Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Empire Magazine Announces "Greatest Movie Ever!"

Empire Magazine and Empire Online recently conducted a poll of its readership which included "hundreds of thousands" as they say. Take a wild guess at what movie came in First Place after the jump.

In a poll of over 250,000 fans, Empire Magazine asked them to vote for the best movies and, as you no doubt figured by now, Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back came in first place, beating out such perennial favorites as The Godfather, Citizen Kane, and Casablanca -- and every other movie ever made -- as THE greatest movie ever!

George Lucas said it was a "privilege" to be voted the best and added:
'The fans like The Empire Strikes Back the best, partly because it is so dark. It's an overall story and as it happens in the second act, things get dark. I never really planned it to be three separate films but when it became three separate films, it had an interesting effect of each film having its own personality, caused by the plot.'

Here's a quick rundown of where other George Lucas creations, two of which were written by Episode VII's Lawrence Kasdan, landed on the fan's list:

#001 Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

#006 Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope

#009 Raiders of the Lost Ark

#100 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

#120 Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

#179 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

#224 Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

You can find the complete list, pitch your fits, and debate ad nauseum here

Incidentally, Episode VII's Harrison Ford had six movies in the top 100. I guess that's why he's one of the greatest box office draws of all time!

Congratulations George and Harrison!


  1. what the hell is revenge of the sith doing on the list?

    1. News flash: many people actually liked it. I know that's hard for you to believe, as you probably spend most of your free time bashing prequels.

    2. have you been spying on me?

    3. Indeed. IMO Ep III is the best of all the six movies - and I grew up with (and love) the OT ....

    4. You know, PT is not as good as OT and has dissapoiting things like characters, dialogs, interpretations and cgi. But I'm happy for Mr.Lucas on include Revenge of the sith on that list. Yes, i don't share most of his changes in THX1138 and OT but I think he doesn't deserve all that hate.

    5. I absolutely agree. PT has many flaws, no doubt, but especially Ep. III with its violence and its lack of real hope could set the tone for Ep.VII, that is at least what I hope. I keep watching the opera scene with the demons almost visible in Palpatine's eyes.....

    6. Episode III is my favorite Star Wars movie! But I'm glad Empire got voted Number 1! It's a great movie!

    7. EP3 is my Favorite SW film, Then Return of the Jedi, people that hate the prequels are not real fans.,

    8. As the trilogies go, well, I'm an old fart (relatively speaking), so I prefer the original trilogy. But ep. 3 is actually my second-favorite Star Wars film, after ep. 5. Sure, it suffers from many of the same flaws as the other prequels, but the final 45 minutes or so truly deserve to be called epic, also in the classical sense, a classic tragedy, which the ancients would have craved to see in their theaters. I still stand by what I said after seeing the film for the first time: that final hour of ep. 3 is not only the best Star Wars hour ever, but it's among the greatest and most positively thrilling hours in movie history. I like it not because it was so "dark", but because of how it unravels ep.s 4–6. Sure, we all knew that Anakin would turn into Vader, we knew more or less what would happen, but only actually seeing it changed the whole Star Wars universe for me. At the same time ep. 3 surged into its finale, I felt like I was experiencing ep.s 4–6 again, now seeing them in a completely different light. But that didn't replace the original trilogy; instead it created a new "version" of the original trilogy in my head, which now stands beside the old experience I had as a kid. It's hard to explain, but this instant duplication & mutation, turning 6 films into 9, it's a stroke of genius, and this makes Lucas one of the most important story telling artists ever. I don't think that any director in my lifetime will ever pull this kind of metaphysical stunt on me again. :)

    9. Yes, despite some awkward dialogue and so-so acting (which is also found in the OT), _Revenge of the Sith_ is a worthy entry in the series, and towers far above the other prequels. Grievious could have been less cartoonish, and Anakin's "What have I done? ... I will do whatever you ah-ask!" would have benefitted from more takes to get it completely right. But still, the movie is very decent, easily better than huge parts of Return of the Jedi with its adorable muppets and re-invented teddy bears. Ian McDiarmid shines in both films, though.

    10. Revenge of the Sith was by far the most watchable of the prequel films, and it did have some scenes that I quite liked (the opera scene, for one thing.) I don't think it tops any of the OT films, but I can certainly see how it could grab a spot on this film list. Were it not weighed down by the half-assed overall PT concept, it would probably stand up even better next to the OT.

      But yeah, I can certainly see why it made it onto the list.

    11. EP3 is my Fav Star Wars movie just ahead of EP5 & EP3 totally deserves to be on the list & EP3 is only hated by minority of PT bashes - EP3 has a very respectable 7.7 score on IMDB & if you showed EP3 to someone after the OT & before EP1 & 2 there feeling would be a lot different than one seeing EP 1 & 2 first you see the sigma of E1 & 2 doesn't let a lot of people see EP3 for what it is a really great Star Wars movie & a closer version of what we felt with the OT....

    12. Many fans love the PT !!

    13. ROTS is better than ROTJ. And TPM is much better than most give it credit for.

    14. I am not fan of PT (as some of you have saw my posterior comments), but in fact, I loved it during my childhood. I was a kid when prequels arrived. However, as a movie lover, and I mean a starwars lover as well, I think it´s part of being fan to criticize what was made bad. I never was too much fan of ewoks in the OT for example. As movies, and not as StarWars pieces, the PT was fail in many aspects. We have bad dialogues, bad characters, cg effects that could be better, and a plot that desired a lot more. But episode III differs from the other two movies, by being the bridge between PT and OT. It has some good points that makes it even a good movie (It also made part of my infancy, so it’s another point for it ;) ). The plot of the Emperor was excellent, the seduction of the dark side, the purge of the Jedi, the saber fights, and John Williams made some of the best music in the saga´s history. IMO, Episode III deserves it´s place on the list, but it really could have been a lot better. J.J Abrams must know that a movie doesn´t need of special effects to tell a good story, but the opposite. That is what is falling in most of the movies I have saw these couple of months. One doesn´t need much effort to create good special effects these days. Concentrate first in an at least good or if you can excellent story, and then get to the effects! That is why Empire is in the top of this list! The plot was simply excellent!! Not because it was a darker story, but because you know a lot about the characters and is related with them, because you care with them! And with the villains (and what a villain) as well. And you have intelligent dialogues, that must be carried with emotion, and action, this is the art. Harrison Ford even improvises in the scene of the carbon-freezing chamber, and after a lot and a lot of takes he decides to change the dialogue and says to the princess, in that emotional moment: "I know". In the PT, most of the scenes characters talk walking for somewhere, or are sitting in a couch. And the lack of emotion is visible. In Empire, Luke confronts his greatest fears: Of losing his friends, or falling into the dark side. And he finally confronts Lord Darth Vader in a epic fight where happens the most famous revelation of the movie industry: "I am your father!" - And you surprise yourself, and you have a lot of emotion. In the PT, Anakin and Obiwan fight against each other, in an epic scene as well. But it is the magic of the CG and the excellent music of John Williams that make the true emotion. Because you haven´t saw almost nothing of the friendship between Skywalker and Kenobi, you have only saw them arguing against each other, in some of the poorest dialogues ever! And the dialogue in this scene is also poor: "In my opinion the Jedi are evil!"; "I have the higher ground!"; "If you aren´t my ally, then you are my enemy!" etc, etc. That´s what I am talking! Episode VII needs to have a good (and I hope it to be an excellent) story, with characters you do like, battles you do understand and get excited with, and villains that you love to hate! In conclusion, Empire Strikes Back deserves its place on the first place of the list, Revenge of the Sith also deserves its place, and Episode VII is going to be excellent! I don´t want to offend anybody that likes PT, and May the Force Be With everybody! (And I promise I will be less critic). We all are StarWars fans, after all! And George Lucas continues to be one of the greatest movie makers of all times!

  2. Most of Episode V isn't dark. None of the main or supporting characters die, including Han and Luke. The Rebels weren't defeated; they escaped. It has LOTS of lighthearted moments.

    It just feels dark because the gang was captured and tortured at the end, it appears that Lando had betrayed them, Han is frozen in carbonite, Boba Fett escapes with Han, we have the Vader reveal, and things end on a cliffhanger.

    To me, V is definitely not dark by today's standards. I hope the ST don't get the overall tone wrong as a result of a misunderstanding.

    1. You are right, it is not dark in today's standards, but it was considered very dark at the time it was released.

    2. Here's a more accurate list:

  3. That list was possibly the worst "all time greatest" list I have ever seen. Empire fans, I'm sorry but any list which has Fight Club high on its list should not be taken seriously. Im surprised Man of Steel isn't on that list!! LOL. To make it short, sorry ESB fans the original is and always will be the best. I can give at least 100 reasons why and I'm sure I will have to come back and defend myself. I don't think I will really have to argue my case to most fans. We all know what it means to us personally and what it did for the film industry as a whole. Without Star Wars Episode IV there literally be no Hollywood as it exists now

  4. Carrie Fisher from the saturday night show this evening

  5. Empire is truly one of the greatest films ever made. I dont care which movie had which effect or legacy on hollywood, I care about films as individual pieces of entertainment. The original Star Wars is probably the greatest adventure film ever made next to Raiders of the Lost Ark but as Lucas said, Empire has an identity of its own. Its deeper, darker and more meaningful and refined. Plus Yoda :P ANH is more fun and more swashbuckling romance and lighthearted but its not as emotionally compelling as Empire. But in the end everyone really has to make that choice for himself, there is no "I am right and you are wrong" when it comes to that debate. Its just like debating wether Godfather Part 1 or 2, Terminator 1 or 2 or Alien or Aliens is the better movie.

    Oh and for the record - Fight Club is a masterpiece that belongs on ANY best movies list.

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion

  6. First rule we don't talk about star wars....

  7. No Star Wars prequel deserves to be on that list. Revenge of the Sith hasn't aged well. My 10 year old is at the point now where he'd rather watch the OT. I don't think the PT were bad movies they just weren't nearly as fun to watch as the OT.

  8. at number 224 on the list lol give ROTS a break, I thought it was OK and an improvement to TPM n AOTC, it made it to the list and that's that. toddy new zealand

  9. Revenge of the Sith is a mess and really shouldn't be on the list. People only vote for it because they still love the backstory we all looked forward to and are unable to see through the shallow plotting, lackluster acting, inane scenes, useless dialogue and cgi overkill. It is as bad as the two first and if you tell yourself Ep3 is a good movie you are not a true SW fan.
    A true SW fan knows that Anakin was seduced by the Dark Side. That Yoda and Chewbacca aren't homies. That Leia's mother lived long enough for Leia to remember her. That Obi Wan and Anakins fallout was dramatic and not interrupted by flying cartoon droids. And so on and so forth.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. haha gotta love prequel fanboys

  10. Sith is not a great movie. I'm not even sure it's the best of the PT and the main thing it has going for it is that has the payoff from all the setup in the previous 2. It still manages to execute that payoff just as badly as any of the prequels with the same problems plagueing the whole Trilogy. So many moments fumbled and eye rollingly bad you just don't buy them. Padme just dying for no reason is one, Palpatine changing into a cackling pantmime villain in within seconds, Nooooooo is another, my 13yr old lad started laughing and he has grown up with these films but has a more developed taste now he is older and can see all the problems with it. Like I said on another thread, watch them back to back and pretend it's as a TV miniseries and they don't seem so bad.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. what does that make you then? a basher of anyone who doesn't share the same opinion to you? grow up

    3. Sith is one of the greatest movies ever made in my opinion.

    4. Same for me, but looking at the whole OT vs. PT thing, I think that replacing one absolute with an other is the Sith way :-). The prequel flaws are obvious and well known, the flaws of the OT are also obvious but seldem discussed, maybe as a result of the huge expectations we all had towards the PT.... As I said, I grew up with the OT and love it, but I have stopped weighing commercial overkill with Ewok teddy bears against Jar-Jar Binks and enjoy the saga as a whole...

      Besides: @viral: great site, thank you!

  11. Oh and why doesn't Obi-wan remember owning a R2-D2 ? like...10yrs or so that little droid was around..seriously ?

    Also ruining the ' I am your Father' revelation from ESB is criminal. That's one of the best plot twists ever and the PT destroyed it.

    1. PT ruined the "I am you father" revelation in the OT to set up the "I am your grandfather" revelation in the ST.


  13. The prequels are a disgrace. I would rather group masturbate vigorously with Yoda while watching Nekromantik than watch them again. Anyone who thinks different should be kept away from children and pets.

    1. You're the one that should be kept away...

  14. whether you loved them or hated them. at the end of the day, the prequels told a story and there is one thing the haters can not escape is Star Wars!!!!! to say anyone is not a true star wars fan , I mean dah! it is Star Wars

    1. Earlier I called people who defend "Revenge..." not true fans because that's what I always get when I say the prequel trilogy is bad. Somehow, having been a Star Wars fan since I saw "Return of the Jedi" in 1983 but disliking the prequels for being outrageously bad makes you "not a true SW fan". I could list a minimum of 100 things that makes "Revenge..." a bad movie. That doesn't mean I don't love, say, "A New Hope".

  15. "Incidentally Harrison Ford had six movies in the top 100" I think that Harrison is also the most seen human on the moviescreen worldwide, just by being in Star Wars & Indiana Jones

  16. Know your facts,George Lucas actually wrote most of V after Leight died or what her name was.See rebel force radio news on the matter.

  17. Actually it was Lawrence Kasdan who came in and polished Brackett's script.
