Star Wars Episode 7 News

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

SPOILERS: Even More Star Wars: Episode 7 Photos Leaked!

TMZ did it again. As before we won't post the images here. Proceed at your own risk here. Spoilers ahead.

Pretty cool, huh? :)

And some Ralph McQuarrie hints:


  1. This is old news....We knew this...


    1. I didn't know it.

      I guess it is only a matter of time before TMZ posts a rough cut of the entire movie?

  2. Replies
    1. Nope. But something very similar...

    2. This looks like a cross between the Mcquarre X-Wing and the OT one. Though there are some that Hate the EU, maybe this is a Jedi specific one like stated in the later EU

  3. These are obviously leaked on purpose.... It's marketing to build anticipation...looks great so far though

    1. I can guarantee you that all the photos from TMZ were not leaked on purpose. I can't tell you why but you have to trust me on this...

    2. Viral Hide is actually working on the set of SW7 and is leaking these photos to TMZ, right? ;)

    3. They didn't want to photos leaked? I'm wondering if it has to do with that photo # 13, or just the nod to McQuarrie being kept a surprise. I do hope TMZ stops releasing photos cuz I have zero willpower. That being said though I wish bad robot could atleast give us a set shot a week or something without being too revealing.

    4. The McQuarrie nods probably aren't unexpected given that Star Wars Rebels is showing lots of McQuarrie references (TIE design, lightsaber, Chopper)

    5. @Viral Hide
      I believe you.
      Disney has been nueroticalky tight with ANY info thus far.
      They won't even say what the NAME of the movie is.
      Then, suddenly, they'd leak set photos AND the Falcon?!?
      Absolutely no way is Disney doing this
      I believe you 1000%.

  4. ...yeah that look`s like an x-wing to me:}

  5. A new version with shorter snout?

  6. If it isn't a Rebel X-wing it could be a heavily modified Incom Z-95 Headhunter patrol fighter, and by the looks of it I would say its best days are long gone. Of course it all depends on how "heavily modified" it is. :)

    1. And just to be a total troll I'll add that Mara Jade flew a Headhunter for the longest time...Purely trolling though.

  7. It doesn't seem to be an X Wing as it only has 1 engine on each side.

    1. It is directly based on the original Ralph McQuarrie design shown above. Maybe they are using it for a newer model of x-wing. Or maybe an even older model if it is used in Rebels.

  8. I thought the first round may have been, but these new pics, no way they were leaked on purpose. my guess is someone got hacked, was really dumb, or both.

    1. or realy pissed......... I think stuntman.

  9. F fantastic !!!!!

  10. These new pictures are probably older than the ones from yesterday. It was reported months ago that the Falcon was being built at Pinewood. Why are we seeing a half built model only now? Also, the creature pictured in today's photos has obviously been transported to Abu Dhabi. Why are today's pic only being released now if they were taken months ago?

    1. falcon maybe a shipwreck in EP7

    2. Wouldn't think so - it's being built above the ground, as though it was waiting to have its legs built around the scaffolding.

    3. Yes the original rumor was that it was a full scale replica of the Falcon... so this is new. there are probably many of these Falcon models, with segments, I bet somewhere is the full built Falcon we have yet to see ;)

  11. Come on Viral, give us some more details of why you think these are genuine leaks!

  12. These pics give me goosebumps.... This prop is one of my favourite things ever! Why can't Disney build a full scale version at a theme park? Come on, sort it out!

    1. For one thing, logistics. Can you imagine thousands of people vying for a spot in the cockpit?

  13. Looks like a new model of the X-wing, but with just one intake like the Z95 headhunter has (instead of two the classical X-wing has).

  14. I'm very glad to have seen something confirmed that I already knew. :D

  15. Although we knew the Falcon was going to be in it, seeing it half built with crappy photos taken by a grumpy crew member is kind of ruining it. Thanks TMZ. I never thought I would ever say it, but I'm starting to understand why Lucas would paint everything in using CGI afterwards.

    1. Nobody said you had to click on the link...or even come to this site. If it ruins it that much for you, then don't come here or TMZ.

    2. You make a good point -- I hold my hands up to that -- and yet visit here I did (its a good site) and click the link I did :) And yes, the site did warn me. I guess I didn't expect to see so much so soon. I mean how much has been given away in the last 24 hours? Maybe it says more about me than the pics that I want a certain level of spoiler at a certain time...

    3. To be honest, these pictures don't reveal much of anything. It is not a major plot point that the Falcon or an X-Wing would be in a new Star Wars movie. Neither is it a big plot point that there's a creature with a huge snout.

  16. I think somebody got their phone stolen. I cant imagine anybody on the project would risk loose their jobbs just to leak some photos. Working on SW must be way funnier than sneaking arround sabotashing what they all are working against. But I might be totaly naive. :)

  17. Great!!! ... but also a strange thing for me, not to have the slightest idea about the general story line... The EU used the story arc from Herbert`s Dune sage as blue print for SW after ROTJ, so after the downfall of the empire, some of the hero`s children turn to the "dark side" and against each other, some protagonists return as clones and so on... But here? Do we know anything about the story treatments that Lucas made for the ST?


  18. Wow, I am really starting to nerd out over this, Lol.

  19. This is fun to see but sad at the same time that all of the movie's secrets may be leaked before we go see it. Tech can be the devil sometimes.

    1. I Agree with you, but it's only our own curiosity, which means that we can't help but peeking at everything, that bears the name of Star Wars. ;-)

  20. Replies
    1. Nope, the z-95 has a round canopy ;)

  21. The Falcon is so popular that, well, my guess is that it will become the signature ship piloted by the young cast, inherited by some means from Han, whether he dies and the youngsters adopt it, or he is no longer able to pilot it and so hands it on. Maybe Chewbacca tags along with the new heroes to help keep the Falcon working.

  22. i think they were leaked.
    because they released the casting announcement to try to distract from the leak

  23. Anyone else notice they have constructed the internal workings (doorway) of the Falcon escape pod? They wouldn't bother building that unless they planned to film it.

    1. What escape pod? I see the main entrance ramp on the starboard side, but the falcon's escape pods are usually thought to be near the rear engines where there are several circles (i.e. hatches) on the upper hull. Geeking my self out here.

  24. Interesting. The Falcon is, of course, no surprise. But that Incom starfighter sure is! My first thought is that perhaps it's an old Headhunter, but then again it could also be a newer update of the X-Wing. It's tough to tell if those wings are designed to split or not, but with lasers on the top and bottom of the wing tips, I'd expect they probably do split, with the "single" engines also splitting much like the early X-Wing from that classic McQuarrie painting.

    1. Yes, this is a great tribute to Mcquarrie,

    2. The wing-tips interlock, so they do split.

    3. :) Really cool that they did the McQuarrie reference. Stoked.

  25. John, you're right. The forward outer tip of the lower wing wraps down around the lower cannon, and the aft tip of the upper wing curves up around the upper cannon. That really does look like a split wing.

    Okay, so we've got a new version of an X-Wing. Very cool indeed!

  26. THAT x-wing picture is from star wars Rebels art concept.
    The A-wing might be concept art from Rebels also.
    The other stuff most likely from SW7. That picture with the arch like thing we saw in another picture.

    1. What? All the images I posted are art by Ralph McQuarrie from the 80s.

    2. @Anon 3:37 pm. You're probably a young buck but you're way off. Those are Y-wings, not a-wings. The x-wing design, and the other designs are pure McQuarrie.

  27. Way too many "what a bummer" posts here. I guess you have your reasons, but TMZ gave us more in 2 days than Disney did in nearly 2 years...arguably. I'm happy TMZ is down with Star Wars. They don't hold anything back, and clearly see that uber secrecy has pissed off a lot of fans so far.

  28. If these are genuine leaks, why is it nothing that is an actual spoiler then? Sets and extras?!? Come on. It's on purpose. No stars. Nothing that would give away the plot. Things we were already told by rumors that were a reality (the millennium falcon, tattooine

  29. I was hoping we could move on from Ralph Mcquarrie, (as Rebels is already overly-relying on this design.) Remember, the ST will take place 30 years after the OT, so things should look as different as the PT did to the OT. Relying on McQuarrie tells me that Abrams/Disney is scared to try anything new, so they're doing what they know is safe.

    1. I don't agree at all

    2. Don't worry, they have the same concept guys from the prequels on staff

    3. I think it's a cool nod in that direction. I dislike Rebels for many reasons but McQuarrie's work isn't one of them. Besides I could list you hundreds of examples of modern military tech that has been around longer than 30 years. It's actually more realistic that they are using the same type of ships that debuted 30 years ago.

    4. Style-wise, the prequel designs were so ridiculously far off of the OT designs that I would hardly hold that up as the standard that the new production should be maintaining.

    5. Why would anyone move away from McQuarrie? He's the god father conceptualization/preproduction artwork. In my mind, everyone aspires to reach his level without anyone quite getting there. Its undisputed he shaped the star wars visual aesthetic.

    6. I agree, DEKKA129. Most of the designs from the PT did not look like they were from the same galaxy.

    7. It's not relying on Ralph. It's utilizing Ralph. The same way they will utilize John Williams once more. It's nothing but good.

    8. There is an interview with Doug Chiang where he says McQuarrie is his primary inspiration... pretty easy to find. They are going as McQuarrie-ish as possible. Chiang can't compete with McQuarrie, but he emulates him well enough. The reason why PT designs felt out of place was Lucas's fault... he is the one who decided what to design and how it should look... not Chiang's fault. I have full confidence in Chiang now that Lucas can't molest his beautiful work. Chiang did the clone troop drop ships and the Jedi Starfighter designs... not bad right?

    9. Sorry, but I have to disagree with you there on Chiang. On a technical basis the guy is as good as it gets, but his imagination doesn't impress me and neither do those rotorless helocopters you called drop ships or those miniaturized star destroyer turned fighters that in no way accounted for the room it takes for an astromech to fit in just as with the Naboo fighters earlier. His concepts are pretty generic because of the way he works: He studies the way things "fit together" and focuses all his attention on real world objects on a one for one comparison. For instance plane for starship, military for military. Compare that with McQuarrie or Johnston or Jamero who turned a street light into Slave 1 or a hamburger into the Millennium Falcon. They were thinking along the lines of how unique can we be with this thing. I would have preferred Abrams stuck with his own designers from Bad Robot as some of them have impressed me but Chiang bores me for the most part. But as a person, Chiang would be really cool to hang out with, I like him.

    10. Well, he did say that Chiang was not as good as McQuarrie but emulated him well enough.

    11. Yeah, but these new movies, I don't want some one who emulates McQuarrie but rather pushes the look of the world forward. Using discarded McQuarrie designs is darn near close the last thing I want to see. One of the things I loved most about the OT was the designs had such a wonderful balance of originality with real world relatability and that was sorely missing in the PT and because of Chiang will still be absent. Now, judging by these new pictures, he may not even be trying this time or simply can't because I have yet to see anything from Chiang that strikes that balance.

    12. AnonymousJune 3, 2014 at 8:21 PM
      Weve hardly seen enough to come to make an accurate judgement of any kind.

    13. "One of the things I loved most about the OT was the designs had such a wonderful balance of originality with real world relatability" Wait a minute, the Falcon was designed after a HAMBURGER!

    14. @Rebel Scum: And you call yourself a Star Wars fan? :p Yes, a hamburger with an olive on the side ha! Such was Lucas' instruction.

      @ Darth Whiffy: We've hardly seen enough of anything else, so the warning signs are there.

    15. Did you not read what was said and what you said? You said you loved the OT designs because balance of originality and REAL WORLD relatability. What kind of REAL WORLD do you live in where ships are shaped like hamburgers?

    16. @Rebel Scum again: To clarify, the reliability of the falcon is obviously not that it was inspired by a hamburger but the boiler plate, used look WWW fighter plane combo that it subtly resembles and that's my point: subtly not the on or near the nose relations that Chiang constantly adheres to and that was the point I was trying to make in regards to the difference in thinking: OT hamburger to falcon vs PT fighter plan to space ship plane or now discarded design to same design. Sorry, this is the aspect of Star Wars where I get my geek on.

    17. Chiang had McQuarrie's work as an influence when imagining concepts for the prequels, McQuarrie had to start entirely from scratch. How can you expect them to carry the saga through a consistent, recognizable universe if they're constantly starting from scratch?

    18. Well for one, I think Joe Johnston deserves some credit as well as he and McQuarrie worked in tandem during the production and I think that was another key to the success of the OT designs. It wasn't just one head designer it was two geniuses working together to create a hybrid added a genuine feel that you just don't get from one designer. But anyway, I would expect designs that capture a general look and feel of some OT and PT designs (hey, were stuck with them now) for older aspects and then start from scratch for newer elements that would have evolved over the course of the last 30 years and too from newly introduced cultures and worlds we haven't seen until now. This may in fact be the case, but so far we have seen no evidence of it.

    19. For sure, there are a lot of great artists that worked on OT. Who knows, Johnston might be involved.

      "Using discarded McQuarrie designs is darn near close the last thing I want to see."

      I have a book called "the illustrated star wars universe" that's got all of McQuarrie's Star Wars art (as far as I know). Unused imagery is still pretty cool... it's not that it was sub-par... they just couldn't put it all into the movies, or didn't have the capability to. I wouldn't mind seeing some of those scenes pop up in the OT, I guess we'll see.

    20. Have you guys seen Joe Johnston's facebook page? Pretty cool stuff going on there:

  30. OMG! I gotta calm down. I'm over hyping this in my mind. I will say it all looks glorious to me! Could it possibly be that we are going to get... good movies!? Please be an awesome script...please!?

    1. Yes, it seems really incredible, hm? Some people were apparently so let down by the prequels that the possibility of there ever being a GOOD Star Wars movie again seems to them about as remote as a UFO landing on their lawn and Bigfoot walking out of it with a Chupacabra in his arms.

    2. As one of the people who were let down. I can verify I thought we'd be doomed to never have another good Star Wars until Lucas died and passed on the rights to his children. Then the Disney deal happened and suddenly there was hope. Then JJ and Kasdan got on board and OMG! So excited! lol... seriously as long as these are remotely competent I'll be over the moon!

    3. Or how about the Finding Bigfoot team finding their own shadows!

    4. No one said he was? I said I didn't think we'd get a good SW until he did. Except he passed on the rights before hand so now it's entirely possible!

    5. I'm sorry, I read the sentence wrong. My mistake!

    6. Yeah, GL is pulling an Obi-Wan Force Ghost consulting for the new installments, LOL.

  31. Honestly... Disney would spend 4.5 billion and let stuff leak...this is modern marketing folks!...they were leaked on purpose

    1. Like another post pointed out, nothing really in the pictures provides much information about plot points, anyway. It gives as much away as an ambiguous trailer or teaser.

    2. Exactly! It really doesn't make much sense otherwise. My guess is that TMZ has some kind of agreement with Disney that allows them to leak certain photos at certain times, none of which include any serious plot details or primary characters in costume. It's all to build hype! What other explaination could there be?
      I think they also may be gauging fan responses and seeing what people think of the film in progress. After the internet's response to the 5 seconds of puppeteering in JJ's video from Abu Dhabi, it's really not far-fetched.

  32. Daaaaamnnnnnnnnn guys this is gonna be so cool! So aside from the ships we see, what's that huge structure set they are building? Death Star interior? Any ideas?

    I'm so happy to see they are McQuarrie-ing it up... perfect. At this point there are zero concerns on my part, everything is being done just right.

    1. I could live without another Death Star, though.

    2. Are you refering to picture 13? Somehow reminds me of the structure that shield generator bunker.

    3. Yes pic # 13.

      I wouldn't mind another Death Star as long as it's not a focal point for the film. I'm guessing it's a Star Destroyer /Death Star/ or some other hanger bay interior. I can see why they didn't want these pictures leaked, but I don't think it's too big of a deal cuz we'll see this stuff in trailers anyway I'm sure.

      Well whatever the case is... that set looks fucking huge! This is great news guys, Star Wars 7 will kick ass, I have zero doubts in my mind.

    4. They're certainly doing a much better job of implementing McQuarie's designs than Rebels...

    5. I'm being cautiously optimistic with rebels... it looks better than TCW.

    6. On closer inspection I don't think it looks like a Death Star or Star Destroyer Hangar, cuz the ledges have the lights and go straight down to the floor and curve, as opposed to the TMZ pic with angles out and then drops down to the floor. Looks cool whatever it is.

    7. There are parts for a few of the X-Type fighter-craft, so I guess the larger set is their hangar-bay? Possibly aboard a star-cruiser or battle-station?

    8. I guess we'll find out... I looked up the mon calamari hanger too and it doesn't look like that either. I guess we'll see haha.

  33. Well we knew the falcon was coming back because of the concept art from the meeting so luckily it was only this that was leaked. This will hopefully start the incentive for them to get genuinely strict about cameras and phones while inside or around in general.

  34. If Han and Chewie are back, then it makes sense for the Falcon to be back.

    It also makes sense for an X-Wing to make an appearance since it was always Luke's ship of choice, and we know Luke will be back.

    Other than that, I really hope to see new ship designs. And I really, really hope that there aren't any "last remnants" of the Empire 30 years later. I hope to see a new threat.

  35. Whatever happens this is going to look like a genuine Star Wars film at least

  36. Yes, they're returning to Tatooine, but we''re going to see a different part of the planet. Not to give anything away, but if you look at maps of the planet, you'll see certain....waterways.

  37. Mara Jade Makes the Cut for STAR WARS EPISODE 7

    "Apparently Mara Jade will first be introduced in Star Wars Rebels (set between Episode III and Episode IV), the new animated television show from LucasFilms. Since Episode 7 is set 30 years after the Battle of Yavin, Mara Jade could easily be 60 years old by the time we see her in cinemas, so it’s best to illuminate her shady past as an assassin."!T0co5

    1. What proof...Mara Jade isn't even canon....

    2. We're doing a new piece about Jade. Things changed a bit since our first article with the rumors from Jedi Digger. We'll probably post it next week. Tomorrow we'll post another great speculation article by Echo...

  38. Posted two videos I just made of the Star Wars Episode 7 reveal photos of the last two days, watch them until Disney/Lucasfilm take them down:


  39. Yes viral, I do believe the McQuarrie art is from 70's n 80's
    very familiar if you can ask me lol As for the leaked pics hmmmm interesting, the cleaner did it hahaha just an observation, none of the pics have any people or construction workers around? How would anyone have access to such secrets, where's the security? They look like the type of pics taken for the 'making of'', books n doco's etc I couldn't imagine that pre-production like this were taken in a sly manner, the question is how they got released? if they we're not released on purpose, at the end of the day, it is theft? surely there would be a big stink over this? one would think so! they look cool though toddy 49 new zealand

  40. Star Wars FB just posted a picture of a concept drawing of two death stars from ROTJ

  41. "We're doing a new piece about Jade. Things changed a bit since our first article with the rumors from Jedi Digger. We'll probably post it next week.

    That sounds kind of bad for Jade/Jade fans.

    1. How so? Something seems better than nothing.

    2. Something could be she didn't survive the EU purge. Now I hope I am wrong there as she has always been my favorite EU character. The whole "things changed a bit" part came across as negative to me. Maybe it's simply that she is getting a name change etc.Time will tell.

  42. So will the big mutant pig creature have a big part in this movie?

    1. No, it will be introduced in VII and then fall to the dark side in VIII with the eventual redemption playing out in IX...

  43. I dunno but... All I know the pig creature is an awesome design... And makes me remember proper star ot

  44. Star wars was massively important to made me go into films for PlayStation and xbox...I love the leaks so far...whatever they are doing they are hitting the nail on the head!

  45. Star wars meant loads to me...I remember seeing empire and sitting in the back of my mum and dads car looking at the stars and thinking wow...don't do nasty comments cos we all know that feeling

  46. So the leak from the tatooine set... anyone know what those huge cylindrical things are? (pic 5 of 45) I've seen something like them before but I can't put my finger on it... Correlian corvette engines? (prolly a bit too small) Moisture evaporators?

    1. I'm thinking the larger estate is a remote ranch, possibly extracting water from deep-pocket strata. Owned by bandits who drive speeders; the cylinders may be engine-blocks undergoing repairs. They might kill the giant-pigs for meat, or use them to patrol the area, or maybe to stampede targeted settlements - or keep Sandpeople away. Well, all largely baseless conjecture, but fun :)

    2. Haha, I still swear I've seen those shapes before... unless if they are just doing that good of a job at making a consistent universe.

  47. What's with the pig?

    1. He's a security guard for Disney. and he's doing a REALLY bad job....

  48. You guys are being duped. Those pics are from the new Mad Max film (which are also influenced by RM). Look it up.

  49. These Ralph McQuarrie prints are beautiful. First glimmer of hope I've had in the franchise in 20 years. If only they could stick to this sort of grit/feel. Scale down the computer non-sense and get back to costumes, acting and set design.

  50. Could that be some kind of 'Ugly'? EU fans would understand, and while the wings and fuselage are prominently Incom, the solo engine on either side? I'd be interested in seeing if they incorporate some X-TIE's as well.

    Getting excited

