Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, October 18, 2013

RESULTS! POLL: Which Rumored Actress Would You Like to See in Star Wars: Episode 7?

For the past few months we've heard a fairly good amount of rumors about a possible female lead in Episode 7. The 4 actresses from the above picture are the ones that were mentioned the most. Which one is your favorite?

(from top left in clockwise order)

Ksenia Solo - only rumored for now. If you missed those rumors read here.

Chloe Grace Moretz - on several occasions expressed a great desire to be in the movie. Denied that she has auditioned for the movie. For the Chloe rumors read here.

Saoirse Ronan - the only one from the list who confirmed that she has read for a role in Episode 7. For the Ronan story go here.

Rachel Hurd-Wood - she was rumored together with Alex Pettyfer. Later a Lucasfilm employee asked the fans about their opinion on that rumor. If you missed those, read here.

female character

Also according to the official character description revealed with one of the casting calls, they are looking for: 

Late-teen female, independent, good sense of humour, fit.

And a second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and fit.

So it won't be a surprise if 2 of the above actresses are cast for the new movies.
That's why you can select more than one option in this poll.

So which one is your favorite? 

Which Rumored Actress Would You Like to See in Star Wars: Episode 7?


10 days after the poll it's time to make some conclusions:

From 1151 votes.

1. Chloe Grace Moretz - 45%
2. Ksenia Solo - 21%
3. Saoirse Ronan - 18.5%
4. Rachel Hurd-Wood - 10.5%
5. None - 5%

So although Chloe Grace Moretz is by far the winner of the poll we have to bear in mind that someone posted this poll on one of Chloe's fan sites. That's why she got plenty of votes from there. Also Chloe is considered to be the most famous name from the list.  

Popularity - that's how I explain the weak performance by Hurd - Wood (the only name from the list which Lucasfilm asked the fans about).

I'm pleasantly surprised by Ksenia Solo's performance. Although she is also not that popular she managed to take second place very closely followed by Ronan (the only name from the list who confirmed to have auditioned for a role in Episode 7).

So Chloe is definitely the fans' favourite but Ksenia Solo is looking very strong too.


  1. Chloe Grace Moretz. The Kick-Ass movies proved that she is a good all-rounder, with good acting skills and impressive physicality. If she hasn’t proven herself, no-one has.

    1. Guess you never saw Hanna.

    2. Yes, Hanna was impressive, most impressive.

    3. But I preferred Kick Ass action by Chloe!

    4. I say they both are good, and so are the other 2..... Im a Star Wars fan since the birth of the originals and say that Ronan and Solo are sith warriors and the other 2 Jedi Knights in training...... and I say throw in Kate Mara and Alyson Michalka as soon to be Jedi Masters.... and show Darth Vadars student Star Killer aka Darth Spiden or Lord Asp ,whatever it the Mandalorians rising ( since we already did Trade Federation in part 1,2.3..... bring back ghosts of Qui-gon and Mace Windu.... bring originals back in which they are doing....... call it Knights of a New Dawn since it is a new time turning point after 30 years of peace, and the new Jedi are trained by Luke or any of others Luke trained as they are the new Knights....... Darth Revan and Darth Malgus can appear in part 7 after being on sith planet Korriban for decades....... ok im stopping im obsessed... : ) O:::/:::/:}=================>

  2. I'd like to see Chloe Grace Moretz in the film, but I think she's too popular of an actress to be cast as a lead roll. All rumors have had one thing in common and that's the fact that Disney is looking to bring some new faces to the screen. Ksenia Solo Is a total babe and quite an independent physique as well. I'd like to see her play a possible female sith, if the script calls for one. As far as the part of Jaina Solo goes, I'd think Saoirse Ronan and Rachel Hurd-Wood are talented actresses, but neither of them seem like the daughter-of-Solo type. They need to find someone who's whitty, independent, snarky, tough and fit whose not Chloe Grace Moretz. She'd work very well in the part, but we've seen her in too much lately.

    1. ^^^ You know what, who cares if she's a popular actress? She's worked hard to be where she is in her career and she clearly wants a part in episode VII, so I say give it to her. She deserves it. I think she'd make an excellent addition to the star wars character base. Wouldn't mind seeing her duking it out with a lightsaber.

    2. "who cares if she's a popular actress?" Bit of a stupid thing to say haha, just because you don't care doesn't mean it's still not an issue to many others. Having less well known actors means people will be able to focus on the character rather than the performance, which is very important for a big franchise like star wars, whether you like the actor or not.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I can definitely agree with you there, I just think her talent exceeds her popularity, that's all. If it means avoiding an actress that'll pose as the "Hayden Christiansen" of the new movies , I think having chloe play the part would be a better direction to take the films. It's not worth chosing a worse actress just for the sake of bringing a new face to the screen. I do agree that with a powerful franchise like Star Wars, bringing new talent to the screen is important, because those roles will stick to the leading actors and actresses forever, but it's not like they're going for Zach Efron or someone shitty like that. Chloe is at a stage in her career where taking a role like this would only be beneficial. She's not so popular that anyone on the street knows her face, but just popular enough where fans of the saga who see her on screen will think, "hey, that's that badass chick." She carries that vibe with her wherever she goes; a persona that viewers can relate to and feel sorry for, but can also beat someones ass if they cross her. Perfect for a character like Jaina Solo in the new movies. This is just my opinion; think what you will

    5. You must've been a Hayden Christiansen fan...

  3. Ksenia Solo. 100%

  4. I want ALL of them to be in it. One thing Hollywood really needs to learn is that women come in varieties. I am sick of the one "girl" character amongst a world of macho men.

    1. The series has been adding more and more women into the mix as time passes. There's no need to worry about that. The fact that the new movies will primarily focus around a strong female lead should float your boat nicely.

  5. I want two one for hero-jedi and one for villian- female sith. For first time we will see female sith.

    I vote for Rachel Hurd-Wood and Chloe Grace Moretz. But still hope or for some really uknown or for elle faning or Breslin.

    1. Elle fanning all the way, she has the right look for star wars

  6. And i hope for great cast for sith lord(master) DDL. That is great poll too. Who whould be cast for sith lord in next trilogy.

  7. Chloe Grace Moretz definitely! I love her acting! She's popular, but I feel she'd make a good Jaina or a different supporting role.

  8. Kick Ass 2/Carrie ruined Moretz' anonymity. Ronan has the look of a Jedi. Either way the 2 females being cast are gonna brawl (cat fight). A male defeating a female in a lightsabre duel wouldn't seem like a fair fight in the public's eye.

    1. Why would you assume the male would win?

    2. Because in the majority of sexist hollywood offerings, the male always does.

    3. The reason why is there is going to be a female villain. Villains eventually lose hence why the female will be defeated (by another female). This is why 2 female leads will be good, and one bad.

  9. I feel Selina Gomez and Miley Cyrus should be cast!

    1. LOLOL! Thanks for lighting up my day for a bit!

  10. Voted for Saoirse Ronan! She's great, and really discret in the media compared to Chloe. Also I feel female audience prefere someone like Saoirse

    1. She's also a calm, calculating badass which I would prefer to Moretz's snarky teenage badass.

  11. i think Ksenia Solo should play as the daughter of the current sith King on planet Korriban... The sith princess........ and Saoirse ronan should play as her most loyal friend... another female sith..... plus their eyes brings out the magic on screen....

  12. I've never heard of any of them, so I can't say one way or the other.

  13. Jennifer Lawrence, pls !

  14. Ashley Greene as Jaina Solo

  15. as solo's kid Dakota blue richards

  16. Moretz is very talented, but way too IT GIRL for Star Wars IMO.

    Go unknown.

  17. The fact that the poll was posted on a Moretz fan site taints the result.

  18. I think they should go for an unknown actress and someone a bit more family friendly than Chloe Grace Moretz, most of her roles have been in pretty sick and violent movies. Not good role model for younger kids.

  19. Ultimately I hope they don't cast based on fan polls. i hope the pick the best person for the part whoever that may be.

  20. i can see 2 of them ( solo and ronan ) playing lady sith warriors and the other 2 playing as their Jedi nemesis rivals...... i also would like to see Alyson Michalka get a chance to play as a daughter of Leia.... shes natural blonde just like Anakin and Luke....... shes also with Disney and she hasnt had a chance for a major role yet in a big time movie.... give her a chance.......

  21. Hurd Wood I see playing the role, I think she has all the right attributes
