Star Wars Episode 7 News

Friday, October 18, 2013

Disney to Release Darth Vader TV Specials! Episode 7 Confirmed for Summer 2015.

darth vader

Finally some official news this time coming from "Brand Licensing Europe 2013" which took place in Olympia, London...

JediNews received a scanned Disney brochure from the event where few interesting things have been revealed.
- A Star Wars Mobile LEGO games coming in Spring / Summer 2014.
- A Star Wars Digital Library is to launch in Autumn / Winter 2014.
- Confirmation that Star Wars Episode VII will be released in the Spring / Summer of 2015.
- The release of “Darth Vader Themed TV Specials” have been announced.
darth vader

It's good to see another confirmation that the movie will be released in Spring/Summer 2015 as all previous Star Wars movies and not in December as some rumors suggested.

Also the Darth Vader specials sound pretty interesting. According to BleedingCool there are rumors that the Darth Vader suit has been spotted at Pinewood Studios where filming is expected to begin in early 2014. I wonder if it's for these TV specials or....


  1. Take that Latino Review and your fake claims!!!

  2. I know it. Darth Vader is greatest movie character of all time and there is no way not to be back on star wars somehow. Inetersting to see how. TV specials sound good.

    In Darth Vader we trust. One of the few if not only villian that i LOVE so much.

  3. Now here's the question I want answered....

    Why Darth Vader? Isn't he, like...... dead? Unless Anakin Skywalker's ghost somehow has an influence on VII, VIII, and IX? We all know that Star Wars was originally conceived as a 9 part saga, but I don't understand how this is going to promote the new film.

    1. There are some circles that report it was originally conceived as a 12 part saga.

    2. If you notice, they are making an obvious effort to bring classic Star Wars back into the main stream. Everything you see between now and Ep VII will look like "old" Star Wars... Stormtroopers, Vader, Jabba, x-wings, and so on.....

    3. In the Legacy Series as Jacen Solo reflects on how his Grandfather acted in the Empire so shall he in the Galactic Aliiance.

  4. Maybe he'll be hosting a "making of" special the way C-3PO and R2-D2 did back in the early 80s.

  5. Maybe made for TV movies set during ep3 -ep4

    1. i had this urge to say what if they got Ozzie Osbourne to play Darth Vader. Th th th th that's a a a Jedi K k k k kill him no no no now!

  6. the show might be about when Vadar teaches his student ( Star Killer ) the ways of the force...... that did happen between episodes 3 and 4........ and the Bobba Fett movie ( if made ) would be about his rise in bounty hunting and eventually will end right before his quest to capture Han Solo to take him to Jabba......... we would think...

  7. This sounds cool. I was hoping that they'd say when the teaser/trailer would be released though...

  8. I hope that Darth Vader TV specials would not be as the infamous Star Wars Christmas Special.

  9. They should save Vader for the Rebels series. He doesn't even have to talk, just hunt down Jedis, hacking and slashing his way back into our hearts... :)

  10. I hope its not for episode 7- Darth died, man- it would seem desperate to try and bring him back God knows how..It should be Thrawn now.

  11. to the guy about fett he was shit unlike his father/t he guy hes clone of he f,who killed a jedi.. fett #2 aka the "green one" fu ck n got tapped by a blind guy and and s h i t went south for him from there lmao he just sucked dick... so fuck him and u and the guy above me i like u post.

    1. soundz like U having a bad hair day u worthless fukn idiot.... u must b one of those lost battle star galactica freaks........

  12. ^^^ Damn dudes, I don't know what's up either of your asses, but it must be lodged pretty tightly if it's making you this butthurt... Both of you should probably watch the movies and maybe even check out some of the expanded universe before making any dumbass statements on fan forums. No one's going to take you seriously.
    As far as all ths Vader stuff goes: could it even be one of the many side-stories that include him from the EU books and video games? This was a curve ball for sure.

  13. I'm still waiting for a Death Troopers or Red Harvest TV special, movie or video game. That'd be a smart move by Disney, if you ask me.

  14. I'm just glad that Bea Arthur is dead.

  15. And it sounds like you guys are taking this whole Star Wars shit to seriously. Why don't we all calm down and find out what happens when the movie is released in 2015, then we can all have a big old bitch like we did back in 1999.

    1. You're on a Star Wars fan forum, dumbass. Do I really need to remind you?

  16. "Let it beeeee between episode 3 and 4. I wanna see all the things only talked about in a new hope. THAT WOULD BE SWEET!!! Yeah!", jumping up and down.

  17. Yeah! Agreed show Vader hunting down more Jedi.

  18. I'm with the last two.

  19. Who love the quick responses this site rocks. Save maybe the language. The anonymous feature rocks too. I wish the language was edited though. : )

    1. What do you mean by the language to be edited?
