Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, January 25, 2014

J.J. Abrams Discussing the Idea of Shooting Star Wars: Episode 7 in 3D.

star wars

J.J. Abrams talked with the Telegraph discussing his latest book "S". He also revealed that Episode 7 might be shot in 3D and that the movie won't be so secretive as Star Trek: Into Darkness...

From The Telegraph:
(it's a telephone interview)
.....Suddenly, though, the line goes quiet. A moment later Abrams laughs incredulously. “Are you kidding me? My god. My office… I’m working on the Star Wars script today and the people in my office have covered up all my windows with black paper. I guess they wanted to make sure no one could see what I was doing.” He seems lost for words, for the first and last time in our conversation. “It seems rather extreme.”
Abrams is a classic geek, then, a tinkerer – something that should hearten those who are hoping for a return to the rough, space Western feel of the original Star Wars trilogy.
“Magic is something that’s informed what I’ve done,” he says. “The magic that works, to me, is the magic that feels completely grounded and real and tangible, and movies and television are extensions of that.”
star wars
 That’s why Abrams doesn’t like to fumble his big reveal. Which takes us back to Star Wars. The film won’t be released for almost two years, yet, as Abrams’s blacked-out windows attest, it’s already the subject of feverish attention. When we spoke, Abrams was discussing the idea of shooting the films in 3D, a technology about which he seems fairly sceptical. "Yeah, I’m not like a 3D fanatic," he says. "I did feel pressure to do it on Star Trek Into Darkness, but it ultimately I understood why it was important to the studio. I was actually really glad in the long run that we did it that way, and I think it worked all right."
Before the release of last year’s Star Trek Into Darkness, Abrams tried to keep secret the identity of the villain played by Benedict Cumberbatch – something he now regrets. “We were trying to preserve the unexpected for the audience, but it came across as if we were trying to be too clever,” he says.“Star Wars is in every way a different animal. It’s always been a more open, fan-engaged universe than I’ve been used to, so I’m sure there’ll be some sort of compromise. But it feels to me like there’s a purity in not knowing every little thing.”


  1. It's ok JJ,fans dont want story spoilers etc but what we want so we cant talk about and theorycraft is characters, timeline,what canon will you go with,EU characters or not those things.That way we can talk about what we might expect and figure out later who was right etc :)

    1. screwwwwwwwww the EUwwwwwwwww..... :p

    2. screwwwwwwwww Uwwwwwwwwww..... :p

    3. I like Jelly beans!

  2. Don't speak for all of us. Some of us do want story spoilers.

    1. I don't want specific story details, I just want to know the basics of the plot. Is it going to be about the rebels and empire again? (I hope so). Are the main characters are going to be the kids of Luke Leia and Han? I just want to know the basics of what the film is about, casting, etc etc. Plus I hope they give us a few behind the scenes shots on twitter or whatever during the next two years when shooting starts

    2. I just want to know SOMETHING. Is that too much to ask JJ?

    3. I agree with anonimus... i want a plot sinopsis and behind the scenes with the costumes of the characters. J. J. Abrams, use the Force and give us film details!!!!!!!!

    4. Just let Timothy Zahn read the script and give me a thumbs up or down!!!

    5. We do not need any information on the new movies!!!!
      All we need confirmation on is that a Thermal Detonator will be activated in the new trilogy, Ya dig!!!

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Behind the scenes shots of sets and actors in costumes and creatures effect would do more than enough to please. Just release some of those from time to time and we'll be in hog heaven.

    Can you imagine the debates with just a single shot of three of the heroes standing in an environment? Hell a speeder bike prop in the background would make us go crazy. It wont take much!

    1. Yeah but what if Bieber was in a Jedi robe? how would you feel then?
      Just remember Capitan EO bud!!
      And even Lucas had enough sense to have the N'sync Footage destroyed.
      the first photos of the prequel trilogy released of a set was of a chair in prequel sucked bad and so did the Jabba set in Ep.1
      I would rather see that scene pulled more than Jar Jar.

  4. jj got some great advice for you, whatever you do, don't bring back jar jar binks or Chewbacca in the episode 7, follow the story line, the latest book of starwars is crudible, so that is 45 years ABY, so that means about 40 years after return of the jedi, so plan the sequel like 50 years after retrun of the jedi cause jacen and Anakin solo are dead, same as Chewbacca, so kill off han solo character like he wanted to do in return of the jedi, blow up the millennium falcon since it does not exist in the legacy comics, so just some advice to you dude, all in all it will still be great but please don't messed it up.

    1. All that sounds like my worst Star Wars nightmare.
      JJ please don't do any of that.

      Except Jar Jar.

    2. I find this post hilarious because we can scream 'EU is no longer canon' at the top of our lungs - or even skywrite it around the world - or the Pope can announce it every day till he turns blue - but you'll already have someone like this guy who totally oblivious to it all.

    3. EU is a lot cool. I agree. Some histories brought interest and hope to the fans, like the Thrawn Triology and Splinter of the Mind´s Eye. Others are also cool, like The Old Republic and Shadows of the Empire. But some novels and concepts in EU are suck. Not everybody like that crap of Yuzzan Vong. StarWars Fans have different opinions about EU.

      Of course, if Lucasfilm permitted EU, and placed rules in it, then JJ Abrams must respect (or should). But if the movies are the supreme gods of the Expanded Universe, then JJ should do what he guess is right, since he´s going to make a new Movie! But without blowing it up. Still, I don´t care about Yuzhan Vong shit. And Millenium Falcon and Chewie MUST appear in the movie. It´s just my opinion and I don´t want to disrespect no one.

      PS: Boba Fett will be bacK!!! :D

    4. and don´t say or write that name again, in name of all that is sacred.

      Jerr Jerr Butts. If he appears in the movie (Heaven Sake NO), Boba Fett will take care of this weird crap son of shit.

    5. would it be interesting if Jar Jar appeared just for a few seconds & then falls to his death or get shot or something?? All the fans would first scream: NOOOO when he appears & then: YEEEES when he dies .

      Would the fans love this or hate this?

    6. No! It would only cement that others like you can't get over yourselves, if anyone HATES Jar Jar and cry about it over a decade later, don't get Star Wars. Jar Jar served his purpose after all, to illustrate BIGOTS!

    7. If one didn't dig having a jabbering cartoon space duck baby-talking and pratfalling his way through a Star Wars movie, that makes one a bigot?


    8. I agree with Red Harvest don't listen to Anon at 5:30pm Have some EU characters Mara,Jacen,Ben and maybe Anakin they should not have killed him off Sith 33

  5. More Sith species please and for first time we want to see Korriban or other sith planets.

  6. I think its important that they give us some basic info. Not everybody will be satisfied with absolutely everything. Giving people time to adjust and accept whats coming may lower the expectation for some of us.
    But anyway, its exiting times. Right now, everybody is onboard. When the plot and main characters is reveled, the Star Wars internet discussion forums will divide, and the Buzz monster will changes to a brand new creature.

    But don't forget. We fans have the best time ahead of us. Our imagination will have a great two years. When the movie comes out, its kind of over.

  7. I couldn't care less about 3D myself, but as long as we can choose what version we want to go and see then that is ok.
    I suppose it would make a bit more at the box office if there was 3D version to go and see as well.

  8. " would make a bit more at the box office if there was 3D versiĆ³n..."
    Lea, that's the problem with actual blockbuster films. Always thinking how to earn more money instead of giving good stories to viewers.

  9. I think giving away details about the plot and characters before the release of the movie is very rocky ground indeed. On one hand, it can whip people up into a frenzy and make them want to go see it all the more, but on the other hand it can really upset the more knowledgable (of the EU and the intricacies of the storyline) of us who will simply speculate at what the plot might be and who the characters are, and leave us disappointed when the plot doesn't turn out as good as we speculated.

    As for 3D, if they're going to use it throughout the entire film to give a more immersive feel to the entire story, then that's fine - imagine feeling as though you're actually on the Falcon, rather than just looking at it. However, if they're just going to waste tens of thousands of dollars on creating a few 3D CGI scenes (TIE-Fighters fire lasers out at the audience, or a lightsaber swinging out of the screen, for example), as so many other movies do, then it's a senseless waste of cash.

    The other thing I think is potentially important is to make the SQ darker and grittier. The core audience for SW are that much older now, so it'd be nice to take that into consideration and involve some more complex emotional issues, or continue on from the Clone Wars series in terms of the complexity of underlying political plots. Yes, people will want to take their kids to see the movies, so Disney won't want to lose out on potential revenue from that portion of the market, but at the same time, we don't need another frackin' Jar Jar or Ewok village. They were hideous pox-marks on the entire saga thus far that should be swept under the rug and forgotten.

    1. 'Complex emotional issues" I don't need Emo Wars, bin der dun dat!

  10. They won't make much difference in money if they release it in 3-D or 2-D.
    Everyone's going to watch it anyway.

    But, if they released it in 2-D first, and then 3-D later (say, closer to Episode 8), then they would probably double their money.

  11. A few little reveals keeps people talkin'. As long as its not that Darth is really Luke's Father.

  12. Into Darkness is a good case study in how NOT to keep a secret. He was trotted out in front of everyone, we were told that we didn't know who he was, and a sort of assault on our intelligence occurred. TOT didn't ask people 'who is Darth Vader', we were told (or so we thought) already. All Abrams has to do is not say "We have a big plot twist!".

  13. I just want to who is in it...mainly a confirmation of the big three.

    1. me 2, we will probably get confirmation when they start filming & hopefully we will get info about if other OT characters will be in it (chewie, lando etc. ..) At least I take c3p0 for granted

  14. enough of EU crap! they said early on it will be an original story. why cant it involve wedges or landos kids?

    1. well, they could still borrow names & characters from the EU even if it is an original story, personally i have never liked the names "Jacen & Jaina" (it sounds lika Jason & Vagina) sorry, I am not tyring to be funny or rude, but it sounds really like that & Jason directly makes me think of Jason from Friday 13th

      In the PT they borrowed names & characters & planets from the EU, so it is possible to do it & still have an original story.

      PS. has anyone noticed that Quinlan Vos is in ep.1?? (there is a guy with long dark hair & a yellow stripe over his face in the scene where Sebulba sits at a table on the streets & jarjar makes him angry) but Qui Gon never adresses him, so maybe it´s not him. Coruscant is also from the EU, but a lot of people doesn´t like coruscant so maybe that was a bad idea

    2. Why does anyone care if Lando has kids?
      I hope the new stories are not a Star wars The next Generation or a family tree saga.
      One or two offspring is enough, but I don't need to see Watto's great grand son, Jabba's cousins, and a litter of Yodalings swimming in a fountain on Yaba Naboo.

  15. We arent gonna know anything til th Official trailer comes out. They will definetely leak rumors and Maybe let us in on a few actors in the movie but i highly doubt that will be anytime soon. I would love to see more sith as well but im not sure what they are gonna do. I have heard everything from its the original script from george lucas to its gonna follow the novels to its gonna be something totally new. I would love to know which way its going but just a hint, nothing more. i wanna be surprised but also wanna know where this movie stands and like i said i dont wanns know details or plot specifics but give us a tiny piece to the puzzle that is going to be locked in the Puzzle box for the rest of almost 2 yrs.
