Star Wars Episode 7 News

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kathleen Kennedy on Star Wars Canon and Spin-Off Movies.

star wars

As we reported yesterday Lucasfilm has just revealed their new office in Singapore and George Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy were attending the event. Hit the jump to find out Kathleen Kennedy's brief comment on the upcoming movies...


From toysrevil (via makingstarwars):
Asked if she was concerned about the possibility of the spin-offs distorting the story threads laid down in the original saga, she says the universe ceased by series creator George Lucas was large enough to contain "endless opportunities" for new content:"

"George was so clear as to how that works. The canon that he created was the Star Wars saga. Right now, episode seven falls within that canon. The spin-off movies, or we may come up with some other way to call those films, they exist within that vast universe that he created," she says.
"There is no attempt being made to carry characters (from the standalone films) in and out of the saga episodes. Consequently, from the creative standpoint, it's a roadmap that George made pretty clear," she adds.
star wars


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  1. Another story that tells us a whole lot of NOTHING.

  2. Hi guys
    What does mean 'distorting the story threads laid down'?
    English is not my native language, that's why i'm asking

    1. Don't worry to much about it. English is my first language and this was a little hard to understand.

      It sounds like the six movies are the canon to which everything else will be built on. That also the stand alone films will not have to interact with any of those story arcs but will still be build on the universe put forth by those six movies.

      To Viral I'll add... I haven't noticed anything wrong yet.

    2. Basically a bunch of nothing but it seems to suggest that the Boba Fett rumor from yesterday is probably false (Jango's son being killed and armor being stolen between Episodes 2 and 4).

  3. Sounds to me like they won't be taking VII-IX characters (say Ben Skywalker for example) and making stand alone movies for them, which is a good thing IMO. Conversely, they won't be making a stand alone character movie to later throw him in to a saga episode.

  4. So....

    the spinoff movies will not be about characters found in Episodes 1-VII? If that's true, what about these rumors of the boba fett, yoda, and Han Solo movie?

    1. I think she means that the standalone movies do not fit in between the Episode movies (meaning that the 2016 movie is not Episode 7.5 for instance). Basically what we knew anyway as they have been revealed to be (ugh) origin movies.

    2. Well if they are origin movies then do you think they'll make one about Boba? We already know his origin right. He was cloned on Kamino. And if were following Lucas's views on whats canon, then Boba did die in the Sarlacc pit. Unlike what happens in the EU where he gets out. But if indeed we are following Lucas dogmatic view of whats canon then how are they going to follow up with an "origin film" of a character we already technically know about without going in between what actually is canon to make a story about him?

    3. apparently he was planning to film a scene in ROTJ where Boba Fett escapes the sarlaac pit, but ended up not doing it, so who knows what Mr.Lucas has in mind for that character?? With that said i know nothing about the EU, but it is still interesting to speculate why he had plans to film an escapescene (that would have been a monumental cliffhanger if that was the last we saw of Boba Fett) Maybe he decided not to do it , because that would probably raise a lot of questions about sequels & his faith

  5. Once again, we are being told that George's universe is canon. Lucas did not create the EU universe. As Kennedy says, "its pretty clear", Yay!!!

    1. She's saying that they won't distort ideas laid out in the 6 movies. Therefore no Obi-wan kids and no replacement Fett.

    2. That doesn't necessarily mean no replacemennt Fett. Kasdan helped write two of the best original films and he suggested the idea be used. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they didn't make a huge deal out of the OT Fett killing the PT clone and never showed his face without the helmet. I love the amount of mystery in the character of Boba Fett and I think it'd be cool to see how they'd expand on his adventures while preserving that element of mystery.

    3. It really wouldn't change anything we know about any of the episodes if they did the replacement Fett bit. It's just a twist like, "no, I am your father."

  6. So wait I'm still a little confused. She is basically saying anything without the Lucas stamp of approval is considered non canon right? Meaning anything in the EU that doesnt say Lucas limited or Lucas Art's is considered false and should be treated as such?

  7. "There is no attempt being made to carry characters (from the standalone films) in and out of the saga episodes."

    What exactly does that mean?

    Does it mean that any characters that originate in the spin-off films won't appear in the Episodic run?

    Does it mean that characters from the Episodic run won't receive spin-offs, hence her desire to call them something other than spin-off films?

  8. It means all that EU garbage is irrelevant (as it should be)

    (now watch all the EU fans get excited and start whining n cryin, lol)

    1. That's not what it means, that's what you want it to mean. Duh, let's go on a fansite and try to get a rise out of people. Cool!!!

  9. Regarding Kennedy's statements...


  10. They are consolidating the canon, and all approved work falls within that realm. Any spin off or story, no matter the medium, will be created in that realm. In short, they will not be doing a Jaxxon film where he teams up with Darth Maul to kill a Skywalker, then tie that in to episode 13. They're sticking with what has been established and building upon it. That does not rule out origin stories or original films, they'll just operate in the pre-established rule set, as laid out already, within the Star Wars realm.

  11. I don't think the stand alone movies will get made, but who knows. I'd love to make a stabdalone trilogy on Kyle Katarn.

  12. I sort of have to agree with the person above me. somehow i doubt the spinoff or orgin films or whatever they shall be called will actually go through full development. i fear they'll get stuck in development hell when they marketing department finds that people just arent interested in seeing star wars spinoffs. idk maybe im being overly negative, but i feel like a $25 million opening weekend for a spinoff film, which is kind of a lot but not something star wars worthy. sorry for the lack of capitlazation, my phone doesnt let me use capitals or symbols when using the google chrome app for some reason.

    1. I beg to differ. I believe the worldwide Star Wars fanbase alone would be enough for Disney to profit at the boxoffices, not to mention the thousands of other movie-goers that would see a Star Wars movie over the shit that's been in theaters lately. They just have to pick the right characters and market the films in a way that will build anticipation in the awaiting audience. More people would watch those movies than the Clone Wars, I'm almost certain of that.

  13. If Grand Admiral Thrawn isn't in it I want nothing to do with it.

  14. You will still watch it, get real. Everyone is going to watch it. Is he not dead by now. This is past that.

  15. I am just worried about Han having to deal with a wife turned to the darkside. Stay in there champ.

    1. What are you talking about dark side?She never turned to the dark side she's too sterong minded to turn dark Sith 33

  16. She saw her whole planet destroyed with her apart of it. Not cool.

  17. The spinoff / standalone / origin movies will most definitely happen. How else would they ever make their money back for buying the franchise?
