Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, May 16, 2014

Star Wars: Episode 7 Now Filming Sign at Pinewood Studios.

This image (click for bigger version) has been just posted on StarWars' Facebook page...

I'm not sure if that sign means that they are also filming at Pinewood right now, or just that the movie is being filmed in general.

May bet is that they will film the next 2 weeks in Abu Dhabi and then from the end of the month at Pinewood (as Isaac said). 

Still it's possible that 2 filming crews are working on both sets.

Stay tuned for more...


  1. Ugh... The hype i'm feeling hurts so good!

  2. Replies
    1. The Force is strong with this one! Succeed where Episode I failed!

    2. Episode 7 will be the handover film with lots of Han, Luke & Leia one last time- it will feel a lot more OT than PT, is my guess.

  3. Aehooo. Finally, it's getting serious.

  4. So glad that the studio is being greedy with these morsels.

  5. Watch my left hand, pay no mind to what my right had is doing! All of it is smoke and mirrors.

    1. Open a window and wash your right hand.

  6. Chill guys, don't burn yourselfs out.

  7. I like that logo-type VII in the picture. If that's the logo I'm good with that.

    1. I noticed that too. Seems like they're going to step away from the Prequel EPISODE fonts and create something fresh for this Trilogy to really set it apart from the PT.

      From a marketing standpoint...very smart since there is do much negativity surrounding the PT.

      Id even think about forgoing the "EPISODE #" in the titles at all. Keep it for the scroll but leave the posters and the rest of the marketing ONLY the title. Just like theOT.

      STAR WARS The Ancient Fear

    2. You sir are full of win. Man I never thought of dropping the episode #. Something about that just seems cool to me.

    3. I agree with AnonymousMay 16, 2014 at 7:52 PM that's definitley the way to go.

    4. I Don't Even SmokeMay 16, 2014 at 10:49 PM

      Nah fuck that. The episode numbers look awesome. And so does that Prequel font, regardless of what anybody thinks of it. Star Wars Episode VII The Ancient Fear. FTW

    5. No, thanks. The episode numbers are awesome. Don't let the PT ruin that, too.

    6. Agree Episode #'s are essential!

    7. Smalls LightdarkerMay 18, 2014 at 3:39 AM

      Yes! I'd hate to see them go with the font in the recently released pictures, not because I don't think it looks it cool -- it does, it kinda looks vintage, like something from the 70s or 80s, which is totally appropriate -- but I'm just thinking about how it will look in my DVD/Blu Ray collection when Episodes I - VI will have the same font and "Episode" logo, and then Episode VII will look totally different and without any "Episode" logo at all. Definitely don't want the prequels to ruin that, as Anon said up there.... I feel the same way about the opening titles. I really hope they find a way to keep the 20th Century Fox logo and fanfare somehow, I really do, because no matter how small that detail may be its all part of the classic Star Wars experience. I hope Disney can make some kind co-distribution deal with Fox so we can keep the logo and fanfare, I really do. It might be a bit overwhelming to see so many opening logos but I think the opening logos can happen as such: Walt Disney, Bad Robot, 20th Century Fox, Lucasfilm, "A long time ago..." I've read some comments on YouTube that its possible there won't even be a Disney logo, seeing as the Marvel films don't show one. If thats the case, I think the logos will probably be Bad Robot, Lucasfilm, "A long time ago..." I'm still crossing my fingers for 20th Century Fox will be between Bad Robot and Lucasfilm though. :(

  8. They're obviously wanting confusion. They'll always be one step ahead.

  9. Is the Millennium Falcon parked in there..? ;)

  10. @Viral Hide:

    1. Not the most reputable site

    2. Katie Jarvis is an unwed mother of a baby girl and her teeth are rotten and badly cared for and she looks like a psycho when she smiles.

      Do you think she will be a great female lead or a good role model for Disney?

    3. I saw that one. As I said above I didn't want to post it with the official announcement photos. I'm posting it later today.

  11. Yawn. Latrino review scooped us again. Somebody please wake up Viral Hind!!!!!!

  12. I just hope that the script isn't shite because it seems to me it was a rush job at the last minute to meet a deadline. Here's hoping eh!
