Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, November 30, 2012

Boba Fett Movie Coming After Star Wars: Episode 7?

After the latest rumor that Kasdan and Kinberg won't necessarily write the scripts for Episode 8 & 9 but possibly for other spin off projects, you can't stop but wonder what could be it about. Read after the break to find out.

So according to some sources Disney want to do something similar to the Marvel's Avengers Universe. This means making movies that could form the basis for spin-offs focusing on side characters. Disney CEO Robert Iger said the goal is to release a Star Wars movie “every two to three years,” and some could easily focus on other pieces of the expansive mythos.
And honestly, if there's any character who deserves his own film that would be everyone's favorite bounty hunter Boba Fett.
 Now let's get back 1 year ago and take a look at the interview Joe Johnston did with Screenrant.

Towards the end of our conversation I asked Johnston if his former boss and mentor, George Lucas, had seen the Captain America. The director gave us this somewhat surprising and thoroughly intriguing response:
    “You know if he wants to see it, I would show it to him. I’m trying to get George to make a feature based on Boba Fett.”
When asked if he would direct the film Johnston said simply, “I would like to, it would be a lot of fun.”
Johnston began his career working as a storyboard artist for George Lucas – who recommended that the future director attend his own alma mater, USC film school, and continue to work for him.
Johnston accepted the offer and went on to  work for Lucas as a designer and visual effects art director on Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.
He created the designs for some of the franchise’s most beloved characters and vehicles including: Yoda, the Ewoks, The Millennium Falcon, The X- and Y-Wing Fighters, The Imperial Snow Walkers, The Imperial Star Destroyer – and of course: Boba Fett.
When this interview was taken it was unthinkable that Lucas would allow someone else to interfere with his baby Star Wars. Now a year later after The Deal and the rumors of spin-offs it's the most logical thing for Joe Johnston (who was also rumored to direct Episode 7) to helm something that has been already in the works. And so far we've seen a great desire from Disney to please the Star Wars fans and to give them what they want. I think a Boba Fett movie is just a question of time. Also the spin offs could explain Kathleen Kennedy's statement that there could be even 2 Star Wars movies released per year.

By the way here's what Jeremy Buloch (the man behind the suit) had to say about the possible Boba Fett movie a year ago.

"It could be cool. You never know. But I think you might want to just leave it as it is. If they did do a film, it would be nice to be asked to sit in the corner of the Sarlacc pit as a wise old bounty hunter. Occasionally speaking a line here or there, and being a lot like Clint Eastwood. It would be nice to do a cameo."
What would Jeremy Bulloch like a Boba Fett movie to look like? As he explains it, maybe the movie can go back to Boba Fett's roots, revealing his former alliance with Han Solo.
"I believe, to this day, that somewhere along the line, Boba Fett and Han Solo flew the Millinium Falcon together. Something went wrong, and they split up as a couple of friends. I always remember the line, "Boba Fett? Where?" Han wants to settle something.
 I think that's what that scene means. I think there is a respect for both of them. They respect each other. People ask, "If you could choose another character, who would you choose?" And I always say Han Solo."
 And some final words from actor/director and Star Wars fan Kevin Smith.

 If Disney wants to make another cool billion dollars like it did with The Avengers last summer, all it needs to do is make a Boba Fett time-travel flick. It would center on a character everyone digs and allow for a greatest hits of Star Wars while playing with an already-established timeline, a la Back to the Future.
You could use every living (and dead) actor from the previous Star Wars films, no matter what their age -- which means Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford can come and play as well.
It'd be a dream come true for any Star Wars fan -- particularly those of us who opted out of the boring-ass real world every summer for galaxies far, far away.

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