Nothing official just several interesting tweets about Benedict Cumberbatch, the possibility of a female Sith in Episode 7 and more...
Some rumors from LatinoReview about Benedict Cumberbatch's role in the new trilogy and a "She Sith"!
Looks like Cumberbatch is gonna have to ask JJ to make his itty bitty part in Star Wars Episode VII A LOT BIGGER!
— elmayimbe (@elmayimbe) October 19, 2013
Speaking of EPISODE VII, looking forward to who gets cast as the baddie "She Sith."
— elmayimbe (@elmayimbe) October 19, 2013
With the latest confirmation that Episode 7 is still scheduled for a Spring/Summer 2015 release here's Devin Faraci's (BadAssDigest) explanation where he got the December release rumor from that he started:
@ericgeller people who work at Disney have told me that it's probably December.
— Devin Faraci (@devincf) October 19, 2013
And some other random stuff:
Hey guys! Here's a rare & rather special shot of Slave girl Princess Leia. Have a great weekend! #StarWars
— Star Wars 1977-1983 (@StarWars7783) October 19, 2013
Sienar Fleet Systems has facilities on Lianna (HQ) Corulag (Advanced Research) Ryloth (offices) Nar Shaddaa Raxus Prime and Lothal
— Rebels Report (@RebelsReport) October 20, 2013
Never Forget... #TatooineToday @starwars
— Kyle Newman (@kyle_newman) October 20, 2013
In this clip, George Lucas describes the unique challenges faced by Star Wars' legendary voice actors.
— Star Wars (@starwars) October 19, 2013
.@bad_robot hanging out with his other droid buddies (in 3D)
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) October 19, 2013
Watch Harrison Ford comically deadpan and dodge his way through #StarWarsVII questions:
— Star Wars Fanpedia (@StarWarsFanWiki) October 19, 2013
I know it may be sacrilege to say I never was really into to Leia... but wow. That is a NICE shot.
ReplyDeleteAs for all the rest... Any Sith is a good Sith as far as I'm concerned. The main problem should always be Sith related! Still a fan of Cumberbatch so if he's in great. If he's not that's fine too.
As for Tatooine being lost to time... sad as it is. All things must pass! Or you could look at it as... Man George Lucas is an epic litterer!
George Lucas planned a Female Sith in the Prequels, so maybe this is where we shall see one...although, hasn't the force been balance now?
ReplyDeleteIf you ever played KOTOR games you would see that the Force alwyas "searches" for manifestations of itself in the physical world. The ultimate manifestation of the foce are force-user sentient beings that can harness it at will.
DeleteIn actuality, the Force is never in balance and this tells us that Palpatine had just been a rogue Sith at best. The Sith Empire is always out there. Check SWTOR and you will see. From a philosophical standpoint Star Wars is actually rather newtonean. When Vader was destroyed the Force lost much of its presence in the Galaxy. That void will have to be filled.
I quote Yoda on Sith presence in the galaxy: "Always two there are. An master and an apprentice."
I want female sith but who is her the master is big question???
ReplyDeleteDarth Plagueis.
DeleteNot an option. It makes no sense for Palpatine to have had a fellow apprentice and not use her. If he ever had one he must have killed her along with his master in order to further his plans.
DeleteIf however he kept her out of harm during episodes 1-6 it would have made more sense for him to use her as a shield in order to protect himself from Luke as Vader was not enough.
No, I don't think Darh Plagueis ever had a second student. Sith always work in teams of 2, a master and an apprentice.
Am I the only one who doesn't really care about a female Sith?
ReplyDeleteNope. I don't really care either, aslong as the movie ends up awesome.
DeleteMe too. I don't care about female Sith, Jedi, or fighter pilots. I just want them to tell the best story possible. Maybe that means females in those roles, but maybe it doesn't.
DeleteDon't care.
DeleteActually I would love to see a female Sith. In the SW games, especially in SWTOR female sith are pretty much diabolic. They seem (to me) to be far more aggressive and lustful than male Sith. Its like they are psychopaths, really awesome stuff if you care about accurate acting.
DeleteBetween Sith harems (seriously Sith had harems) and chopping people's heads off, female Sith would be a nice change of pace for the saga. I would also like to see a female bounty hunter.
I know there's plenty of people clamoring for female Sith and Jedi, but I guess I just don't find the concept of them particularly threatening. I mean, okay so they're aggressive and lustful psychopaths in the EU material. Meh. It sounds like they're trying to over compensate for their lack of maleness, and ultimately it just doesn't seem very realistic or interesting.
DeleteIt reminds me of the Pirates of the Carribean movies, when Keira Knightly was supposedly holding her own in a sword fight with a 300 pound berserking pirate on a ship in the middle of the storm. When by all appearances, Keira's small delicate body should have been swept up into the air with the first strong wind like an autumn leaf.
It's just too ridiculous.
Thats right Anonymous... Just downgrade the females in an action role.... Lets just make it all male with not one female in it.. So then we can all feel gay like you do....
DeleteI'm not sure what you mean by downgrading females or what feeling gay has to do with anything. By that standard, you should then feel gay watching any of the existing Star Wars movies.
DeleteThere are some action roles where females are mildly believable but most are just servicing female empowerment fantasies, and do little more than inspire snickers over the preposterous nature of their feats. I mean, watching Scarlet Johansson fight was one of the most comedic parts of the all the Marvel movies, it's hilarious stuff.
You're forgetting one thing though... Female Sith have the force. Which makes them pretty much the most dangerous thing besides other force users. Size matters not and all...
DeleteI do agree that sometimes what is plausible in other movies is sometimes silly.
I am AnonymousOctober 21, 2013 at 10:36 PM
DeleteHere's the thing, this is not about women rights or anything its just that the new movie has to maintain a delicate balance between the oldies and the new things that we expect to see in a current geneeration film. Thing like oh i don't know... open the club of force users to other sexes perhaps?
JJ Abrams is going to nail it as far as I am concerrned, he did it with ST.
My reason for wanting an actual female sith character is that they are by far the sexiest and most interesting characters of the SW universe. If you take some time to see the awesome work they did with the Sith female warrior class (all evil choices) then you will see what I am talking about.
They are pretty much unpredictable and that is hard to come by in a fantasy universe where everyone has his/her place pretty much fixed (both in the eyes of the fans and the producers). By any standards the SW left us with a "bible" of sorts of what to expect from a character. The female Sith does not follow that paradigm. Simple as that. I love that character class and its adaptations if any ever exist.
If it's not about women's rights, then why do we need to open the club of force users to other sexes. It sounds like a fashion statement rather than a serious narrative choice.
DeleteRight now, it's fashionable for women to act like they can be just as much of a man as men can be. However, as with all things fashion, this too will probably go the way of the Leisure Suit.
I have full faith in JJ Abrahms, I think he's exactly the one that needs to be brought to the franchise. Though I'm not so sure his take on Star Trek will last another 40 odd years.
I'm not sure that being sexy makes a character interesting, it just makes them sexy. Is sexiness really a desired quality in Sith or Jedi? It just strikes me as a shallow MTV kind of window dressing. But more than that, seeing small female frames engage in round house kicks and knocking over 300 pound assailants is pretty eye rolling stuff. Worthy of a snicker, but little more.
But yes, sometimes female characters are plausible in some action scenarios, just not all of them.
I am AnonymousOctober 21, 2013 at 10:36 PM
DeleteOf course you are right, I didn;t mean that sexyness is a desired quality nor that it makes a character "better". Still the lore of the EU describes the female sith pretty much as psychos and we have yet to see how twisted the dark side can get. I think a female stih could show that rather well.
What Star Wars (and the movie biz in general) needs are movies with MULTIPLE FEMALE CHARACTERS. What we see too often is Avengers-like films where a woman is a lone kick-ass, man-like specimen who works alongside an army of boys.
DeleteIf there are two women characters, they are direct enemies (aka, the Snow White Syndrome.) We often do not see two women working together in unison. So the rumor that there will be a wicked stepmother, I mean, wicked female Sith does not surprise me at all, though it annoys and disheartens me greatly. If the main protagonist is going to be a female, Hollywood would not want to see this brave young woman take down a bunch of guys. It would go against their mentality. So the "safe" way to play it is to have a girl against a woman.
^The guy who made the comment above "women are laughable in action roles because they're so petite and delicate, blah, blah, blah" is sexist and unrealistic.
DeleteLet me ask him a question: are the male characters in Avengers, (in your limited, biased point of view,) realistic? If he says "yes" than I will be laughing myself sick for days. Go pick up a truck with your superpowers and throw it 20 feet, sexist.
First, I think you need to calm down a bit.
DeleteSecond, there's something called "suspension of disbelief." Of course super powers dwell in the realm of fantasy. No on is suggesting that they don't.
What I am saying, is that when you have a 90 pound girl, fighting a 300 pound ripped warrior, it looks ridiculous. It breaks the suspension of disbelief, because it's just not plausible.
I would argue the same held true for Yoda's lightsaber fight. There's no way those tiny green arms could parry thrusts from a fully grown adult human male.
These are things that movies like Ghostbusters used to great effect; the implausible transcends into comedy.
Furthermore, another reason watching Scarlet battle in Avengers was so hilarious, was that it was clear that this isn't a girl who trains or fights on a regular basis. Rather, you can tell by her body type that this is a girl who enjoys martinis and cosmopolitans on a fairly semi-regular basis.
If you want a realistic battle between a man and a woman, it can be done. But the female had better look like WWE's Chyna in terms of physique or it's just a laughable skit.
I think women do well in action roles when they play things like assassins, or other roles that require finesse as opposed to brute strength. But when brute strength is required, such as in a sword fight or any other sort of hand to hand combat, it's just unbelievable to see someone like Scarlet take someone out with round house kicks or punches.
Having said all that, I think the lead in the Underworld vampire movies was done pretty well. She's fit, you can tell she's athletic, and she doesn't engage in brute force attacks for the most part. She uses stealth and cunning instead. This is far more realistic that watching Keira Knightly sword fight someone 3 times as big as her.
So when a 250+ pound man fights a giant monster/robot/demon/whatever with his bare hands, this is more believable because.......?
DeleteAnd quit dissing fighting Yoda because you hate the prequels. I can say that Yoda was laughable for lifting a giant X-Wing fighter out of the swamp, and you'd disagree.
I'm not sure exactly what it is that makes a 250+ pound man fighting a giant monster/robot/demon/whatever more believable.
DeleteIt just is.
Actually I'm ambivalent about the Prequels. I don't think they're the greatest things since laser sliced bread, but I also do enjoy them on some levels.
"It just is." And there you have it my friends.
DeleteIt can't have anything to do with a masculine-dominated industry pushing the macho man image in everyone's faces?
I am now MORE eager to see a female protagonist in VII. If only to combat the widespread gender bias.
When you type in the word "more" in all caps, does that mean that you're really really eager to see it now?
DeleteIt might have something to do with a masculine-dominated industry pushing the macho man image in everyone's face.
Or it might have something to do with the blatant violation of the laws of physics in a fight between a 90 pound female and a 300 pound male, that make today's action sequences reminiscent of Road Runner vs. Wile E. Coyote cartoons.
In all seriousness though, the giant monster/robot/demon/whatever scenario you presented was a bit of a generalization.
Did you have a more specific sequence in mind that we could analyze?
fans are stupid if they dont care.... and why do some fans think Luke or Anakin is/was the chosen one ?....... Luke didnt end the sith and neither did Anakin/Vadar...... the sith King is on planet korriban which hasnt been seen in the star wars saga yet....which means there are still many sith out there.... the trilogies all are about the roles of the sith.... first triology was about the sith using the trade federation and politics to control the senate.. Darth sidious? palpatine was a sith lord and became an emperor but he was the right hand for the sith king....and Anakin was the false prophet..... second trilogy was about the rule of the sith and the rise and redemption of the skywalker twins..... the third trilogy will be about the return of the sith for one last chance to rule the galaxy and the chosen one will be among this new generation of young Jedi Knights..... who knows if the chosen one is Lukes child or Leias child, but this new trilogy should be fun to watch..... we will get to see many sith warriors in this one as this trilogy will be the last ( as far as movies of star wars ).... so fans forget about the books, in the movies, Luke and Anakin was not the chosen one..... remember in movies, the first trilogy is about the rise and fall of the false prophet ( Anakin )..second was about the rise and redemption of the skywalker twins ( Luke, Leia )..... third will be about the rise and stand of the chosen one.......
ReplyDeleteand for the record for the dumb fans that cant figure it out by now..... Darth Plagius the Wise who found out how to create life using the mediorclorians, got Anakins mother pregnant... figured it out yet ?.... hes the father of Anakin... he was doomed anyway... thats why he was always crying and gettn mad cause the evil was slowly consuming him until it finally consumed him.... Dark Lord, dark child.... and this next trilogy will show that many of the sith remaining wants to find Plagius holocraun he made showing how he created life..... Just like how many will try to find the ancient Jedi secrets that are on holocrauns also.... so do the math..... if you still lost, then watch part 3 when Palpatine tells Anakin about Darth Plagius the Wise.... i know the first trilogy at times was boring but if you follow the script closely, it gives you a blue print on whats coming up next..... remember in part 3 when Obi-Wan asked Yoda and Mace windu that if Anakin was the chosen one, why didnt they trust him enough ? remember what Yoda said ? " Maybe the prophecy was mis read "...... bingo...... it tells you that Anakin was the false prophet, not the chosen one..... and if the sith king is still out there with many sith, then how is Luke the chosen one ? do the math slow ones.... all 6 episodes give ya a blue print on the whole thing ready to set up the last triology......
DeleteSo there.
DeleteI really loath fans like you that think what you conjure up in your head is what is true and real and that everything else is wrong. First, what makes fans wrong for not caring what sex the antagonist is the story is? your ignorant for that thought first of all. secondly, you include the sith king on korriban which is EU and then you later tell everyone to throw the books out the window. You contradict yourself really well. Third, what crack are you smoking when it came to Darth Plagueis*** he is not related to NOR the father of Anakin Skywalker haha thats just ridiculous! Lastly, you have absolutely NO IDEA what the new trilogy will be about. So don't act like you know or insult others who don't agree with YOUR ideas of it. So there.
Deletei really loath fans like you that dont even know what the heck is goin on..... and yes we throw out the books cause Lucas made changes in the movies that wasnt in the books.. was Leia Lukes sister in the books ? no.... and im not talking about the thrawn trilogy from timmothy zhan, im talking about the original writings from Lucas u idiot...... there were 12 chapters in it... at the end, Luke saves his dad.. but the movies are different..... and you will see the new trilogy be about the rise of the chosen one whether you like it or not..... you need to pay attention to the movies more before you make that dumb arguement..... the books and movies are different dummy... but i guess u never read them.....
Delete*sigh* Ok, if you're as old as you say you are, then maybe you should act like it, your age doesn't matter how "die hard" of a fan you are so anyone can have an opinion not just yourself. I do know what is going on actually, and don't pick your arguments. What I was saying was that you contradicted yourself by insisting on information from EU (Sith King from Korriban) and then saying throw EU out the window later in the post. Also of course there was PLANNED (not written) 12 chapters. During filming nothing was set in stone story wise until the final cut, and that Lucas wrote treatments for 7,8, and 9 ONLY PRIOR to selling the company, and sold them to Disney as part of the deal and that they had to use them. They (being Disney/Lucasfilm/Bad Robot) said that the new films will not be from EU so its painfully obvious they the books are out the window. Calm down. I do pay attention to the movies painstakingly actually, and Ive made a better argument than your entire raid on this website. Then your argument that the books are different than the movies.....I don't even have to address this. None of us like someone (people like yourself) coming on these sites where we like to discuss topics and have it ruined by your attitude, rudeness, and insisting you're all knowing and right when in fact you're only right on maybe 2 things. No Darth PLAGUEIS*** (thats the correct spelling btw) is NOT Anakin's father. He is in no way related to him, nor his biological father. The ONLY connection they have is that to balance the force the midi-chlorians themselves countered his efforts to reach out to the midi-chlorians across the galaxy (in an attempt to make himself stronger), created Anakin for good. Everything must have a balance. That is the only connection they have. Sorry, but I'm not sorry that you're wrong.
DeleteHere is the truth plain and simple:
DeleteANAKIN SKYWALKER WAS THE CHOSEN ONE. And I don't care about the supposed "12 part saga" created by George Lucas. The script was changed before filming. The story was changed before filming. Lucas chopped it down to six movies, and the story does not resemble the original version.
Using the same logic as the moron who always posts on this discussion board, I can argue that Han Solo could *never* have children with Princess Leia because Han was not a human... he was a six foot tall lizard guy with sharp teeth! What? Han was a big lizard in the ORIGINAL STORY TREATMENT. Isn't my argument believable? No? No?
I agree with you. That other guy scares me :)
DeleteGuys, LR has had NO credible info on SWVII so far. Why are any of you believing this BS?
ReplyDeleteYeah, has Latino Review delivered even one credible story?
DeleteThey were first to report that Saoirse Ronan had auditioned for Episode 7. Later she confirmed it. So actually they are one of the few sites that have a confirmed rumor so far. Not trying to be their advocate but that's the truth.
DeleteLet's see now. LR have reported the following:
Delete1) Ford is returning as Solo
2) McGregor is returning as an Obi-Wan force ghost
3) McDiarmid is returning as a Sidious force ghost
4) Ep VII is being released late 2015
Well, I would say:
1) Obvious
2) TBC
3) TBC
4) Wrong!!
Actually, Anakin was created by the force as a way to bring balance. The forces of dark and light were becoming muddled (ie, palpating disguised as a good emperor, the jedi's inability to use the force, etc...) Luke was not the chosen one, but he was needed to direct Anakin back to the light. This is what Star Wars is all about in a nutshell.
ReplyDeleteDisregard the previous comments about Plagius being anakin's father. That is not correct.
haha and LOL and ROFLMAO !!! u fukn idiot.... the chosen one doesnt turn to the dark side and kill kids like Anakin did in ep 3 dummy..... and for the record on the books, Leia wasnt Lukes sister dumb ass it was another female.. Lucas changed it in the movie and made Leia the sister....... and yes Plagius is the father of Anakin regardless of what you want to believe in..... it shows u need to watch part 3 and 5 and 6 again to educate yourself....... plus i been a star wars fan since it began in 1977 kid.. dont tell me what i dont know....
DeleteWhat Star Wars books were released before the movies? And as for Anakin killing kids, were you not aware that the jedi order needed cleansing? The order was getting dilluted, arrogant, powerless, etc. I think YOU should rewatch episode II before you spout your "knowledge." And you should re-read Darth Plagueis. He was NOT Anakin's father. The story Palpatine told Anakin about the Sith Lord preventing people from dying was exactly that--a story, a trick, a lie to persuade Anakin Skywalker to join the dark side. I think your problem is that you hold the original trilogy as sacred artifacts, instead of parts of a larger story.
Deletethe moron who posted at 4:33am actually stated that Leia was not luke's sister? Did he even watch Episode VI? Oh yeah "Lucas changed it in the movie..." LOL. What kind of nonsense is that? And Anakin did NOT have a father. This Star Wars "fan" must not have watched Episode I either.
DeleteAnakin was conceived by the force, (the same way Christ was born from Virgin Mary.) Why is that difficult for people to buy into?
ok dummy.. go to Star Wars Sequel Trilogy at and it will explain the full details of it.... in the original 12 part storylines, leia is not Lukes sister.. he made that change in part 6 cause he decided not to make part 7,8 and 9..... also, he said that if any others were made, it would be in new created details cause the story ends when Vadar dies..... now, if Disney is making part 9, and theres no more story to tell, then wtf are they going to write ?... they have to make up new stories.... in the 12 story part, luke saves his dad in part 12 and Lukes sister ( different female) was supposed to be introduced in part 8.... however, since Lucas didnt want to make anymore, he decided to make Leia Lukes sister in part 8 and movie fans got confused cause of her kissing Luke in part 5.... in the 12 part story line, Luke has a crush on Leia but she tells him she chose Han.... but like i said, the books and movies are different..... go check out the info i told you to look up and you will read thats excatly what it is..... so if Disney isd making part 7,8,9, then Anakin nor Luke is not the chosen one.... it will be someone else..... so that means ( in movie terms ) who created Anakin ? wasnt the mediorclorians..... just read that info on what Lucas said himself and see how many times he has changed his mind on this........ go to Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and it will tell you the whole story of what and why George Lucas did and why he changed things.........
DeleteI think he is half right. I do remember reading that in one of the drafts that were written, not a book, Leia was not going to be Luke's sister. But i'm probably going to be wrong too.
DeleteTo the man who called me "dummy:"
Deleteyour source of credibility is... Wikipedia?!? The 12-part-saga was Lucas' original story, but none of it was PUBLISHED. You may argue till the end of eternity that Anakin wasn't the chosen one, but I'm sorry, he was. You said it yourself: Star Wars (the FILMS) were released as a six-part saga because Lucas changed the story. Episode VI was released long before the Disney purchase, so nobody could have foreseen the filming of VII, VIII, and IX. Even Lucas himself stated that he would "never" make the sequel trilogy.
Deletedon't even address the guy. He's just one of those crazy Original Trilogy fans who thinks they know everything about Star Wars. Here's my message for him:
if you know so much about Lucas' vision and story, tell us the storyline for Episode VII, as well as a list of characters (including who actually is the chosen one who brings balance to the force.) (Because it can't be Anakin, nahhhh why should we believe that? The movie only implied it several dozen times. LOL).
In fact, why don't you give us some credible scoops on casting and production while you're at it.
my source is not wikipedia only.. i just said to go look at that to get input of what i was trying to explain..... Yes Lucas said that he decided never to do part 7,8 and 9..and that if anyone did, it would be new stuff created..... Because Lucas said that his saga was about the rise of Vadar and when he dies, the saga ends.... but, Lucas sold Star Wars when he also said he would never do that.... well Disney owns it and now that another trilogy is being made, they have to come up with something new..... in the 12 story treatments, Anakin was the chosen one and Luke at the end saves him... however, now that Disney owns it and is doing one last trilogy, that means that ( in movie only ) someone else has to be the chosen one... so that means if Anakin ( in movie only ) is not the chosen one, then the movie fans will ask how did he get created without a father ?... thats what point i was trying to make.... the only character we know about in all 6 episodes that could create life ( and prevent death ) was Darth Plagius the Wise..... so to have the movie to where it makes sense, that would mean that he was the one who created life to make Anakin.... if not Plagius, then who ?... because no other character from that timeline to right now before part 7 could do that...... thats the point i was trying to make.... and remember, Lucas said that if their was a final trilogy ( 7,8,9 ) it would have to be made up and Lucas also said that he never visioned Luke having kids cause Jedi dont get married or have kids.... who knows how Disney will do that part, but, writers like Timothy Zhan who did the thrawn trilogy did those cause just like us, he wanted Lucas to do one last trilogy after part 6.... just like other writers who wrote other stories after Return of the Jedi..... so my point was, if one last trilogy is made, that means ( in movie world ) Anakin and Luke is not the chosen one... someone else is.. and then the main question fans would ask is, " If Anakins not the chosen one, then why, how, and who created Anakin ? ".... i was trying to make a point to where it would make sense.....
Deletehmmm, am i the only one who got the impression that it was palpatine/sidious who influenced the midichlorians to create Anakin & that it is implied that he learned the secret from Plagueis before he killed him & isn´t it also implied that he killed him long long before Anakin was concieved?? That Sidious has been involved in Anakin´s Life already from the beginning (as implied in the ending of episode 1) & that he is lying about not knowing the secret of creating Life/saving people from death, because he has no intention to save Padmé, so Anakin will be heartbroken & easy to turn & that it is Sidious who somehow makes Anakin have nightmares about her Death to lure him into wanting to know the secret of cheating Death. ?
Delete-Well this is my impression of the Movies, I have not read the Plagueis novells or any other EU material, only seen the Movies
Ps. I am not interested in having right or wrong, i just want good Movies :) & I like that some things are just mysterious, implied & not fully explained , so I can make up my own mind about it...
10 years later and still we have pointless discussions about the EU.... Damn you George and your successful pop culture!!!!!
DeleteTO guy No1 who has read/heard/wathed everything and gives us headaches: WE DON'T CARENNN ABOUT DA NABOOSEN!
To guy No2 who attempts to confront guy NO1: Why do you even bother? We will all be proven wrong anyway when the movie comes out.... Leve guy no1 alone. For all his love of SW he does not seem to appreciate the foundations of the Republic which is respect for all the opinions....
The moron still doesn't cite his sources. He is one of those Wikipedia freaks who buys into every single rumor he hears. And once again, for the 1 millionth time, the 12-part-saga doesn't count because those were DRAFTS.
DeleteJar Jar Bink's with a fistful of lightbulbs....I mean lightsabers! Yeah!
ReplyDeleteAnakin was not the chosen one, there was no real prophecy, just an ancient Jedi myth. Anakin was a freak of nature, it happens now and again in the Star Wars universe, the force cannot be in balance. That is what ST is about.
ReplyDeleteTo Mr. Anonymous at 9;25 AM. If Anakin is not the chosen one, and just a freak of nature, and there is no real prophecy just a myth, then how do you explain how he was born ? He had no father.
DeleteThe prophecy DID exist it was ACTUALLY TRUE! It was just MISREAD. Anakin WAS the chosen ONE. WHY? Because in the end HE DID DESTROY the Sith along with himself! George Lucas said so, watch the interviews ppl!!!!!
DeleteThats right if we only had 6 parts.... but there will be 9 so the sith is still out there.. So explain how Anakin is the chosen one if hes dead and the sith is still out there in the universe ?
DeleteI am AnonymousOctober 21, 2013 at 10:55 PM
DeleteAgain the prophecy was MISREAD. The jedi council thought Anakin was destined to destroy the Sith. He delivered.
You see when we talk about the Force In Balance we talk about the Force That Binds the GALAXY together. The Force in SW is Galaxy-BOUND. THere are NO other Sith in the Galaxy when Vader and Palpatine die and Luke remains as the only force user in the Galaxy.
I think the Force is balanced in the Galaxy by the end of E6 but it will be disturbed again when another sith imperial cruiser armada comes out of hyperspace and enter the Galaxy.
In the EU the Sith always leave the Galaxy and prepare to strike anew if they are defeated. I think that is how the movie will go down. New Sith will emerge but they will be coming outside the Galaxy so the Force will be again unbalanced.
As far as the "forever" part is concerned, I think that is a continuity error we will have to learn to live with. Anakin was indeed supposed to get all Sith out businness once and for all. I look forward to see how JJ Abrams will handle thiis.
October21 9:25 says: "there was no chosen one. It was just a myth."
DeleteReally? So Anakin was born fatherless because...?
So Qui Gon (who was the first to believe Anakin was the chosen one) was the first jedi to become immortalized by the Force because...?
Also, learn to spell, Vader not Vadar.
ReplyDeleteGeez Carrie Fisher was HOT
ReplyDeletePrincess Leia in the gold bikini still defines the sexual drive behind such movies. It was unprecedented at the time and still is today. We love her!
DeleteMy absolute favorite movie series and as far as I am concerned, the BEST movie franchise ever created... BUT IT IS STILL A FUCKING MOVIE PEOPLE. I love all the speculation, the buzz and even the made up shit is entertaining, but come on. Most of the above was ridiculous... enjoy reading the rumors and when official news come out we can all read about and talk about that. No need to get so nasty... bring balance to "life", the Force will take of itself LOL
ReplyDeleteAnd yes... Carrie Fisher was HOT!!!
Where was Anakin's role to destroy the Sith? He was simply supposed to bring 'balance' to the force. And considering the Sith were abolished (or so thought) and Anakin turned to the darkside hunting down Jedi leaving only (known) Yoda/Obi-Wan (Jedi) & Darth Sideous & Vader... I would say that was balanced. And for a period of time (small period) the galaxy was operated under the rule of Sith instead of the Jedi Council. Anakin did bring balance to the force. For the first time in 2000 standard years (?) or so; the Darkside was the face of the galaxy. Just my observation.
ReplyDeleteThere is no Korriban with a Sith King, there's no Expanded Universe, Darth Plagueis is not Anakin's father, and Wikipedia doesn't count. Sorry....thanks for playing. The movies are what count, not rough drafts of the movies.
ReplyDeleteThen what the fuck story are you gonna write if there is no sith planet Korriban ? no sith king ? no sith around ? If it ends with Anakins death, then what the fuck are they gonna write then in parts 7, 8 and 9 ?..... u cant play this worth damn..... go back to Star Trek u time traveling junkie.....
DeleteLook m8 don;t get jumpy alright? The scripts are just scripts and they can be altered/used/reused/abandonded. That is enteratainment business.
DeleteI think another sith armada will enter the galaxy and then the Force will be unbalanced once again. The balance of the Force is galaxy-bound not univerese-bound. When Vader and Palpatine die then you have balance in the Galaxy. Maybe then we will get to see Korriban. It's the logical place for the new sith armada to occupy once its in orbit. Man that would be an awesome oppening for E7
Who could be the possible female Sith? Here's my shot at it: There is a female Lady of the Sith that is a main character in the Legacy of the Force EU book series, which is the series that the Original Trilogy actors and their offspring are age appropriate for right now. She has a bad history with Luke and carries a light whip not a saber, awesome alert, and can take on both Mara and Luke at the same time and live to tell about it, and she is persuasive in luring/turning Jedi to the dark side, so overall a worthy adversary to have in the sequels. Of course they've said they are not using EU story but they can always use the characters for a new story or make new creations of any of the characters.
ReplyDeleteHer name is Lumiya, Lady of the Sith, and I could see a form of her being used for the upcoming films, and not necessarily from her storyline in the books. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention her in this feed or anywhere online so far, so there you go, straight from the books which is the current timeline we have of Star Wars events and characters which apparently is going to be altered by the upcoming sequels, but being a Star Wars reader I would love to see Lumiya come to life.