Star Wars Episode 7 News

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mark Hamill's and Anthony Daniels' Tweets About the Star Wars: Episode 7 Table Read.

star wars

Luke and C-3PO both posted on twitter their excitement about the upcoming movie praising the new casting additions and the Episode 7 story...


  1. Haha, Mark and Anthony are such characters, this still feels surreal to me, amazing!

  2. Brings a big smile to my face on an otherwise depressing day.

    1. Why's today depressing? (Other than that life sucks and the human race is garbage)

  3. I had the pleasure to meet Anthony Daniels in a SW convention a few years back. He gave me an autographed pic of 3PO, along with some wonderful directions on how to improve on my imitation of goldenrod. What a delightful, easy-going, entertaining guy that he is.

    I'm so glad for him and Mark. I guess good things do happen to good guys, after all.

  4. ...just love those 2 fellas (Hamill will always be my biggest hero)...must be an unbelievable release to finally say "we`re in":}

  5. The 'you cannot wait' regarding the story makes me excited.

    1. same here! It's going to be one fun ride leading up to Ep VII, can't wait! :)

    2. So Daniels seems genuinely enthusiastic about the story. Well, that is great. Since the other actors haven't made similar tweets, we can hope that Daniels really says this on his own volition (i.e., the actors aren't paid to distrubute made-up public comments about how "great" the script is).

  6. These tweets gave me butterflies. It is so amazing that this is happening. This film being made literally fulfills some of my wildest dreams.

  7. Looking forward to seeing Jedi Master Lukes scarred up face grimacing in die hard determination for one more light saber dual somewhere in deep dark space..

  8. On the imdb page it lists --
    Reg Wayment ... stunt double: Harrison Ford

    wtf??? I don't want an elderly Han Solo doing stunts I just want him to make wisecracking statements !

    1. Well, I don't think we'll see Han doing any base jumping or anything. For a guy in his 70s like that, the term "stunt" may be a bit on the subjective side. ;^)

    2. Thinking about it now maybe he's just in some explosion or something. Maybe this is finally the death of captain Solo. Or i'm reading too much into this.

  9. Looks like they're both pretty psyched about the project so far, which is great news.

    I'm just digging the idea of seeing the old crew one last time before the new cast takes over in earnest. ;^)

  10. I thought many of you said the sith are all gone ? The force is back to its balance ? haha what a crock of yak. the sith still out there. they not all destroyed yet like you Anakin chosen one fans kept dreaming. haha told you all the chosen one will be in this last trilogy.

    1. umm what?? Anakin is the chosen one. George has said this. This trilogy wasn't planned during the time of the prequels. George has said that Anakin was the chosen one, and he was. He brought balance back to the force by killing palpatine. Whether they will change the prophecy for this new film or not is your pure speculation.
      "haha told you all the chosen one will be in this last trilogy."
      ... your argument is completely hypocritical. I mean what if they make more films in thirty years time? Then they will have to change the prophecy again once more and therefore the chosen one would therefore NOT be in this trilogy. At the times of the prequels, this trilogy was not planned, and Anakin was the chosen one. To be honest I don't see why he still can't be the chosen one. Ok so he brought balance back to the force, since when does that mean it can't become unbalanced again? It still means he brought balance back to the force, nobody ever said that the balance would remain for ever. Your argument is complete speculation and guesswork.

    2. You can tell anything you like, for all I care. But, until you provide solid evidence to support your claims, your words are just the same as anyone else's: pure speculation, based on wishful thinking (and a totally wrong, distorted, misguided and misled understanding of the previous 6 episodes).

    3. The Prophecy thing barely made sense in the context of Lucas wrapping it up in six films. Now that the Star Wars episodic series is continuing and may even go on indefinitely, it's time to throw that nonsense into the dumpster.

      Throwing an old man down a shaft shouldn't fulfill anything.

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. wow.....Sorry buddy...Anakin did bring back balance to the force. he was the chosen one..And he did End the Sith by killing palpatine..who was the last sith. That does not mean That the Sith will never rise again. Luke is training a whole New Jedi you not think that one of the new Jedi could turn to the darkside? or is your head ALWAYS buried in the sand? You can never have good without Evil.Anikan destroyed the SITH...he did not destroy The dark side of the force..The Jedi will always be tempted by the Darkside..Who is to say that Han and Leia dont get and in turn makes their daughter turn to the darkside turning her into a Sith? jeez isnt rocket science........

    6. Anon @ 2:15 here.

      "What the absolute fuck???"

      I wasn't talking to you. I was replying to the poster above and the lunacy in his claims that Anakin's NOT the Chosen One, and that he did NOT bring Balance to the Force, and that the Chosen One will be seen in the ST.

      I hope this makes it perfectly clear.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. "wow.....Sorry buddy...Anakin did bring back balance to the force. he was the chosen one..And he did End the Sith by killing palpatine..who was the last sith. That does not mean That the Sith will never rise again. Luke is training a whole New Jedi you not think that one of the new Jedi could turn to the darkside? or is your head ALWAYS buried in the sand? You can never have good without Evil.Anikan destroyed the SITH...he did not destroy The dark side of the force..The Jedi will always be tempted by the Darkside..Who is to say that Han and Leia dont get and in turn makes their daughter turn to the darkside turning her into a Sith? jeez isnt rocket science........"

      YES THANK YOU!!!!!

    9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. lol, no, my poor, hapless, bipolar, neurotic friend. I was the one who told the OP that, unless he's got solid evidence to support his ridiculous claims, Anakin IS the Chosen One, and he brought balance to the Force. End of story.

      Alas, I can see that reading comprehension also escapes your grasp. Well, I guess the Force can't be with us all…hehehe…

    13. Wow!! Sexual frustration is ripe on this sight!

    14. sexual frustration?? .. what?

    15. "lol, no, my poor, hapless, bipolar, neurotic friend. I was the one who told the OP that, unless he's got solid evidence to support his ridiculous claims, Anakin IS the Chosen One, and he brought balance to the Force. End of story."
      Ok yeah right I'm with you

    16. "Ok yeah right I'm with you"

      Well, we finally understand each other. Sorry about your condition, btw. I take back what I said about bipolarity.

    17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Me too. A passing of the torch. They don't need to be in all 3 films, just episode VII. Luke can show up as a force ghost in VIII and IX.

    Big Daddy Dave

  12. carrie fishers twitter looks really strange honestly

    1. Stop looking at her twitter... 0_o

    2. I can't stop

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Really interesting original casting announcements from 1975 :)

    1. David, that's a seriously cool find! I particularly got a kick out of the 4-14-76 article referring to Star Wars as a "comedy-adventure." ;^)

      And of course, we see once again how late in the game Luke's surname was changed from Starkiller to Skywalker.

      I'd never seen that unused poster concept that leads off the article. "It'll make you feel like a kid again." There we have another indication of what the actual demographic was that Star Wars was originally aimed at. Every time I hear somebody claim that Star Wars was always supposed to be for young children, I come back to things like this. It wasn't a "kid's movie". You could take your kids to it, sure. And kids loved it. My whole 4th-grade class was going apeshit over Star Wars when we started off that fall after it came out.

      But it wasn't a "children's movie". THAT'S why we liked it. I'd seen plenty of children's movies by then, stuff like Benji and Charlotte's Web and the Disney movies. This was completely different. It wasn't something I was growing away from, it was something I was growing towards.

      It was a movie for "children of all ages" from 8 to 80... and those famous lines around the block were filled mostly with teens and adults.

      Here's hoping they get back to that with Episode VII, and that we are spared further attempts to appeal directly to small children with nonsense like Jar Jar and chipmunk-talking battle droids. ;^)

    2. "It was a movie for "children of all ages" from 8 to 80 . . . "

      Hey, I resent this! I was only 7 when ANH came out, and I instantly fell in love with it ;-P

    3. LOL! Yeah, it was pretty tough not to fall in love with it if you were old enough to be able to follow a movie.

    4. Absolutely! Greatest thing I've ever watched onscreen. I'll never forget that first time I sat in a theater to watch "the Star Wars" (it wasn't even known as Ep. IV: A New Hope back then, lol).

    5. It was literally the third movie I'd ever seen on the big screen. (The first two actually were "Benji" and "Charlotte's Web.") And it's set the standard for me ever since.

      What's interesting is, IMHO it holds at least as much in common with the old-school cinematic epics like Lawrence of Arabia as it does with today's CGI blockbusters. ANH had a lot more room to breathe in the wonder of it all than a lot of modern action/adventure and sci-fi flicks have. The short-attention-span crowd often likes to insist that this makes ANH "boring", but it's really what created the feel of Star Wars from the very beginning.

    6. Between the initial skirmish and the appearance of Obi-Wan, the original movie goes through a phase that is pretty patient and undramatic. Droids blundering about in the desert, the first appearance of Luke and so on.

      But it's all right. To understand Luke's yearning for adventure, we have to get at least a little taste of his distinctly uneventfful life so far. There is certainly atmosphere, even if there isn't non-stop action.

  15. Yay yaya yay! Sooo happy! Hey, kind of off subject, but who is going to the comic con thingy in Houston this month? And do you mind telling me the dates please? Thanks.

    God Bless (and no rude replies please)

  16. Good ol' Mark, always praising everyone & everything. I'm surprised he didn't throw in a complement for George Lucas and the prequel trilogy, just for good measure.

  17. It may have appeared as if balance was atained when Anakin (supposedly) killed Palpatine. (Ever see a body? What was with the explosion of light down the shaft? If a Jedi can become one with the force...why not a Sith? "Unnatural abilities". Perhaps Palpatines Dark Force Ghost can posses the living? Adam Driver?). Anyway...enough reaching.....I feel that the balance was originally askewed by Palpatines dark manipulation of the midechloreans to "create life". Anakin. "There was no father" Shmi said. The saga is a family affair. Palpatine is basically Anakin's surrogate father. The only way to bring balance will be to sever that cursed bloodline. This means Luke, and any other decedent of Anakin must die. Luke will likely perish in Episode VII just as Qui Gon did in 1 and Obi Wan did in IV. I'm prone to think the Solos will have twins. Luke, following the old Jedi code, will have no offspring. But the cursed bloodline continues through Leias kids. I predict an event will drive the siblings in opposite directions. Say, the heroic death of their Father which one twin falls to fear, hate and anger over pushing him/her to the dark side. The other sibling, guided by the spirits of Qui Gon, Obi Wan, Yoda, Anakin, and Luke, must confront the dark sibling in a final battle between brother & Sister during which they BOTH perish bringing, FINALLY, balance to the Force. Leia, since she cannot have more children could possibly survive at the end of Ep. 9, but her pain would be tremendous, having lost her brother, husband, AND children. This is a dark plot which will require a handful of new characters who we all live and can be happy they survive in the end to be able to tell "The tragic tale of the Skywalker family".

    1. So basically the whole Skywalker line should die to end the family curse? No way would Disney go down that line, or JJ and Kasdan. I'm all for making the Sequel Trilogy darker but that storyline would be the deathknell for the saga. Personally I don't think Luke will die in Ep 7. Infact I think The Big 3 will all make it to at least Ep 8 which will possibly have a scary ending leading into a big denouement for Ep 9.

    2. "If a Jedi can become one with the force...why not a Sith?"

      First off, not any and all Jedi could become one with the Force.

      It's pretty obvious that you have to be in peace, so that your spirit is in tune with the harmonious balance that is the Force, to become 1 with it. And obviously, a Sith is not in tune with the harmonious, peaceful nature of the Force in any way, shape or form.

    3. But this is different. The Jedi come back as ghosts. As a wise sith lord once said, the dark side of a force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. It's perfectly logical for him to have spent all that time as a sith, learning how to live or resurrect himself if his body were to be destroyed.

    4. "It's perfectly logical for him to have spent all that time as a sith, learning how to live or resurrect himself if his body were to be destroyed."


      Sidious was lying through his teeth just to get into Anakin's head, using the guy's concern for Padmé to lure him to the Dark Side.

      Because, if Plagueis was actually able to perform such a miracle, shouldn't his apprentice be worried that "the Wise" would come back from the grave to avenge his death, right after he was killed in his sleep?

    5. "Sidious was lying through his teeth just to get into Anakin's head, using the guy's concern for Padmé to lure him to the Dark Side."
      Well yeah, but as I say it's a long time from the phantom menace to return of the jedi. It's pretty safe to say that he could have certainly delved deeper and found a way to survive if he was killed.
      "Because, if Plagueis was actually able to perform such a miracle, shouldn't his apprentice be worried that "the Wise" would come back from the grave to avenge his death, right after he was killed in his sleep?"
      No Plagueis could save others from death but not himself. I'm saying that Palpatine could have spent the time to learn how he could save himself.

    6. "No Plagueis could save others from death but not himself."

      Again, according to Palpatine's words, and I think it's pretty safe to say that he was telling Anakin exactly what he wanted to hear in order to save Padmé's life.

      Besides, this was already explored in the Dark Empire series and it didn't work out too well. So I don't think this is the path that the new films will follow, but we'll have to wait and see, of course.

    7. lol yes i know palpatine lied a lot. But we don't know if he lied about plageuis being able to save others from death. And even if he did lie, then what's stopping him from discovering how to do it anyway later on.

  18. Unless they are keeping it secret ian diarmid is not cast. I don't think its even going in the direction of sith
