Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Real Reason Why Lucas Sold Lucasfilm?

IGN has an interesting theory on why Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney for $4.05 billion just now. Read more after the break.

According to Seeking Alpha, "Lucas built his empire over many years and is sitting on a very large capital gain. Although Lucas has not publicly stated that tax policies had anything to do with the timing of the sale, there is speculation that it was a large factor. If outcomes from past tax policy changes are any indication of what will result this time around, then be prepared for a lot more selling between now and year-end."
"The election results are in and as expected Congress and the White House maintain status quo. As a result, certain tax codes like the capital gains and dividend and interest income tax rates are at risk of a significant increase," the site explains. "As the law currently stands, the capital gains tax rate will see the largest year-over-year increase in history. Some intelligent investors didn't wait for election results to lock in the low capital gains tax rate." And their example of such an investor? George Lucas."
I guess we all have to thank Barack Obama for the more Star Wars movies we're getting. :)


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