Star Wars Episode 7 News

Thursday, October 17, 2013

UPDATE! Star Wars: Episode 7 Teaser / Announcement to be Released on October 30! Exactly One Year After Disney Bought Lucasfilm.

episode 7

So my prediction turned out to be correct. have just released The Empire Strikes Back original trailer from 1979. Exactly one week after the 1976 teaser...

So with that pattern we could expect The Return of the Jedi teaser next Wednesday (October 23) and most likely some kind of an Episode 7 announcement/teaser on the week after - October 30. The day when a year ago it was announced that Disney have bought Lucasfilm and a new Star Wars trilogy is in the works.

If the rumors are true the trailer will be something similar to the Star Wars: Rebels teaser probably featuring Luke. 

With all the rumors flying around it feels good to be right the first time you guessed something. :) 

If you missed the previous story:


2 Twitter reactions. One supporting the theory and another shredding it to pieces. :)

First something from the guy who started the whole fuss with the comment that "a teaser trailer featuring Luke will be released":

And something else interesting:

And now the other point of view (a Lucasfilm employee): 

Confusing, right? Whatever they say something is coming on October 30. 
My guess is a short title reveal teaser with no specific release date of the movie. Only summer 2015. 


  1. I didn't know VI had a teaser. I knew it had a trailer but not a teaser.

    1. here you go:

  2. As soon as you mentioned there would be one every week, I was convinced. I told everyone and am glad I'm not going to be wrong. Good job Viral Hide! Love your posts.

  3. This has me really excited. I know it'll likely be just a flash of something... but that something is a flash of NEW Star Wars movie. So... for me that's ginormous.

  4. here is how it really will go: SW7 gets released to a ridiculously amount of publicity, we all pay overpriced tickets as we stand in line behind 40-something-year-olds who still live in their parent's basement, while dressed as their fav character, we throw down another 40-70 dollars for stale popcorn and lukewarm soda and then make our way into the semi dark theater, which cannot be too dark for fear of lawsuits on muggings, makeouts, and falls, to sit behind someone way to tall or a ridiculous haircut or costume piece and not see half the movie, or hear it because the jerk behind us is "too cool" to like SW and is busy whining about continuity or making fun of it, while constantly bombarded by flashed of light from the giggling girls off to the right as they text endlessly as they couldn't care less about the movie, they are only there to be at the "happening" event for their image, then finally that jawa sized coke kicks in just as the movie nears the climatic ending and you get up to run to the bathroom to stand in line for 20 minutes before entering a place so repulsive it makes Jabba's Palace look like grandma's condo in Florida, as you finally rush back to realize either you went into the wrong movie, can't find your seat, or all of the nerds are rushing out screaming ecstatically or bemoaning they did not use the book continuity as you see the credits roll up, the lights come on, and the ushers began sweeping up popcorn and broken dreams as they ask you to move as you are standing in a pool of vomit they need to clean up before the next showing that begins in 20 minutes which has already sold out over 3 weeks ago...THE END...roll credits.

    1. you fuckin suck man

    2. You forgot people kicking your seat, and screaming children.

    3. you have it all wrong, man. No one makes out in the movie theater anymore! Get your facts straight ...

    4. This asshole clearly doesn't understand and therefore, not a real fan of the saga. Fuck off and take your bubble-bursting, buzz-killing, bad attitude somewhere else. There's no place among us for people like you. I for one am excited as hell for episode VII and there's not a thing on this fucking earth that could ruin the premier for me, so just take your negative predictions and shove them up your ass..

    5. Again, I'm certain his name is Dave, he was in a band called the Gargamels and he's probably drinking himself into oblivion as always. No one wants to hear it, man. Keep your sour opinions to yourself.

    6. dude. when you reach our age you don't always live in the parent's basement. some people have fond memories of certain movies, a lot of the movies coming out today doesn't hold a candle to the awesomeness that is star wars. you obviously have us confused with the youth of today who don't have to wait for a movie to come out and they got it on their a new movie doesn't excite you punks the way they used to back in the need to find some kind've happiness in your life so you don't have to bring others down to your misery.

    7. but that describes opening night perfectly kind've...was you around for the lines that wrapped twice around the theater and around the block? anh esb and rotj all three movies generated that kind of excitement. you are looking at this from a very wrong angle....if opening night isn't your cup of tea wait a week....

    8. as i said before, this is a Star Trek baby mad cause JJ Abrams switched sides..... and who cares if 40 year olds living in parents basement.... theres more people in the world than there are houses.... so if you cant fix the world economy, then go cry about your Star trek misrey in your grandmas basement.... star wars 7 will be the greatest ever with or without your Toys r Us whinning azz !!!!

    9. ^^^seeing these comments makes me proud to be a Star Wars fan.

  5. You the man - well done ! can't wait for the 30th ......

  6. Blast it, October 30th! Where are you?!

  7. Bravo!!!! I'm so glad you were right. The timing makes sense...

    ...only one thing disturbs me. Disney is dissing the prequels, pretending they never existed. Yeah, yeah, I know the prequels aren't as classic as the originals, but to completely disassociate them does not seem right.

    1. Actually I agree with you. I wasn't impressed by the prequels either, but something interesting is happening.

      The ones who were kids when the prequels came out, are growing into adults now, and many of them really like the prequels. So yeah, they shouldn't be dissing them because I think a sizable portion of the fanbase who grew up with them think they're the bees knees. It's probably why Clone Wars lasted 5 seasons.

    2. While I'd love for the prequels to vanish in the darkest pits of hell... I must agree for the sakes of the kids that did grew up loving them. Clearly I hated them but I can see how kids saw past all the BS us old timers can't forgive. It'd be weird to leave the new fanbase out in the cold.

      That said... let's all agree everyone involved is an adult now or near enough. These do not have to be child friendly. Or have ridiculously over the top comic relief. I'm not asking for Dark Knight here... just original trilogy in tone is fine. Empire Strikes Back was perfect.

    3. I grew up as a young kid seeing the prequels in theaters and I can honestly say that I've never thought of them as being superior to the original trilogy, nor have I ever taken any liking to the Clone Wars. I was raised knowing Han shot first and Jar Jar's head should be presented to the fans on a silver platter. From what I can gather, the prequels were clearly made to open the fan base to be more applicable to children (almost like a continuation of what Lucas was doing with the Ewoks in ROTJ), so that the franchise could then release cartoon television series to satisfy those children and so they'd buy more merchandise as a result. With that being said, the new trilogy should be considered a high budget fan fiction. It's being created by the adult fan base (J.J. has made it abundently clear that he is a die-hard fan) for the adult fan base. Maybe there will be small bits of comic relief, but we can all admit, no matter what Lucas has said in the past, Star Wars was created to draw an adult fan base. There's no way in hell that children could comprehend the in-depth politics that set the foundation for the entire saga. Therefore, the films will be primarily directed towards the adult demographic as it originally was intended. Kids have enough cartoony Star Wars bullshit to hold them over. The real fans are in dire need of satisfaction and I believe J.J. is the guy to deliver it.

    4. Disney is dissing a huge segment of their fanbase, with the generation who grew up with (and actually LIKED) the prequels. Bash me all you like, but I actually enjoyed episodes I-III. You would think that Disney, who is so keen to market everything for what it's worth, would cash in on kids and teenagers who grew up with the prequels. They are not, and this is very disturbing.

    5. How have they been "dissing" that chunk of the fanbase at all? They've been feeding shit to them since the special editions were released. You've got two cartoon series and another on the way to keep you occupied. If you ask me, the new trilogy seems like it will be more of a "thank you" to the older fan base for sticking with it through thick and thin. What more could the youngens ask for? All we want as fans of the original trilogy is something new that we can respect whole-heartedly and put as much love into as we did with the originals. Think about the methods that Disney is using to hype the new movies, even now. The evidence is clear that they will be created for the adult fans. They have so much planned for Star Wars in the future, the younger generation will have so much to be excited about in the coming years. Who knows? Maybe Disney just wants to give us what we want so we'll finally shut up about everything the movies did wrong in the past. Bottom line is, I'm excited as fck for these movies and I think they will be satisfactory.

    6. We should also probably remember, that our parents, the Baby Boomer generation, weren't really all that hot on the Original Trilogy either when they took us to see them when we were kids.

    7. I beg to differ. My parents were thrilled with the original trilogy when it first came out. It's always been an easily recognizable milestone in film history, even from the day it was released to the public. Lucas didn't think it'd do nearly as well as it did.

    8. Others, not so much.

      I often wonder if the Internet had been around in the 70s, what kind of comments might the adults of that time been about the Original Trilogy.

      We can only guess I suppose.

    9. the preqels were ok minus Hayden Christianson..poor choice for Anakin. and jar jar was just retarded. but the rest of the prequels was fine and good, not original trilogy good but good. the clone wars cartoon was awesome, off canon but awesome.i guess i'm saying" don't be hating...

    10. Well, my parents, who were about 29 years old when Star Wars premiered in 1977 (I was 7) absolutely loved all three movies. They never said anything bad about them and bought me Star Wars toys instead of GI Joe or MOTU. My uncles liked them too. Most of our friends' parents thought they were all very good movies. Yes, of course there were some who didn't care for them (a few of my female cousins) but overall most of my family were thrilled with them.

    11. ^^^ That's precicely what I'm saying. Star Wars is not exactly an acquired taste; it's a very easy movie to enjoy and really get into, hence it's enormous and ever-expanding fanbase.
      As far as the comment about Clone Wars goes; I'm not hating on it at all. No real fan can completely despise anything that involved Star Wars. I'm just saying it's not something that was created for the adult demographic. It's clearly for the younger generation of fans. Why else would it be so cartoony with an in-your-face tone all around. It's basically the prequels stretched out over the span of a 5 season television series with, in my opinion, a terrible animation style, but that doesn't mean a huge majority of fans don't enjoy it and I'm glad they do. I'm just saying that with those animated shows leeping the younger fans occupied and happy, the adults who love the saga are still pissed about a lot of the material in the prequels, the special edition releases and the animated series. We want something new that we can be proud to represent and carry on to our children and I believe that JJ sees things the same way, being a die-hard fan all his life.

  8. I HIGHLY doubt this will happen, but, what if Disney starts doing teasers for the prequels? Do you think there will be an Episode VII trailer on the 20th of November? I am almost positive there will be a teaser on the 30th but I'm just saying.

    1. If they do, that means they're doing them in order of their release date.

      They should have done them in their Episode order instead, as that's the way folks need to start thinking about them.

    2. I'd argue they were never intended to be viewed that way and it is not the way people should start thinking of them.

      All of the surprises and twists in the originals would be ruined if you watched the prequels first. That and the inconsistencies would make you just confused...

      Anytime someone wants to start the Star Wars saga... they should always start with 4.

    3. Saw a video where someone mentioned briefly that the best order to watch them in is 4,5,3,6. Don't know if I quite agree but it is an interesting point of view.

    4. ^ The Machette Order.

    5. What order does George Lucas recommend watching them in?

    6. 1-6 is the GL way. But that screws-up all the good surprises and plot twists.

  9. the new sequels are following on from VI return of the Jedi - why would they touch on the prequels when the 7 follows 6?
    Its not a diss as such to episodes 1,2 & 3, but a chronological thing from 4,5 & 6. I think people would get bored of teasers from all 6 over a 6 week period! Just thought I would add my 2p worth!

    1. Exactly. They want the OT to be in people's minds. So, the OT is the focus.

    2. Then why not start with Episode I and work their way up to VI? It does not need to be one a week. In fact, wouldn't it be more sensible to have a trailer once every 5-or-so days just so all six could be included?

      Yes, OT is the focus, but my god, at least MENTION the PT.

    3. Why? the prequels take place at LEAST 4 films apart from episode 7. Why would you reminisce on something that is not relevant to the story line anymore. Its obvious with Rebels and these original teasers that they want you in the mind set of the original trilogy. Its not Disney "dissing" anyone for not mentioning the prequels. Just use your brain a little and think about this logically, if were going into Episode VII, why talk about 1, 2, or 3....that would just make no sense.

    4. It's a question of TONE. The PT has a totally different tone to the OT and they feel totally different as a result. Disney are trying to go more with the tone of the OT for the ST. Hence, the move away from anything that relates to the PT.

    5. I have to agree VII comes after VI so going back to 20 years BBY is crazy. I can't for another star wars I grew up watching the originals on vhs in the 90's then I watched the new ones in my teens years which was a lot different then most people lol. The prequels weren't terrible but new fans need to understand how long the old fans have waited for this movie"A long time ago in a galaxy far far away" lol.

      Also I think that most people will enjoy the new ones if they don't try and pick them apart. Just enjoy them for what they will be, I am sure they will feel different but they will be Star Wars in my heart.

      May the Force be with you

    6. Well thank you :)

    7. Indeed! The PT wasn't that bad.

  10. It's announcements like these that make me proud to be a Star Wars fan. No film builds hype like it. You didn't see this kind of anticipation with the release of the new Trek movies; that's because Star Wars is a world of it's own and nothing compares to it. Way to go,! Keep the info coming!

  11. Actually if you look back at the YouTube account the attack if the clones trailer was poste on 8/23...not a Wednesday but I don't see anything from 1 and 2

  12. If this is a countdown to trailer for Episode VII, why the original trailers to the original movies? Why not include the prequel trailers as well? I think this is either a countdown to an announcement of a Blu-ray set of the original versions of the original trilogy OR an announcement of the original cast returning.

    1. Fox permanently owns Episode IV and Disney won't get the rest until 2020. Plus, Fox just rereleased the blurays on combo packs a few days ago.

    2. Did not know that! Sigh... We will likely never see the unaltered versions re-release. I can promise you if they did and even if they charged $80 for each one, I'd still buy them.

    3. No you are wrong about Fox permanently owning Ep. 4. Check out the secret history of "Buying Star Wars"....and check out the re-releases on VHS...the 2000 Vhs release of ANH states clearly: LUCASFILM 2000. Lucas get the rights to ANH was part of the deal for Fox getting to release Eps. 1-3....I wish everyone would get that fact straight! But yes...until 2020 Fox has the rights to release the films.

  13. I hope everyone is prepared to be disappointed come Oct 30.

    1. Disappointed or amazed beyond belief ???? My guess is the 2nd one.

    2. I'll trade being disappointed on the Oct 30th as long as we are blown away on May 4th 2015.

  14. "Star Wars: Episode 7
    Teaser / Announcement to be
    Released on October 30!"

    >oh come on... really? I was expecting a confirmation or something like that, not just another rumor that is claimed to be 'not just a rumor'. Prepare to be dissapointed, just in case...

  15. "Landau" Calrissian - LOL. I keep seeing Martin Landau's head on Calrissian's body.
