with a smattering of guardedly optimistic souls and sentiment. The major fear originated from Disney's perceived mis-handling of the franchise based on such big budget flops as John Carter.
![]() |
Lucas, long-time fan of
Disney |
the following days, the fretfulness turned more into excitement as it was
happily realized we, the fans, would be getting more Star Wars -- NOT only a
Sequel Trilogy of Episodes 7, 8, & 9, but Spinoff movies, an animated
series, and even talk of a Live Action show ("Underworld" perhaps?) that never
materialized. As George
Lucas put it, “We have a large
group of ideas and characters and books and all kinds of things,” Lucas said.
“We could go on making ‘Star Wars’ for the next 100 years.”
was soon learned that Kathleen Kennedy would be heading-up Lucasfilm Ltd. and
that George would continue to consult and mentor her. This helped to alleviate
some concern. Aside from that here's a brief list of Official Announcements that
turned fear and loathing into ecstatic excitement:
The Sequel Trilogy would be based on George Lucas' own treatments
Michael Arndt, Little Miss Sunshine, Toy Story 3, was hired to
- JJ
Abrams was brought in to direct
John Williams would be scoring the trilogy
now with April 29th's Official Cast Announcement -- including many of the
original cast members -- Disney has proven that they are willing and able to do
everything the right way, including an extremely long and extensive search for
the right people to play the new generation of heroes and villains to carry-on
the epic torch! In other words, Disney has set themselves up for Box Office
Domination the likes this planet has never witnessed.
Undoubtedly, the hype surrounding Episode VII is
unprecedented. First of all, it's the first new Star Wars movie in ten years.
Secondly, it's a sequel to the highly beloved Original Trilogy. And thirdly, it
comes after what many would consider a disappointing Prequel Trilogy.
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Spaceballs the Flamethrower |
Equally as undoubted, Disney will make their $4.5
billion investment back with this one movie. How, you may ask, when the Box
Office Champ is at a mere $2.78 billion will Disney make all it's money back? Well,
aside from breaking that box office record, Episode VII will be partnered with
more Ties than the Death Star can hold, as in Tie-in deals with everything from mobile phone apps to the traditional fast food premiums and everything in between. OR, as
the ever wise Yogurt once put it, "Moichandizing!" Personally, I can't wait for the
Episode VII flame thrower. The kids really love that one!
few more points to consider:
There are more people alive today than ever before
- A
whole new generation of kids that have grown up with The Clone Wars are ready to
embrace more Star Wars movies
Older fans have long awaited this Sequel Trilogy
China is a burgeoning market for US filmed entertainment
Imax 3-D with it's higher ticket prices helped break the record in the first
Wall Street analysts suggest the movie will be lucky to break the $2 billion
mark, according to The
"Wall Street analysts at this point aren't as
bullish; last summer, Credit Suisse's Michael Senn predicted $1.2 billion in box
office for “Episode VII. This week, Cowan & Co. projected $1.2 billion and
FBR Capital Markets said it would take in $700 million domestically — and net $1
billion overseas."
Sure, I'm just a "fan," but I think this is
shaping-up to become the "perfect storm" for a box office record. In fact, even
if the movie itself does not live up to the hype (and, realistically, how could
anything live-up to this amount of insane hype?) people will go out in droves
just to see it and be a part of the EVENT. Then the die-hard fans alone
will power the movie along, I suspect, by seeing the movie in both formats --
traditional 2-D and the Imax 3-D experience. In fact Episode VII is becoming the
Box Office Rancor that other movies already fear as they have
moved their release dates to avoid the EVENT.
Finally, I saved the best point for last -- Star Wars
Episode VII will be opening one week before Christmas of 2015. Not only is that
the perfect time for event movie-going and family entertainment, but it also
gives Disney the added firepower of crazy anticipation for all those kids, both
young and old, who want a good, ol' fashioned Star Wars Christmas! A December release helped fuel Cameron's Avatar when it was released on December 18th, 2009. It was a specially designed 3-D movie with little to no competition and word of mouth quickly spread like wildfire, creating an event. If Star Wars is even remotely good, like word-of-mouth will draw in those who aren't even fans to experience the movie event.
Can Episode VII top $2 billion in box office? Not
only do I think it definitely can break $2 billion, and take over James
Cameron's records, but I boldly think it
will! Not only that, but I believe it will become the world's first $3 billion
dollar movie and make back Disney's $4.5 billion dollar investment in one-fell
you are right
ReplyDeleteI think you are wrong
DeleteI am indifferent to either one of your opinions.
Delete"I think you are right"
Delete"I think you are wrong"
Interesting as the first two comments. How about a compromise? Their were some valid points and some not so credible points. He could be right and he could be wrong but a blanket statement won't work cause their is to much to consider on both sides.
I love the line "There are more people alive today than ever before". That's true. And there will be more people alive tomorrow than there are today.
ReplyDeleteNot if we kill a million people today.
DeleteThat sounds like something Hitler would have said
DeleteDon't forget Stalin....or Mao.
DeleteOr even palpatine. Have you ever read the galactic history book? He was freaking mao
DeleteAvatar did 780 million OVER 2 billion... I highly doubt SW7 will break it, especially when the non-Cameron record is "only" at 1,5 billion. Don't forget that SW7 is not a 3D-native movie, unlike Avatar who drew everybody to a +$3 tax per seat. A 2 billion would already be an amazing feat, but who knows ?
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree with most of what you've said, but as I wrote, fans will want to see it in both formats, which may off-set the fact that most everyone watched Avatar in 3D. Repeated viewings as always will be essential for breaking a record.
DeleteSW has something Avatar didn't or doesn't -- built in hunger.
I don't think Episode VII will make the 3 billion dollar mark but it shouls surpass Avatars gross earnings. This film, in my opinion, has been more anticipated than Episode I.
DeleteDisney will also factor in profit from global merchandising, which will be immense, and be good for years to come.
DeleteThere's absolutly no doubt that this movie is already more anticipated than EpI. Back then everyone new that the prequels were coming. With the ST, we thought we'd never get another trilogy until now. I don't know if it'll brek 3 Billion, but I'm almost positive that it will surpass Avatar in gross earnings. I know a whole bunch of people who skipped out on seeing Avatar in theaters, but no one I know would miss a brand new Star Wars film, whether they're fans or not. Star Wars is an international phenomenon incomparable to the Avatar franchise.
Deleteyes you are correct. A large part of Avatar's success was the perceived need to see it in 3D. Star Wars wont have that. Star Wars is also a sequel, after 3 poorly received prequels.
DeleteIts fairly unlikely it'll break records, successful as it will be
Avatar doesn't have the following or world recognition that Star Wars has witheld for the passed 40 years. Now that a completely unexpected trilogy has emerged, there's no way movie-goers will miss out on it, especially not the first installment. I see where you're coming from with the 3-d aspect being a huge factor, but I have a strong feeling that world-wide, EpVII will surpass Avatar in gross earnings.
Delete"Can Episode VII top $2 billion in box office? Not only do I think it definitely can break $2 billion, and take over James Cameron's records, but I boldly think it will! Not only that, but I believe it will become the world's first $3 billion dollar movie and make back Disney's $4.5 billion dollar investment in one-fell swoop!!!"
ReplyDeleteGovernor Tarkin, is that you? I should've recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board. o<];P
But seriously, I hope VII kills it. I've been saying for months that the first movie in each Star Wars trilogy brings in the most money. Disney would've been foolish to keep VII in May 2015's busy schedule. Now it can really give Avatar a run for its money.
Good thing, too, since Avatars 2-4 will come out each year in December '16-'18. 0_o
Yes, good point about Avatar 2-4. However, when Avatar came out it came out in a SW void. Now that we'll have 6 news SW movies coming how will that impact the desire for more Avatar???
DeleteMaybe the only film to make more money than Avatar did would be a sequal to Titanic.
DeleteYup .... "The White Star Line Strikes Back".
DeleteA sequel to Titanic? Is that where they are combing for bodies through the ocean? Not sure that would perform nearly as well as the original.
DeleteYogurt! I Hate Yogurt. Even with strawberries.
ReplyDeleteIt's kind funny this article came up - just watched Avatar last night.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The NEW Holiday Special O<|:D
ReplyDeleteLOL That's pretty funny actually. :)
DeleteEugh. I'm actually shuddering and cringeing as I'm typing this. The Holiday Special was like some hideous, last-minute-thought-up-and knocked-out musical stage production, and made me really uncomfortable. It was like the veil of Star Wars' success had been lifted to show its true vile, macabre face of corporate greed. Please, no more....
DeleteThe poster is just referring to the fact that SW is coming out around Christmas time.
DeleteThese new films will make a shitload of $$$ anyways, and it's not like I'm gonna see a cent of it myself, so I couldn't care less about box office success. I only care that the films are good.
ReplyDeleteEveryone forgets one thing that can put a spanner in the works. MOTHER NATURE. If it snows like crazy in December 2015 , not everyone will go to the cinema.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Disney will genetically engineer taun tauns so we can all ride them to the cinema in the horrid snow. But seriously, I'm not going to let something like snow stop me from seeing Star Wars Episode 7.
DeleteOn the other hand, being inside the house with family and loved ones with nothing to do once Christmas comes and goes will motivate many to make the trek out to see Star Wars.
DeleteOk... I totally got it wrong on my previous post about the plot. It was the Friends, 2nd cousins sister-in-law's BFF who was told by her step-father who is rooming with the 2nd assistant to the 3rd grip on the 4th unit dedicated to maintaining the circular office receptacles.
ReplyDeleteHere is the real plot.
An old and bearded Luke Skywalker is has just re-acquired and is restoring his old sand speeder. Seems someone painted it green. As he is pimping it out and installing new mag-lifters a group of Tuskin Raiders, headed by an elderly Sith type played by Max Von Sydo, comes over and attempts to steal Luke's ride. A fight breaks out between Luke and MVS. After ending in a draw, the rest of the movie consist of a series of drive by's as Han, Liea, Chewie, and Luke take turns trading blaster fire and pulling pranks, (i.e. a bag of burning bantha do-do on the Raiders door step.)
Perhaps, while he is in the general area anyway, Luke can make a quick stop at the Toshi station and finally pick up those darn power convertors that have been gathering dust for more than thirty years? I easily see how a power convertor or two will turn the whole battle around!
DeleteThats just pure speculation. Where's your source!
DeleteGreat! I really can`t wait to see the new characters Tuskin, Sydo and Liea.
DeleteCarefully read, you do.... Grammar skills are great with you.
I don't doubt that Star Wars 7 will make $3 billion, but c'mon, it's almost impossible. Avatar made this box office because it started the 3-D movies. I believe that SW7 will make $1.6~~$2 billion. Let's see The Avengers, they had a connected universe and build its way to $1.5 billion, Avengers 2 probably will beat this box and make 2 billion or more.
ReplyDeleteStar Wars has a lot of fans, it's certain that will rock the box office. But no matter the box, what matter is that they make a epic, awesome and brilliant movie.
And let's not forget, Star Wars will premiere along with Kung Fu Panda 3, and the kids certainly like this animation. I like, uhahahah.
ReplyDeleteI know we like to see things in singularities and absolutes, but if you consider the SW films as technically one story, then you'd know they've already outgrossed anything else many times over.
ReplyDeleteNo. Harry Potter is the highest-grossing franchise. Even 5 LOTR/Hobbit movies had already grossed more than SW
DeleteIan is still likely correct after you take inflation into account
DeleteThe name's Bond: James Bond.
ReplyDeletehas to appeal to, and be understood by ,everyone , not just fans, males and adults
ReplyDeletehas to shake off the expectation that its like the prequels.
has to warrant repeat viewing.
Right you are. EpVII should be viewed asanother installment to the saga, but an entirely different animal at th same time.
DeleteHopefully it's the first of six in a brand new saga involving some of the same cast from the previous saga.
DeleteI never cared to much for Avatar in the first place. It looked amazing but it had a very overused and predictable story and characters that you couldn't care less about.
ReplyDeleteExactly! Avatar sequels will be no better.
Deletewhy does everyone have to hate on the prequels, yeah jar jar binks was bad and Anakin was pretty bad but the prequels had its moments
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit..
ReplyDeleteI just want it to have an amazing story and Feel like Empire Strikes Back
Jedi News is reporting that Adam Driver is playing the son of Han and Leia. How can that be possible when he looks NOTHING like either Harrison or Carrie?
ReplyDeleteJust remember all of the BS rumors that we got for casting.
Delete"Corrupted by the Dark Side young Solo has become."
DeleteApart from his ears, I totally see him as Han and Leia's son.
Deletenot trying to be racist here, but Driver looks Mexican almost, or Latino... so for me, I can't believe he is their son...
Deletedoeyjoe, true, no CUmberbatch, Oldman, Kingsley, or Maise!
DeleteRemember the story of how KK and GL met with D Day Lewis in Cali? Wish he was in it... they got Sydow which is fine, but not stellar.
Deletelol, "looks Mexican almost".
Delete"not trying to be racist here, but Driver looks Mexican almost, or Latino... so for me, I can't believe he is their son..."
DeleteNot trying to be a racist, yet you don't know that Mexican is not a race?
Well, it's a nationality, genius, as in any person born in Mexico is Mexican, regardless of skin color. Then again racism stems from ignorance, so it figures.
So what, do you want me to apologize for my comment, Socrates? He looks like he is from Mexico. Get it? He does not look like a European Jew, which is what H Ford is in case you did not know.
DeleteYou calling me ignorant is like Kim Kardashian calling William Shakespeare illiterate, Mr. Descartes.
Delete"You calling me ignorant is like Kim Kardashian calling William Shakespeare illiterate, Mr. Descartes."
Deletelol, this was directed @me, Mr. Ignorant-Racist-who-can't-tell-the-difference-between-race-and-a-denomyn?
Because, again, that is what Mexican is; a demonym, not a race. And btw, if the post above (@3:36 AM) is yours, then it's with great pleasure that like Mr. Harrison Ford, I too come from Jewish European blood that migrated to México a few decades ago.
Thus I happen to be over 6 ft. tall, with hazel brown hair, green eyes and milky white skin. Yet by being born in México, I am by every single fucking definition of the word: Mexican.
And I'm certainly no rarity, I assure you. There are plenty of us, white folk of European descent, who were born and raised in México. Alas, this is a fact that escapes your knowledge, precisely because of your very narrow-minded, ignorant, racist views.
Oh, and btw, I could continue debating you in Shakespeare's native tongue all day. Now, let's see how you can hold your own in Cervante's native tongue…if you even know what that is, to begin with.
Ooh, burn... too funny!
DeleteI think everyones wrong, and just wait to see what happens.
ReplyDeleteI know, right?
DeleteWHO CARES adjusting for inflation SWE4 is an all time no2
ReplyDeleteI really hope that sw ep7 will become the biggest blockbuster and that ep8 will beat ep7 and ep9 will beat ep8...that would be really cool! But please let this film be good! Disney will make alot of sw films for sure but this film only needs box office succes for disney to make more star wars films. I hope that it will be a really big hit so that they will continue making them but if the films are not good than we'll get another prequel trilogy situation...and these films may have succeeded at the box office but not as films.
ReplyDeleteHistorically, the first Star Wars movie in each trilogy made the most money, with the third one getting 2nd place and the middle one 3rd.
DeleteDisney was wise to give VII the opportunity to own Holiday Season 2015 rather than waste it in May.
I think it goes without saying that if the movie is disappointing it won't break any of the significant box office records.
DeleteShould j.j. also direct ep8 and 9?
ReplyDeletePerhaps every sw film should have a different director
I would also like James Cameron to direct one...
No keep cameron far away from this let him deal with his Avatar franchise that no one is going to care about because of Star Wars.
DeleteAgreed, I don't want J Cameron any where near Star Wars. Not worried though, with his ego that would be like bowing down to GL. J Cam is about to make a new Avatar Trilogy. I for one would never watch the first Avatar again. It is nothing to me. Just like the joke Titanic movie. Crapola. Both movies blow huge chunks compared to SW and Indy.
DeleteI would hesitate on JJ directing VIII until I see how good VII is first. Also, I'm not sure how good he would be with doing a middle movie once it's off to a great start. I didn't care for Into Darkness.
Delete1) I just really hope they are making something in line with the original trilogy, that's all. 2) Yawn.(excuse me). 3)Also - Latrino Review is scooping us again - isn't this supposed to be the premiere site for Episode VII news? Viral Hind better step up his game.
ReplyDeleteIf you're referring to Lupita we've already covered that. Otherwise I don't know what the "scoop" is.
DeleteIf you're talking about the Adam Driver rumor, it was JediNews who first brought it. I was hesitant to post it. An unknown person send them an email with that info. That's not a scoop. And it contradicts with what I have heard about Solo's kid. Still the rumor will be covered later.
DeleteEmpire strikes back part 2 yes good gooooood!!
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one thinking were gonna get a voice teaser (a la dark knight) a month or two after principal photography finishes?
ReplyDeleteYou know a lot depends on how good it is - if it's really good then $2 billion is no problem if it's not so well received then it could drop back to $1.2 billion.....
ReplyDeleteMaybe Episode VII will be the type of movie Disney can re-release in theaters once a generation (15-20 years). If it doesn't beat Avatar the first time, maybe it can later on.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I do not have a clue as to how Avatar & Titanic grossed so much at the box office as they were both utterly depressing movies. Not to mention, Avatar is not set in as expansive a universe as Star Wars; it has been stated that the next four films in the series are going to be set on the same planet of Pandora instead of what Cameron had originally planned featuring the inclusion of multiple planets, and the Na'vi are the only other alien race thereby again setting up limited possibilities.
ReplyDeleteStar Wars is a different beast altogether. It is the franchise that directors such as Cameron, Ridley Scott, etc. admittedly looked to for inspiration getting into the movie-making business. It is practically limitless in its' scope. Also, it is credited with being one of the first true blockbuster movies (along with Jaws) and it would most certainly be fitting for it to transcend the term blockbuster, thereby setting the new gold-standard for filmmakers to aspire to.
I think if any movie can do it, I would put my money on the one with Mark, Carrie and Harrison at the helm, the original trilogy at its' core and George Lucas' treatments as its' framework. Indeed... the Force is strong with Episode VII ; ).
YES! Well said! Some positivity!
DeleteThe current #1 blockbuster of all time is forgettable. Let's change that. ;B
ReplyDeleteMy family and I plan on doing our parts and then some. :P
DeletePrequel Trilogy is not disappointing in my opinion. I love prequel trilogy way more than original trilogy.