Star Wars Episode 7 News

Monday, June 9, 2014

Star Wars: Episode 7 Cast Members Seen in London.


J.J. Abrams, Harrison Ford, and Oscar Isaac were seen chatting and strolling around in London, these were pictures taken on site...



Could Oscar Isaac be playing Han Solo's son? We can only speculate..


  1. Get ready for a lot of good star wars news today!

    1. Tell us what you know

    2. Episode VII related?

    3. battlefront and new star wars games

    4. Chirp chirp... Chirp chirp...

    5. Where is that Mara Jade article teased last week?

    6. Thanks for the articles, dandino8100! :D

    7. The Mara Jade article will be posted on Wednesday or Thursday. Depends on the amount of other news.

  2. jj and harrison ford were seen chatting while some other people not so important rushed to keep up

  3. So they got Rick Moranis for the cast?

    1. Honey, we blew up the franchise...

  4. Oscar Isaac has some decent looking sideburns which look quite late 70's early 80's retro...

    1. Bah-de-dah-dah-DAHHH, I'm luvin' it! :D

      JJ: To the old school! @8-P

  5. E3 Right now!

  6. JJ: Han Solo: meet the new non-Jedi/outsider badass "Han Solo" of the ST.

    1. Hmm. But will these two be related?

  7. Oscar Isaac is the kid Luke and Leia's had before they knew the were brother and sister.

    1. that's a good one

    2. That explains why they needed a year to rescue Han.

  8. Jedi News has an instagram from Boyega in a make-up room that says--Here we go--
    Anyone else think JJ has lost some weight (due to stress no doubt)? You can see it in his face. Damn, he's got a tough job. Also, I'm surprised Harrison is all gray. At the Expendables premiere, it was kind of mixed. Please don't write jokes into the script about his age like Indy 4. Once was enough, but 4-5 times?

    1. Yah I thought JJ looked slimmer

    2. The link to the Boyega photo is in the site's twitter feed in the right sidebar. Many people overlook this feed. There are plenty of interesting tweets I post there.

    3. JJ is on a Jawa Juice Diet, that's all.

  9. Hamill also opened an instagram account today. Pic of Luke getting his ass kicked from Empire.

    1. I recently saw a pic with Mark with Billy Dee and another one with a pretty redhead. :-*

  10. how did Han and Leia have a half Guatemalan son?

    I guess at least he is half jewish like those two.

    1. I know. Oscar is not a standard Caucasian it would be ridiculous if he was cast as Leia and Han's son. Plus he just seems too old. I doubt his role will be that big. From the sounds of it he didn't even audition JJ just asked him to be in it so I don't think it's a major leading role. I think Daisy will be, and the only, Leia/Han kid.

    2. Harrison was 34 when he did Star Wars. Oscar is 35. I have a feeling he'll play the new roguish Han Solo character of the ST.

    3. Oscar is 35, but looks 45.

  11. Han "could always use a good fighter" Oscar could be with Solo like Chewy is. And since everyone seems to think Han's going to die, Oscar and Chewy might get the Falcon. IMO, Chewy can't die with Han...if he indeed does die. How could a director pass up the opportunity to show the big guy's reaction, anguish, and anger. Holding on to Han and howling loud, refusing to accept he's gone. Ahh, whatever, we know nothing to speculate like that.

    1. Afterall, it is a Disney movie...

    2. That all makes sense! Lando's not going to be in VII because Han only has one extra set of clothes.

    3. What do you mean it is a Disney Movie. What's wrong with Disney? Nobody else would go near this steaming pile of poo franchise!

  12. Oscar is not playing a Solo or skywalker. He is an Mandalorian.

    1. Lolz... ok dude who somehow knows stuff.

    2. hehe Aras I know it all. Like Jar Jar is the one that will bring balance to the force;)

    3. Jar Jar wrote that nonsensical prophecy.

  13. Well whatever the case is... looks like perhaps Isaac's character will somehow be tied to solo.

    1. I don't know if they'll be related or not, but I have a feeling Isaac will be the new "Han Solo" character.

  14. Viral I'd like to write you a private message. What is your email?

    1. try upper right corner of this page.

      When we migrate the site on June 18th there will be slight improvement with the arrangement.

  15. Ugh. Every time someone's in the proximity of someone else: "Could ___ be ____ son/daughter?" At this rate, it's Episode 7: The Family Reunion Barbecue

    1. Ridler for sure is playing the daughter of Han/Leia she looks too much like Leia/Portman not to be.

    2. Anon 7:36 PM

      Don't worry about it. We're only speculating. I'm confident that the vast majority of the new cast will be unrelated to the Skywalker-Solo family.

    3. Isn't it Ridley not Ridler?

  16. They're talking about the death of Han solo...Harrison's reaction "Great I finally get to get killed off, so it's a who shot first with Greedo's son?"

    1. HARRISON: Great! Now my schedule's cleared up to make Indy 5 and 6.

  17. It looks like Oscar Isaac's is practicing to play Han Solo's intern :P

    Wow he's hanging quite far back and off the the side...

  18. JJ Abrams probably lost weight from the desert heat. It also looks like he got a haircut.

  19. Ventress or some other BH kills Han solo..This is how I see the big role for Han solo, plus Harrison always wanted his character to get killed off ever since Episode 5. This makes sense to me, if not then what else can it be?

    I think we are seeing a female wookiee and a female villain Ventress or not. And I think that Lupita and Gwendoline are playing these roles.

    What female wookiee? Chewbacca's wife, yup that's right the big furball has a wife and son. Go watch star wars holiday special...

    Daisy Ridler playing daughter of Han/Leia I do agree. But what about a son? If so then who Adam driver? Who turns to the dark side?

    The dark side mentor since we keep hearing about sith witches, and in clone wars we have Mother Talzin. Will we see a female dark lord and female apprentice?

    Treatments....7-12 have treatments this is what Disney bought. So a thought we know 7-9 and at least 3 standalones are being made but what about 10-12? I say yes because Disney is about franchises.

    Then there is the military type role, who gets this? And what is it? I don't think its a rebel I think its a an imperial like Thrawn or Tarkin

    1. My bet is Gwendoline Christie will play the military role, possibly a female Thrawn.

  20. I understand the speculation and while it is typical that actors in a film who are trying to portray a certain chemistry on screen work on that chemistry off-screen as well by spending time together, to assume that characters are related because the actors that portray them are seen together on a street in London is stretching it for me. Maybe Harrison, Oscar, and JJ just like hanging out together. But in the end, who knows? We will be speculating for months to come...that is until the plot is ruined by TMZ.

    1. Who's assuming they're related? All I've read is speculation.

  21. Over the years I confess that I have enjoyed the EU for the most part. When I first caught wind of Episode VII, thoughts of Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, and Tenel Ka danced in my head. While it would be cool to see some of these, the more I see how the ST is transpiring, I am finding myself hoping for something more. In the beginning, it urked me that the canon I had established in my head is changing. But now, I find myself wanting new characters, new stories, and new direction. As this picture unfolds, my excitement grows for the return of Star Wars to the big screen. I am starting to envision a more Obi-Wan-like Luke, with no romantic attachments or children of his own. I could also do without the twins...just give me whatever Ridley will bring to the table. I hope that Oscar is not a Solo - maybe instead an original character with no previous ties to the original cast. I would still love to see a Mara Jade type character, but maybe as part of the young cast and not tied to Luke in anyway. It's amazing really as I find my views of what I wanted from this trilogy being completely transformed, and it excites me. Ultimately, I don't care if they use EU characters, templates, or originals...I'm just ready for the ride. :)

  22. I promise if they would just give me a who is playing who breakdown i will stop hounding the net for more untill the movie comes out................well it was atleast give me something concrete to talk/think about. i dont think having it would hurt. i want the suprise to be the content of the movie not who's who

  23. Does anyone know who the lady is?

    1. The lady is the gender compliment to "the man."
      I thought you knew. ;)

    2. That lovely actress was hired to play a female extra who casually walks in the background while the photos are being snapped.

      Superb work, guys! :D

  24. you are in luck my friend!! the breakdown...and this IS official mind you, is as follows: Han Solo-Harrison Ford....Princess Leia-Carrie Fisher...Luke Skywalker-Mark Hamill....Chewbacca- Peter Mayhew...C3PO-Anthony Daniels...R2D2-Kenny Baker...There you have it!!!! Now your hounding can stop...go in peace!

  25. A smart fellow would have taken video and enlisted a lip reader.

  26. Oscar looks nothing like Carrie or Harrison, so he is probably playing Bail Organa's secretary.

    1. Oscar is playing the role of an Alderaan survivor. He was a babe on a shuttle when it blew up.

  27. Since we're openly talking about ethnic backgrounds and race and how Oscar would not be a good fit as a child of the Solos, what if he is a son of a clone? I know at least he is not fully a clone since he doesn't resemble Jango. Oscar seems to have something of the same "look" as a clone/bounty hunter, so I feel that he could indeed be either a son of a clone or a Mandilorian like Anon 6:55 PM stated above. As I'm writing this, I feel like I'm treading uncomfortably close to tripping over that line of being PC, and I'm not sure if even what I've said is ok. If I've overstepped, I sincerely apologize.

    1. As a representative of one of the minority races of Earth, I'm quite comfortable with your manner of speech. No lines have been crossed; no toes have been injured.

    2. He'll be playing a dude! I wanna be PC as well, kind sir.

  28. Hi Viral Hide:

    I was wondering if you could please publicize this petition to bring Mara Jade into SW7. I am a huge starwars fan, and I simply love this website :D.

    Anyways, if possible, I would really appreciate it if you could put up this petition:


    A huge Mara Jade fan

    1. Buddy, the script is done and they're filming. It's like the Sopranos man, it's over!!! Find a new show!!!

    2. Where we you last year?

  29. Daisy/Oscar/Adam = Solo kids.

  30. I still think they have not cast son of Solo yet. No one in the cast so far looks right for that part. Daisy looks like the daughter, but the dudes don't look like the son.

    1. True. However, it's also possible there won't be a Solo son in the official version.

    2. Why does Solo have to have a son? I think Daisy Ridley looks an awful lot like Natalie Portman and therefore could easily be portraying the daughter of Han and Leia. Do they really have to have two kids?

    3. No, they don't have to.

      Maybe they did have two children, but the other one died before VII, has a minor role or turned to the dark side as Adam Driver.

      Daisy could be playing her own twin for all we know! :D

    4. 30+ year off having sex = kids

    5. If Solo has no son, it's a missed opportunity. But yeah, maybe they only had one daughter.

      JJ, help us out here, bro.

    6. Maybe Disney is waiting to spring Zac Efron on us. :P

      Say what you want about him as an actor, but could he AT LEAST pull off the look of Han and Leia's son?

  31. I hope Harrison was not walking off of the set. It looks like JJ was trying to explain something to him... Hummm.... And you can tell by the lady's face they were arguing... Uh oh...

    1. Yeah. And like Han Solo, Oscar just tags along while he waits for his paycheck.

    2. JJ: "No, for the last time; Han Solo won't die in this episode!

    3. FORD: "I really like what Mutt's done with his hair."

  32. I have been reading and checking this site out religiously for weeks now and I'm surprised I haven't come across any comments about something I saw in IMDB's trivia section on episode 7. Given that I'm not sure how accurate those trivia statements are, but one trivia post was that the template for Pre-Visla on the clone wars was Max Von-sydow. To anyone who doesn't know who the character is in the show, he is the mandalorian leader of death watch. Considering the clone wars is canon now, which a lot of CW was actually good in my opinion. So it seems an awfully big coincidence that the character model for a show was such a specific actor who now has a role in the ST. Not to mention if Pre-Visla was to be in the ST, Max Von sydow is the perfect age range to play such a character. Although I can't remember if pre-Visla survived the series. If He didn't than I suppose this is definitely just a coincidence. I say maybe for the 30 years after episode VI, the republic has been fighting off remnants of the empire continually trying to grab power. Enter the mandalorians and death watch. Who may have been waiting and gaining more power in secret. Mandalorians are always after a good fight for honor and glory, maybe they join with the night sisters to help achieve victory or something. Who friggin knows. I just wanted to comment on what seems way too big of a coincidence. Even if when the CW was written they didn't know a ST would come for sure, it would make total sense for JJ to grab up such an amazing actor like sydow if a character like Pre-Visla was right there in the canon for the taking.

    1. Darth Maul VS Pre Vizsla:

    2. Hard to see how Pre Vizsla survives beheading...

    3. Maybe he was knighted off camera and kept silent.

    4. He got a robot head

    5. Oh, you mean like C3PO's head was exchanged with a battle droid? Yay! That would be FANTASTIC! Especially if Pre Vizsla could make some really bad corny jokes about it...

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Hahhaha damn I forgot about that! Haven't watched the series in awhile. And here I thought I stumbled onto something legit. Either way though I still think the mandalorians, if done right could be a good replacement for bad guys, instead of recycling the empire threat. Not sure how I feel about the night sisters as a villain set. Could be awesome if done correctly, but also could be HORRIBLE if done wrong. I do have confidence in JJ's directing ability and the fact that kasdan was there to cowrite the script. Can't friggin wait to see it. Also a huge thanks to viral for this website. You and whoever else helps with this website do a great job in keeping us updated. No matter how big or small the news is. Thank you.

  35. Harrison: "Who is that Guatemalan guy following us?"

    JJ: "I'm sorry, could you please speak 10 times louder? I can't hear any of the words you are mumbling!"

    Oscar: "I'll do anything for some McDonalds French fries..."
