Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, May 9, 2014

More Hints for the Visual Connection Between Episode 7 and the Original Trilogy. Could Star Wars: Episode 8 Have a Female Director and More.


The last few days have been pretty busy with different Star Wars related stories. Hit the jump for a new upcoming Star Wars documentary, a fan made EU trailer, and some new Episode 7 related bits...

Let's get started with the Episode 7 related stuff.

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Esquire publisher a very interesting interview with Star Wars set decorator Roger Christian who reveals what it was like making George Lucas's dreams out of scrap metal and also gave a hint that Episode 7's look will be very close to the Original Trilogy:
ESQ: What are your thoughts on the upcoming Episode VII? Do you hope to be a part of it somehow?

RC: It's a different animal now, because George really isn't involved at all. John Rinzler [Lucasfilm executive editor and writer] said, "Look, you should be an adviser for them, because they're trying to do what you did with the [production set] look and everything." He gave my name. So we'll see.

ESQ: Looking back on your experience, what do you think Disney has to do to get Episode VII right?

RC: Well, George's genius is that he can tell a "ride" and people will go and enjoy the "ride," but underneath it is ancient mythology that connects it to your soul. I just hope Disney continues that ride. Today, you'll go to the cinema to get your thrills, but these old films, they stay in your head forever. And Star Wars did that, no question.

I suggest you read the whole Esquire article here. It's a great read. 

There's a new Star Wars documentary called Elstree 1976 coming soon about some of the not so popular faces from the Original Trilogy. The video features appearances by David Prowse (Darth Vader), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Paul Blake (Greedo) and more.


Here's an interesting fan made trailer for the EU fans. It's made by Marc Rienzo and features footage from different movies and video games and includes voice-over from Don Lafontaine, the "voice" of many real movie trailers. (via TheForce)

STAR WARS: "LEGENDS" - Full Trailer from marc dominic rienzo on Vimeo.


The last thing I won't even call a rumor. It's more like a fan's wish.

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The source of this can't be found anywhere so most likely someone made it up. Still I like the idea of a Star Wars movie being directed by a female director. Also keep in mind that before the announcement of the Episode 7 director there was a big fan campaign on Facebook for Bigelow to direct the movie. So yeah, this is probably not legit but what do you think about it?


  1. After seeing the trailer I'm glad that EU fans aren't in charge of making episode VII. I can't wait for the character list so that we can stop talking about Mara Jade and Jacen Solo or whatever. What the hell kind of name is that... Jacen?

    1. You do not know a shit about SW history...because EU gave life to an almost dead SW back then with T.Zahn's Shadows of the Empire. There was even a music score for this great novel. SO if SW is still alive is BECAUSE EU and EU fans who spend millions buying products while you weren't born yet so....go and sleep again.

    2. Hold on there... I enjoyed the EU stuff cuz I grew up in the 80's... but I always knew it was junk when compared to the films, I'm just a Star Wars junky and would take anything I could get in the late 80's. I tried to read Zahn's novels but found them incredibly boring and missing the point of what Star Wars OT was supposed to be about (unfortunately Lucas forgot too).

      What I mean by that is Lucas took a great deal of time to form analogies between mythology and old Kurosawa films, visually and conceptually, and that's what gave Star Wars it's sense of mystery.

      JJ abrams doesn't want to recreate Zahn's stuff because He never read those books, so if you want to see Mara Jade or dead chewbacca then forget about it.

      And about this whole "people buying stuff when you weren't born yet"... I bought every damn Star Wars comic book, PC game (up until 2003), each edition of SW film release, etc, etc, etc. I've done my time boy. But I'll leave all those where they belong... in the storage unit @ my old home town. I don't want those people making the movies. And I'm happy with John Williams scoring SW thank you very much.

    3. Zahn didn't write Shadows of the Empire, that was Steve Perry.

    4. Wait! That guy from Journey wrote a Star Wars book? Perhaps I was wrong about the EU. Ya know there's two kinds of people out there Journey fans and liars.

    5. Proud to be a liar then! I remember when "Don't Stop Believing" was brand new. It instantly exemplified stale-ness to me. It's always awkward when something you genuinely dislike is supposed to be a universal guilty pleasure. McDonald's food: yes. Journey: no.

    6. I believe Aras Volodka won this dual of the fates

    7. Journey a guilty pleasure bah! They should be in the hall of fame. The only way I'd eat Mcdonalds is if it was made by Michael McDonald, now that would be the definition of guilty pleasure.

  2. Would love a female director,maybe then we can lose the JJ sexist lets show girls in panties to get some teens to go watch the crap......and more focus on good characters and story.

    1. lolz JJ isn't a sexist... his wife is a politician for christ sakes.

    2. Oh no, an American white male! He must be sexist!


    4. I dont want disney princesses swinging lightsabers. Star Wars is generally for boys get over it. I want the dark gritty dangerous testosterone driven star wars we all deserve but will never get to see. the closest thing was empires. then it all went to shit trying to sell action figures and making it childish now its gonna be girly.

  3. What, like George was any better having a Princess going around in a gold bikini?
    Please... no more of this sexist debate, we get it.

    1. Exactly. That was a big mistake, and it was in 1983. But this is 2014. Times have changed and it's a shame that they haven't realised that.

    2. Yeah, one of the most iconic things from Star Wars was a big mistake:

  4. I would like the BEST director available, regardless of gender or race

  5. Kathryn Bigelow is a kick ass director. But hiring someone based on their gender sounds too much like affirmative action. Which I don't support. Producers and film studios should hire those who they like to work with. The idea of putting pressure on Disney to hire a female director because...... well she's female.....sounds like a Quota. Keep your politics out of art.

    1. And also JJ is better. You can`t go wrong with JJ Abrams.

    2. Right on! Pic people who are the best for the given job and you can't go wrong. Hiring based on race, gender, etc. can kill a project.
      The key to diversity is to be open to all comers, but always chose the best for the job, not what will get you political brownie points.

    3. I'm still not completly convinced JJ IS the right man for the job - Duncan Jones was my top choice... still hope for the other installments!!

  6. Thats a well made trailer by EU fans.

  7. I'm glad more commonly unknown names that were essential to the OT's success are finally getting the recognition they deserve! Looking forward to this documentary.

  8. The reason why I love Star Wars so much all the main characters, the force, droids, etc. It's all the stuff going on in the background. I always wanted to know more about their world and where they come from.
