Star Wars Episode 7 News

Sunday, January 26, 2014

UPDATE 2! Rumor: Star Wars: Rebels to Introduce Mara Jade and to Have a Strong Connection with Episode 7?

star wars

The following was posted in the comments section by an anonymous source under one of the older articles. I find it quite interesting but surely it's just a rumor and all of you should treat it as one...

Direct quote:
It can be said, that Rebels will introduce Mara Jade, into the film canon, sometimes appearing with the Inquisitor and she will be the living mother of Ben Skywalker.
Episode seven takes place, in 30 ABY. Jacen, and Jaina will be to Ben what Han, and Leia were to Luke. Ben is around the same age as his cousins. Chewie will be alive, and this is an all new timeline from 4 ABY forward.
Pablo Hidalgo, and Leland Chee have been consulting with Kathleen, and JJ, on EU elements, and characters from the database.
As of 2015 Books and comics will be part of the same canon, as Movies, TV and Netflix. Rebels has very strong connections to the ST, it will bring EU characters, ideas, and planets into the canon and it introduces two original characters for the ST, one Imperial, and one Jedi.

star wars


After the article was posted we received some more tips that there's definitely some truth in this. It comes from people close to the production. And here's something more - not only Star Wars: Rebels will have a connection with the new trilogy but also some of the new upcoming Clone Wars bonus content... 

The big question  will always be how much the EU will be involved in Rebels and the Sequel Trilogy. One thing is sure, the Star Wars canon is in the best hands possible - Hidalgo and Chee.

What do you guys think on the possible involvement of Jade in Rebels and Episode 7? And do you really think that Rebels and Episode 7 should have a strong connection?


Some more clarifications:

New Star Wars: Episode 7 Rumors. More on Mara Jade, the Star Wars Canon and Michael Arndt Working on Episode 8? 


  1. I don't know about Mara Jade, but they've got to come up with a Sith origin from somewhere. Part of the plot for Star Wars Rebels could be the rise or birth of a Sith. I would lean toward the birth, since we never saw another Sith in the OT. It could be another offspring of Anakin. Possibly a genetically engineered offspring? Possibly something that Anakin/Vader didn't know of because he was put under or something. All part of a plan by the Emperor. I don't know, I'm thinking crazy, but you've got to have a Sith from somewhere.

    1. Ventress anyone? She was still at large as a independent Bounty Hunter at the end of TCW.

    2. Forgive me if I am wrong, but in Lost Tribe of the Sith... Dont they make a return about the time of when episode 7 is supposed to occur?

    3. Im thinking starkiller from the force unleashed games. But as an escaped clone trying to get hold of his powers and had a strong influence of vader in his early years of being a clone. Vows revenge against luke and his family and friends for the death of his masters, sidious and vader.

    4. And where was Starkiller during the entire OT?
      His existence makes absolutly no sense whatsoever. Force Unleashed was a good game, but it did a real good job at fucking continuity in the ass.

    5. Never saw a Sith it the OT???? Seriously??? WHAT GALAXY ARE YOU FROM????? Vader and the Emperor WERE goes into GREAT detail about who they are and where they come from in the ep 1-3...the Sith used to be a race long before it was a practice.. they originated on the planets Korriban and Ziost...that story line takes place THOUSANDS of years before the have brought SHAME to your family! And to star wars fans everywhere!

      To see fun star wars posts on facebook amd other funny shit...visit and like my page What in the World Wide Web is That?

  2. Expanding on my post from a few seconds/minutes ago: This Sith born in Rebels could be the Luke Skywalker (but villain) in the PT. It could be the reverse of the OT. The Sith learns the ways of the Dark Side and grows in it just like Luke did in the OT. Maybe a Sith in hiding (Obi-Wan) could take him under his wing. And so on.

    1. We both thought of the same thing. Remember that Ronan woman talking about picking up a lightsaber like she's never seen one before?

    2. Neither the Sith nor the Jedi will exist in the sequels (beyond Luke). The events of the existing movies will be the stuff of legend. The younger characters are from a generation of sceptics (think Han in Episode IV). The line between good and bad will be blurred.

    3. Jedi pop up all over, seemingly at random from all different bloodlines. That's why the Jedi (and Sith) have to search the galaxy for them, once a Jedi bloodline is identified it would seem likely more force enabled users could arise from it but the existing bloodlines CANNOT be the only source, and this process wouldn't suddenly stop because of an outside political shift or the murder of all known Jedi. If existing Jedi were the only source or even HALF or SOME of the source of new force capable users then they would be DOOMED. As you know the Jedi don't procreate much, raise families, or seem to be very big fans of marriage. That's a HUGE flaw being addressed in the upcoming film, a big flaw in the emperors master plan. The Jedi can NEVER be eradicated like a race or species could. There were, and obviously still are, Jedi being born all over the galaxy, from previously unknown origins and families, hidden, unbeknownst to the world around them until perhaps, for instance, the accidental use of the force alarms someone. This natural process means even IF somehow you could identify EVERY possible Jedi, midichlorian rich bloodline, relative, ect. in the entire galaxy and genocide them all, it wouldn't matter. Another generation would pop up undeterred.

    4. @ AnonymousJanuary 27, 2014 at 1:21 PM That's a very good point and very logical. Although, some families are more strong in the Force than others.

  3. Expanding again: You hear the line from the PT "Bring balance to the Force"? Well, after the OT, the Force is unbalanced! There are no Sith, therefore only 1 good Jedi! The Sith born from the Star Wars Rebels plot would make it even (after, the Obi-Wan type character from the PT dies in a battle with Luke and continues training the new Sith as a Force Ghost).

    1. Except that George Lucas, on multiple occasions, has said that Balance doesn't work that way, and that the Sith represent inbalance.

    2. Well, then it sounds like Lucas has a different definition of balance than the one in the dictionary. His definition sounds a lot more like peace.

    3. Maybe Jedi have an ignorance or arrogance that they think balance must be there's only good. Perhaps they misjudge exactly what balance is.

    4. I'm 99% sure the definition for balance used is star wars is the same as in Buddhism, which is in fact peace, or inner peace, something the Sith code is against I might add.

    5. Exactly. There has always been a Buddhist element to The Force from the very beginning. The idea that the Force being in balance means that there must be an equal number of Sith and Jedi running around the galaxy is about like claiming that the only way for our bodies to be in balance is for there to be an equal number of cancerous and healthy cells.

      It just doesn't work that way. As R3GARnater points out, Sith and the dark side represent imbalance in the Force.

  4. Bring balance to the Force? What if Leia turns to the Dark Side? Think about it. Luke has already proved he can withstand the temptation. Leia was never tempted. Luke has already had to battle his Father. Now, in the PT, Luke has to battle his sister!

    1. Although that's a good concept in theory, it's rather inaccurate. Leia has proven her srength in the force by helping to lead the Rebel alliance against the empire. She wasn't an anxious or angry person like her father when he was a Jedi knight, she takes more after her mother: level-headed, practical and wise. I don't think she'll be posing the new threat in the St.

    2. What SHOULD have happened in the OT was Leia should have been tempted by the dark side out of fear. (e.g. threaten Han's life or kill him off?) She feels the power of the dark side and she becomes Sith. Then Luke has to bring her back or take her down trying. It is the only way...

    3. "What SHOULD have happened in the OT"
      I should have stopped reading as soon as that sentence was uttered. Leia's role in the OT was not to leave the end of the trilogy on an unfinished note. How the hell would that have made IV-VI better anyway, seeing as how they had no plans to make VII, VIII and IX at the time?
      Leia's not a fearful person in the least; she's a strong, prominent, independent leader who truly cares about the rebellion and putting an end to the imperial rule. Therefore, because she's shown no signs of darkside elements (hate, anger, fear, etc) having any affect on conscience her whatsoever, it'd make no sense unless they changed the plot entirely.
      Your opinion of "what should have happened" is certainly not "the only way." Please remove your head from your ass and take a breath of fresh air.

  5. Let Asajj Ventress have a big part in rebels as a mastermind and let her have a big part in EPVII as an emporer like role. And please cast tilda swinton.
    The inqusitor could be her apprentice

    1. I think its best to keep things fresh and movie into a different direction. As cool as she was at times in the clone wars, her time is done and a new villain is needed.

    2. In a way I'm with you all the way.

      But I think that Tilda Swinton could be a very good villian in a star wars movie and that she would be perfect as Venteress.

      Please look at those Pictures.

      and if was told the right way it would not alter the told stories in the movies and in the EU. (I don't belive Venteress has been kill off.)

      besides it would make a link form PT clone wars and the new trilogy.

    3. I really grew to love her but to me she seemed to be turning the other cheek. Going more towards the light than dark. Or maybe that more interesting grey area. I'd be disappointed if she ended up typically evil again.

      That's all just my opinion so... take that for what it's worth.

    4. It's laughable how anonymous January 25 12:05 PM said that "it's best to keep things fresh and move on in a different direction..."

      ...and yet it's "OK" for Disney to recycle storm troopers and the same props, visual style, and general story as the OT? It's funny how people can say 'change is good' when it comes to the Clone Wars and prequels, but then say the exact opposite when it concerns the OT.

    5. Am I the only one who thinks it's dumb for everyone to be Anonymous without any kind if identifier?

      In behind the scenes stuff, Rebels was based on a combination of old Star Wars toys, and original concept art. Exploring how the Empire transitioned from clones to recruits has a lot of potential.

      About Ventress, she has been consistently sliding more and more towards good, and I think Vader would want her dead if he knew she was at large.

    6. ^Yes, you're the only one. It's not like the name "R3GARnator" means anything to me.

  6. Well, if (and that's a big if) the sequel trilogy decides to keep Mara Jade as official canon, they should definitely introduce her in Rebels. It would be a great way to explain her history when she was the Emperor's Hand, and allow casual fans to know more about this character that Luke married.

  7. WELL Mara is the most loved character by fans that comes from the EU, they would be dumb not to include here, same with other characters.If what i'm reading is true it would make me so happy and alot of fans aswell.There is a reason so many of the EU books have been best sellers so many years.And doing it first thru Rebels would be a smart move !

    1. I'll believe until proven otherwise that they will keep the best parts of the EU intact in some form. Like you said, they would be incredibly foolish to not include Mara Jade and others going forward. I know this stuff isn't exclusively for the fans but it would be pointless and counterproductive to antagonize us.

    2. Disney isn't stupid, and they aren't going to be mean to the people who kept Star Wars afloat for 20 years and then 10 years in the gaps between movies. For their target demographics, The Clone Wars is probably the most popular thing, and most Film Purists dismiss that show same as the books.

    3. EU Fans are no true Star Wars Fans.

    4. @AnonymousJanuary 29, 2014 at 2:26 AM

      Who are you to determine that?

  8. Will Judy Trench play Mara then in the new movies.

    If she is a part of rebels she must be much older than Luke.

    1. Judy Trench sounds appropriate for Star wars though.

  9. All this talk about Mara Jade in Rebels sound a bit like BS to me.

    And whilst Judy Dench is a good actress, I really don't think that would a good casting decision for Ep. 7.

    Someone like Juliane Moore (redhead, 50s, good figure, great actress) might be more suited?

    1. The rumor was Judi Dench as Mon Mothma, not Mara Jade

  10. Mara and Jaina are the best EU characters. They really need to be involved. Disney would be foolish not to use them. Fan favorites by far.

    1. Popularity of The Hunger Games + prospect of a Female Han Solo = we're going to see either her or a similar character as a main.

    2. Star Wars isn't a series that follows current trends in film-making; Star Wars sets the bar. We'll see what happens when E-VII is released.

    3. Jania and Jacen are bullshit characters

  11. I am really delighted by this rumor...

    ...which is why it's probably false.

    1. ...that, is why you fail.

      What makes me think it's credible is a) They are going to reduce the byzantine post-ROTJ continuity for sure. And B) They are going to exploit this license across mediums, just like Lucas did (remember "Dead Han toys won't sell"?). Just like how they own Marvel Comics AND Marvel Film AND have multiple shows about same.

  12. More Sith species please and for first time we want to see Korriban or other sith planets.

    1. i totally agree..desperate to see korriban and the sith temples

  13. I want mara jade , jaina and ben so then the eu is not all lost .

  14. What about Anakin Solo?

    1. I tend to treat everything I hear concerning Episode 7 as false, but saying that, I got to agree here. Anakin Solo's my favorite Solo kid. I want to see him, too, as well as Jaina, Jacen and Luke's son, Ben.

    2. I would also have to agree. Anakin and Ben that's what I'm hoping for.

    3. Mara Jade is my favorite EU character followed closely by Jacen Solo. For understandable reasons the Legacy books pissed me off to no end. If they could retcon all of that garbage while keeping the characters I would be in heaven.

  15. If this rumor is true, and that's a big if, I would be in nerdvana. Four of my top five fav EU characters used as perfectly as I could imagine... my wish list of EU characters would be about 1/4 completed but these four are my top choices.

    I must say though Mara Jade with the Inquisitor would be an AMAZING counter to Anakin and Ahoska in the Clone Wars. This could be very interesting. :)

  16. Mara Jade film-level canon. Can you imagine what the Movie Purists would do in that case? Pass the Popcorn!

    A new timeline starting 4 ABY would still wipe out TTT and Rogue Squadron. It does make sense to cut off the canon after ROTJ, to set up a different background for the Empire (as JJ mentioned before about their "Endgame") On the good side, a certain someone won't have the hots for his aunt, and then die a pointless death because his creators named him incompetently.

  17. Of course it would be wonderful if it's true, but it's neither a rumor nor any kind of insider info. Its nothing but speculation by some anonymous. Why was this even posted at the main page?

    1. Yes, but it is like something George Friedman would write. Cross-promotion between media? Keeping the canon clear so that it could be partially re-made at some time? The fact that those important people got promoted instead of fired? It's more plausible than Darth Vader coming back from the dead, and other stupid things that get passed around.

  18. i could see them "borrowing" characters or situations from the EU, but i am not sure those fans would appreciate this if by turn it rendered the EU in the books obsolete...which is more probable as not...Ep2 is a good example: Boba Fett's back story was completely shattered in favor of the movie script...

    1. The movies went against the books with Fett's back story because Lucas told the EU authors not to write about Fett's backstory and they did it anyways. This is an entirely different kettle of fish.

    2. yeah, well they also scrapped all of Marvel's EU to sell to Darkhorse also. If you think they will not do this again to profit, think again friend. Chewbacca was a major character for a lot of fans, the guy that they hired to off him got death threats to his family over it...Chewie alive= profit...would have to say we will probably see the wookie for this set of films. profit always trumps art. my point is, if they do one bring back Chewbacca...or bring back Fett other than the way EU says it happens...that renders all of it obsolete, so why follow any of it to begin with? characters, sure probably...situations..maybe similarities...most writers want to make their mark, not copy others...follow Eu to the letter, which is the only way to continue it...afraid not, at least that's my take on this.

  19. UPDATE! Reaction :P

    I'm personally glad they are going to make a unified "canon" so that we can finally point to a single "true" timeline. I dislike not knowing what's considered to have really happened versus fantasy.

    1. Ummmm, you do realize this is ALL fantasy, right?

  20. well, the EU fans will be happy anyway, for the rest of us, if Luke is to have a love interest then it really doesn´t matter who it is, does it? as long as it is a strong beiliveable character, so why not Mara Jade? Personally it doesn´t matter for me.

    PS. if it´s true, than this means that Mark Hamill will definitly be in ep.7 . -Have noone noticed that???

  21. Does anyone else think that Mara Jade in that drawing looks like this lady?

  22. okay I have 1 big issue with the mara jada babble. Rebels will take place between Revenge of the sith and A new Hope. Right.
    Will Mara Jade then be a 6 or 10 years in the rebels??????
    She is same age as Luke and he is 19-20 years n A new hope.

    1. hmmm, good point, that talks against her being Rebels, or maybe we get to see her being raised by the emperor, filling her head with dark ideas, that could maye be interesting, that would be her origin story, maybe she is the "ashoka" of Rebels but on the dark side

    2. 12 okay Anikan was 9 in EPI do we realy need a kid story again?

      I have a bad feeling

    3. Let's not forget that Rebels is an animated TV series. It's meant to be liked by kids. And as the title says Jade will be introduced in Rebels. She won't be the main focus of the story.

    4. Mara Jade will be 12 (she's two years younger than Luke). This puts her at about the same age as Ahoska in The Clone Wars, after 5 seasons we can confirm a 12 year old on an animated show is a non-issue and works very well.

    5. @Michael Andersen

      I think kids will appreciate seeing actors their age star in these films, as a large chunk or Star Wars fans are kids...

      ...not all Star Wars fans are 50 year old fanboys, I know it's hard to forget that from the kinds of comments on this website.

    6. @AnonymousJanuary 27, 2014 at 7:09 AM

      Come on I'm only 38 ;)

      Then it would be better to let Ashoka be a part of Rebels. Kids know her (if she survives the clone wars ending)

      But you are right Kids are the main focus group for this show. So you are right it's needed to have a child in the show.
      But are Mara the character for this. She is at this point learning the dark sides of the force. (you know the empores hand.)
      I say let her be out of the show and focus on another character.

    7. "I think kids will appreciate seeing actors their age star in these films, as a large chunk or Star Wars fans are kids..."

      That's what adults always seem to think: that kids can only relate to movies that star other kids.

      When I was little and first got into Star Wars, one thing I liked about it was that it WASN'T another movie full of kids, There were adults doing all this cool stuff, and I could look up to them and imagine myself having adventures like that. The last thing I ever thought about Star Wars as a child was, "I wish there were kids in this."

      (And I never heard that from any of the other Star Wars obsessed kids I grew up with either.)

  23. I hate Mara Jade and I won't watch rebels od the Sequel Trilogy if there are any EU-characters in it.

    1. George Lucas ?? is that you, sry gerorge most fans love them as they have keep star wars alive for many years.

    2. Lawrence Kasdan will be writing her if true, not a EU author (most of which aren't too good). I fail to see how hating an old universe version of her should carry over to a reimagining of her in a new time line with far better writters working on the script.

      Enjoy your boycott of one... if you actually carry through with it that is and aren't just seeking attention.

    3. I look at it this way: the non EU fans who know nothing about Mara Jade, does it matter if Luke´s love interest has red hair & is called Mara Jade?, she has to have some name. They can develop her personality in anyway they want & the EU fans will be happy that they are using her.

      The non EU fans who know everything about her, why do you know so much about her & other EU characters if you hate the EU so much???

      PS. I know nothing about the EU, but I don´t care what the name or the haircolour of Luke´s love interest will be.

    4. Mara Jade is one of the most love EU characters. If Luke does have a child (and the news the that red head kid from Breaking Bad got an interview for an acting gig in the movie makes me think the role he was trying out for was Ben since the coloring would be about right) then they may as well have Mara Jade be the mom. They lose nothing from putting her in and risk alienating a large chunk of their base if they don't. If they retcon the EU characters out of existence I have no plans on watching it personally.

    5. it is definitly possible to have her in Rebels & ep.7 & still have an original story, but the most intersting for me about this rumour is: If it´s true then it means that Mark Hamill/Luke Skywalker will definitly be in ep.7 :)

  24. So... they will leave Jason, Jaina and Ben, but at the same time everything after 4ABY will be retconned... This means that nothing but names will be left from Jason, Jaina and Ben we know, doesn't it? That's sad.

    1. I am from Europe & english is not my native language, could you please explain what "retconned" means?

    2. Chance a certain timeline/characters etc star wars history.

  25. "It comes from people close to the production." Yes, of course, we believe you. Just because.

    1. I wish people can give their sources. "close to production" doesn't cut it for me.

    2. You guys do realize that revealing a source's name could cause a lot of troubles for them, do you?

    3. Do you guys know anything?


    1. It's something much more credible than most of the other Episode 7 rumors on the web...

    2. a rumour is a rumour, that´s why we like to discuss them, we can never know how credible a rumour is until it´s confirmed, that´s why it´s called a rumour. I don´t understand some people who check this site every day (for rumours) only to write negative comments. It´s better to be happy that there is something new almost every day on this site, so we have something to discuss & speculate about in this long agonising wait for the movies & the animated series.

      PS. The idea of a new animated series is so good, when fall comes the long wait for ep.7 will be much easier & it will take away some focus on the development on ep.7, keeping fans occupied & satisfied (everyone will look for ep.7 tiein clues in Rebels) :D

    3. No-one is forcing you to believe it. In my opinion, this is an educated guess / analysis of the most likely probability, that checked out upon investigation.

  27. I absolutely love the idea of putting Ben and Mara, Jacen and Jana into the film canon. More than any other, I especially hope to see Ben in the ST.

    We all knew that some form of post-ROTJ EU shakeup was likely, and if Lucasfilm makes the effort to use some of the most beloved EU characters as springboards for the new films, as a big EU fan, I say "thank you." All the better if Rebels helps to tie everything together.

    1. it´s a delicate balance for the them, the EU fans & non EU fans is almost more divided than the OT fans & PT fans, if they can find a way to cater to both sides, that would be great, so even if most of the EU is scrapped, then using some names & characters would be a great gift.

      George himself borrowed names & characters from the EU in the PT trilogy & that was definitly not was people where talking about with those movies. :D

    2. Give me a film with Jacen, Jana, Ben, and Mara in it and I don't care what else they do away with. I think a lot of EU fans would be satisfied with that compromise as a minimum. Lets be honest, while I love a lot of the EU books a big chunk of them were total garbage. (They really started to go down hill after the NJO books IMHO.)

    3. i have just started to reading EU books, what is NJO?

    4. "The Order Reborn"

    5. Of course they should pick and choose what to keep, they can't keep it all no matter how much anyone wants to.

      Lucasfilm has always made money from collector's items based on the EU. EU fans have more influence with the creators because they vote with their wallets. Pissing off Film Purists won't stop them from watching the new films. Pissing off those who love the EU would reduce sales of ancillary products and tie ins significantly. Purists have realized this, thus creating articles bullying EU lovers.

    6. There is every possibility that Luke, Han and Leia will have children in the ST, doesn't mean to say that they will use the same names from the EU.

  28. You got to be kidding.......Mara Jade wasn't even born at the end of the clone wars

    1. 1. Existing EU will be ignored.
      2. Rebels will be set 16 years after TCW (IIRC)

    2. He just got Rebels confused with The Clone Wars. Rebels takes place 5 years before ANH, so she would be a kid, but still able bodied enough to be a protagonist/villain.

  29. Again, rumours credited to production team members, suggest that models of the giant terra-forming machines seen in the "Dark Empire" story are being created along with cryogenic clone chambers from the same. That means the return of the Emperor 30 years on. However, it has been suggested that there will be a clone of Obi Wan as there were numerous chances to obtain some of his DNA during his many adventures both on screen and in the books.

    1. Those machines were strip-miners and factories. Terra-forming is taking something barren and making it liveable.... Assuming this was true, there would be a ton of comparisons with Man of Steel's machines.

  30. Whatever characters appear, the main aspect of Star Wars is the design and spectacle of the set pieces. And, even though reports suggest that the production is returning to full sets as opposed to digital ones, hopefully this will mean the same for the models as well. Fans, or the majority of them, want the "classic look" back and that includes the space battles. Although, digital will assist greatly there.

  31. Jedi pop up all over, seemingly at random from all different bloodlines. That's why the Jedi (and Sith) have to search the galaxy for them, once a Jedi bloodline is identified it would seem likely more force enabled users could arise from it but the existing bloodlines CANNOT be the only source, and this process wouldn't suddenly stop because of an outside political shift or the murder of all known Jedi. If existing Jedi were the only source or even HALF or SOME of the source of new force capable users then they would be DOOMED. As you know the Jedi don't procreate much, raise families, or seem to be very big fans of marriage. That's a HUGE flaw being addressed in the upcoming film, a big flaw in the emperors master plan. The Jedi can NEVER be eradicated like a race or species could. There were, and obviously still are, Jedi being born all over the galaxy, from previously unknown origins and families, hidden, unbeknownst to the world around them until perhaps, for instance, the accidental use of the force alarms someone. This natural process means even IF somehow you could identify EVERY possible Jedi, midichlorian rich bloodline, relative, ect. in the entire galaxy and genocide them all, it wouldn't matter. Another generation would pop up undeterred. The Jedi will never die.

    1. New Jedi bloodlines are determined by the Force and those who manipulate it, just as Plagueis and Cidious began the Skywalker's bloodline. Annakin was born of the Force and that is why "there was no father." There cannot be new bloodlines without a manipulator of the Force making it so.

    2. @anonymous January 27, 2014 at 2:25 PM Hogwash! Who created the first Jedi/Sith? Did they just "appear" out of thin air?

    3. It's entirely left up to mystery.
      What was the true origin of Humanity? No one can be too sure. I'm making the above statement based on my knowledge of the Star Wars universe as I know it through the books, films, video games, comics and TV series.
      Read the book Darth Plagueis.

    4. Being born able to use the force doesn't make someone a Jedi. By thinking that, you miss the point of the entire original trilogy.... The Emperor wanted to co-opt force users to amplify his power, since the Rule of Two had succeeded in it's goal.

    5. Have a look a Wookiepedia. I remember reading something on there about how the Jedi discovered their abilities ans honed their talents.

    6. Jedi does not equal "someone who can use the force". Jedi are an organization, and a belief. Beliefs dissapear all of the time.

    7. Aren't there plenty of "Jedi" that are not part of the "organization"? Did Luke have to face his father to become a Jedi because it was some sort of initiation? It's like being a black belt in Karate, IMHO. Just because someone didn't go to the town dojo and become a black belt but was taught by his father doesn't mean he can't walk in and kick all of the students butts. It's all whether or not you use the Force for good or evil. Also, who was the first Jedi? Did he have to have someone tell him he's a Jedi and has mastered use of the Force? NO! Then, even if Vader and the Emperor killed off all the Jedi in the galaxy that doesn't mean someone could be born and have strong use of the Force and start a new Jedi. The Emporer failed to see that you can not exterminate the Force. It's part of the life in the Star Wars galaxy. The only way to kill off anyone who would possilby use the force for good would be to kill off all life in the Galaxy. And that. is the ONLY true way to destroy "Jedi". As long as you have the Force, you will always have those that use it for Good.

  32. Introduce a new main character via the new Cartoon Serie is one of the worst thing ever...
    Even worse is to know that Mara Jade will have a role in the sequel trilogy.

    Mara Jade and Luke wife & sons are terrible news.
    JJ Abrams, in my opinion, seems to have missed completely the point of Star Wars Sequel trilogy.

    1. It seems to me that you're the one missing the point... Your opinion does not determine the outcome of a franchise.

    2. Another bully complaining about books they didn't read. We should ignore him.

    3. I know right. I read a lot of the books and I don't even care what they change I just want to see more Star Wars. I will say that Mara Jade being in them will be awesome. Mara Jade was one of the emperors assassins and I could see her being trained ahead of time. I think a lot of people forget that the emperors red guards were force sensitive, meaning that the emperor like to have force users he just didn't like the way of the Jedi. My biggest problem with the new rebels show so far is the inquisitor he just looks like a dumb character.

  33. It mentions A Netflix what does that mean???? ODD...

  34. The only extended universe characters I'd want to see in the sequel are 1) that armored flamethrower guy from Clone wars season one and 2) the many limbed caterpillar-like early design of Jabba (waddling in the back ground).

  35. Whatever they do or don't end up grabbing from the EU, I REALLY hope they at least consider playing around with the names a little bit. Three films about a Jedi named "Jason" are gonna be pretty hard to take without heavy medication.

    Yeah, I know "Luke" is a regular name too, but at least it's a fairly uncommon name. I don't think I've ever personally known anyone named Luke - but I've known dozens of people named Jason throughout my life. Talk about pummeling one's suspension of disbelief about the head, neck and shoulders! It'd be like having Jedi named Bill, Jim, Chad and Tom facing off against the dreaded Darth Bob on the remote planet of Springfield.

    (And no, altering the spelling slightly doesn't change the fact that we'll be hearing "Use the Force, Jason!" throughout the films - just like spelling it with one "n" and an "i" didn't change the fact that the future scourge of the galaxy was repeatedly referred to as "Annie" in the PT films.)


    1. I'm with you on this as usual DEKKA129. You seem to have a solid understanding of this. The names should differ from the EU characters they're carrying over, but if they don't it won't be the end of the world. They can still make a really quality movie out of it.

    2. As Avatar: The Last Airbender fans say, names are the most important thing about any work of fiction.

    3. I'm with you on that one R3GARnator when M Night shamolon changed the pronunciation of his name I was furious

    4. I see your point but what they name the characters is pretty low on my list of concerns. Jacen doesn't seem that bad to me but it could be that I'm just used to it. The 2nd syllable helps I think.

  36. That timeline is WAY OFF. If Mara is introduced in Rebels working alongside of Inquisitor then she's way older than Luke by like 20 years. Not possible. Don't believe everything that's posted as a comment as truth. This is bunk.

    1. Ahsoka's first appearance was 14 years old. Mara will be a kid, duh.

  37. Luke would be 14, she'd be 12,
    she'd be in training at that age.

    Rebels takes place 5 years before ANH

  38. I still think the Mara part is just babble.

    she is to young, and she will be evil. you know the emporers littel monkey. maybe even the hand that kills of the new villain (why not just use Darth Vader is a riddel to me, and according to the siht ruel there can only be a master and a learner)

    And if she is in EPVII she will be Lukes wife and maybe mother to lukes children.

    Come fucking on. This will be so bad and confusion for those that havn't read the Thwan trilogy.

    1. It's for kids. Anything you need to know to understand the show will be presented to you in the show.

    2. So you think it's a good plan to make mara jade a jedi hunter (or something like thi)s in Rebels and in EPVII she will be Luke wife and one of the heros. come on that's so bad. There will be missing so many pieces.

  39. I'm thinking Darth Maul is actually the Inquisitor. I think Sidious had him altered and now uses him as the head of his Jedi Inquisition to help Vader hunt down the last of the rogue Jedi. Just my thought.

    1. While that would make him cooler I still wished they would just use Vader and imperial officers

    2. You're thinking that Sidious somehow altered Maul's species entirely? I think that's the best way to tak a villain that already looks god-awful and making him even worse..

    3. He looks like those guys in Episode II with the weird teeth

    4. Yes... a Pau'an.

    5. Thank you I am not a species expert lol

  40. Rebels takes place 5 years before ANH I believe, so Mara might be 14 or 15 if she is introduced. This would place in a similar role as Ahsoka Tano.

  41. To all TRUE Star Wars Fans: Do not watch the new movies if any characters from the EU will appear!

    1. Huh??? A true Star Wars fan would know that only a Sith deals in absolutes.

    2. @Anonymous jan 29 4:02
      If you're not with me, then you're my enemy! >:|

    3. Does this mean that Robin Williams is not getting a cameo as Mork in the new Star Wars Movie?

    4. If your a TRUE Star Wars fan you wouldn't listen to Anon at2:37am Hes just a dodo and a Jedi wannabe Sith 33

    5. What exactly does it mean to be a "true" Star Wars fan?

    6. Yes, I'd like to know, too, dopeyjoe. I want to be able to check each criteria off and if I can't check something off then I'll just have to work on it.

    7. Star Wars fandom isn't an exclusive club that you need to be inducted into to be considered a "true" member... It's something we all define for ourselves based on current interests and nostalgia, bloody fascists.

    8. Sorry but every True Star Wars fan knows that EU characters and locations have been in every Star Wars movie save A New Hope. It all started with Boba Fett and will never end. Plus all Star Wars films has complete history of most of the background characters.

      Lucas letting people play in his sandbox is why Star Wars has survived with decades between trilogies.

  42. Yes, I'd like to know, too, dopeyjoe. I want to be able to check each criteria off and if I can't check something off then I'll just have to work on it.

  43. Bloody Fascists? I thought this was Star Wars dopeyjoe. I remember when Star Wars first came out i was 15 I brought the book first then the sound track to the movie. The movie came out after the book and sound track in New Zealand i watched the movie about 50 times. I've enjoyed all the movies over the years read most of the Star Wars novels so if that makes me a Bloody Fascist so be it Sith 33

    1. I was referring to whoever believes that there is a single definition to what being a Star Wars fan is.

    2. Sorry Dopeyjoe Sith 33

  44. I see this in a new light, after listening to Full of Sith's podcast Basically, for the legit rumors, several sites tent to sit on a rumor before someone releases it. It's similar to Pier Review from college.. I tend to think this is just speculation/hopeful thinking.

  45. Someone is not born a "Jedi" or a "Sith". They are born force sensitive and it is up to the individual as well as existing Jedi or Sith to nurture these force-sensitive children. They can come from a bloodline, but that bloodline does not have to be of actual Jedi or Sith. Just look at Anakin. His mother was not force sensitive. We do not know his father, but an assumption can be made that he may have been force-sensitive or at least "carry the gene" so to speak. So theoretically force-sensitive children can come from anywhere. Even from outside the galaxy.

  46. I really hope that Mara Jade does have a strong connection with episode 7, she is my favorite character!!!!!!!!

  47. Ben Skywalker was an infant in 30 ABY, and is considerably younger than the Solo twins, by about 20 years.

    Probably false info, as Chewbacca was killed in 25 ABY at the beginning of the Yuuhzan Vong war.
