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The source claims that he/she has insider contacts with the production. First I was hesitant if to post this because I personally doubt that anyone who has access to pre-vis materials will ever talk about it. Especially knowing about the NDAs and the rules on a J.J. Abrams production. But then the post with this rumor (on a certain movie site) has been deleted. I'm not saying that the post's removal means that the rumor is legit but certainly it gives some credibility to it.
Thankfully one of our readers sent us a rough transcript of the post.
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- the sequence was set on a planet like 'a cross between Hoth and Endor' - tall trees capped with snow and snow covered ground.
- the Millennium Falcon was parked on a cliff above the wooded area, with a Jedi and Sith (both male) battling uphill towards the Falcon. The scene was oddly lit, possibly suggestive of the Falcon being on fire.
- a further scene, set in a clearing on this same planet, showed an older male Jedi and male Sith - his head bare and lower face covered by a half mask 'reminiscent of CA's Winter Soldier' - squaring off before a duel. The poster said the scene had a 'Samurai movie feel', and was under the impression that the male Jedi was Luke.
- the poster seemed to think that SW7 will be massively scaled down, with limited Jedi and Sith (two or three) and little to no sign of the massed battles of the PT.
- finally, the poster described a female Jedi exiting a crashed X-wing like craft, lightsaber drawn and ready to fight. Not sure if this was on the same planet.
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Now I believe that the poster mentioned the Sith because of the lightsaber. But we all know that not only the Sith could wield them. A perfect example is the Inquisitor from Rebels and Grievous from Clone Wars. Also some bits from this report match with things we've heard before - the scaled down story and the crashed ship.
And speaking of the crashed ship you probably remember this report from the Abu Dhabi set. And here's a 100% legit quote from an extra who was part of the Abu Dhabi filming (via MagnarTheGreat):
"It's a wrap" was one of the most amazing phrases I have ever heard in my life, and today when the director of the movie announced it, I was sky high--proud and happy. Now that it has ended, I am going to miss every minute of it. The people I was with in the stunt team were escaping explosions and avoiding spaceship attacks. All of them did an amazing job, hats off, to the best project I have ever seen. Thank you all. I cannot wait til it is at the cinemas.
As usual take these rumors with the usual dosage of Sodium Chloride. Everything is doubtful unless it's released by Disney and/or Lucasfilm.
If the rumor is true, great news! I'd be so glad if they scaled down the saber battles to only a few Jedi and Sith. The PT seemed to blow things a little out of proportion and the OT didn't seem to elaborate on the duels enough. I feel this film will be well balanced between the two.
ReplyDeleteFisrt one?
ReplyDeletemmm no....Second one
DeleteAbsolutely love this. Sounds very dark and gritty and as was mentioned above, 'scaled down'. Hope star wars goes back to the personal touch rather than George's philosophy of bigger = better. "the poster seemed to think that SW7 will be massively scaled down, with limited Jedi and Sith (two or three)" PLEASE BE TRUE. ALL OF IT. PLEASE.
ReplyDeletefunny because sometimes the OT fans say that the PT was too boring and full of politics and senate debates. Make up your mind guys.
DeleteI like the idea of scaling down because it's the freaking opening movie! You gotta slowly build to the crescendo! Not everything can be dialed to 11 from the get go. Otherwise it loses it's impact.
ReplyDeleteI've got to stop reading these rumors though! I love your site but subconsciously it's starting to shape what I think SW may be. Like the Stormtrooper article. I started to form opinions on what armor could or should maybe look like. I've got to stahp!
Seriously... much love. I hope you keep knocking it out of the park and I'm sure I'll sneak in for a few looks now and then but I'm going to try and stay away now! :P
Thank You For Sodium Chloride
ReplyDeleteWhat I would like to see in the ST, among other things, would be a). a scene reminiscent of the painting you see on the cover of the old book "Splinter of the Mind's Eye", but obviously with different characters now, and b). a scene on Dagobah that explores the "tree cave" underground and explains why it's filled with the dark side of the force.
ReplyDelete"a scene on Dagobah that explores the "tree cave" underground and explains why it's filled with the dark side of the force."
DeleteHopefully better than the 'Yoda arc' episodes of TCW...
Have not watched much of TCW enough to see that. They should have left that for a movie.
DeleteWell this sounds pretty awesome ! hard to come up with anything else to say really.....
ReplyDeleteMr George Lucas introduce us both ''scaled down'' in originals and not so ''scaled down'' in prequels, it's like two side of the same world, I've loved that, so hopefully J.J. knows how to stay true to Star wars and at the same time remain fresh, personally I want to see Episode 7 dark, if possible brutal (which I doubt), and to have this mysteries feel to it...
ReplyDeleteHey Viral you said yesterday you were going to post some news about the sets. That still going on?
ReplyDeleteSmaller and more personal is, IMHO, the best way to go with the saber duels. It allows for a much more intense dramatic and emotional confrontation if the focus is on the combatants and not on flashy effects and choreography.
ReplyDeleteThough I take all of these rumors with a big ol' handful of the grainy white stuff, I like the imagery this latest report suggests. The idea of somebody having to battle their way up to where the Falcon has crashed (or otherwise been set on fire) gives the sense that there's somebody in or near the ship who needs to be rescued. A saber duel involving a race against time is always a good combination.
We shall see, though. I assume that this is all just some random bits of undeveloped fan-fic and not actual scenes being shot for Episode VII. But... one never knows, does one? ;^)
"It allows for a much more intense dramatic and emotional confrontation if the focus is on the combatants and not on flashy effects and choreography."
DeleteYou nailed it sir
I don't really care if it's scaled up or down, as long as the story is good.
ReplyDeleteThe character scale is an enormous part of the story.
DeleteI don't believe the rumors but I hope for both scaled down and upscaled saber duels. As much as I hated the prequels, seeing the army of jedi in the clone wars was really cool... would have loved to seen more of that. But of course getting some one on one emotionally charged battles would be great too... why not both, right?
ReplyDeleteKnowing JJ I think we'll get an epic action packed opening (first 2 Star Treks started off very action packed, as did MI3), We'll get some good pacing I think... well whatever the case is I'm sure we'll all be dying from adrenaline overload as that screen crawl hits and we see the first ship zoom by.
DeleteUm, can we delare a moratorium on the word "amazing", please?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
"Lighten up, Francis."
Delete"We're all in this together. One of these men may save your life one of these days, you understand that?"
Delete"Then again maybe one of us won't."
lol Dekka that's from Stripes!
Delete"Welcome to IT 'ly."
DeleteCan we set a limit to this guy's posts?
DeleteIf you don't think it'll be good, it's kind of strange to be on a Star Wars VII news site everyday. Hmm...
um, can we declare a moratorium on you and your constant complaining? you have to comment for the sake of commenting and never add anything worth while to the discussion...
ReplyDeletethat is all....
I want to see an army of jedi and an army of sith fighting!
ReplyDeleteThink - the mandalorian wars but with more sith
DeleteI will vomit up my stomach lining if we have any more jedi armies or sith armies
DeleteDidn't they kind of blow that opportunity in the PT? People always wanted to see a big epic clash between the Jedi and a big ol' swarm of Sith, "Braveheart-style"... and what we got was an army of Jedi charging an army of cannon fodder droids in AOTC.
DeleteAs far as the ST goes, though, I'm just thinking of the logistics of there even being an "army" of Jedi by now. Granted, 30 years have passed, but since Luke was the only one left after ROTJ to do any training, and since it would take a new Jedi quite some time to advance in the Force to the point where they would be at the level of a Master and able to teach apprentices of their own, I think the Jedi would take a bit longer than this to re-establish themselves to the point where there were armies of them to be assembled.
Chances are, the big Jedi/Sith clashes will be saved for the spin-off movies and what we'll see in the ST, IMHO, will probably be a smaller number of trained Jedi and more personal combat than mass carnage.
I could be wrong, though!
"Big armies of Sith and Jedi" are pretty much the last thing this trilogy needs. We need these next installments to be intense, dramatic and personal.
Delete@ Anonymous June 19, 2014 at 8:23 PM
DeleteI agree. That's what got lost in Lucas' over-indulgence in CGI in the PT, and it's something that we really need brought back to the saga in the ST.
I really think that if Disney wants to go with the "clash of armies" imagery, they're going to do it in a spin-off movie. It really just doesn't make sense for the ST, and IMHO it would tend to detract from the personal drama aspect.
I highly doubt that the ONLY Jedi/Force user in the galaxy at the time of ROTJ was Luke.
Delete"I highly doubt that the ONLY Jedi/Force user in the galaxy at the time of ROTJ was Luke."
DeleteSo you're saying Yoda was lying to Luke on his deathbed? That doesn't sound like something an 800 year Jedi would do.
The fact is, Luke WAS the last of the Jedi in ROTJ. He only had to confront Vader to complete his path to becoming a true Jedi. Now, after the end of ROTJ, it's entirely up to Luke and his knowledge of the Force to bring the Jedi order back into existence. If that's not the case, it greatly waters down the significance of Luke's character and position in the OT.
The thing is, even if Luke truly was the last of the Jedi line in ROTJ, he was almost certainly not the last Force user or Force sensitive in the galaxy. The Old Jedi Order just weren't around to go robbing cradles and bringing all of the newest Force sensitives in for training is all. It's not like children with a strong Force connection just stopped being born after the fall of the Republic.
DeleteAnd some of them, particularly the ones on backwater worlds that nobody cared about, probably did learn to tap into their abilities, albeit in an unstructured, haphazard way.
All of which could make for some interesting plot complications for the ST.
""Big armies of Sith and Jedi" are pretty much the last thing this trilogy needs. We need these next installments to be intense, dramatic and personal."
DeleteYes. 1000 times yes.
Not sure I agree, in New Hope the clone wars were hinted at as being an epic conflict. These are Jedi Knights we are talking about... what do knights do? Fight in armies.
DeleteI agree seeing the Jedi Army up against droids was a disappointing, but I think JJ could do it better than Lucas did in the Prequels. I just say why not do both... personal and epic battles... I mean this is Star WARS we are talkin' about.
All these variations on the grain of salt saying are kind of getting annoying... Just sayin...
ReplyDeleteSomeone's a bit salty ...
DeleteNow you're just rubbing salt in the wound...
DeleteBetter throw some salt over your shoulder just to be safe...
Deletethese make sense. especially in the context of a wounded character being helped by another character in readings. a crash seems likely. i've said from the start there won't be tons of jedi in this. it will be a mix of star wars archetypes.
ReplyDeleteAll SW Episode VII fórums from here to Tatooine discuss the election of J:J as the director. But it seems no one really cares about the most important election of the project: Lawrence Kasdan is the key to have an amazing and brilliant SW movie again. And in my opinión we will piss our pants...
ReplyDeleteWell, and also remember that the production also has the other reason why the ESB dialogue ended up being so good - Harrison Ford. He helped Kershner to rework portions of Kasden's script (especially the carbon freezing scene) that would have otherwise fallen rather flat.
DeleteAnd let's also not forget that Carrie Fisher has made a pretty good reputation for herself over the years as a script doctor.
My suspicion is that Kasdan and Abrams came up with something pretty damned good, and it will be further refined and tweaked during production with the help of at least two people with a pretty good track record for that kind of thing.
Lawrence Kasdan is great at stories and plots. His dialogue though isn't amazing. It can be amazing. Some of the best quotes are from Kasdan. "Do, or do not, there is no, try". If you read the screenplay then you will find a lot of the yoda/luke scenes are pretty much word for word how they play out, but a lot of the Leia / Han scenes are very different dialogue made up on the days shooting by the actors/Kershner. I am loving the curretn situation though, Lawrence Kasdan bringing in his brilliance at plots and stories and mysterious dialogue, while JJ bringing in the funny and banter-filled dialogue to go with it.
DeleteYep! I think it's the perfect team to really make this story take off (assuming that the story itself is a good one, which I think odds are pretty good that it is.)
DeleteWow, that sounds like the climax. I am officially spoiled, and I don't even care.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Reading this, creating images in my head of the scenes, Luke squaring off against a masked Sith samurai style...this is effing awesome!
DeleteWill Luke still have a green saber in the ST? Since he sacrificed his at the end of ROTJ and all...
ReplyDelete- G
I don't remember him sacrificing his saber at the end of ROTJ. He lost Anakin's when Vader chopped his hand off at the end of ESB.
DeleteHe threw it rather casually down (didn't toss it far away). The gesture was primarily symbolic; he could have retrieved it instantly with the Force.
DeleteAfter Vader disposed of Palpatine, Luke could well have picked it up again. I believe there are stories that imply he did.
I remember it, he does it right when he goes ape**** on Vader, hacking at him like he's chopping wood. Then Palpatine enters does is whole "Good..good..let hate consume you" line. Luke answers him by tossing it and saying "No, you've failed. I'm a jedi like my father before me." and so on..
DeleteThere's no implication needed, you can see it hanging from his belt again on Endor!
ReplyDeleteSweet! I couldn't remember if it was with him when Jedi ended.
DeleteI really hope it's green. I just went over the end of return of the jedi and as he runs to hug Leia we see it clutched to the belt on his side. It would be such a geek-out moment to see that lightsaber be used again :)
ReplyDeleteThat scenario seems very similar to the comment I posted back in May apart from the gender of the duellists. Quite the coincidence.
ReplyDeleteMay 7, 2014 at 10:39 PM
My dream is Saoirse Ronan and Lupita Nyong’o duelling with lightsabers on a desolate plateau at night with the light of double moons bathing them with an eerie glow and the Millennium Falcon landed in the background.
My nightmare is either of them duelling with Jar Jar Binks!
Apparently, now, you can make your OWN "Star Wars" action sequences!
ReplyDeleteThat is, of course, if you're smart enough to own an iPad ....
Blah, blah "insider contacts". I'm really shocked no one on the set has a play-by-play scene list of the story yet. Star Wars 3 - ROTS we had something like that leak 9 months beforehand. Guess, they really tightened these script security up even more than before.
ReplyDeleteSounding very cool. The description of the antagonist / Sith, with the half-mask puts me in mind of the 'Valorum' character from the original Lucas 'The Star Wars' scrips. I hope this is the character that Driver is playing.: a vicious but honourable 'Knight of the Sith'. There's still plenty of stuff worth mining from George's drafts and outlines.
ReplyDeleteI really, really want to see Had Abbadon by Ep IX. too...
well sith with lover mask may be Lumiya
ReplyDeleteand 30 years scince 11 ABY equals 41ABY...death of darth caedus