Star Wars Episode 7 News

Thursday, May 15, 2014

UPDATE! Rumor: Potential Working Titles for the 3 Star Wars Spin-Off Movies?

star wars

The guys from StarWars-Union sent us a really interesting list of potential titles for the 3 upcoming Star Wars spin-off movies. The list was revealed on a Hasbro training course for retail employees taking place in Germany...

From StarWars-Union: (translated via Google)
One of our readers, referring to a recent presentation/training of Hasbro, he attended , we have now received the potential working title of the three officially planned spin-off films.
Hasbro showed at the event a small timeline with future milestones of the Star Wars franchises. This timeline was as follows :

        2015: Episode VII
        2016: Boba Fett
        2017 : Episode VIII
        2018 : Solo
        2019 : Episode IX
        2020: Red Five

We've already heard rumors about Boba Fett and Solo but this is the first time we hear about "Red Five". As you remember Red Five was the callsign of Luke Skywalker during the Battle of Yavin in Episode IV. So is this a sequel character using Luke's call sign or something like an X-Wing movie (ala Wing Commander)?

As always treat this rumor with the usual amount of salt.


It looks like Disney asked JediNews to remove this rumor from their site. Just for clarification the guys from StarWars-Union sent the rumor in a single mail addressed to several Star Wars sites. Disney contacting only one of the sites is weird. You can still read the story on 3 other Star Wars sites including the real source. In other circumstances this would have given even more credibility to the rumor. Stay tuned for more.


  1. I hope there isn't a Han Solo movie, it's time for some new characters.

    1. I continue to believe that the spin-offs will not be about any character we already know. They'll be more like story based than character based.

    2. How about a healthy dose of new and old...sounds good to me...ALL STAR WARS... ALL THE TIME!

    3. I agree with Viral Hide. Han Solo is the 'movie' character. Therefore, the only role I can see him in a Spin-Off, is a younger version of some sort. A story that digs deeper in his background. I think it's unlikely that Disney is going to do that, because he is a lead character (with one actor) in the OT and the sequels... That said, I have to admit I'm quite nostalgic about Harrison Ford playing Han Solo. If they would change that, they're manipulating the effect the movies where the 'real' Han Solo is starring in.

      Maybe an Spin-off about the possible children of Han and Leia?

    4. No matter what the do, Fans Boys like you will cry. Solo would be great, no one knows his back story. I bet you want a Mara Jade film.

    5. I'd really like to see the origin of Han's friendship with Chewie, his adventures in smuggling, winning the Falcon from Lando, the Kessel run, etc. I can certainly understand why they wouldn't go with Han as a central character for a spinoff film, though.
      A Boba movie would make much more sense. They may have cancelled 1313 because it conflicted with their idea of Boba's rise to the title of 'most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.' Noiw those would be adventures worth watching. Especially with an anti-hero as the main-focus character. That's something we've never seen from a Star Wars film. It'd be good to break the mold with the spinoffs.

    6. I don't care about where Han Solo came from. Not everything needs to be shown.

    7. Of course it doesn't NEED to be shown, that's not what Disney is thinking at all. The point is that there are hundreds of thousands of fans all around the world that would spend money to see a Han Solo film. With the success of all of the spinoff Marvel films that are being made, Disney can only assume the same (if not more) success will come from Star Wars. It's only logical, from an executive standpoint. Because the details of Han's past were mentioned in the movies and sparked the imagination of generations, a movie about Han's origin isn't a far-fetched idea. Just because you wouldn't watch it doesn't mean the majority of movie-goers wouldn't, but like I said; I can understand why they'd leave Han's story as it is since he's such a prominent character in the saga. That's why I think it'd be much more suitable for them to make a spinoff about Boba. They could easily keep the mysterious aspect of his character while at the same time portraying his adventures in bounty hunting that made him the deadliest of his kind. They'd never have to show his face and it'd still be badass.

    8. VH wouldn't it seem more logical that the sequels themselves will be story-based and the spin offs character-based?

    9. I think they will be both story based. Or at least they won't be centered around a single character. I still stand behind this:

    10. I'm sure we all saw how much the internet lit up after the rumors of Han and Boba films started being picked up. Disney would be stupid not to elaborate on two fan-favorite characters. There's just so much that can be done. Remember that the franchise is expected to continue with new material for 40 years. They obviously have to have some sort of a game plan. I believe part of that plan is to service the fans as much as possible for the next few years before really digging into brand-new characters, stories, etc. That adds support to the foundation that the next few decades of Star Wars will be built off of. More fans raising their kids with old and new Star Wars, familiarizing the public.

    11. Once they're through the ST, that's when, I believe, they'll dive into a whole new frontier of Star Wars.

    12. VH I'm inclined to believe that the spin offs will be character-based but about characters that are not from the originals (except maybe Boba Fett) and that actors who have not been announced yet will be playing them.

    13. VH, I agree with you. The people in charge of the SW story have recently proven that they can come up with an interesting and original cast, crew, and adventures as displayed in the upcoming Rebels series. This Rebels series, and the spin offs I believe, will have a completely new cast of characters with new worlds and of course new discoveries and villains set in the SW galaxy! After all isn't that what we want with Star Wars, a sense of discovery ... a sense of the unknown ... a sense of wonder?

      I believe that Rebels will shed some light on Solo's background (for canonical purposes) and Boba Fett's background has been detailed in both the PT and CW series. Love both characters, but really don't see the need to rehash these two characters that are so beloved already.

      New stories, new heroes, new villains, and of course a new sense of discovery and awe! that is what we need. These spin offs (as Rebels may be b/c Ezra does appear to give a certain "West End d6 RPG" vibe with his trusty slingshot) are going to feel more like your SW West End d6 paper and pencil RPG party than they are the PT or CW series based history lessons. For that I am hopeful! Really do need to locate all my lucky d6's again! 4d+2 anyone? :)

  2. Thats the trick, to do that you need better writing. Most of what i see for big block buster movies, they keep giving the script jobs to less than capable writers.

    1. I've noticed that too, Duke. Seems like they often hire younger writers who are cheap and keen to do whatever they're told.

      IMHO, cut-rate screenwriting is the downfall of most movies.

  3. See this news as a fake. I am a german reader of this website, and obvious ANYONE can send them a mail and say "Listen. I heard that and that."

    They do not have reliable sources. And I highly doubt that there was a training course of Hasbro in Germany,... even with revealing such important things.

    1. Then tell us why Disney has asked Jedi-News to remove that post from their own website, Mister Genius?

    2. Then tell us why Disney didn't request taking it down on other websites, double genius.

  4. It's true, ANYONE can send us an email. That's the beauty of the internet. But believe me, we don't post everything we are being told. So take this as you will.

  5. obi wan in the desert would be better !!! ewan mcgregoe one of the better things to come out of the prequels

    1. The music was the best thing out of the prequels.

    2. You'd really rather watch Obi-Wan slowly become a hermit over the course of 20 years in the desert than watch Han tear up the Kessel run?
      Where's the excitement in that?

    3. I don't want to see either, i want to see something i've never heard about.

    4. That's what the ST is for. Introducing the general public to a Star Wars that starts off as familiar, but gradually makes its' way in a direction we've never taken as fans.

    5. EpVII will be the torch-passing episode in the ST, introducing new characters and a new threat that we as fans have never seen beore, while at the same time satisfying the fans with familiar faces from the OT. After that, Star Wars is free game for Disney. They can come up with all of the new material they want. The fans will have had their fill.

    6. If it's a "torch-passing" episode its already a weaker movie for it.

    7. If the movie is built from the ground up as a stepping stone movie it will an inferior product.

    8. Duke, I think I know what you mean. One of the most common excuses for why a movie falls flat is "Well, they're just setting things up for the rest of the movies in the series." We heard that time and time again about TPM, and the prequels never really got all that much better from there.

      "Passing the torch" is a variant of that same "set-up movie" notion. Yes, a movie can set up the story for its own sequels, and it can pass the torch from established characters to a new cast. However, if these are how the director and producers themselves see the film, rather than just being something that happens to occur in the film, then they often end up forgetting to make a good solid movie that holds up on its own.

      I truly hope that this is not what happens with Episode VII. We already got hosed on Episode I with this, and we don't need to go through THAT again.

    9. How could it be built from the ground up as a stepping stone movie? That deosn't make any sense. The movie will have enormous success because it's so highly anticipated; moreso than Empre, or Jedi or TPM. We never thought we'd get another trilogy until a little over a year ago. Since then the movie-going population has been ablaze with hype about it. It's going to serve as a transitional film between what we know of the canonicle Star Wars universe and what we are yet to know. After all there is to know about the ST is ascommon amongst the ever-growing fanbase as the OT and PT in about 4 years, that's when, I believe, Disney will begin expanding the new material in whatever direction they see fit, because they would have given the fans what they've wanted since the mid-late 80's and they can start focusing on all of what's to come in the next 40 years.

    10. dopeyjoe. Let use a metaphor. The next Star Wars movie should be more like James Bond Casino Royale & Back To The Future & less like Star Wars The Phantom Menace & The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey.

    11. I agree and I'm also not stupid... Star Wars The Phantom Menace & The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey were both prequels. Of course they shouldn't be anything like EpVII. We're obviously on completely different wavelengths so this is where I'll stop.

    12. The hobbit was built for sequels, it's not self contained. One of the phantom menace's problems is that it was a set up movie, it was "self contained" but it went so far in to the future with attack of the clones you don't even need to really see the phantom menace, crippling that movie. The next Star Wars movie needs to be self contained, but it can have a little set up to whats going to happen in the next movie, but this "should not" be the main focus of the movie.

    13. Okay, that makes sense and I agree with you.

    14. I think it would be cool to see an Obi Wan side story as well. Ewan would do a bang up job!! Another side story that I'd really dig is one based on Vader. Either way, more Star Wars the better as far as I concerned. :)

    15. Duke, would you not consider ESB, arguably the greatest movie of all time, a set up movie?

    16. Asher, was the entire 1-6 saga not focused on Anakin/Vader enough?

    17. Great point Joe, but I still think it would be cool to have one more adventure with Obi-Wan. I mean the actor could easily do it and it would be rad to get a little back story there. Like I said before, either way we're getting more Star Wars and that is really all that matters to me. :)

  6. Presuming Obi-Wan's appearance in Rebels will cover some of his tween-trilogy activities.

  7. Has everyone forgotten EPs 1,2,3?
    Who is more the fool, the fool? or the fool who follows him?
    New characters and no mediclorians!

    1. What, am I supposed to hate the PT only b/c it became the fashionable thing to do?

      I haven't forgotten EPs 1, 2 and 3, and I happen to like them quite a lot, thank you very much.

      And it's Midi-chlorians, not "mediclorians". If you're gonna burn someone for their ideas, the least you can do is try to spell the words right.

    2. Jesus bloody Christ! Enough with the damn grievances over the Midichlorians ! It is really fuckin UNBELIEVABLE that after ten plus years of a film's release, fanboys are still whining and crying about stupid little shit in which made little to no difference as to the effects of the Classic Trilogy and the story of the film above all else. I am no hardcore voucher for the Midichlorians, but there are three reasons why George has conceived the idea of Midichlorians:

      1) If the Force is such an astounding enigma in which teenagers and old people can use, what stops others from learning the ways of the Force in order to become as wise and powerful as that 'old hermit' hiding in the corner and that 18-year old adolescent readying himself to be a pilot? Midichlorians sets a borderline between the regular people and those whom are gifted, and if the regulars starts to become the gifted, then a balance cannot ever be achieved in the Force since there are so many people who can now use the Force to fulfill their own dissonances and ambitions for the sake of themselves.

      2) Midichlorians are particles in which are used to get IN TOUCH WITH THE FORCE, IT is not THE FORCE.

  8. Anthony Ingruber should play Han Solo. He looks and sounds exactly like Harrison Ford.

    1. Yeah pretty obvious he will be playing a young Solo.

    2. I'm sorry, but I must be the only person on the planet that think he sounds like him a little bit. It seems more like a novelty with him, like a friend of yours that can do a decent impersonation for when everybody gets together. When I see the video of him, it seems like he is way overacting the part much like Karl Urban as "Bones" in Star Trek 2009.

      That all being said, I think he sounds good enough, and with a bit of coaching, he can get those extra pieces. As I understand, he is rumored to play possibly a younger Harrison Ford in another franchise.

    3. Ingruber is identical to Ford, like a clone or a mini-me. You wouldn't even know it was another actor playing the part, which is what most fans want probably.

    4. Yeah, well, remember Brandon Routh? He was cast as Superman because he looked and sounded just like Christopher Reeve. And we all saw how well that worked out. Clones are not a good idea. Get someone original, please. Would you want Daniel Craig to be a clone of Sean Connery? New is better. A fresh take on the role.

    5. Anonymous 1:49, a freash take how? They isn't much you can do with Han Solo before he's not Han Solo anymore, he's really a basic character that you can't really change much about before he loses his simple appeal.

    6. The James Bond recasting formula doesn't work with this character.

    7. Well, I just think that Han, Luke, and Leia are characters that Disney bought that will have a life beyond the original actors, like James Bond, Batman, Superman, etc. So my philosophy is to keep Han Solo, but not be a slave to Harrison's version of him. If we disagree on casting philosophy, I understand the other point of view, which is the new actor should be as much like the old actor as possible. We happen to disagree on that, but that's ok. It's a fun debate!

    8. For instance, there could be future Episodes that pick up right where EP 6 left off, and I would really like to see that. That era would be very interesting to see. We will all get our Big 3 fix with EP 7, so I am cool with recasting in the future. I know a lot of people on here hate that idea, but I am open to it. It could be really great.

    9. You what is even better than that? New more interesting characters that have nothing directly to do with the previous movies.

    10. @ AnonymousMay 15, 2014 at 1:22 PM
      I just don't see it. I think he does an okay impression, but it just seems overacted, and he needs to work WAY more on the voice. I can't see how anybody with their eyes closed could listen to him and say "HARRISON FORD" or "HAN SOLO"! I just think he is okay, but way over-hyped. I think with coaching, he could be a fine young Solo in a spinoff depicting him as a young man.

    11. Who else has that uncanny of a physical resemblence to a young Ford? Of course he needs work, but if they conditioned him to nail the mannerisms voice, etc, I have faith that he could portray a young Han Solo flawlessly. They should just give him a chance.

    12. He is a hack. End. Of. Story.

    13. A hack is someone without value or talent, It's too early to say that , lets see what he can do first.

    14. I call someone who does mediocre impressions of others, rather than displaying their own individual talent, a hack (i.e. Anthony Ingruber). Leave the Big Three alone without any recasting. If they insist on elaborating on their back stories, I'd prefer animated versions to people who do contrived, over-done impressions.

    15. Ingruber was just displaying the fact to the world that he has the potential. I bet you haven't even attempted to see any of his actual work as an actor. He's really not bad at all, just misunderstood. The movies he's in aren't the best but when your career is in its' early stages, you take what you can get. You shouldn't judge him as an actor because he decided to turn on his webcam and post a video of a Solo impression. You're also not taking into account the fact that Ingruber looks almost exactly like a young Harrison Ford.

    16. Sorry, a passing resemblance and an impression does not make a viable "early years" replacement. And casting decisions should not be made based on "potential." He either has it or he doesn't, and I say he doesn't. See our prior discussion about Rich Little. Lets just leave Han Solo alone as we know him. Same with Leia and Luke.

    17. There's a comedian named Pablo Francisco who does a spot on routine of Arnold and the movie voice-over guy. Do I want him starring in the reboot of Terminator? Hell no. Just cast good actors and not impressionists. Please.

    18. AnonymousMay 15, 2014 at 8:54 PM
      First of all, you cannot honestly think that the Disney casting directors would watch that video and interpret it as a legitimate audition, that's ridiculous. Second, just because you say he doesn't "have it" is no where near a deciding factor.

      AnonymousMay 15, 2014 at 8:56 PM
      This is a completely different case because Ingruber is still in the early stages of his career and he's not commonly known by the general movie-going population. Also, Pablo Francisco looks absolutly nothing like Arnold and therefore, would not pass as the Terminator.Ingruber is not a comedian or a full-time impersonator; he's a young, aspiring actor. You obviously have very little understanding on the subject...

    19. And BTW... Ingruber's Youtube channel is almost completely devoted to impressions of Harrison Ford, Jack Nicholson, Jim Carrey... even Jeff Goldblum. And Lord knows, one of Jeff Goldblum is more than what this world needs. In any event, please stop trying to pass off Ingruber as a legitimate enough actor for Star Wars. He is nothing more than a cheap knock off like a fake handbag you buy on a street corner.

    20. Au contraire, Dopey. Ingruber touts himself on Youtube as an "Actor, Comedian, Singer, Voice actor, Impressionist." So don't pretend like you are an expert on Ingruber's career when you are clearly wrong about what even he considers himself to be.

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. And there is the most logical response you can come up with when facts are presented? Resorting to name calling? Look, we can disagree - you like the guy and would love to see him cast - I think it would be a terrible idea. But just try to keep a modicum of decency, shall we?

    23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    24. Yes, I apologize for irrationally lashing out with that last comment. It's been quite a day, to say the least. This is why I decided to remove the comment myself.

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. Fair enough. One disadvantage to anonymous posting that I didn't realize, I cannot remove the re-posting, which I would do if I could. Perhaps a friendly site admin would be willing to do so for us?

    27. That'd sure be nice. Where's VH when you need him?
      Again, I apologize for the irrational comment. Working under stress in an office where you can't leave your desk for 8 hours really does a number on you. It's not like me to post offensive garbage on sites such as this where we're all supposed to be fellow fans of the saga. What I should have said in response is that I was not aware that Ingruber considered himself to be a comedian or impressionist and I thank you for bringing that to my attention. I understand why you would rather not have him portray a young Solo, I guess I've just wanted to see Han's adventures layed out on screen since I was a youngster.

    28. I always thought his impressions were just a result of boredom from years back when he was still trying to find work. Now that he's starting to be more recognized by producers and such, I'm sure he'll become a lot more serious about his career. It all depends though. In the long run, you're right. He really is just a second-rate impressionist.

    29. Apology accepted. Everyone gets a little heated at times...

      I can understand the desire to see Han Solo's other adventures on screen. Unfortunately, Harrison Ford is an old man now and as much as I would like to see the origin story, too, I'd rather not see it than have someone else portray him. That's why I would not have a problem with an animated version if it was done well. For that kind of voiceover work, maybe your boy Ingruber could eventually fit the bill. But for a big budget, major production the scale of Episode VII, no thanks.

    30. Yeah, you're right. An animated version would be ideal, but the way things are going with Star Wars animated series, the animation would most likely be disappointing and hard to take seriously at all. That's the trouble I had with TCW and the trouble Im having now with Rebels. If only they could come up with an alternative that doesn't look like computer-generated anime.

    31. I've only seen bits and pieces of TCW and what I understand is that it did get better over the course of the series. I plan to "catch up" on it and Rebels before Episode VII comes out so I can feel up to speed on what is canon and the "whole story."

      What I think is the difference between Star Wars and other major franchises that continually re-boot like Marvel and DC Comics is that those heroes, especially the masked ones, are more generic characters that can, to an extent, be played by anyone. Star Wars OT characters played by Hamill, Fisher and Ford are so iconic that most can't imagine them with different faces. The continual re-boots of Batman and Spiderman, in particular, are diluting the franchises in the market. I have not cared at all about seeing the newest Spiderman movies because they are just over-milking the series. Star Wars will hopefully avoid doing that by keeping it fresh with new stories and characters rather than rehashing the same old stories. Animated versions of un-told back stories can still work though...

  9. Err.....didn't Kathy Kennedy rule out any Episode characters from appearing in the spin-offs? I know who I would rather believe.

  10. Please please, no more nostalgia characters!!! At least the spin offs let it be about less important, less known, perhaps totally new characters. Let´s keep our favourites heroes in a cloud of mistery, no need of midichlorians behind every single star wars thing. I don´t want to see the youth of Han Solo, Boba Fett, or any other character. And I´m a huge fan of those...please new stories and new characters, pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!! The star wars universe to be a background....

    1. You don't wanna give any characters we've loved for decades one last shine in the spotlight before plunging into 40 years of brand new Star Wars material?

    2. I got my ending with Return of the Jedi.

    3. You may have gotten your closure, but the majority of knowlegable fans have been waiting for the post-ROTJ story since the film was released in theaters. It's a sure money-maker to bring back familiar faces to the screen. Disney's not keeping your opinion alone in mind, they're thinking of the general audience. If they decided to start the new trilogy off with a brand new story, it would confuse the general audience. People would be watching the trailer, not knowing it's for a new Star Wars movie until the title appears. There have to be icons like the Falcon, threepio, artoo, Luke, Han, Leia, etc, to provide to ease us into the new surrounding that will be in the ST.
      Think about it metaphorically: a friend you've known for a very long time invites you to a party where you'll know no one. That friend helps you feel comfortable mingling with the new faces because of how familiar they are with the new surroundings. It's just a better way to ease the general audience into something from Star Wars they've never seen before. That's why they decided to re-write Arndt's script, in my opinion.

  11. errrr....there is one thing - I´d LOVE to see spin off with Obi-Wan Kenobi. I loved the peformance of Ewan McGregor and the next 10-15 years there is a possibility to use him as Ben Kenobi between e3 and e4.....

  12. can someone please explain what all the interest in doing a boba fett movie is. other than looking cool, he doesn't seem like a very interesting character at all...there is not much there. with respect, am i missing something?

    1. That is the point. He's a closed book with a really cool looking cover. For decades he's been a major marketing face for these movies and the fans have been told he's the best bounty hunter in the galaxy and really hyped him up to something that would be really cool to actually see. So let's see it! Show us who this character is finally. That explains my interest anyway.

      And... for my interest to go beyond curiosity, you have to fix his so-called death in Jedi by showing that this was not the end otherwise anything cool you do doesn't matter because in the back of my mind, it would end with a pathetic anticlimactic death.

    2. His adventures in becoming the deadliest bounty hunter in the galaxy; battling other hunters, mercinaries, gangsters, smugglers, the empire, the rebellion, etc. All of the jobs he did to honor the life of his father and work his way up in the underbelly of the galaxy. More gritty, frontier-themed movies; that's what I'd like to see. They wouldn't even have to show his face for that movie to be awesome. An anti-hero-centric story is something that's never been done with Star Wars.

    3. Dopey. I don't think Disney is going to highlight a bounty hunter honoring his deceased dad by killing people.

    4. He's a fan favorite, that alone is enough reason for Disney to highlight his rise as a bounty hunter. Hundred of thousands of people all over the world would flock to theaters for a Boba Fett movie.

    5. not interested in how he came to be the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. sounds boring. does this fucker even have a personality? I am not even interested enough to find out. He makes a cool toy though; think we should leave it at that. waste of a movie. put resources into a different character.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I find the idea of a Kenobi spinoff with McGregor set between Episodes III and IV very exciting! I too love McGregor and his interpretation of Kenobi.

    But the obvious problem is what that film would be about? Clearly, Obi-Wan does not do a whole bunch of idealistic crusades in those 19 years (with Rebels possibly covering whatever exciting stuff he does do). He's on Tatooine to watch over Luke, and apart from chit-chatting with Qui-Gon, surely he leads a pretty uneventful life?

    1. And that he at some point goes on the same journey as Yoda in the last few episodes of TCW, which would make it redundant to cover it again.

    2. He's obviously been off-planet at least once, as he's familiar enough with that cantina in Mos Eisley to know that "most of the best freighter pilots can be found here" and that "this place can be a little rough."

      I think there's at least one cool story to be told there.

    3. He protected Luke and his family from threads around the farm(Mercenaries, maybe, and the Sand People). But I don't know if would be good make a movie about this.

  14. "There is no attempt being made to carry characters (from the standalone films) in and out of the saga episodes."

    1. I take that as she means characters we see in the new films will not feature in the spin offs.

    2. I take it to mean that the spinoff films will not be part of the ST story. It seems to me like she left the door open to use any character in a standalone film though. I also have a feeling that Disney will want proven quantities for those movies.

  15. Okay, if they make a "Red Five" would it center on Luke's teen years? I know he had adventures racing on Tatooine. Ewan McGregor could play Obi-wan then because he'd be near 50 around 2020.

    Or they could go with an after story of the sequel trilogy since it'd be made after they were done with the trilogy. Who knows?

    I had not thought about a Luke Skywalker spin off movie before and this would be quite surprising.

    1. It almost seems like that one would have to be CGI animation like TCW, with Mark voicing Luke. It'd be pretty tough to get an actor to play Luke who has the look down well enough to pass for the character only a few years before we see him in ANH.

      Seems to me, also, that "Red Five" would be more appropriate for a film about Luke's early missions as a pilot following the Battle of Yavin. But again, finding somebody who looks and acts enough like Luke for it not to be distracting and jarring when viewed in between ANH and ESB... "Well, that's the real trick, isn't it?" ;^)

    2. You run into the same problem with Solo.

      Just trying to make sense of the movie titles laid out in the article.

    3. Yeah, and that's a big part of the reason why I'm not crazy about the idea of Disney doing "origin" films for any of the classic SW characters.

      (Of course, I'm also not convinced that the list of spinoff movies is genuine to begin with...)

    4. Would it be good or suck if they did a spin-off movie without any characters from the films? These would be set in the Star Wars galaxy, but a different story with different characters. What would make it Star Wars? Light sabers and the Force? Could it be a pre-prequel days spin-off?

    5. No.....why would it be called Red 5 if it was about Luke in his teen years? he didnt even have that title until he joined the Alliance..and he was just a boring moisture farmer...that just makes no sense and would be the most boring movie of all time.i am not buying into makes absolutely NO SENSE to make a Red 5 movie.... quit being so Gullable people..this is Obviously false info.

    6. What makes absolutely no sense is reading a site that reports on rumors and not speculating on what it could me. My OP was either a pre episode 4 or post episode 9 story about Luke.

      If you do not want to speculate what a rumor could mean then go someplace else.

    7. A spin-off movie without any of the characters from the films? I think that would be really cool. Do several of those, and then a film that brings them all together. If the characters and stories were solid, that could work out VERY well, IMHO.

  16. Hey, anyone remember that 80s cartoon show "Droids"? Must have been one of the first Star Wars spin-off shows... Maybe Mungo Baobab will show up in the new trilogy...

    1. "Ewoks" came with it. I have them both on VHS regardless of the fact that they kinda suck.

    2. I think anything GL did for TV in the 80's sucked. Is there anything he did during the eighties for TV that was good?

    3. I mean, I loved the Ewoks cartoon as a kid, but as I grew older the cheesiness of it became more apparent and I got turned off to it.

  17. Yeah, I'm sure it sucked terribly but to my 10-year-old brain (at the time) it was great for a Saturday morning

    1. Same goes for the Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario Bros Super Show and Zelda cartoon series they had on saturday mornings.

    2. Dang, I still like that Sonic cartoon ...

    3. Some people are just sick.....LOL

    4. Don't get me wrong, I still watch those cartoons from time to time for nostalgic reasons and enjoy the, but it doesn't make them any less cheesy. I just can't take any of them seriously.

    5. I get the same impression when I watch re-runs of shows like the A-Team and Macgyver. And I LOVED these shows when I was a kid!!

    6. A-Team was one of my favorite shows! Never got into Macgyver for some reason, although I probably would have liked it.

      Just think that 20 or 30 years from now and think Big Bang Theory or other of the popular shows are cheesy!

    7. But one thing remains.......Star Wars is never cheesy . . . .except the 80's TV shows!

    8. No offense, since I love Star Wars as much as anyone, but there have been plenty of cheesy things in the franchise... teddy bears, the singing lips and other creatures in the bands in Jabba's palace, all of the dialogue between Padme and Anakin in the PT... the list goes on :)

    9. Yes, you have deeply offended me. I think I will go live under a rock now. :)

      I'm sorry, but I can watch any part of the OT without feeling that it's cheesy. Maybe, that's just me. Who knows.

    10. Through my 7, 10 and 13 year old eyes when the OT first came out, I totally agree, Rebel Scum. Now as an adult about to introduce my kids to the saga, there are certainly some cringeworthy moments (although those mostly have to do with the special edition releases not the original theatrical versions...)

  18. i don't know of any one that could play solo

    1. They'll find some Hollywood hunk with that generic acting style there's so much of these days, but as long as he looks the part. Hopefully I'm wrong.

    2. They'll find some Hollywood hunk with that generic acting style there's so much of these days, but as long as he looks the part. Hopefully I'm wrong.

  19. Am I the only one that thinks it would suck to have a spinoff after Episode IX. A movie after the sequel trilogy's grand finale just doesnt seem right. They should release the spinoffs before Episode IX.

    1. They're going to be releasing spinoffs before the ST, after the ST, and for the rest of foreseeable time for whatever it's worth.

    2. I'd hate to see a Star Wars fill bomb at the box office. It'd be soooooo depressing.

  20. The core structure of the entire franchise should be "the trilogy of trilogies", telling some kind of more-or-less conherent story in itself. The first trilogy is about the Old Republic and the classical Jedi Order, showing how both were ultimately destroyed. The second trilogy is about the struggle against the Empire and its final overthrow. The third trilogy will presumably somehow tell the story of the New Republic and the reestablishing of the Jedi, perhaps in a new form. Thus everything comes full circle.

    But when the Third Trilogy hopefully brings the entire multigenerational saga to a great and satisfying end in Episode IX, that is where the timeline should end -- with the understanding that from this point on it was (more or less) "happily ever after" for the Galaxy. Now there can be spin-off movies outside the "episode" structure all around the established timeline, or even in the deep past, but none should be set after Episode IX. At some point you must draw a line, aim for a satisfying ending and say, "This is it."

    1. I disagree. Why bring in a new cast of young characters if the saga were to end at EP9? Good vs Evil is an eternal battle.

  21. I think it's gonna be tough to get movies made about totally new SW characters, that is, unless someone writes a killer script that just blows away the execs at Disney. Hollywood wants a sure thing with a built in fan base, which is why we keep hearing about spinoffs of Solo, Fett, and now Luke. People love those characters already, so they have a better shot of getting made.

    Would I love to see something totally new in the SW universe on film? You bet I would. It's just that there's a reason for all these remakes and reboots in both film and TV... a seemingly lower risk factor when millions of dollars (or space credits) are at stake.

    1. The problem with doing a live action Star Wars show is that it would have to be really hard edge like the other tv shows to get the "mass audiences" interested. The time of tv has changed for now to a more graphic style.

    2. Who says the spin offs have to be about characters...What if the spin offs were about groups such as Rouge Squadron and they made spinoff films (With all new characters, maybe recast a younger Wedge) and tie the gaps in-between the OT films and then you can even show the aftermath of the Battle Of Endor. Make a trilogy or more out of that. That is something I would very much like to see. That could even allow them to use Grand Admiral Thrawn, and show the Rebel Alliance cleaning up what remained of the Empire.

    3. I bet Disney would say they have to be those characters, there is no "what ifs"

  22. Why did google translate "Skepsis" with salt? whats wrong withscepticism

  23. On the German page it also states that, the Hasbro source specifically stressed that in contrast to the "Boba Fett" title the 2018 title is "Solo" not "Han Solo". So it could very likely be about Han's Children not background story for himself as discussed above

  24. We already now much from Boba's childhood from "the clone wars" series, i would stop there. The cool think about this character is Disney could go forward with his story because he actually don't has a face/actor. The only thing to do is not let him die in the Sarlacc pit and there would be endless adventures to tell without nostalgic and maybe unnecessary explanations of his past.

    1. The movie could start with a subjective view form his helmet. We see the last moments of the Sarlacc pit scene (OT) from his point of view until he falls into the hole. After that we witness the way he survives.
      Maybe he is saved by someone (the mentor character of the movie) and this experience changes him.
      Just some random thoughts... I don't know if I recall correctly but in the EU/legends he survives as well.

  25. 2016: Salacious Crumb

  26. I am not buying it...and if this is true..i think it is a horrible idea. Noone but Harrison Ford should play Solo...Boba Fett? hell yeah! bring it! Red 5??? Wtf??? why would we need an origins story of Red 5? did we not see that in episode 4? that just sounds stupid. If this is real..then Disney is going to completely ruin Star Wars...........and i will gather together a small band of rebels and crush Disney in one swift stroke.

  27. Unrelated but anyone know what the "nexus" character is that just appeared on episode VII IMDB?

    1. Don't know, does say rumored. Why not site where they're getting the "rumor" from. Maybe Viral will post something about it soon.

    2. It's Harrison Ford, returning as Deckard, the Nexus 6 replicant. And we all thought he was back as Solo! Now that would be mixing things up!

  28. It's the first time I've seen a name for a character in IMDB (aside from the OT actors), though IMDB has been somewhat consistent... they did get some of the actors right.

    1. Can't remember, but didn't they have Billy Dee Williams listed, also?

  29. Yes, they got some wrong, but they got some right too (Boyega & Driver)... what I'm saying though is that there is a new character's name listed (Nexus) which is a first for the episode VII IMDB. It seems like they must have a reason to give a name for the part right? Even if the actor is wrong... unless if that character's name is a "working" name for the time being... which I'm actually guessing is the case unless if Nexus is some type of AI or machine or something like that.

  30. Nexus means centre. Could refer to the main (unannounced as yet) actor (or their character).

    1. Just a further thought - Colin Baker played the sixth Dr Who, and as you know the Dr is a TimeLord who can regenerate his body and change his physical appearance, perhaps even becoming a female.

  31. I really hope that the spin-offs are not about any OT/PT era characters, and go back thousands of years into the past to the origins of the Jedi and the Sith.

    Not only would this be a magnet that would attract anyone who calls themselves a SW fan, but it offers a thousand possibilities that just aren't there for a Han Solo, Boba Fett or Obi-Wan stand-alone film.

    A pre-prequel trilogy including the Sith, Jedi, Mandalorians, their origins, different brand-new characters…the possibilities are truly endless.
